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"A trustworthy person knows how to keep a confidence" (PROV. 11:13).
1. What does a trustworthy person look like?
He is the person who rejects everything that is despicable and strives to fulfill what he promises even if he loses. Her actions inspire confidence in others because they know they can count on her whenever necessary.
It is one that strives to fulfill what it promises, it also tells the truth and as Psalm 15:4 says, it does not stop fulfilling what it promises even if it loses out.
Therefore all of us want to be considered trustworthy people and that our brothers can have confidence to approach us.
2. How do we show that we are trustworthy?
We demonstrate it when we imitate Jehovah since, as Psalms 33:4 says, everything he does is reliable.
Well, by striving to be, no one gains the trust of others in an instant, it is something that requires time and perseverance, but the key to achieving it is that we imitate our father Jehovah, as we read in the psalm, everything he does is reliable, so we must follow his example if we want to continue trusting.
And since Jehovah is trustworthy as we have seen in Ephesians we are told that he expects us to be trustworthy too we are told to imitate God as beloved children.
Yes, for that he has not left us without a guide so that we can achieve it, as the first part of Psalm 33:4 says that the word of the Lord is straight, so if we go to it, then we can find the way to achieve this.
3, 4. (a) How did the prophet Daniel show that he was trustworthy? b) What should we ask ourselves?
He demonstrated this by accurately interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's dreams despite the bad character of this king and the content of condemnation from Jehovah in said message. Similarly, when he interpreted the mysterious message that appears on the wall of the Palace of Babylon. And another way in which Daniel's trustworthiness was demonstrated was when King Darius and his officials, who did not serve Jehovah, recognized him as a trustworthy man who could not be blamed for negligence or corruption.
Well, due to the fact that when they took him captive to Babylon, in a short time he earned the fame of being someone trustworthy and of course the fame grew more because Jehovah later helped him interpret the dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar.
And precisely one of those dreams that Daniel interpreted, the one that is recorded in Daniel 4 from 20 to 22 and 25, speaks near that big tree where many birds sheltered and then would be cut down, the interpretation to be able to give it to the king demanded on the one hand courage because it had to do precisely with the end of his reign and also that he was going to be thrown out into the field with the beasts, that required a lot of courage and also to be able to give that interpretation by Jehovah to someone, that someone had to be reliable that was going to tell him like it is no matter how harsh it might seem to the king and no matter how much risk it might even put his life, so that shows that Daniel was certainly trustworthy.
In Daniel 6:3 and 4 it is mentioned as Daria the Mede and his officials also realized that Daniel was an exceptional man. accuse him, however he says that they did not find a reason to accuse him of anything corrupt because he was a reliable person who could not be blamed for negligence or corruption.
3, 4.b) What should we ask ourselves?
The questions we should ask ourselves are: What opinion do non-witnesses have of me? Do they consider me someone trustworthy who fulfills their responsibilities?
5. Why did Hananiah have the reputation of being someone very trustworthy?
Hananiah had this reputation because he took any responsibility he received in his position as head of the fortress very seriously.
When the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt, Nehemiah put Hananiah, chief of the fortress, in charge of the city. True God more than many others.
Well, it really strikes me that what the paragraph says says that the reason he had to be trustworthy was not the benefits or advantages that he was going to be given, but rather the love he had for Jehovah, then both then and now. Jehovah does not seek skills or preparation, but men and women who love him and he is in charge of training them.
Nehemiah gives instructions to two men outside one of the gates of Jerusalem.
Nehemiah chose trusted men to attend to important tasks. (See paragraph 5).
6. How did Tychicus show that he was a trustworthy friend of the apostle Paul?
He demonstrated this by supporting the Apostle Paul while he was under house arrest. That support consisted of taking his letters to the congregations in Ephesus and Colosse and also encouraging and consoling the brothers. By providing this faithful support for Paul and caring for the spiritual needs of his brother, Tychicus demonstrated that he was a trustworthy friend.
He was so trustworthy that the apostle Paul says of him in Ephesians 6:21 and 22 that he was a brother, a faithful minister in the Lord, so much so that he says that he sent him to inform him of how they were, but also to comfort their hearts.
He demonstrated this by supporting the Apostle Paul while he was under house arrest. That support consisted of taking his letters to the congregations in Ephesus and Colosse and also encouraging and consoling the brothers. By providing this faithful support for Paul and caring for the spiritual needs of his brother, Tychicus demonstrated that he was a trustworthy friend.
