Watchtower Study, Keep “Building Up One Another”, Week of October 24-30, 2022, Practical Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Keep “Building Up One Another”, October 24-30, 2022, Comments and Responses.

“Keep encouraging one another and building one another up” (1 THES. 5:11).

1. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:11, in what work do we all participate?

According to 1 Thessalonians 5:11, we all participate in the spiritual building work of our fellow Christians.


As we saw there in the text that each one of us can help in building each other up spiritually.

Participating in this form of construction of kingdom halls in places of worship is also very important, it pleases Jehovah and it gives us great joy, much joy, we enjoy what we achieve and we have all surely experienced it at some time, but as has been commented on what what happens inside, the most important thing is the edification of the people who are there.

2. What will we see in this article?

In this article we will see how the apostle Paul spiritually built up his brothers in the faith, helping them endure trials to be at peace with one another and strengthen their faith in Jehovah. We will also see how to imitate the extraordinary example of him.


We will see how the apostle Paul helped his fellow Christians endure trials and be at peace with one another.

In the case of the apostle Paul, he did assume his responsibility to edify other Christians and we are going to try to copy his good example.

And as the first Corinthians rightly says imitate me just as I imitated Christ, simply by reading the gospels we already see all the example that Jesus set for us, so therefore the apostle Paul, just as I imitate him, we have to imitate them both and follow their example. 


3. What balanced viewpoint did Paul have?

The apostle Paul had a balanced point of both his physical or material needs, and his spiritual needs. Although he was a hard-working man, Paul was very clear that the main thing in his life was to serve Jehovah. So when he once ran out of money, and also when he was in Corinth, he worked making tents to earn a living. Yet every Sabbath he preached to both Jews and Greeks and once Silas and Timothy arrived, then at that point he devoted himself entirely to preaching. 


The fact that Paul was a balanced man in this regard gave him the necessary moral authority to advise and encourage his brothers not to let the pressures of life and the need to provide for the family lead them to neglect the worship of Jehovah . This teaches me that if we want to build our brothers we cannot do it only with words, but mainly we must do it with our own example.

On a certain occasion he ran out of money and had to go to work to get what was necessary for him and his companions, he worked with Aquila and Priscilla but every Saturday he preached to the Jews and to the Greeks, he always knew that the main thing in his life was to serve to Jehovah.

When Silas and Timothy arrived, he dedicated his full time to preaching, his situation changes, so thinking how I can serve Jehovah is better and today it is the same for us, we also need to review our situation, maybe it changes one day and we can do more for Jehovah another. time maybe a little less but we always want to give Jehovah the best of us.

4. How did Paul and Timothy help their brothers endure persecution?

The apostle Paul chose Timothy to go to the related region of Thessalonica to comfort and strengthen new Christians. It is there that a strong opposition was unleashed apparently because Timothy had suffered persecution in listra, he had seen how Paul had strengthened the brothers of that city and the support that Jehovah gave them. Therefore, he was the one to convey to these brothers the assurance that everything would turn out well. In short, we can say that Paul and Timothy helped their brothers in Thessalonica to endure persecution by building them up in the faith.


The apostle Paul reminded the Thessalonians that we sent Timothy to make them firm and comfort them for the good of their faith so that no one falters due to these difficulties, Timothy had seen how Paul strengthened the Christians of that city and the support that Jehovah gave them, so I could convey to these new brothers the assurance that everything would turn out well.

We see how they put themselves in the place of their brothers, they knew that they had to be very scared in the face of strong opposition from those around them and that they were new to the faith and what they did not want was for their love and zeal for Jehovah to cool down, so although they had to leave they sent Timothy, he had already suffered persecution in another city so he knew perfectly well how they were feeling and was prepared to comfort them.

Pablo understood what persecution was, he himself had suffered perhaps much more complicated persecution, he did not think well that is nothing what I am suffering maybe it was a little complicated but nothing compared to me on the contrary he understood that for them perhaps it was a very difficult decision and that is why he provided help, that shows that Paul really knew the brothers and loved them.

5. What good effect did the help he received from an elder have on Bryant?

It had a very positive effect, as Bryant says that thanks to the encouragement given to him by an elder in the congregation named Tony when he was just a teenager and going through a very difficult stage of his life due to the abandonment of his father and the expulsion of his mother, he was able to move forward spiritually and later come to serve Jehovah full-time.


