Friday, December 30, 2022

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 2-8, 2023, First Conversation, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: January 2-8, 2023, First Conversation, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared.

First conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation (th lesson 1).

PUBLISHER (A): Hello, good morning.

NEIGHBOR (A): Good morning.

PUBLISHER (A): My name is……. and this morning i was visiting people and i would like to have your opinion on this question does God hear prayers?

NEIGHBOR (A): I suppose he does listen, but I don't think he will answer us.

PUBLISHER (A): Thank you for his response. What do you think if we let the Bible answer that question? Let's see please the text of Psalm 65:2 says:....... According to the text read, what does God do?

NEIGHBOR (A): He says that God listens to prayers.

POSTER (A): Alright, so if God didn't intend to answer prayers he thinks he would encourage humans to do them?

NEIGHBOR (A): The most logical thing is that if he wants to listen to our prayers.

PUBLISHER (A): Exactly! However, the Bible does say what things we should pray about since there are prayers that God does not approve.

NEIGHBOR (A): I suppose those sentences are the ones that have no answers.

PUBLISHER (A): What do you think if on my next visit we talk about what things can we pray?

NEIGHBOR (A): It's okay, I'd like to know the answer, I'll be waiting for it.

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