Friday, December 2, 2022

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of December 5 to 11, 2022, Speech, A rewarding job, Lesson 11, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: December 5-11, 2022, Speech, Lesson 11, Assignment Prepared.

Speech (5 min.): km 8/03 1. Title: A gratifying job (th lec. 11).

It is very moving when we see a scene like the following: A child has a cookie in his hands, he is trying it in his mouth and suddenly another child appears, or possibly one of his parents, and it is observed that at a certain moment the child takes the biscuit from his mouth, although it is already wet without trying to share it, either with another child or with another parent.

That scene is very tender and can even make us smile. But if he sees what is happening, that child begins to be generous, although he is not fully aware of what he is doing. But it is a clear demonstration that human beings from a very young age want to share happiness. And it's beautiful when the human being, growing up, continues to have that tendency.

And it is true that preaching is a way to demonstrate our generosity for others? Of course yes. Because what we do is give our time, our energy, our money. And we do it so that people receive the message of the Good News. That is a rewarding job, a job that makes us happy.

It's true. One knows that the person who is going to listen to the message is going to benefit greatly because they will understand what is the trustworthy hope we have for the future from Jehovah. But not only they benefit, we too. I noticed how Proverbs 11 25 expresses it here.


The generous will prosper and the one who comforts others will be comforted.

And that is very true. It hasn't happened to him that when we left the Ministry, time flies. His problems disappear from your memory at that moment and all you are focused on is helping others, enjoying that moment. Seeing that person's face light up, when he understands the truths of the Bible and when he is progressing, how his faith grows, how he makes changes in life and how he begins to talk to others about what he learn. That really produces a lot of happiness.

Like when a child gives and shares a cookie. It is not true that this scene could even steal a smile from us when we see the generosity of this child or when we see this beautiful action. The Lord Jesus Christ clearly indicated that when one gives to others he produces happiness. That is why in Matthew 11:29 he spoke of "they will find refreshment for their souls."

Anna, a single young woman who moved to an area in Eastern Europe where more publishers are needed. She mentions that she loves that so many people want to take Bible classes. And that her preaching makes her very happy when she arrives at her house, she doesn't have time to think about herself. I am very focused on my students and their problems and concerns. I look for ways to encourage and help them and she also mentions that she is convinced that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving.

However, we can say: "But in my territory not everyone listens to the truth." Well it's true. But even if these people do not appreciate our message, Jehovah does appreciate it, and the reward comes from Jehovah. Let's see what Hebrews 6:10 indicates.


Because God is not unjust and he does not forget your works or the love you showed for his name by having served the saints and by continuing to serve them.

A publisher once said, "We have planted, watered, and prayed in the hope that Jehovah will increase interest."

Without a doubt, that generosity that we have shown of that child will be rewarded very soon from the Almighty and very generous God that is Jehovah.

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