Brother Tony not only cared for Bryant, who was now a spiritual orphan, but also cared for him, spending time with him in and out of the congregation, reading encouraging texts and stories from the Bible. And he told her the experiences of other brothers who had also gone through trials, but without losing their joy. You can imagine that this was a task that took place over time, and so it had a wonderful effect on Bryan, helping him to hold on to not get discouraged and set spiritual goals. Without a doubt, brothers like Tony are much needed in the congregations.

If the brother says that thanks to the encouragement, attention and affection that this brother gave him, he helped that later he will begin to serve full time and could enjoy great blessings.

I like the words as expressed by Brian who says that he feels abandoned and down and the old man did not read him directly Psalm 27:10 to give him advice and tell him that Jehovah was going to take care of him but he got down to work he He took care of the brother personally, he was giving that thing he needed and then I showed him how Jehovah was really taking care of him, only that he uses the congregation and how that good effect that that support had in the end made him serve full time and receive many joys and I wasn't alone.

And this was made possible because in the previous paragraph we saw how Paul and Silas made sure that the congregation was well cared for on this occasion this brother, like the congregation, was well cared for by the elders they appointed because then he received that help and today well We have to be very grateful because these elders continue to work to help and to keep the congregation well.

I really like what Brian says about this old man who was reading to him about Hezekiah and actually compared him. Look, Jehovah loved Hezekiah despite his personal situation and in the same way he loves you and if Ezekiah was able to get ahead, you will too to be able to get ahead.

And many times we are afraid, perhaps, to help brothers who have gone through traumatic situations, but like the old man, perhaps we have not gone through something similar, but we are a united brotherhood, because on today's page we can find experiences as Brian said , told me experiences of brothers who have gone through tests similar to mine, we can do the same to help.

6. How did Paul use the stories of God's servants of the past to encourage others?

Paul used the stories of faithful servants of the past such as those of Samuel, Gideon David or Baruch among many others, to encourage and strengthen his Christian brothers. Through them Paul reminded them that these servants had endured all kinds of difficult situations thanks to the strength that Jehovah gave them. In the same way he showed them that Jehovah would also help them to be brave and to be focused on their heavenly hope with which it would be easier for them to endure all the trials.  


Today we too can use those stories of faithful servants from the past as well as the examples of faith in our day for the same purpose. It is proven that this type of help is very beneficial for our Christian brothers and sisters since the world headquarters receives many letters from brothers and sisters who tell how their faith has been strengthened by reading the bibliographies of current servants and how that has helped them to withstand the tests.

Well, in Hebrews 12:1 we see that Paul included that the example of that cloud of witnesses was going to help them move forward, overcome difficulties and be brave, they encouraged him, they also encouraged them.

Sometimes we can think that Paul was a superman just like many other servants of the past but let us remember that all of these went through difficulties and if they go through difficulties it is because they were not supermen, where was their strength because as the paragraph says, Jehovah gave him the strength they needed in those difficult moments, so when we use stories with the brothers we can use them because these past servants had the difficulties that they were able to overcome thanks to the strength that Jehovah gave them, and that can help the brothers to feel better and regain strength and Lean on Jehovah when you need it most.

And it occurs to us when we read biographies of our brothers in modern times who go through very complicated situations but that their own life is an example that encourages us and sometimes we feel very identified, so we really enjoy reading those experiences. 


7. What does Paul's counsel in Romans 14:19-21 teach us?

It teaches us that the unity and peace of the congregation and the edification of our brothers must be above personal tastes, differences of opinion or the insistence of our rights. We see that Paul not only advised what is recorded in Romans 14:19-21, but that he himself was willing to change his way of acting in order not to stumble others and maintain the unity and peace of the congregation, so we would all do well to imitate his example.


The story of Romans 14:19-21 teaches us that faced with the possibility of hurting the conscience of a brother in the faith with our actions, brotherly love should prompt us to be considerate and refrain from certain actions even though we have the right to do them. For example, we have the right to drink alcoholic beverages in moderation because this does not violate any biblical principle. But if it is necessary in order not to stumble a brother we would not do it in his presence.

