Tuesday, December 13, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Wednesday December 14, 2022, Just as weeds are uprooted and burned in the fire, so it will happen at the conclusion of the system (Mat. 13:40)

DAILY TEXT, Wednesday December 14, 2022, Just as weeds are uprooted and burned in the fire, so it will be at the conclusion of the system (Matt. 13:40).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Wednesday December 14

Just as weeds are uprooted and burned in the fire, so it will be at the conclusion of the system (Matt. 13:40).

Sometime in the second century AD, the true congregation of God fell into the hands of false Christians, who had adopted pagan teachings and concealed the truth of God's Word. Thereafter, and until the end of the nineteenth century, there was no organized group of servants of God on Earth. False Christianity grew like weeds and hid the identity of true Christians (Matt. 13:36-43). Why is it important to remember this? Because it shows that what Daniel chapter 11 says about the king of the north and the king of the south cannot refer to rulers or governments that existed between the second century and the end of the nineteenth century. During that time there was no organized group of God's servants that they could attack. However, it was to be expected that the king of the north and the king of the south would reappear at the end of the nineteenth century. w20.05 3 par. 5.

What do Bible prophecies help us to know?

WHAT will happen to Jehovah's people in the near future? The answer is within our reach. Bible prophecies help us know what important events will affect us very soon. There is one in particular that reveals to us what some of the most powerful governments in the world will do. It is found in Daniel, chapter 11, and describes the struggle between two kings: the king of the north and the king of the south. Much of that prophecy has already been fulfilled, so we can be sure the rest will come true as well.

As indicated by Genesis 3:15, as well as Revelation 11:7 and 12:17, what should we keep in mind as we study Daniel's prophecy?

To understand the prophecy of Daniel chapter 11, we must keep in mind that it only refers to rulers and governments that have had a direct influence on Jehovah's people. And while God's servants are only a small part of the earth's inhabitants, they are often the center of events of world importance. For what reason? Because the main objective of Satan and his entire system is to eliminate those who serve Jehovah and Jesus (read Genesis 3:15; Revelation 11: 7; 12:17). The interpretation of Daniel's prediction must agree with other prophecies in God's Word. In fact, it is necessary to study other parts of the Bible to fully understand Daniel's prophecy.

What will we study in this article and the next one?

In view of the above, in this article we will analyze what Daniel 11:25-39 says. We will review who the king of the north and the king of the south were between 1870 and 1991, and we will see why it is logical to change our way of understanding a part of the prophecy. In the following article, we will study Daniel 11:40-12:1 and clarify what that part of the prophecy tells us about the period beginning in the 1990s and culminating in Armageddon. As you study both articles, it would be helpful to refer to the chart “Rival Kings in the Time of the End.” But first you have to know who the two kings of this prophecy are.

What three points help us to know who the king of the north and the king of the south are?

Originally, the titles "king of the north" and "king of the south" were given to rulers who controlled areas north and south of the territory of literal Israel. How do we know? Because the angel who brought the message to Daniel said: "I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the last part of days" (Dan. 10:14). Until Pentecost of the year 33, the people of God were the nation of Israel. But, from then on, Jehovah made it clear that his people would be made up of the faithful disciples of Jesus. Therefore, much of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 11 has to do not with literal Israel, but with the followers of Christ (Acts 2:1-4; Rom. 9:6-8; Gal. 6: 15, 16). Also, the identities of the king of the north and the king of the south have changed over time. But these rulers have always had three points in common. First, they have greatly influenced Jehovah's people. Second, by the way they treat his people, they have shown that they hate the true God. And, third, both kings have been involved in a fight against each other.

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