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"Before him was written a book to remember those who fear the Lord" (MAL. 3:16).
1. According to Malachi 3:16, what book has Jehovah been writing, and what does it contain?
A special book containing millions of names.
For thousands of years Jehovah is writing a special book that in the Bible receives names like: "The book to remember", "Scroll of life", "book of life", this book contains the names of God-fearing people. Jehovah began the writing of him with the name of Abel, but he has been adding many more names throughout the history of mankind.
Malachi 3:16 mentions that Jehovah kept paying attention and listening from heaven. But he did more than just observe the good deeds and sincere thoughts of his faithful people. Malachi adds that a "remembrance book" began to be written before him and that book contains the names of all who have served God loyally. The fact that it is called "The Book of Remembrance" or "Book of Life" indicates that Jehovah will never forget his faithful servants and what they have done to glorify him, because to him they are alive in his memory.
We also know that this book in the Bible receives various names such as remembering the book of life or the scroll of life.
2. What names does the book of life contain, and what can we do so that our name is written there?
This book contains the names of all who worship Jehovah with fear or deep respect, love his name, and hope to receive eternal life either in heaven or on earth. What we can do to have our name written there is to cultivate a close and personal relationship with Jehovah based on the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ.
It contains names of those who adore and love Jehovah and if we make an effort we can have a close relationship with Jehovah so that he can write our name in the book.
John 3:16 There they show us that we have to have faith that Jesus died for all of us and in this way we have the hope of having a close relationship with God.
In this image we can see people who have lived during the last millennia the last centuries are different times, but they all have something in common their name has been written in this book.
Series of images: 1. Jehovah writes on a scroll. 2. Happy people from different cultures and times walk together.
Throughout history, Jehovah has added names to the “book of life.” (See paragraphs 1 and 2).
3, 4. (a) If our name is now written in the book of life, does that mean that we will live forever?
Exodus 32 33 shows that men's names written in the book of life can be erased if the owners of those names sin against Jehovah, since it is as if they were written with a pencil, this makes it clear that having our name written in the book of life does not mean that we have eternal life assured, on the contrary we must continue doing everything possible so that our name continues to be written in that book until Jehovah rewrites them permanently.
No, the fact that our name is written in the book is not a guarantee that we have eternal life because as the text of Exodus 32:33 says, the names that are written there can be erased because they are so to speak written with a pencil, so according to our works will depend on whether Jehovah writes it permanently or not.
Yes, that is why it is so important that we make sure that our name remains in the book until Jehovah writes it permanently, as illustrated here in the form of ink.
3, 4. b) What will we see in this article and in the next?
In this article and the next one we will see the answers to these questions about: What does the Bible say about those who have their name written in the book of life and about those who do not? When will they receive eternal life? the ones that have your name written there? What about those who died without having the opportunity to meet Jehovah? And yes, is it possible that their names are written in this book?
5, 6. (a) According to Philippians 4:3, whose names are written in the book of life?
In the book of life the names of 5 groups of people are written. According to Philippians 4:3 the first group of people are those selected to reign with Christ in heaven. In this text the apostle Paul says that this group is one of those who are already in the book of life, but adds that so that their names are not erased from this symbolic book they must continue to be faithful.
Well according to this text it is clear that they are those who are selected to reign with Jesus Christ in heaven and they are the anointed Christians.
But so that their names are not erased from this symbolic book they must remain faithful and when they receive the final seal, either before their death or before the great tribulation breaks out, their names will be permanently written in the book.
5, 6. (b) When will their names be permanently written?
Their names will be permanently written when they receive the final seal, either before their death or before the great tribulation breaks out.
It makes sense for this to occur before their death or before the great tribulation, since this would imply that they have proven to be obedient and loyal throughout their lives and above all that they have made an effort to do Jehovah's will.
Revelation 7:3 | Here it shows us that those names are still being written because when they are complete it is when what the great tribulation says here will happen, so it encourages us to know that Jehovah is still including people in that book in this case in the first group of those who have their hope to live in heaven.
