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2Ki 10:29, 31. What lesson can we learn from what ultimately happened to Jehu? (w11 11/15 5 pars. 6-7)
This ending teaches us a very important lesson, since we may have been serving Jehovah for a long time and demonstrating a very spiritual behavior in all fields, both theocratically and personally. But that does not give us the security that we will not fail Jehovah later, that is why this story teaches us that we should not take our relationship with Jehovah for granted, but on the contrary, we must cultivate loyalty to our heavenly father every day and we do that by studying the Bible, meditating on it, and having sincere communication with him.
When Jehovah chose Jehu, he met very well the requirements to be used by Jehovah to end Ahab's dynasty. Jehovah even chose Jehu because he had done well and fulfilled his commission. But the scriptures also indicate that Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of Jehovah with all his heart, on the contrary, he thought it convenient to make a religious separation thus maintaining the cult of calves.
The information mentions that possibly Jehu considered that for Israel to continue independent from Judah, the religious separation between the two kingdoms was extremely important and thus, how the previous kings of Israel were also trying to keep them separate. And by following that line he continued with the cult of calves. Which would be a lack of trust in Jehovah, since how do we know he had made him king.
It is true that Jehovah praised Jehu for having done well and for having fulfilled the commission that he had appointed him, however the scriptures also indicate in 2 Kings 10:30 31, that Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of Jehovah with with all his heart, and this expression is interesting because when it refers to "All", it means something "Complete", that is why it is very important to take into account that when we serve Jehovah, we have to do it as he asks us, with a "complete heart", and in that way Jehovah will feel happy and only then will our worship be approved by him.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Kings 10:15. It shows us how Jehonadab willingly accepted Jehu's invitation to get on the chariot. The great crowd accepts the invitation to willingly support Jesus Christ, the modern Jehu, and his anointed followers.
2 Kings 10:15. This same text in another application shows that Jehonadab received a blessing when he was invited to mount Jehu's chariot to see the destruction of the Baal worshipers and that this occurred because Jehonadab Resolutely came out to greet Jehu. We can use this text in the Ministry to teach that when people willingly accept the preaching of the good news, my queen, and we take them to their homes, they could also accept a blessing from Jehovah to change their lives for good and for forever.
2 Kings 10:29. He shows that Jehu did not turn away from following the golden calves that were at Dan and Bethel, although it seemed impossible that being such a zealous man he would fall into idolatry. This teaches me that it doesn't matter how many years you have the truth or what privileges you have achieved, as we are all imperfect, if we don't care we can fall into the clutches of Satan and his evil system. Therefore, experiences like Geo's encourage us to be alert.
2 Kings 10:29. This same text in another application we see that Jehu fell into idolatry thought that to keep the two kingdoms separate it was necessary to perpetuate the cult of calves, but in reality that was a lack of trust towards Jehovah who had made him king. This teaches me that a fracture in our trust can bring Jehovah's disapproval. Therefore, I must strive to strengthen my trust in Jehovah more each day.
2 Kings 9:17. It shows that Jehu most likely brought a large military force with him to ensure that he achieved his objective against the house of Ahab. This teaches me the importance of surrounding ourselves with mature brothers in a spiritual sense in order to benefit from their experience, since they can help us a lot when preparing our assignments, giving studies and in preaching and in this way we would be achieving our goal of continue to progress spiritually.
2 Kings 9:20. We see how the watchman exclaimed that it was crazy How he guides, because Jehu had the reputation of guiding his chariot quickly, but this time the rush to carry out the special mission imposed by Jehovah led them to launch into a dizzying race. This is an example for us today's servants of Jehovah, since we have a special and urgent commission to preach and teach the good news of the kingdom. Therefore, like Jehu we must be fast in the sense of being very active in the Ministry.
2 Kings 9:20. Jehu had a reputation for driving his chariot impetuously, even more so when he was on his way to fulfill his commissions. This example should motivate us to ask ourselves: With what reputation do I want my brothers and the people who know me to recognize me? Surely we all want to be recognized as zealous proclaimers of the Kingdom. Consequently, like Jehu, we must make ourselves evident in the eyes of others through our hard work.
2 Kings 9:31. It shows the fulfillment of the prophecy about the wicked Jezebel. Studying this prophecy strengthens our faith in the word of God because we see that for Jehovah the damage done to his faithful servants does not go unnoticed in his eyes and goes unpunished.
