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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Sunday December 25
Sow your seed in the morning, and let your hands not rest until evening (Eccl. 11:6).
We can be sure that the work of preaching the Kingdom will end in due time. Let's think about what happened in the days of Noah. Jehovah demonstrated that he always acts at the perfect time. About one hundred and twenty years in advance, he decided when the Flood would begin. Decades later, he commanded Noah to build the ark. For some forty or fifty years Noah worked tirelessly. Although the people did not listen to him, he continued to warn them until Jehovah said it was time to go into the ark. Then, at the perfect time, “the Lord shut the door” (Gen. 6:3; 7:1, 2, 16). Soon, Jehovah will put an end to the preaching, "he will shut the door" on Satan's system, and bring in a new world of righteousness. Until that time comes, let us follow the example of Noah, Habakkuk, and other faithful servants of God who have not let their hands rest. Let's be focused, be patient and have a strong faith in Jehovah and his promises. w20.09 37:18, 19.
How do we show patience when we preach to our family members?
One area in which it can be difficult for us to be patient is when we preach to our relatives. In Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7, we find a principle that can help us. There he says: "There is . . . a time to be silent and a time to speak." Although we bear witness with our good conduct, we are always on the lookout for any opportunity to speak the truth (1 Pet. 3:1, 2). We preach and teach with enthusiasm, but we are patient with everyone, including our family.
What are some examples of patience that we can imitate?
We find good examples of patience in faithful servants of the past and of our day. Habakkuk longed to see the end of wickedness, but he confidently said, “I will stand at my guard post” (Hab. 2:1). The apostle Paul said that he heartily desired to finish his ministry. Even so, he patiently continued to give "a full testimony of the good news" (Acts 20:24).
Let's look at the example of a couple who graduated from Gilead School and went to serve a country where there are few Witnesses and where the majority religion is not Christian. They found few people who wanted to study the Bible. Instead, their classmates in other countries sent them exciting news about all the people they were helping to get baptized. Although the work progressed slowly, the couple patiently continued to preach. After eight years of preaching with no apparent results, they finally had the joy of having one of their students become a Witness. What do these examples from the past and today have in common? That they did not become lazy or let their hands rest, and Jehovah blessed them for their patience. So let us imitate “those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. 6:10-12).
Why does faith strengthen our desire to continue preaching?
Because we have faith in the message we carry, we want as many people as possible to hear it. We trust in the promises of God's Word (Ps. 119:42; Is. 40:8). We have seen some of the prophecies of the Bible fulfilled in our day. We have also seen how people improve their lives when they begin to put Biblical advice into practice. All this convinces us more and more that the whole world needs to hear the good news of the Kingdom.
In harmony with Psalm 46:1-3, why does faith in Jehovah strengthen our desire to continue preaching? And how does faith in Jesus also help us?
We also have faith in Jehovah, the source of the message we carry, and in Jesus, whom he has named King of the Kingdom (John 14:1). Come what may, Jehovah will always be our refuge and our strength.—Read Psalm 46:1-3. In addition, we are convinced that Jesus directs the preaching from heaven with the power and authority that Jehovah has given him (Matt. 28:18-20).
Give an example that shows why we should continue to preach.
Thanks to faith, we are increasingly convinced that Jehovah will bless our efforts, sometimes in ways we do not imagine (Eccl. 11:6). For example, thousands of people walk past our carts and carts every day. Is this method of preaching really successful? Yes of course! Our November 2014 Kingdom Ministry told about a college student who decided to write an article about Jehovah's Witnesses. She couldn't find any Kingdom Halls, but she did come across a literature table at the university. so i get guided the information you needed for your article. She eventually got baptized, and now she is a regular pioneer. Cases like this motivate us to continue preaching, as they show that there are still people who need to hear the message of the Kingdom.
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