Here he is also talking about a moment in which they are going to be sealed, they receive a seal and, as has already been said, this can be either before their death or also before the great tribulation breaks out.
7. How does Revelation 7:16, 17 help us know when the great crowd of other sheep will have their names permanently written in the book of life?
According to Revelation 7:16,17, the great crowd of whom Jesus said were like sheep that would go to eternal life will have their names permanently written in the book of life, at the end of the thousand-year reign when by following the guidance of Jesus are considered faithful to Jehovah.
During the thousand year reign the great crowd will be led by Jesus to springs of the waters of life. In the sense that they will receive all the provisions that Jehovah will provide them to help them achieve eternal life.
And although this large crowd lives through Armageddon and their names are in the book, they are still not going to receive eternal life because this text says that Jesus will shepherd them and guide them to waters of life, it means that they are going to have to comply with this guidance from Jesus and if they are faithful then finally there then their names will be permanently written in the book and they will have eternal life.
Revelation 7:14 gives us an idea because there it mentions that they are the ones who come out of the great tribulation have washed their long tunic and made it white in the blood of the lamb, it means that many people who previously led another type of life that they did not know Jehovah throughout the history of his life through writing the word of God and his personal study have been washing his mind his life his way of acting and those are the ones that are written in the book of life.
During the thousand year reign the great crowd will be led by Jesus to springs of the waters of life. In the sense that they will receive all the provisions that Jehovah will provide them to help them achieve eternal life.
8. Who does not have their names written in the book of life, and what will happen to them?
Those who do not have their name written in the book of life are those who belong to the group of people considered "goats." That is, the people who throughout history have sinned on purpose with the Holy Spirit. Eternal destruction awaits them since they will suffer the judicial punishment of destruction without the right to resurrection.
The people who will be destroyed at Armageddon Jesus compares them to goats and says that they will go to destruction, in the sense that their lives will be cut off forever.
The same can be said that the person who throughout history has sinned on purpose against the holy spirit will receive eternal destruction.
It is necessary to differentiate what this group has just said here that is mentioned as goats and it is very clear from what we have just read that this group of people, as they have said, throughout history have deliberately sinned against the spirit saint will not rise again.
9. Which two groups will be resurrected on Earth, and what makes them different? (Acts 24:15).
The just and the unjust, the difference is that the just served Jehovah faithfully during their lives and the unjust stayed away from Jehovah because of their misconduct.
Acts 24:15 explains that these two groups that will be resurrected on earth are the just and the unjust. What makes them different is that the likes are the people who served Jehovah during their lives, and the unjust are the people who did not serve him before they died and who also in most cases maintained a conduct far from his just standards. .
10. Why will the “righteous” be resurrected, and what honor will some of them have? (See also in this magazine the article in the section "Questions from readers" that talks about the resurrection on Earth).
These just people will be resurrected because before they died they already had their names written in the book of life, and when they die these names will not be erased because they will continue to live in the memory of Jehovah. Therefore, when they return to live on earth, their names are written in the book of life, although at first they will only be written in pencil. Some of them will have the honor of being princes throughout the Earth.
They already had their name written in the book of life, because as we see that for our loving father they are still alive in his memory and as it says in Luke 20:38 he is not a God of the dead but of the living because everyone is alive for him, and the honor that some will have is to be princes throughout the Earth.
In other words, our name is in pencil, but if we have been faithful, Jehovah keeps us in his memory and resurrects us, but we still continue with pencil, as the paragraph highlights, that makes us think that in all our imperfection we always have to continue serving Jehovah both as we live and as if we die.
What caught my attention was what mentions that there are princes throughout the earth but not all of them will be a few and they will be the elders in the new just world of Jehovah who will have to teach these new rolls for the one who comes and will be resurrected, then they are the ones who are going to govern and they are going to teach them the new scrolls.
And the article to which this paragraph leads us tells us that the just were faithful to Jehovah before death but even so the final decision depends on Jehovah, he has the authority and really deserves to grant these privileges, without a doubt this shows that Jehovah He is a compassionate and reasonable God in taking these measures for both the just and the unjust.
