Friday, December 2, 2022

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of December 5-11, First Conversation, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: December 5-11, 2022, First conversation, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared. 

First Conversation (2 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer the booklet Enjoy Life (th lesson 1).

PUBLICATOR: Hello neighbor Ruth, in view of so much bad news about wars and violent acts that we see on the news, I would like to know your answer to this question: Do you think it is realistic to think that we will live in a world without wars or violence? .

HOUSEHOLDER: Well, Maria, to be honest, I want to live in a world without wars or violence, but I don't think it's very realistic to think that we will live in a world without wars or violence, since every day people get worse and worse. .

PUBLISHER: Let me show you a text here in the Bible and after reading it tell me whether or not it is realistic to think that it is possible to live in such a world. It is Psalm 37:10,11. Could you please read it? 

HOUSEHOLD: Of course, Maria, says the following:…

PUBLISHER: Thank you very much for your reading. Verse 10 begins by saying that there is little time left. Why is there little time left?, according to the text we have read.

HOUSEHOLDER: Yes, so that the wicked no longer exist and so that we look at where they were but they won't be there anymore.

POSTER: Very good Ruth, and when all the wicked of the earth no longer exist, who according to verse 11 will inherit the earth and what will they enjoy?

HOUSEHOLDER: Well, in the verse that I read, it just mentions that the meek were those who live on earth and enjoy abundant Peace.

PUBLICATOR: Clearly and logically, when all its inhabitants on earth are meek people, there will be no violence or war and therefore they will enjoy abundant peace. But why is it realistic to think that this will happen shortly as verse 10 says? 

HOUSEHOLD: I think it will be because it is God who is promising it and that is why we must be sure that it will be fulfilled

PUBLISHER:  That's right, Ruth, it's Jehovah who promises it, that's why the fulfillment of this promise is not questioned. he has the desire and the power to carry it out. Ruth, what if tomorrow afternoon you come to my house for a while and we have a coffee and I show you in the Bible some of the promises that it contains and give us hope?

HOUSEHOLD:  Sounds good to me, I'll bring some cookies that turn out to be very tasty.

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