2 Kings 10:30,31. We see that although Jehu made mistakes, Jehovah appreciated how much he had done, because he is not unjust to forget the work of his servants. I find these texts very encouraging because although I strive to do things Jehovah's way, I know that in my imperfection I make many mistakes. For this reason, knowing that Jehovah highly values my dedication in service strengthens me and motivates me to want to improve more every day.
2 Kings 9:1,10. We see how Elisha sent one of the sons of the Prophets to anoint Jehu as king and order him to kill all the males of Ahab's apostate house. This text makes us reflect on how we react when we are given an assignment in the congregation AND how we react to the instructions of the slave or to the arrangements of the congregation. It is good to meditate on this, to never forget who is really behind these instructions.
2 Kings 9:11,14. It shows that after receiving the order from the prophet Elisha to kill the men of the apostate house of Ahab, Jehu did not rush but meditated conscientiously on the best way to accomplish that mission. This teaches me that we, the servants of today, should not rush when carrying out a commission or assignment. On the contrary, we must analyze how to carry it out in the best way so that it really fulfills its mission and also gives honor and glory to Jehovah Jehovah.
2 Kings 10:29. We see that Jehu though he strove to cleanse Israel from Baal worship did not have a complete heart toward Jehovah, for he turned away from Jeroboam's sin related to the golden calves. This teaches me that it is one thing to think that we are right with Jehovah and another very different thing can be the reality. Therefore, it is very important to constantly examine ourselves to see what changes we must make and thus take care of our relationship with our beloved heavenly father.
2 Kings 9:7,26. He describes the severe judgment against the house of Ahab, showing that false worship and the shedding of innocent blood are detestable things in Jehovah's eyes. This teaches me that I must be very careful not to contaminate even the least in my relationship with the traits of false worship, so I must constantly self-examine.
2 Kings 9:20. He shows that Jehu had a reputation for driving his chariot impetuously, indicating his zeal to fulfill his commission. This verse should lead us to reflect on the state of our soil for service, and to ask ourselves if despite our circumstances we are zealous preachers. If not, we must quickly make the necessary corrective measures.
2 Kings 9:36. It shows how a prophecy from Jehovah was fulfilled when dogs ate Jezebel's meat on the Jezreel ground. We can use this text in the Ministry to teach that we can be sure that the word that comes out of Jehovah's mouth always has sure success. Therefore, it is worth learning more about the wonderful promises of the Kingdom through a study of the Bible with book enjoy life.
2 Kings 9:3. We see that oil in Biblical times was used for different purposes, one of which was to anoint someone for a specific purpose. In our days the Anointed do not receive their call through oil, but in a way, we must all strive to keep our oil lamps filled through our faith and spirituality each week, avoid overconfidence and trust that Jehovah will give what corresponds to the Anointed and the other sheep.
2 Kings 9:4. It shows that the prophet had a servant, an assistant, this reminds us of our brothers who are ministerial servants, elders, who is the whole are servants, since they serve the congregation, how valuable and important is the work they do so that everything is carried out every week in the meetings they do it voluntarily, without receiving a single penny as salary, but with a mentality of serving the congregation. Without a doubt, we appreciate and value the work of our brothers who help us greatly.
2 Kings 9:7-10. We see that for Jehu to be Jehovah's anointed was not to feed his ego, and feel head of the people, but to clean up the corruption, and the great wickedness of Jezebel, her husband and descendants, this required a lot of courage on Jehu's part, and he had experience in warfare, he was determined not to be an accomplice to them in their wickedness and acts of corruption since he only thought of putting an end to everything they did. This makes me think that privileges in the congregation carry a great and serious responsibility, since Jehovah expects us to carry out our tasks or assignments in a correct way for the well-being of all his sheep.
2 Kings 9:7-10. We can give this same text another application, since Jehovah is aware of every evil injustice that happens to his people and at due time he will cleanse his organization, in this case of an anointed who was king of Israel and the wicked his wife. So that makes us tremble to think that Jehovah cleanses his organization in due time, no matter how high a position someone reaches, no one escapes Jehovah's justice, and this motivates us to cultivate the fear of God and act justly in all time.
2 Kings 9:13. Since they were completely absorbed in their mission and devoted themselves to it with zeal and courage, their behavior may have seemed strange or even irrational to others, just as military commanders thought of a certain prophet when he anointed Jehu. However, once they realized that the man was a prophet, the chiefs took his message very seriously.