11. What will the “unrighteous” need to learn in order for their names to be written in the book of life?
The unrighteous perhaps did not know Jehovah's laws and did not lead a righteous life before they died, so their names are not written in the book of life. But when God resurrects him, he will give you the opportunity that in time your name will be written in this book. Consequently, they will need to learn to live by Jehovah's righteous standards, and for this Jehovah will carry out the largest educational program in human history.
We see that the unjust before they died led a life far from Jehovah's standards, but they have the opportunity to be written in the book of the Bible if they learn to live under Jehovah's standards.
To help all these people, the kingdom of God will carry out the greatest education program of all mankind.
How loving of Jehovah that he is going to give the opportunity to these unjust people who did not put his rules into practice, the paragraph says that they came to do horrible bad things and Jehovah, so loving, now puts his love into practice and gives him the opportunity to that they do their part to get to know him and learn how Jehovah sees him so that they have, then, the privilege of having their name written in the book of life and they can live forever.
12. a) Who will teach the unjust?
The just will be taught by the great crowd and the resurrected just, So that they become friends of Jehovah and dedicate their lives. This process will be watched over by Jesus and the Anointed in their role as judges.
We can start to think that we are going to have a colossal task and not only because we have to teach the unjust but we also have to teach the just, since there are many even those who have died 5 years ago, this for example that we are studying today that are new understandings refinements all these things and even just people who have lived before we are also going to have to show them how the prophecies were fulfilled, so I was left without a doubt we are going to have to work a lot and they are going to be exciting moments for us to polish ourselves as teachers.
12.b) What will happen to those who refuse to put into practice what they have learned?
How Jehovah and Jesus can see the hearts of people, He will make sure that no one causes any harm in the new world. Therefore, all those who refuse to agree to put into practice what they have learned will be eliminated forever.
Well, those who refuse to be a friend of Jehovah and dedicate their life will be eliminated since Jehovah and Jesus can see the person's heart.
Isaiah 65:20 clarifies when they will be eliminated because in the previous paragraphs we speak of a 1000-year government of Jesus Christ, then it means that these people have 1000 years to change or be criminals during those 1000 years will they have their chance? because Isaiah 60:25 says that even if they are 100 years old they will be eliminated, Jehovah will not allow there to be evil in the world again.
13, 14. (a) How did we previously understand Jesus' words that we read at John 5:29?
In the text of John 5:29, Jesus said that in the resurrection, those who did good things will have a resurrection of life, and those who did bad things, a resurrection of judgment. Before it was understood that Jesus was referring to the things that the resurrected would do after coming back to life, in other words, that after resurrecting some would do good things, but others would do bad things, currently that text has a new understanding.
The difference is precisely in the time that the verb is used. Jesus did not say what they would do in the future or what they will do when they are resurrected, whether they are good or bad things, he said that those who did good things or bad things, this is before the resurrection.
This way of understanding this verse, the truth is, is more logical because, as I already know, he also mentioned the conditions that will prevail in that new world and, as this paragraph mentions, people in the world are not going to be allowed to do bad things, things that harm others. others, so it does not refer to what they will do in the future but what they did before they died.
13, 14. (b) What detail should we pay attention to when reading these words?
When reading these words we must pay close attention to what Jesus meant, since Jesus did not say that those who come out of the tombs will do good things or do bad things, on the contrary, he spoke in the past tense, because he said "those who did good things » and «those who did bad things». Which indicates that Jesus is referring to the things they did before they died.
The opportunity to make a good name before Jehovah is now and that we have the possibility of using our lives to do Jehovah's will and leave bad habits since in the new world Jehovah will not tolerate bad things.
When reading these words we must pay close attention to what Jesus meant, since Jesus did not say that those who come out of the tombs will do good things or do bad things, on the contrary, he spoke in the past tense, because he said "those who did good things » and «those who did bad things». Which indicates that Jesus is referring to the things they did before they died.
