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“Nothing gives me more joy than to hear that my children continue to walk in the truth” (3 JOHN 4).
Yellow : Direct Response.
Yellow the Dark : Additional Answer.
Celeste : Additional Points.
1. Why is it good for us to talk about how we came to know “the truth”?
"HOW did you know the truth?" I'm sure we've answered this question many times. It usually comes up when we meet other siblings. We love hearing how our companions came to know and love Jehovah. And we also like to tell them what the truth is for us (Rom. 1:11). These conversations remind us how fortunate we are to be Jehovah's Witnesses. They also reinforce our desire to continue “walking in the truth,” that is, to continue living to make Jehovah happy and to have his blessing (3 John 4).
2. What will we see in this article?
2 In this article, we will review some of the reasons we love the truth. We will also look at how we can continue to show that we value this valuable gift. In the end, we will feel more grateful that Jehovah has brought us to the truth (John 6:44). And we will feel even more eager to speak the truth with others.
3. What is the most important reason we love the truth?
3 There are many reasons why we love the truth. The most important is that we love Jehovah, who is the source of truth. Thanks to his Word, the Bible, we have learned that he is the almighty God who made the heavens and the earth. And, above all, that he is our heavenly Father, who loves us and cares about us (1 Pet. 5: 7). We know that he is “a God of mercy and compassion, patient and full of loyal love and truth” (Ex. 34:6). He loves justice (Isa. 61:8). Jehovah is pained to see us suffer and is very willing to end the suffering when the time that he has appointed arrives (Jer. 29:11). How we long for that day to come! No wonder we love Jehovah so much.
4, 5. Why did the apostle Paul say that our hope is like an anchor?
4 Another reason why we love the truth is because it helps us a lot in life. Let's see an example. Among the teachings we have learned in the Bible is the hope we have for the future. To underscore its value, the apostle Paul wrote: “This sure and firm hope that we have is like an anchor to the soul” (Heb. 6:19). Just as an anchor gives stability to a ship, the hope of the Bible gives us stability and calm when difficulties come.
5 When Paul said these words, he was thinking about the hope that anointed Christians have of going to heaven. But what he said also applies to Christians who hope to live forever on earth made a paradise (John 3:16). Without a doubt, the hope of living forever has given meaning to our lives.
6, 7. How did what the Bible teaches about the future help Yvonne?
6 Let's look at the case of a sister named Yvonne. She was not raised in the truth and as a child she was afraid of death. She remembers that she once read in a book this phrase that had a great impact on her: "Someday there will be no tomorrow." She recounts: “Those words kept me from sleeping at night; I was thinking about the future. She told me: 'Life cannot be just this. What do I do here?'. I didn't want to die!"
7 As a teenager, Yvonne was introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses. She says, "I started to believe that I could live forever in Paradise on Earth." Discovering the truth about her has helped her a lot, because she confesses: "I no longer stay awake at night thinking about the future or death . " No wonder Yvonne holds the truth dear, and she loves to share her hope with others (1 Tim. 4:16).
Image series: An anchor within a circle. 1. A paradisiacal landscape in which mountains, valleys full of vegetation and a river can be seen. 2. A sister preaches to a woman.
The truth of the Bible is like an anchor: Just as an anchor gives stability to a ship, the hope of the Bible gives us stability and calm when difficulties come. Biblical truth also prompts us to share our hope with others. (See paragraphs 4 to 7).
8, 9. (a) How did the man in Jesus' comparison show that he valued the treasure he found? b) How do you feel about the truth?
8 The good news of the Kingdom of God is also part of the truth of the Bible. Jesus compared the truth of the Kingdom to a hidden treasure. He said: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that was hidden in a field and was found by a man. The man hid it again and, out of the joy that he gave him, he went and sold all that he had and bought that field” (Matt. 13:44). A). As we can see, the man was not looking for the treasure. But, when he found it, he made a great sacrifice to keep it: "he sold everything he had." And why did he do that? Because he understood that that treasure was worth a lot, that it was worth much more than anything he could give in return .
9 Do you feel the same about the truth? Surely yes! B ). We know that nothing this world offers us compares to the joy of serving Jehovah now and the hope of living forever under God's Kingdom. Any sacrifice we make in order to have a close friendship with Jehovah is worth it. Being his friend is a great honor. And nothing gives us more joy than pleasing Jehovah in everything (Col. 1:10).
10, 11. What prompted Michael to change the course of his life?
10 Many Christians have made great sacrifices to please Jehovah. Some have given up prestigious careers in this world. Others have stopped seeking material riches. And there are others who completely changed the course of their lives when they met Jehovah. That's what Michael did, he wasn't raised in the truth. When he was young, he learned martial arts. He recounts: “I was proud of my good physical condition. […] Sometimes I felt invincible.” But he began to study the Bible, and learned what Jehovah thinks of violence (Ps. 11: 5). Speaking of the Witnesses who taught him, he recalls: “They never told me that he would give up martial arts. They just focused on teaching me the truth.”
