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Espiritual Gems: (10 min.)
2Ki 12:1. Why did Jehovah make sure that Jehoash was not killed when he was little? (it-2 29 para. 2).
The reason why Jehovah made sure that Jehoash was not killed was to preserve the lineage of David that led to the Messiah. Despite the fact that this lineage was about to be completely cut off, Jehovah did not allow that to happen. That is why thanks to Jehoash surviving and becoming the father of sons and daughters through his two wives, the royal lineage was able to continue. .
When Jehoash was a boy and reached the age of seven, the high priest Jehoiadah placed his trust in five chiefs, to whom he revealed for the first time the existence of the legal heir to the throne. Jehoiada then armed the 500 men, under the command of these chieftains, with shields and weapons from the temple, and instructed them to stand guard around Jehoash at the coronation ceremony to be held in the temple courtyard. Anyone who tried to interfere was to be put to death.
Jehoiada entered into a covenant of faithfulness between Jehovah and the newly appointed king along with the people, after which they tore down the house of Baal and destroyed its altars and images, and even put Matan, the priest of Baal, to death.
While the high priest Jehoiadah lived and served as Jehoash's father and adviser, the young monarch prospered. He married at the age of twenty-one, and had two wives, one of whom was named Jehoadan, and through them Jehoash became the father of sons and daughters. In this way he regained strength in the lineage of David that led to the Messiah, a lineage that was about to be completely cut off.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Kings 11:12. We see that the priest Jehoiada placed on Jehoash the diadem and the testimony and anointed him as king, which symbolically obligated the king to rule according to divine law. That teaches me that not even the kings appointed by Jehovah are above his law and this has not changed. Therefore, we must keep in mind that although we must respect human governments and their laws. It is the law of Jehovah that is in first place and it is only to him that we owe absolute obedience.
2 Kings 11:1,2. This text highlights a clear difference between stealing and stealing, since it shows that stealing is carrying out a secret or furtive action. Stolen was precisely what Jehoseba did to protect Jehoash, since she stole him from among her brothers so that Athaliah would not die in the hands of the wicked.
2 Kings 11:12, 13. Shows how the traitor Athaliah cried out in the house of Jehovah Conspiracy! Conspiracy!. Which leaves us with a warning, since many times what they jump quickly to reproach others, are the first to have reprehensible behavior, as was the case with Athalía.
2 Kings 11:21. He shows that Jehoiada made a covenant between Jehovah, the king, and the people in which they pledged to remain Jehovah's people. And by another pact between the king and his people that led to the abolition of idolatry. With these pacts the people would have peace. This teaches me that for Jehovah's people to have peace and joy they must dedicate themselves to serving Jehovah with pure worship.
2 Kings 11:1,3. It shows that Jehoseba kept Jehoash hidden for 6 years, while Athaliah reigned in the country and in this way David's lineage did not become extinct. This teaches us that Jehovah does what he has to do in order to fulfill his purpose. Which is encouraging because he shows us that he also does what he has to do to fulfill the promises of the Kingdom.
2 Kings 11:4,11. It shows us how Jehoiada chose the Sabbath for the coup because on the day the guards changed their shifts and thus two groups of guards could gather in the temple at the same time without attracting attention. This teaches us that like Jehoiada we too can use subtle strategies to take the preaching to dangerous places or where there is opposition.
2 Kings 11:4,11. He shows that one of the reasons Athaliah was able to reign for 6 years was because no one knew of any alternative. Today many people live under the rule of Satan because they do not really know that there is a rightful king ready to rescue them. This teaches me that I must make an effort in the Ministry to carry the message of the kingdom so that more people know the Biblical truth and have the opportunity to be freed from Satan and his evil system.
2 Kings 11:18,21. We see that all the people of the country went to the temple of Baal, tore down the altars, smashed its images, and killed the priest. This text can be used in the Ministry to explain to people that sometimes to eliminate traits of the false relationship it is necessary to take drastic measures How to eliminate images or statuettes of Saints, virgins, crucifixes or pagan symbols that can be had in the home or among our jewels, even if they are very valuable. Because in order to offer Jehovah the exclusive worship that he demands, all ties to false worship must be cut at all costs.
2 Kings 12:2. It shows that Jehoash did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah during all the days that Jehoiada the priest did not instruct. This teaches us the importance of young people surrounding themselves with good company, such as the mature spiritual brothers of the congregation and the elders, in this way, they will benefit from their experience and good advice.
2 Kings 12:4,5. shows that Jehoiada told the priests that the money brought to the house of Jehovah was to be used to repair damage to the house of Jehovah. This teaches us that in the same way, at present, part of the contributions we make are used for the maintenance of the kingdom halls and assembly halls or for the construction of new halls, so we must strive to continue contributing to despite the hard times.
2 Kings 12:19-21. It shows that Jehoash's servants rose up against him, plotted, and killed him. That lets me see that the blessing of Jehovah was no longer with Jehoash as it was in the beginning. This teaches me that we can lose Jehovah's protection and blessing if we stop keeping our vows and if we stop doing what is right in his eyes.