7. What good example do the elders and ministerial servants in our congregation set for us?
They give us an example of reliability, since they responsibly fulfill all their functions and obligations within the congregation. For example, they comply with assigning each part of the meeting program in advance, prepare well to present their assignments, keep study and public literature up-to-date, and take good care of the entire congregation. This makes them reliable people before the brothers and before those who visit the congregation.
Thanks to their work we have the meetings prepared and we can enjoy all the parts of the program every week.
And we also demonstrate our trustworthiness, for example, when they give us the assignments, well preparing ourselves well and fulfilling that assignment, because it is part of the program that has also been prepared, we know all the work that is involved in it and we are confident that it will be possible. To do so, we also have publications that we always have, we don't wonder, but there is the reliability of the brothers to do it.
Yes, these brothers fulfill very different responsibilities, some visible in the congregation and others, perhaps we are not even aware of them, but all of them require a lot of effort and time on their part and make us feel good.
8. How do we show balance in caring for others? (Proverbs 11:13).
We do it when we are interested in others but respecting their private life. In other words, we lend them disinterested support but we do not interfere in their affairs or talk about things that we should not, much less, we disclose things that have been told to us confidentially.
As Christians we must strive to keep confidential matters because we do not want to appear to the people of the world who, as Proverbs 11:13 says, gossiping, slandering and revealing confidential conversations. On the contrary, we want to keep this balance to show that we are trustworthy people.
We can also demonstrate this balance if we find out that someone in the congregation has committed a serious sin. In this case, we will firstly encourage the person to ask the elders for help, but if after a reasonable time we see that he does not do so, then we should be the ones who speak together with the elders out of loyalty to Jehovah and to the congregation. If we don't, then we would stop being balanced and reliable .
The note is talking about the fact that it is true that there are things that we do have to say but not tell anyone but go to the elders for example when a brother has committed a serious sin and he does not want to tell it yes after we have spoken with him there is no solution, our responsibility is to go to the elders and talk to them because it also depends on our loyalty that the congregation and the name of Jehovah be clean.
As Christians we must strive to keep confidential matters because we do not want to appear to the people of the world, as Proverbs chapter 11 verse 13 says, they gossiping, slandering and revealing confidential conversations. On the contrary, we want to keep this balance to show that we are trustworthy people.
We can also demonstrate this balance if we find out that someone in the congregation has committed a serious sin. In this case, we will firstly encourage the person to ask the elders for help, but if after a reasonable time we see that he does not do so, then we should be the ones who speak together with the elders out of loyalty to Jehovah and to the congregation. If we don't, then we would stop being balanced and reliable.
9. How can family members show that they are trustworthy?
Each family member can demonstrate this by keeping household affairs private. For example, both husband and wife should not reveal their intimacies to other people to avoid embarrassment or hurt their partner's feelings, parents should not say things in front of others that could humiliate or disrespect their children, and children They must be discreet to the privacy of your home. If they meet these standards they will be a reliable and united family.
For example, speaking of husbands and I would also apply to wives because perhaps one of us has a habit of doing something and well, it seems that telling that in front of others can be funny or laughing at our spouse's expense, it is not something that is appropriate, in fact in Ephesians 5:33 we are told that we should love our wife for example as our own bodies, if we don't like that kind of jokes or those comments, then neither do our wife.
Well, another way to do our bit to promote confidentiality in the family, would be for parents to remember how adolescents do not like to be told their things, just as we read in Colossians we do not irritate our children but rather think before commenting something of them if it is going to embarrass them.
And adolescents are also part of the congregation that we form, a family, so we would have to be careful to treat them with respect, since being young their self-esteem is ahead and this can help them to be faithful servants.
10. How does a true friend behave? (Proverbs 17:17).
He behaves as Proverbs 17:17 says with love all the time but especially in times of distress. So if you trust this true friend with a secret or a confidential matter, you know how to keep it. He will take into account that perhaps the person who told him about the matter did so in a moment of despair or relief and that perhaps it was also very difficult to do so and that if he did it, it was him because he trusted him. Consequently, he will strive not to disappoint that trust .
In addition, the paragraph puts it from the point of view that if we told a friend and then he betrayed us, we would feel very bad, so we could put ourselves in the other person's place when he tells us something, then be reliable for don't make him feel bad.