The detail that the brothers also paid attention to was in the tense of the verb because the verb did not say those who will do good things but those who did because Jesus was speaking in the past tense for these people who were resurrected, when they were resurrected from then on What they just do will be taken into account, but Jesus was saying those who did good and bad things will all be resurrected, but it depends on what they do in the future, it will also depend on what will happen to them.
15. Who will receive “a resurrection of life,” and why?
Those who will receive "a resurrection of life" are the just people, that is, the people who before dying did good things, and the reason is because their names will be written in the book of life. Of course, when the just are resurrected, they will have to remain faithful so that their names are not erased from the book of life.
When the righteous die then their sins will be erased but their loyalty that they showed in all the life they had will not and for that reason they will then receive a life restriction.
Hebrews 6:10 mentions that Jehovah is not unfair and that he does not forget the works and love that these just have shown or will show with his name, so when this resurrection occurs, they will have to continue making an effort so that their names remain written in the book of life
Those who will receive "a resurrection of life" are the just people, that is, the people who before dying did good things, and the reason is because their names will be written in the book of life. Of course, when the just are resurrected, they will have to remain faithful so that their names are not erased from the book of life.
16. What is the “resurrection judgment”?
It is the judgment of the people who did bad things before they died, since, although when they died their sins were erased, a record of loyalty will not be found in them, because their names are not written in the book of life. And it will take time to decide who deserves to have their name written in this book, and for this to happen the unjust will have to leave their previous misconduct and dedicate their lives to Jehovah.
Well, it is the resurrection of people who did bad things before dying and it is true that when one dies sin is erased, however, they did not have a record of loyalty, that is why their name was not written in their book in the book of life, it is that is why now they have to be resurrected and evaluated from the time they are resurrected onwards and that will take a while.
The note tells us that before we referred to a trial as directly a sentence and now we are seeing that it is not like that, the note tells us that a biblical dictionary defines that word as a conduct test, therefore as we are seeing that trial does not entail a sentence precisely but rather an evaluation a conduct test.
It is the judgment of the people who did bad things before they died, since, although when they died their sins were erased, a record of loyalty will not be found in them, because their names are not written in the book of life. And it will take time to decide who deserves to have their name written in this book, and for this to happen the unjust will have to leave their previous misconduct and dedicate their lives to Jehovah.
In paragraph 2, the text of Isaiah 65:20 was quoted and it was said that someone who denied this help even if they were 100 years old would be eliminated. to the person perhaps a few more or less but it will be a period of time in which Jehovah will be evaluating this person to pass sentence.
17, 18. What will those resurrected on earth have to do, and what are the “deeds” mentioned at Revelation 20:12, 13?
Regardless of whether they have been just or unjust in the past, the resurrected will have to abide by the laws of the new scrolls that will be opened during the 1000 years, and according to what is written in those scrolls, people will be judged for their actions. Actions. And these actions are not their deeds from the past, since with death they were absolved of their sins. Rather, these actions refer to how they respond to the teachings they will receive in the new world.
We must remember that those who died before Jesus did not know much of the scriptures, so they could not put their teachings into practice or exercise faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. So, during the Millennium you will have this opportunity. It is interesting that among these people there will be Biblical characters of recognized loyalty such as Samuel David Daniel among many others.
If it matters that they have been fair or unfair in the past, the resurrected will have to abide by the new scrolls that will be opened during the 1000 years and according to what is written in those scrolls, people will be judged for their actions and these actions, well They are not their deeds from the past since with death they were already absolved of their sins, rather these actions are referring to how they respond to the teachings they receive in the new world.
And it will be by the actions that you do after having received this teaching in the new world that will be given to you then according to the actions that you do regarding these things that you have learned.
How wonderful is the justice of Jehovah also because the just and the unjust both paid for their sins with death then of course the just managed to write with a pencil so to speak in the book of life but both paid then Jehovah gives them both the opportunity to what now they demonstrate what it is that they do, so that is why we see that Jehovah is demonstrating through this arrangement a wonderful justice and we are also grateful that we have this new understanding and this light.
In this paragraph we have the example of faithful men from the past like Noah, Samuel David and Daniel, they also have to stand firm in these 1000 years.