That we do not do anything that makes our brothers stumble but that the important thing is that we promote peace in the congregation without allowing differences of opinion to divide us and always looking for the things that build us up.

And it strikes me that Paul had the moral authority to advise this because he himself was willing to give up his preferences and tastes to adapt, as we see in first Corinthians 9:19 to 22, he adapted the Jews to the that they were lawless to the weak, he did everything so that people came closer to Jehovah, then that teaches us that our preferences and our tastes are not above the peace and affection that we have for our brothers.

8. What did Paul do when an important matter threatened the peace of the congregation?

This time it was a very important matter of the congregation, since there were those who insisted that non-Jewish men who became Christians should be circumcised, perhaps so that they would not be criticized. At this point we see that Paul did not agree with that way of thinking at all but even so, he did not want to impose his opinion, but rather, with humility he brought the matter before the governing body in Jerusalem in order to contribute in this way. way to the peace and happiness of the congregation.


Paul was a very good example when the congregation of the first century had brothers who insisted that those who were not Jews and became Christians should be circumcised, I thought that he had a very clear opinion, he did not impose on others but rather decided to consult before to the apostles and elders.

It is interesting that the paragraph mentions that Paul did not agree with that way of thinking at all, but equally he did not want to impose his opinion, but he was humble and, as has already been mentioned, he took the matter before the apostles and in this way way I help keep the peace of the congregation.

And we know that the way in which he carried out this situation was the most correct possible because in the account of events we see that once they went downstairs and so on and read the letter that he had written to them, they felt happy because of the words of encouragement , therefore the final result of what he did was totally productive for the congregation and promoted peace as we are seeing. 

9. What can we do to follow Paul's example?

To imitate Paul, if we find ourselves in a serious disagreement, we can seek guidance from the Bible and our publications and the guidance of the elders of the congregation and the guidelines of the organization. Another thing we can do is follow instructions to promote peace instead of promoting our personal opinions.


Instead of promoting our own opinions, we could follow the instructions given to us by the organization and thus also seek the guidance of the elders and also contribute and promote peace in the congregation together with them. 

10. How else did Paul foster peace in the congregation?

Another way that Paul found to promote peace in the congregation was not to highlight the faults of the brothers, but rather to focus on their qualities, for example at the end of his letter to the Romans he mentions some brothers by name and in some cases added comments positive or personal details about them.  


In our case, if we want to imitate Paul's example and edify our brothers by fostering peace in the congregation, we can speak openly about the good qualities that we see in them and in this way we would also be contributing not only to peace reigning, but also to the true love and friendship.

Well, instead of highlighting the faults of the brothers, he focused on their beautiful qualities. In fact, when he wrote, for example, the letter to the Romans, he mentioned many Christian women by name and in most of them he added something about these brothers, but it was always something positive. .

It is nice that the paragraph says that we should do it openly, not only tell the brother to give him praise, but to openly comment with other brothers on the good positive points that other brothers have, as the paragraph says, will make the brothers love each other more and be better friends.

Just as negative comments can have a very negative influence on the congregation and are in fact contagious, positive comments in the same way also help others to make everyone speak positively, so it is something that we can all do If we have to talk about a brother of a sister, let's focus on their good qualities, on the positive things they have and, as has already been mentioned, we can share them with others because that will have a very positive effect on the congregation. 

11. How can we restore peace when disagreements arise?

We can do the same as Paul, Barnabas and Mark who, after a strong disagreement and a heated discussion with outbursts of anger and separation included, settled things, thus demonstrating that for them the peace and unity of the congregation were very important. 


In our case we can also resolve any difference we have with our brothers no matter how serious the matter was, if we focus on their good qualities and not on their faults, in this way we would also be promoting peace and unity in the congregation as as Paul, Barnabas and Mark did.

Yes, here he also mentions an occasion in which there was a disagreement between Pablo and Barnabas as to whether they had to take Marcos on a trip or not and we see that they, well at that moment he says that there was a strong outburst of anger, got quite angry but we see that That was not forever, but they immediately tried to fix the situation, they talked about it because the most important thing was to keep the peace, then there were times when Pablo was able to show that they were fine by speaking well of both Bernabé and Marcos.

