Monday, December 12, 2022

Congregation Book Study, Week of December 12 to 18, What is the Kingdom of God?, Lesson 31, Points 1 to 7, Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, December 12-18, 2022, Lesson 31, Points 1 to 7, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 31.

1. What is the Kingdom of God, and who is the King of it?

It is a government established by God that governs from heaven and has Jesus as its ruler.


And the text of Luke 1:32 and 33, makes us clearly understand that Jesus would be called the son of the most high and that Jehovah would give him the throne and whose throne would be eternal or, so to speak, would have no end.

Also it will not be like human governments, since this government will last forever. For example, human governments make many promises but later, due to various circumstances, they do not fulfill them, and that is because they have a limited life and that does not allow them to fulfill all their promises. Unlike these governments, Jehovah has the power, the desire and better yet, an infinite life and he can do everything he sets out to do, and that is why we feel sure that he will fulfill all his promises.

Since Jehovah chose Jesus as king of this Kingdom, he has the mission of ruling all the inhabitants of the Earth.

2. Who rules with Jesus?

We see that Jesus does not rule alone, since he was on earth millions of people decided to follow him, but only 144,000 will rule with him in heaven.


In Revelation 5:9 to 10 it mentions which people from every Tribe, Language, Town, Nation will Reign with Christ and verse 10 is very clear, it says that it will be a Kingdom of Priests at the service of God and they will have the mission of Reigning over the whole earth. And then we can ask ourselves, what will become of all the people who are going to be resurrected? and well they will be citizens of this Kingdom here on earth.


Just like Jesus Christ, there will be more people who will be resurrected to live in heaven. He said to his apostles: “I am going to prepare a place for you. I am also coming again and I will welcome you home to myself, so that where I am you may also be”.

Those who go to heaven do so for a reason: Together with Jesus Christ, they will be part of a heavenly government that will come to rule the entire earth and bring blessings to all its inhabitants. It is about the Kingdom that Jesus taught his disciples to pray about when he said: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Thy kingdom come. Let your will be done, as in heaven, also on earth."

3. Why is the Kingdom of God better than human governments?

The Kingdom of God is better than human governments, because humans are not capable of governing themselves. But Daniel 2:44 tells us that God established a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, which makes it a unique and incomparable Kingdom.


Also why human governments are temporary, instead the Kingdom of God will never be destroyed. We also know that no matter how good intentions human rulers have, they do not have the ability to achieve everything they set out to do.

Another reason is because unlike humans, Jehovah's power has no limits and can change whatever he wants. Furthermore, Jehovah is not human, he is a supreme being and his rule will last forever. And let's not forget that the King is Jesus Christ and he was on earth and knows more than anyone the needs of human beings. Therefore, he will demonstrate his qualities as a just King, and he will treat us with affection and kindness, just as he did with people when he was here on earth.

Human rulers do not have the ability to achieve what they propose, because they are imperfect, but our King named Jesus Christ, if he has it. Both Jehovah and Jesus are capable of ending everything that harms mankind. Since they are Perfect Beings and they can do everything they propose, and that is what makes a Government without equal.

4. The mighty Kingdom that will rule the entire Earth

Why is the authority of Jesus superior to that of any human ruler?

Because as Jesus himself said, this government receives the power and authority from Jehovah the creator of the universe.


Because Jehovah himself is the one who has given him all authority. And Jehovah being a supreme being and incomparable in power, He is the only one who can give authority both in heaven and on earth. And if he gave authority to Jesus, it is because he has seen that he has the qualities to govern us and let us not forget that Jesus was on earth and he clearly knows our physical and spiritual needs.

The expression "Therefore" highlights a reason of great importance, why we must abide by the order. Since Jesus, the issuer of it, possesses "All authority".

What is the advantage that the Kingdom of God is not going to be destroyed?

The advantage is that the current national sovereignties and political supporters will be destroyed and there will only be one government for humanity "What is the kingdom of God", which can never be destroyed, even if they try.


Another advantage is also that the Kingdom of God is eternal and will never be destroyed. Therefore, everything that is carried out in said Government will be beneficial for all humanity, and the most important thing of all is that those blessings will also be eternal.

This is a great advantage, because when a human government sets out to do something with time, another ruler arrives and his project is not finished. But on the other hand, if a government is eternal, it will be able to finish what it starts.

What is the advantage of him ruling the whole Earth?

The advantage is that wherever we are, the same rules will be governed and, being so, it will encourage the people of God to be in peace and unity, since at that moment absolutely the entire Earth will be full of people with spiritual inclinations, what do they strive to do? the right thing, which will be an advantage and we say this, because at present the Government of Satan exists and it is very difficult for there to be true peace and unity throughout the earth. At present there is peace and unity "Only in the people of God" and not in the whole Earth.


Another advantage is that there won't be any kind of division like there is now. We will all be governed by the same King, therefore there will be union and the benefits will be for all.

