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Friday December 16
If any of you lack wisdom, let him constantly ask God for it (James 1:5).
How should we react if it seems to us that Jehovah is not answering our prayers at the moment? James says to keep praying "constantly to God." Jehovah is not going to get upset or angry with us because we ask him over and over again for wisdom to endure the tests. On the contrary, our heavenly Father will give it to us generously (Ps. 25:12, 13). He is aware of our trials, he takes pity on us and wants to help us. Doesn't that make us happy? Now, how does Jehovah give us wisdom? Through his Word (Prov. 2:6). To get it, we have to study the Bible and the publications based on it. However, it is not enough to accumulate knowledge. We have to follow Jehovah's advice in our life. James said, "Put the word into practice and don't just hear it" (James 1:22). When we apply God's advice, we become more peaceful, reasonable and merciful people (James 3:17). These qualities help us face any trial without losing joy. w21.02 8:10, 11.
What happened shortly after James became a disciple of Jesus?
Shortly after Jesus' half-brother James became a disciple, a wave of opposition broke out against the Christians in Jerusalem (Acts 1:14; 5:17, 18). And, when the disciple Stephen was killed, many Christians fled the city and "were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria." Some of them reached as far as Cyprus and Antioch (Acts 7:58-8:1; 11:19). We cannot even imagine the difficulties these disciples faced. Even so, they continued to preach the good news with enthusiasm wherever they went, and congregations were formed throughout the Roman Empire (1 Pet. 1:1). But the problems of the early Christians had only just begun.
What other problems did the early Christians have to put up with?
The first Christians had to put up with different problems. For example, around the year 50, the Roman Emperor Claudius ordered all Jews to leave Rome. This forced the Jews who had become Christians to leave their homes and move to other places (Acts 18:1-3). Around the year 61, the apostle Paul wrote that his brothers had been publicly exposed to insults, thrown into prison, and deprived of their property (Heb. 10:32-34). And, like other people, Christians fell victim to poverty and disease (Rom. 15:26; Phil. 2:25-27).
According to Luke 6:22, 23, why can a Christian feel happy when he faces trials?
Many people think that they can only be happy if they have good health, lots of money, and a happy family. But the happiness that James was referring to is part of the fruit of God's spirit and does not depend on circumstances in life (Gal. 5:22). It makes us Christians truly happy to know that we have Jehovah's approval and to follow the example of Jesus (see Luke 6:22, 23; Col. 1:10, 11). Like a flame in a lantern, protected from rain and wind, happiness is protected within our hearts. It does not go out when money or health fail. And neither does ridicule or opposition from family or others extinguish it. Its brightness does not decrease, but increases, when an enemy tries to make it disappear. The tests of faith we face confirm that we are true disciples of Christ (Matt. 10:22; 24:9; John 15:20). With good reason, James could say: “When you meet with various trials, consider it a reason for absolute happiness” (Jas. 1:2).
What effect do trials have on our faith?
James gives another reason why Christians are willing to go through even the toughest tests. He says, “Your quality-tested faith produces endurance” (Jas. 1:3). The tests can be compared to the fire used to forge a steel sword. As the sword heats up and then cools down, the steel becomes stronger. Similarly, when we go through trials, our faith is strengthened. For this reason, James could say, “Let endurance complete its work, so that you may be whole and whole in every way” (James 1:4). Seeing that trials strengthen our faith, we can endure them with joy.
In his letter, Santiago identifies some of the problems that can rob us of happiness. What are these problems, and how can we solve them?
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