And for many it is not easy to talk about feelings to express their emotions, so a true friend knows how difficult it can be for the other person and treats what he has told very carefully and with great courage.
As Proverbs chapter 17, verse 17 says, with love at all times but especially in times of distress. So if you trust this true friend with a secret or a confidential matter, you know how to keep it. He will take into account that perhaps the person who told him about the matter did so in a moment of despair or relief and that perhaps it was also very difficult to do so and that if he did it, it was him because he trusted him. Consequently, he will strive not to disappoint that trust.
11. (a) How do elders and their wives show that they are trustworthy?
Elders demonstrate this by not revealing other brothers' personal or confidential matters to anyone, not even their wives. And the wives of the elderly demonstrate this by not questioning their husbands or pressing them for confidential information about other siblings.
The case of a sister wife of an elderly man is mentioned who says that she is grateful that he does not tell her this type of thing because she cannot do anything about it and that would be burdening him with a situation that she will not be able to solve later, so the The fact that the wife is not burdened with these types of comments benefits her because that way she can treat the brothers with total naturalness or with impartiality.
11.b) What can we learn from an elder who discusses a confidential matter and is later with his family? (See photo).
We learn that confidential matters that elders deal with as part of their duties as pastors of the congregation are not to be taken home or shared with their family members.
In the image we see that two elders attend to a confidential matter of one of the sisters of the congregation. Then, one of these old men, upon arriving at his house, does not tell his wife anything. And the wife is not seen questioning her husband either. Rather, they both take care of their respective family responsibilities, which shows that they are trustworthy people.
Series of images: 1. Two old men visit a sister at her home. 2. Then one of the elders reads a Bible story to her little daughter while the wife brings them something to eat.
The elders do not tell their family confidential matters. (See paragraph 11).
12. Explain why love is the basis of trust.
Trust is based on love for Jehovah and neighbor. Therefore, that love always has to be strong, and in this way trust will have a solid foundation. Consequently, in imitation of Jehovah we will be trustworthy so that we will never reveal anyone's personal affairs or anything that might cause them embarrassment or hurt their feelings.
John 15:12 says that one of the most important commandments is that we love one another just as Jesus loved us, so loving our brothers should encourage us not to disclose in confidential speech their personal affairs or things that have been told to us. Said in confidence, we should never reveal anything that could hurt or embarrass us so that we can continue to have a reputation as truly trustworthy people.
Trust is based on love for Jehovah and neighbor. Therefore, that love always has to be strong, and in this way trust will have a solid foundation. Consequently, in imitation of Jehovah we will be trustworthy so that we will never reveal anyone's personal affairs or anything that might cause them embarrassment or hurt their feelings.
13. How does humility help us to be trustworthy?
Cultivating that quality is very helpful, because when we are humble we do not try to impress anyone by being the first to break news or implying that we already knew about a confidential matter. Nor are we touting our personal ideas about things that are not mentioned in the Bible or in our publications to try to make ourselves important.
Philippians 2:3 says that we don't have to do anything out of a self-centered conflicting spirit and we should think that others are superior to us.
14. How does discernment help us to be trustworthy?
It helps us because as Proverb 11:12 says, it lets us know when it is time to be silent and when it is time to speak.
Discernment helps us to gain trust since, for example, when an elder tells us personal information about other congregations or we do not disseminate information that other brothers have been able to give us, either because they told us their feelings, we demonstrate discernment and trust in others.
The man who has authentic discernment keeps quiet as Proverbs 11:12 says and this is the case of an old man mentioned in the paragraph. This brother was sometimes asked for his help to attend to difficult matters in other congregations, however, he never revealed confidential information about his affairs. This was precisely what made him earn the trust and respect of all the brothers in these congregations.
15. Explain with an example how honesty helps us gain the trust of others.
For example, if a brother wants to improve his way of giving talks in the congregation, he will not go where they tell him the things he wants to hear, but where they tell him the truth and criticize him that benefits him. At first these corrections may not be pleasant to you, but in the long run they will help you progress, since what makes a reliable person is the honesty that he shows.
As Ephesians says that we have to tell the truth about our neighbor, here he gives the example of a brother who says that he wants to improve in giving speeches and then he asks a friend to listen to him and tell him what matters he can improve, then it is good If that friend really loves you, explain to him how he can improve because it is better, as the Bible says, expressed correction is better than hidden love, and even if he says things that he does not like to hear, but in the end it is what suits him advance.
