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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 28.
1. What is one way to show that we value what God and Christ have done for us?
We can demonstrate it both with our words and deeds, in this way we strengthen our friendship with both Jesus and Jehovah.
One way to do it is by putting yourself in the sacrifice that Jesus made, and thanks to your father who instructed you. However, not only with faith in words, but with our actions. That way we believe in Jesus and in Jehovah, but not only that, but we take it into account in every decision we make.
In James 2:17 he mentions that faith by itself if it is not accompanied by works is a dead faith. For this reason, if we want to be grateful to Jehovah and Jesus, we have to show it with our actions, since the decisions we make will show whether we have faith or not.
2. What special occasion allows us to show our appreciation to Jehovah and Jesus?
The occasion of the commemoration of his death that is celebrated year after year, then, Jesus commanded his apostles to continue celebrating that dinner in his name.
This annual celebration allows us to thank both Jesus for his sacrifice and Jehovah for sending his son to Earth. By attending this celebration we show that we appreciate the great love that Jehovah and Jesus have for us.
3. Gratitude drives us to act
Why is the sacrifice of Jesus a special gift?
Because as the text says, thanks to Jesu s' sacrifice we can have hope again and that our sins can be forgiven.
Because, it is a great show of love that Jesus and his father showed humanity, giving us as a gift the opportunity to be forgiven of our sins and thus be able to benefit from a better future later.
How does it feel to think about what Jehovah and his Son did for you?
Well, we are very grateful for this beautiful gift, because if it weren't for them we wouldn't have any kind of hope and we couldn't have a relationship with God.
Of course very grateful, because thanks to the love that Jehovah and Jesus had for us, we have the privilege of being able to have a second chance to live forever in my future. As well as being forgiven for our sin, without a doubt, what Jehovah and Jesus did for us is a valuable gift.
How can we show our gratitude?
We show our gratitude by no longer living for ourselves, but for Christ, that is, we focus on following in his footsteps. We also show appreciation when we love our neighbors in imitation of Jehovah who loves us despite our imperfection, and also when we obey his commandments
We demonstrate it when we live a life that is governed by God's fair standards, and we no longer live for ourselves, but everything we do as thanks for the sacrifice, and we will think about what is good and bad in the sight of Jehovah and Jesus. Another way to show our gratitude is by showing our brothers that love that Jehovah and Jesus had for us, since we must love one another and if we do all these things we will show gratitude and sacrifice.
4. We imitate Jesus
In what ways could you faithfully follow in Jesus' footsteps?
So I can imitate Jesus by being brave, resisting to the end when we go through difficulties. Also trying very hard to make the name of God known and not returning evil for evil to anyone.
1 Peter 2:21, reminds us that the sacrifice of Jesus served to leave us an example to follow, because Jesus before his death fulfilled his ministry, Jesus preached to all kinds of people, and as grateful followers of Christ, we must strive to faithfully follow the example of Jesus and preach to each person the message of the good news about God.
5. We celebrate the Commemoration of the death of Christ
To find out what happened the first time the Lord's Supper was celebrated, read Luke 22:14, 19, 20. Then discuss the following:
What happened at the Lord's Supper?
Jesus met with his disciples and sat at a large table, and the story says that he then took a piece of bread, gave thanks to his Father and distributed it to his disciples and did the same with the wine.
As the text of Luke 22 mentions, when Jesus was reunited with his apostles, he shared with them a piece of bread which, when doing so, he told them that it represented his body given in sacrifice, for the benefit of all. Just as he also took a cup of wine and shared it with everyone without saying beforehand, what is representing a new covenant validating with his blood.
What do the bread and wine represent? (See verses 19 and 20.)
The bread represents the perfect body of Jesus and the wine his blood.
Jesus made it clear that the bread represented his body, that a sacrifice had been given for the benefit of humanity, and that he came represented his blood, which allowed a new covenant to be made where humanity would enjoy this benefit.
What happens at the Memorial?
In the Commemoration, we listen to a speech referring to the date that we are remembering as the death of Jesus, and then we are spectators of the bread and wine since only the anointed can eat and drink from it.
As the video mentions, many people around the world gather to remember the death of Jesus. In it, learn what meaning this sacrifice has for us and what are the benefits and promises that Jesus made through this rescue.
How would you use John 3:16 and James 2:17 to explain that there are other things to do as well?
The example of John 3 16 says that we must have faith in Jesus and James 2:17 makes it very clear that faith without works is dead, so it is not enough to just believe.
By showing John 3:16 we can make the person see that it is important to also put faith in Jesus and in the sacrifice he made. It will not only be enough to believe, if not, we must demonstrate that we believe.
And with the text of James 2:17 we can let him know that in addition to putting faith, we must also do works, because faith without works would be dead. And we do this by putting into practice what Jehovah teaches us and letting others know what we have learned. In other words, preaching to them the good news that we have learned.
We express appreciation for what Jesus did for us by showing our faith in him and by attending the Memorial of his death.
How do you show faith in Jesus?
We demonstrate our faith in him through actions and words. In other words, our decisions must always be governed by what Jehovah asks of us.
In this study we have learned that we do it when we put into practice, putting Jehovah's teachings into practice, and imitating Jesus preaching to people.
Do you want to express to Jehovah and Jesus that you appreciate what they did for you? How would you like to do it?
Of course we do, we want to express it and I can do it if I no longer live for myself, but for Christ. In other words, I focus on following in his footsteps, and I also show gratitude when I love my neighbor in imitation of Jehovah who loves us despite our imperfection and also when I obey God's commands.
Of course, first putting faith in them, and accompanied by that, how gratitude to live a life under Jehovah's fair rules.
Why is it so important to attend the Memorial of Christ's death?
It is very important because it is one more demonstration of gratitude towards the sacrifice that Jesus made.
Because in this way we remember the great love that Jesus and Jehovah offer us, as well as attending is a sign of the gratitude that we want to show to those who gave us the opportunity to have a hopeful future.
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