11 The more Michael learned about Jehovah, the more he loved him. One idea that struck deep in his heart is knowing that God feels compassion for his servants. Michael came to understand that he had to make a decision that would completely change his life. He says: “I knew that leaving karate would be the hardest decision of my life. But he also knew that if he did, he would please Jehovah, and he was convinced that he was worth serving.” Michael knew how to value the truth that he had found, and that prompted him to make radical changes in his life (James 1:25).
Image series: A diamond within a circle. 1. A paradisiacal landscape in which mountains, valleys full of vegetation and a river can be seen. 2. A man gets rid of a box full of trophies and awards.
The truth of the Bible is like a treasure: Serving Jehovah now and hoping to serve him forever under the Kingdom of God is priceless. Any sacrifice we make is worth it. (See paragraphs 8 to 11).
12, 13. How did the truth of the Bible enlighten Mayli?
12 To emphasize the value of truth, the Bible compares it to a lamp that shines in the dark (Ps. 119:105; Eph. 5:8). Mayli from Azerbaijan is very grateful that the light of God's Word has illuminated her path. Two religions were practiced in her family: her father was Muslim and her mother Jewish. Mayli tells: “She did not doubt the existence of God, but there were things that she did not understand. She asked me: 'Why did you create us? What is the point of someone suffering a lifetime and then being tormented in hell?' People say that everything that happens is the will of God, and that made me think: 'Are we puppets in the hands of God? Will you enjoy watching us suffer?'”
13 Mayli kept searching for the answer to her questions . Later, he accepted a Bible course and became a Jehovah's Witness. He says: "Thanks to the overwhelming logic of the Bible, I now see life with different eyes and I have peace." Like Mayli, all of us who serve Jehovah praise him because he “called us out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Pet. 2:9).
Image series: An oil lamp within a circle. 1. A paradisiacal landscape in which mountains, valleys full of vegetation and a river can be seen. 2. A young woman meditates on what she has read in the Bible.
The truth of the Bible is like a lamp: A powerful lamp helps us not to get lost in the dark. Similarly, although we live in Satan's dark world, God's Word lights our way. (See paragraphs 12 and 13).
14. What can we do to love the truth more? (Also see the box “Other Comparisons”).
14 The comparisons we have seen in these paragraphs highlight the value of truth. Surely many others come to mind. Why don't we make it our goal to find out other reasons to love the truth ? The more we love the truth, the more we will show our love for it.
15. What is one way to show our love for the truth?
15 One way we show our love for the truth is by frequently studying the Bible and our publications. After all, no matter how long we have been in the truth, there are always things to learn. The first issue of this magazine in English said: “Truth, a small flower in the desert of life, is surrounded and almost suffocated by the abundant growth of the weed of error. If you aspire to find it, you must remain alert; […] if you want to possess it, you have to bend down. Don't settle for just one flower of truth. […] Keep collecting; keep looking.” To study, we must make an effort, but it is worth doing.
16. What study method has worked well for you? (Proverbs 2:4-6).
16 Not all of us like to read and study, but Jehovah asks us to keep seeking his knowledge with the goal of better understanding the truth (read Proverbs 2:4-6). If we do it with determination, we will always win. A brother named Corey says that when he does his Bible reading, he focuses on one verse at a time. He explains: “I read the footnotes, look for the marginal references, and do some research. […] This is how I get the most out of my reading”. Whether we use this method or not, if we spend time and effort studying the Bible, we show that we value the truth (Ps. 1:1-3).
17. What does it mean to live the truth? (James 1:25).
17 Of course, studying the truth is not all. To make the most of it, we must live the truth , that is, put into practice what we learn. Only then will the truth make us completely happy (read James 1:25). And how can we make sure that we are living the truth? A brother says that we can examine ourselves to see what we are doing well and where we can improve. The apostle Paul explained it this way: “Regardless of how far we have progressed, let us continue to walk correctly in that same path” (Phil. 3:16).
18. Why do we do our best to keep “walking in the truth”?
18 Let's think of all the good things that happen when we do our best to keep “walking in the truth.” Not only does it improve our lives , but we also rejoice the hearts of Jehovah and the hearts of our fellow Christians (Prov. 27:11; 3 John 4). There are no better reasons to love the truth and live the truth!
Why do we feel love for “the truth”?
Thanks to his Word, the Bible, we have learned that he is the almighty God who made the heavens and the earth. And, above all, that he is our heavenly Father, who loves us and cares about us.
Another reason because it helps us a lot in life.
What can we do to love the truth more?
Find out other reasons to love the truth? The more we love the truth, the more we will show our love for it.
How do we show that we love the truth?
One way we show our love for the truth is by regularly studying the Bible and our publications. After all, no matter how long we have been in the truth, there are always things to learn.
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