Honesty is not only about telling someone honestly what they can improve but also the other side of the coin honesty means that they tell us something that we may not like or it is not what we expected but instead of getting angry well let's be wise we are going to listen and we are going to put it into practice.
What is important is that we should not confuse being honest with being hurtful, we tend to use it as an excuse to be able to say what we want in a way that could be harmful to our brothers because Ephesians 4:25 although we are told to say the true to our neighbor we are all members who belong to everyone we did not want to be too honest to be hurtful and hurt others.
16. How does Proverbs 10:19 show that self-control is very important?
Proverbs 10:19 shows that the person who talks too much runs the risk of sinning, But the one who restrains his lips is prudent, This does not give a clear idea of the importance of having self-control, since it prevents us from divulging matters personal or confidential of others. It also helps us to be careful with what we say or post on social networks or when the enemies of the kingdom try to get information out of us that can endanger the brothers, especially where the work is restricted. So to be trustworthy we must have self control.
This quality helps us bite our tongues when we are tempted to divulge something that is confidential and, above all, the example of social networks is given, which today are so fashionable that if we are not careful, maybe we can put some type of information that is confidential that many people will see and that once we have already sent it, it is no longer in our hands to withdraw it, but rather many people will be able to see it and that can cause pain at best to some people.
We could also have self-control as shown when we are going to keep silent so as not to reveal matters or names of our brothers that could put us in danger if, for example, we are in a country where the work is restricted and then they question us there, we should also have control over how it says psalm 39:1 have your mouth covered with a muzzle so as not to hurt our brothers and put them in danger.
Proverbs chapter 10, verse 19 shows that the person who talks too much runs the risk of sinning, But the one who restrains his lips is prudent, This does not give a clear idea of the importance of having self-control, since it prevents us from divulging the personal or confidential matters of others. It also helps us to be careful with what we say or post on social networks or when the enemies of the kingdom try to get information out of us that can endanger the brothers, especially where the work is restricted. So to be trustworthy we must have self control.
17. What can we all do to create an atmosphere of trust in the congregation?
We must first demonstrate that we are trustworthy people in order to earn the trust of others. We must also cultivate and strengthen the qualities that underpin trust, such as love, humility, discernment, honesty, and self-control. If we all make this effort in the congregation, an atmosphere of trust will reign.
Another thing we can do to create an atmosphere of trust in the congregation is to imitate Jehovah, the most trustworthy person there is.
Well, we should imitate Jehovah and strive above all to show all these qualities, if we do so then we will help to create a good atmosphere within the congregation and above all we will also show that we are trustworthy.
And putting these qualities into practice, we should not think that it is one of those who take the lead as precursor ministerial elders, it is the responsibility of everyone in the congregation and not only responsibility in everyone, but also, as the paragraph says, it is a constant process, it is very good that let's listen to it but we have to put each of these qualities into practice every day because it will help us to continue growing spiritually, they are qualities that are not achieved overnight, many of them are why we need to work every day to be able to be definitively reliable for everyone and most importantly for Jehovah.
What can we learn from Jehovah's trustworthy servants?
We learn that the work of both the elders and those of the ministerial servants are very important, since they prove to be very reliable, just like Daniel, Hananías and Tíquico, since they take their responsibilities very seriously and strive to be reliable.
For example, we saw the example of Daniel who, despite the fact that he was living with people who did not worship Jehovah, he had the necessary courage to present those messages to even King Nebuchadnezzar himself, who was reputed to be a person with a difficult character but he did not he fell what Jehovah told him he had to say.
Yes also the case of Hananías how he was appointed head of the fortress by the governor of Nehemias and the Bible says that Hananias was a very reliable man and that he feared the true God more than many others.
In the case of all of them, we saw that they took their responsibilities very seriously and faithfully complied with what was asked of them.
In what situations can you show that you are trustworthy?
We can show that we are trustworthy in various situations, for example: In the family, with friends and in the congregation, because if we make an effort, we can foster unity in each of these fields.
Demonstrate it when we are assigned tasks or we commit to doing something, some work, because doing it even when we have miscalculated and we know that we are going to lose out.
What qualities will help us gain the trust of others?
The qualities that will help us gain the trust of others are discernment, love, humility, honesty and self-control, but we may think that because we are imperfect we will not be able to be reliable, but let's remember that 3 imperfect servants arrived to be trustworthy. which shows us that it is possible, but we will only achieve it if we cultivate these aforementioned qualities.
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