Such actions reveal Jehovah's sense of equality and will also present a challenge even to faithful men in the past because there are new understandings now and some may find it hard to accept, perhaps men like David who are used to leading or ruling may find themselves in a A different situation will test Jehovah's loyalty, so it will be an interesting period but it shows that our name written in the book of life has to take an effort on our part.
Even servants loyal to Jehovah such as Samuel David and Daniel are going to have to learn about Jesus Christ and show faith in that sacrifice, so much more because these people have not shown that loyalty and do not know Jehovah.
19. How will those who reject this magnificent opportunity end up?
Revelation 20:15 says it clearly, they will be thrown into the lake of fire. That is, they will be destroyed forever. Hence the importance of making sure that our name is written in the book of life and that it has not been erased until the time comes for it to be permanently written by Jehovah.
Those who do not accept the opportunity to have their name written in the book and have eternal life and reject it will have the consequence that Revelation 20:15 says that they will be completely destroyed forever.
20. What exciting work will be accomplished during the Thousand Year Reign? (See cover drawing.)
The largest Education program that has ever been carried out on earth will be carried out. Therefore, it will be a very exciting period. How can we see in the cover image, where a brother can be seen participating in this great Education program and people who died in different stages of history United, learning the justice of Jehovah, as mentioned in Isaiah 26:9.
Today we are participating in the unique work of bearing witness to the good news and in this thousand-year reign a new exciting period is about to begin in which we are going to participate in the greatest education program that has ever been carried out on earth.
And when I see this picture here, I am struck by the fact that today Jehovah is educating us in some way because he is showing us what we will have to do in the new world, so he is preparing us for a great job there.
In the drawing we can see the great crowd that survives Armageddon and also the resurrected, there, for example, you can see a brother perhaps talking about Daniel's prophecies and who knows if Daniel himself will participate in this teaching for other people who do not know Jehovah and who want to become friends with him and dedicate themselves to him.
In Paradise, a brother gives Bible classes to the resurrected. With the help of maps and a diagram, he explains the meaning of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream mentioned in Daniel chapter 2.
A brother participates in the great education program that will take place during the Millennium. (See paragraph 20).
What names are written in the “book of life”?
It contains the names of all who worship Jehovah with fear or deep respect, and who love his Name.
Our name can be written in that book if we develop a close, personal relationship with Jehovah based on the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ.
And in this study we saw that there are three groups, the names of those who are there, and they are the anointed, the first group that will rule with Christ in heaven, the righteous, who are those who die faithful to Jehovah and will be resurrected, and the great crowd of other sheep. what are those who worship Jehovah today and have the hope of living forever on earth.
The names of those of us who love Jehovah with respect and those of us who have faith in Jesus.
For these names that are written in the book of life are those that have been selected to reign with Christ in heaven, who are the anointed, the great crowd of other sheep, and the just who did good things before they died.
What is the “resurrection of life”?
It is the resurrection of “those who did good things”,
And this resurrection of John 5:29, is the same as the resurrection of the "righteous" mentioned in Acts 24:15. This explanation fits with what is said in Romans 6: 7: "He who dies is acquitted of his sin." When the righteous die, their sins are erased, but their record of loyalty remains intact.
It is the resurrection of just people who, before dying, were already doing the will of Jehovah, but after resurrecting, they will have to continue doing that will in order to stay alive and have their names written in that book.
What is the “resurrection judgment”?
It is the resurrection of the unjust and they will be judged, in the sense that they will be evaluated. It will take time to decide who deserves to have their name written in the book of life. For this to happen, the unrighteous will have to turn from their previous misconduct and dedicate their lives to Jehovah.
This resurrection of judgment is a time in which those who are resurrected have to go through a time of evaluation and examination because before they did not know anything and now they have to learn the new scrolls, then it will be known if they are faithful or not.
People considered unjust who did not do the will of Jehovah during their life here on earth and who during the 1000 years of the reign of Jesus Christ will be evaluated with the new scrolls that will be opened at that time.
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