2 Kings 12:19-20. The story of Jehoash concludes with his murder, the parallel story of 2 Chronicles lets us see that after the death of Jehoiadá, the king began to distance himself from Jehovah, his case teaches us that we must not do what is right only by In the beginning, as Jehoash did, we always have to behave well and to do so it is very important that our friends are people who love Jehovah and encourage us to serve him.
2 Kings 12:9-12. We see that Jehoás carried out a project so that donations for the repairs that had to be made in the temple of Jehovah were received, and for this it was necessary to buy materials and hire labor for the work, that same model is followed today since Jehovah's organization makes good use of the donations they receive for the construction and maintenance of theocratic buildings.
2 Kings 12:2. The Bible says that Jehoash did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah during all the days that Jehoiada the priest instructed him, that shows that the example of this faithful priest made this king do the things that Jehovah approves, but it also shows that, ultimately, the decision to remain faithful to God is one's own and no one else can make that decision for us.
2 Kings 11:20. The story says that all the people of the country were very happy and the city was at peace, because they had killed Athaliah with the sword next to the king's house, the people of Israel were happy when they saw that those who oppressed and opposed them to true worship were enrolled, that same joy will be felt by Jehovah's faithful servants when people who oppose pure worship are also eliminated.
2 Kings 11:16. Some believe that the Horse Gate communicated the two parts of the temple enclosure and the palace, since in the account of Athaliah's execution it is said that when the soldiers took her out of the temple they reached that gate, however, it probably was not. it was more than an entrance to the precincts of the royal palace and not the Horse Gate through which horses entered and left the city.
2 Kings 11:4. Some scholars believe the guards Many scholars believe the Carian guard was just another name for the Kerethites, who are said to have served in the military forces of David and Solomon and were the personal guards of these kings.
2 Kings 11:1, 2. Jehoseba, Jehoash's aunt, showed great courage as she saved his life by 'stealing him from among his brothers' so that he would not die like them at the hands of the iniquitous Athaliah, soon we must also demonstrate that same level of bravery when we don't face persecution.
2 Kings 11:10. We see that the soldiers received spears and shields as part of their equipment to defend themselves and protect Jehoash. It is true that we do not take the literal mature. But in a spiritual sense, the Bible says in Ephesians 6:10-18, that we must equip ourselves with spiritual armor, our weapons are spiritual. That is why it is very important to examine how our armor is.
2 Kings 11:12. We see that God commanded that when the king will sit on the throne he had to write to make a copy of the law and study and apply it throughout his life. Placing the testimony on the new king may have been a brief symbolic gesture illustrating that although he was now king he was not above Jehovah's law. This teaches us that when we receive any privilege or responsibility, we have to study the law and apply it throughout our lives, because even if we have those privileges, it does not mean that we are above our brothers, since they are the laws of Jehovah that are above us. above all of us.
2 Kings 11:17. When we were dedicated and baptized we made a covenant with Jehovah in which we promised to serve him forever. With our best effort, that is why it is important to be aware of it and finish what we start instead of acting on impulse due to pressure from others or by imitating others.
2 Kings 12:2. Jehoás was an orphan, but the priest Jehoiada instructed him, and this was decisive in educating and forming him. In our day there are some who are like orphans in the congregation, both literally and spiritually, and they benefit from finding spiritual parents and mentors who guide, instruct, and train them to be worthwhile servants of Jehovah.
2 Kings 12:3. We see that there were high places where people worshiped Baal. For example, nowadays there are idolatrous people, not necessarily related to pagan idols, but also talking about idols from sports, movies, immoral entertainment that is on a cell phone. People give their time their devotion and sadly some brothers have been neglected and have fallen into this type of trap or fish, that is why we must take care of ourselves and if we have fallen into that, get up without delay.
2 Kings 12:4. Some have thought that because the Kingdom Hall does not ask for tithing, therefore one should never contribute. But that is not what the Bible teaches, in 2 Corinthians 9:7, God wants us to give willingly and this is necessary to attend to the repairs and maintenance of the Kingdom Hall. As well as other types of necessary expenses, that is why it is very important to keep this in mind and I am blessed for taking it into account in all our ways.
2 Kings 12:7. Jehovah expects us to be diligent in the congregation, he does not contribute, But those who do not receive should do their part using the money correctly with diligence, This is something that encourages everyone and Jehovah Blesses our leadership and good disposition.
2 Kings 12:10-12. Jehovah expects us to be responsible and leadership in caring for our kingdom hall, no matter if it is a model Kingdom Hall or a rented space. Since it is the place where we meet to worship Jehovah. Therefore, we must keep it clean, tidy, in a dignified manner.
2 Kings 12:15, Trust is like money, Hard to earn and so easy to lose, That's why if we want others to trust us, We must remember that trust is earned, that's why words don't They are useless if there are no actions. Therefore, instead of demanding or imposing that they trust us, we want to demonstrate that our actions are trustworthy.
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