This will make it a government of peace, since the Wars that exist due to rival governments will no longer exist. In addition, by ruling over the entire earth, the resources of the Earth can be better distributed.

5. Human governments must be replaced

Why does the Kingdom of God need to replace human governments? Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: What is the Kingdom of God? (fragment) (1:41)

What problems have human governments caused?

Most importantly they have neglected the spiritual needs of the people.


Human rulers have deep-rooted Nationalism, that is why in order to defend their homeland they are capable of declaring wars and forgetting about the fundamental needs of the people and that is why we need the Kingdom of God.

Many problems, because they completely neglect the needs of the people and only focus on their own benefit, which has caused more poverty, more crime and more wars.

They have also neglected the sustenance that people need for life. For example, year after year there is more poverty, and instead of worrying about the well-being of people, they seek their personal well-being.

Read Ecclesiastes 8:9 and discuss the following:

Do you believe that the Kingdom of God should replace human governments? Why?

Of course they do, because man needs God to govern his affairs. Because by ignoring the laws of God you can see that the result is total chaos.


I am more than convinced, because as Ecclesiastes 8: 9 says, man has dominated man for his own evil.

He must replace them because as we have seen throughout history since man has existed he has not been able to govern himself, and as Ecclesiastes says, his governance has harmed human beings themselves.

6. The rulers of the Kingdom of God understand us

As our King Jesus, he was a human being and lived on Earth, he can “sympathize with our weaknesses” (Hebrews 4:15). Jehovah has chosen 144,000 faithful men and women to rule with Jesus. These people are “from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation” (Revelation 5:9).

Does it encourage you to think that Jesus and all those who will rule with him know well what it is to live as human beings? Why?

He encourages me a lot, because by having a Ruler who understands us, he will know how to direct us in the best way without any suffering.


Of course they do, because they all understand very well what it means to be a human being, and they have gone through many difficulties and sufferings with us firsthand. And so without a doubt they will intercede for all of us before Jehovah.

He is very encouraging because they know the weaknesses of human beings and the suffering they have caused to live with the effects of sin. And we know that they will do everything possible to improve those conditions.

7. The laws of the Kingdom of God are better than human ones

Governments create laws with the intention of helping and protecting their citizens. The Kingdom of God also has laws, and its citizens must abide by them. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and discuss the following:

What do you think the world will be like when everyone follows God's standards of conduct?

Just by imagining ourselves we are already happy, since in that New World there will be justice and therefore we will be truly happy.


It will be very different from how we see it today, because if we all respect God's rules, everything will be in order and in harmony.

We will do well, since Jehovah's rules and laws have always been for our benefit and have always stood out for showing love of life and love of neighbor.

Does it seem logical to you that Jehovah expects Kingdom citizens to abide by these standards? Why do you answer like that?

It is very logical because just as governments establish laws for the good of citizens, if one lives within a certain country he has to respect its laws. In the same way, Jehovah on his part expects the citizens of his Kingdom to respect the norms that he establishes.


Of course it is logical, because if we really want to be in the Kingdom of God we must show ourselves faithful and just.

Yes, it is logical because it is his government and he has the authority to demand respect for the laws of his government, and this will make it possible for him to fulfill his purpose.

How do we know that people who don't obey these laws can change? (See verse 11.)

They can change because God is love, so that he does not totally discard any person, because as long as you strive to conform to his will, you will be able to change.


We know this because there are many examples of this, because many of us before knowing the truth, perhaps we led lives completely different from God's standards, but today we lead completely different lives.

Today many people have managed to change their lives by learning Jehovah's rules that are in the Bible, and have left attitudes that many thought was impossible.

WHAT SOME SAY: "The Kingdom of God is in our hearts."

What would you answer?

Well, this is not the case, since it is not something symbolic but a real Kingdom, and what is more, this Kingdom is already established.


That can't be true, because the Bible talks about God's government having a king and co-rulers. Also the Bible talks about the government will eliminate problems like death and that would not be possible if only the kingdom was a condition of the heart.


The Kingdom of God is a real government that is in heaven and that will rule the entire planet.

Who are the rulers of the Kingdom of God?

Jesus is the king, and with him will rule the 144,000 Anointed Christians who have been chosen from among mankind.

Why is the Kingdom of God better than any human government?

We learned that the kingdom of God is better than human governments, because humans are not capable of governing themselves.


Why human governments are temporary, instead the Kingdom of God will never be destroyed. We also know that no matter how good intentions human rulers have, they do not have the ability to achieve everything they set out to do.

Because unlike human beings, his power has no limits and he can change whatever he wants. In addition, since the government is not human, it lasts forever and the King has qualities such as being affectionate, kind and fair.

What does Jehovah expect of Kingdom citizens?

He expects them to accept and abide by his laws.


He also expects you to respect his established moral standards, because these have been set for our good.

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