2 Kings 9:20. Jehu's reputation for driving his chariot impetuously indicates his zeal to fulfill his commission. This encourages each of us to ask ourselves if we are known to be zealous Kingdom proclaimers. But we must remember and not confuse zeal with recklessness or lack of caution, we can be zealous and exemplary, without acting recklessly or lacking good judgment in the congregation.
2 Kings 9:30. Jezebel adorned herself and made up to try to seduce Jehu, but he was focused and knew and understood what Jehovah's will was, not this leaves us with an important lesson regardless of whether we are men or women. Although it is true that we take care of our external appearance, we are never it will happen to try to make other brothers stumble we do well to examine well what style of clothing we are wearing, since if we love our brothers we will not do anything that can make them stumble.
2 Kings 10:11. Perhaps some of us can be scandalized by what Jesus did and by Jehovah's order, perhaps it seemed extremist to them, the interesting thing is that for many of them the evils, injustices and abuses committed around here, they know it was something normal, in a certain way people feel They have become accustomed to the bad, but that does not mean that it is right, that prepares us because in the future we will be witnesses of Jehovah's judgments on this system and its powers, and we should not think that moral degradation and the collapse of the system is something normal.
2 Kings 10:16,29. It teaches us that someone can seem very jealous, but that does not mean that being is the same as appearing, or appearing very jealous is the same as being faithful and integrated Jehovah. That makes us think of the trap of being too fair and severe with others in certain matters. Since in other ways we might stumble eventually, so we guard against overconfidence and cultivate humility and integrity as Christ did at all times.
2 Kings 9:1. We see that in this text the expression "Tie your clothes around your waist" is used. In the previous version it said: "Girdle your loins", This means that it was preparing to do some activity. In our case we do something similar before going to meetings and participate in preaching, we tie our clothes around our waists, or we girdle our loins, when we prepare ourselves conscientiously, that is, we prepare our hearts. And we can do it when we prepare in advance for all our studies both during the week and at the weekend and we also do it by preparing our assignments well, if we do it we will be Showing that we are tying our clothes at the waist.
2 Kings 9:1-5. The first time we read of Jehu in the Scriptures we find him sitting with the military leaders of Israel. Jehu was a high-ranking officer, possibly the commander of the army that was fighting the Syrians at Ramoth-gilead. The prophet Elisha sent one of the sons of the prophets to anoint him king and order him to kill all the males of Ahab's apostate house.
2Kings 9:10. Jehovah's judgment against his enemies sometimes consisted of dogs eating their carcasses or licking their blood. Due to the procedure of absolute infidelity followed by kings Jeroboam, Baasha and Ahab, anyone who belonged to their respective houses and who died in the city had to be devoured by dogs, fulfillment of the word of Jehovah, the dogs licked the blood of They finished and devoured Jezebel's flesh.
2 Kings 9:20. Jehu's reputation for driving his chariot impetuously indicates his zeal for fulfilling his mission. Recognizing that zeal can motivate us to ask questions such as, Are we known to be a zealous Kingdom proclaimer?
2 Kings 9:30-34. The next member of Ahab's house to be eliminated was the evil queen Jezebel, whom Jehu called "she is accursed." Entering Jezreel, Jehu saw her looking out a window of her palace and instantly ordered her court officials to throw her into the void. Thereupon, she trampled with her horse the one she had corrupted Israel.
2 Kings 10:1-14. After finishing with Jezebel, Jehu killed dozens of members of Ahab's iniquitous house, thus demonstrating that he was willing to fulfill his mission and finish it completely, his example shows us that we must also fulfill our responsibilities in the congregation in the best way.
2 Kings 10:15. Just as Jehonadab readily accepted Jehu's invitation to join the chariot, we must accept every invitation that Jehovah and his organization extend to us in order to serve him in all facets of Christian ministry.
2 Kings 10:18, 19. Jehu announced that he was going to make a great sacrifice to Baal, but this was an idea to finish off the devotees of Baal, to achieve this feat, he had to be zealous, determined and courageous, as Christians we When faced with circumstances that demand Jehu-like qualities from us, we must resolutely, courageously, and promptly reject temptation, and when it comes to our devotion to Jehovah, we cannot tolerate any rivalry.
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