Wednesday, December 7, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday December 8, 2022, We keep our eyes fixed on things that are not seen. For things seen are temporary, but things unseen are eternal (2 Cor. 4:18).

DAILY TEXT, Thursday-8-December-2022, We keep our eyes fixed on things unseen. For things seen are temporary, but things unseen are eternal (2 Cor. 4:18).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Thursday December 8

We keep our eyes fixed on things that are not seen. For things seen are temporary, but things unseen are eternal (2 Cor. 4:18).

Are there treasures that are not seen? Yes; in fact, the most valuable treasures are invisible. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke of heavenly treasures that are far, far superior to material goods. And he added: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6: 19-21). Our hearts will prompt us to search for things that we consider treasures or that we value very much. We store up “treasures in heaven” when we make a good name for ourselves with God and win his approval. As Jesus explained, nothing and no one can destroy or steal these treasures. The apostle Paul encourages us to “keep our eyes fixed on things not seen” (2 Cor. 4:17, 18). Among the things or treasures that are not seen are the blessings that we will receive in the new world that God has promised. Do we show gratitude for these unseen treasures? w20.05 26 pars. 1, 2.

What is the most valuable invisible treasure, and what makes it possible?

The most valuable invisible treasure is friendship with Jehovah (Ps. 25:14). But how can God be friends with imperfect humans and still be completely holy? Because Jesus' sacrifice “takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Even before Jesus died, Jehovah knew that his Son would be faithful to the end and thus save mankind. This is why God was able to offer his friendship to humans who lived before the death of Christ (Rom. 3:25).

Name some friends of God who lived before the death of Jesus.

Let's talk about some friends of God who lived before Jesus died. Abraham had extraordinary faith. When more than a thousand years had passed since his death, Jehovah called him “my friend” (Is. 41: 8). So not even death can separate Jehovah from his good friends. In fact, Abraham lives on in the memory of Jehovah (Luke 20:37, 38). Another good example is Job. On one occasion when the angels were assembled in heaven, Jehovah expressed his confidence in Job. Speaking of him, he said: "He is an upright and upright man who fears God and avoids all evil" (Job 1:6-8). And what did he think of Daniel, who served him faithfully for some eighty years in a country where people worshiped other gods? When Daniel was very old, angels assured him three times that he was someone “very valuable” to God (Dan. 9:23; 10:11, 19). We are sure that Jehovah looks forward to the day when he will resurrect his dear friends (Job 14:15).

What steps must be taken to have “close friendship” with Jehovah?

Today, millions of imperfect humans have a beautiful friendship with Jehovah. Many men, women, and children around the world are showing by their behavior that they want to be friends with God. The Bible says that Jehovah “has a close friendship” with righteous people (Prov. 3:32). They can enjoy this friendship because they have faith in the sacrifice of Jesus. Thanks to the ransom, Jehovah grants us the honor of dedicating ourselves to him and being baptized. When we take these important steps, we join the millions of dedicated, baptized Christians who already enjoy “a close friendship” with the greatest person in the universe.

How can we show gratitude for friendship with God?

How can we show gratitude for friendship with God? Imitating Abraham and Job. They remained faithful to God for over a hundred years. We must do the same, no matter how long we have been serving Jehovah in this old system. We must also imitate Daniel and value our friendship with Jehovah more than our own life (Dan. 6:7, 10, 16, 22). With Jehovah's help, we can endure any trial and maintain our close friendship with him.—Phil. 4:13.

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