The paragraph encourages us all to resolve any difference, even small, that we have with other brothers in the congregation and always focus on their good qualities because, as Ephesians 4:3 says, we will be trying and doing everything possible to maintain unity thanks to the bond. of peace and we will be pleasing to Jehovah.

If, for example, in Colossians 4:10 we clearly see the relationship that Paul had when he told these Christians that they were going to receive Barnabas with pleasure, which also means that he spoke well to others of his qualities and made me think that if peace has a price we should all have a little change to be able to pay it in any circumstances.


12. What are some of the difficulties that our brothers face?

Some of the difficulties that our brothers face are teasing from non-witness family members or from co-workers or school mates. Other Brothers have been in the truth for a long time and are still waiting for the end to come. All of these situations can test a Christian's faith.


Well, one of them could be putting up with the teasing of non-witness relatives or coworkers or schoolmates.

For others are very sick coping with hurt feelings.

13. How did Paul help those who were mocked for being Christians?

How some Jewish Christians did not know how to respond to the mockery of their relatives when they said that Judaism was above Christianity, Paul helped them using the scriptures, and an example of this is the letter to the Hebrews, and so with a strengthened faith, Those brothers were able to use the powerful reasoning of Paul to leave those who criticized us without arguments.


This example teaches us that today We can also help the brothers who suffer from other people's mules, and we do it by teaching them to use our publications well so that they defend their beliefs. For example, if we teach our young brothers well the brochures “Is Life the Work of a Creator?” and "The Origin of Life," they will be better equipped to explain why they believe life was created and will be able to refute ridicule and criticism of their beliefs from non-witness family members and classmates.

Well, the apostle Paul used the scriptures that were available to him at that time to edify them and at that time logically the relatives could make some tell them that Judaism was above Christians, but Paul with his arguments and his reasoning it helped, for example I use Hebrews 1:5 and 6 where it was shown that Jehovah used Christ and that the other had already been left behind, but that would be one of the ways that they could strengthen and help them at that time.


We have a very nice photo here and that shows us that the father does not condemn his daughter because of the exact card, but rather, with the help of JW, he lovingly explains to her how Jehovah sees Christmas and we do not want to condemn anyone but rather help with love.

I loved the image of the father when he sees that the girl brings a little something for Christmas, he is not limited to just telling her that it cannot be done because Jehovah does not like it or because we do not celebrate Christmas, but rather that he is seen with his tablet looking for information to help her understand it and help her how she can withstand that pressure at school.

I like how it says here that we have to use our publications to defend their beliefs and we are going to help our brothers to use them but in order for us to help them we first have to understand our publications and know where we can go for help to explain to our students.

A father discusses a article with his young daughter. The girl holds a Christmas postcard in her hands.

How can we imitate the apostle Paul and edify others? (See paragraph 13). *

14. What did Paul do even though he was very busy preaching and teaching?

Although Paul was always very busy preaching and teaching, he encouraged his brothers to show love for one another by doing good deeds. To do this, for example, Paul was one of those in charge of bringing help to them when they went through a time of famine in Judea, and also when he helped poor Christians to strengthen their confidence that Jehovah would always take care of them. 


Today we also build the faith of our brothers when we use our time, Energies and skills of Relief work or when we make donations on a regular basis for the worldwide work. In these and other ways we can help our brothers trust that Jehovah will never abandon them.

Well, although he was very busy, he always looked for ways to help the Christians who were poor, one of the ways was when the Christians of Judea went through a time of famine, he was one of those in charge of bringing them help.

He did not simply help them with the word or try to help them spiritually, but as Hebrews 10:24 says, he showed love and did good deeds with them as the little sister commented because in times of hunger he helped many people who were poor.


In addition to helping the brothers we are strengthening the faith of the brothers who are seeing these actions as it happened with Paul, when we see these images we see our brothers helping quickly it is engraved in our hearts that Jehovah will take care of us no matter what happens forever.

It is good to remember that sometimes we cannot go to those places, we do not have the opportunity, perhaps we do not have the time, we have to attend to family responsibilities, but we can all contribute by contributing our donations to the world work and then the slave will use the fund to help our brothers who are far away.

A married couple helps a sister and her little daughter after a devastating fire.

How can we imitate the apostle Paul and edify others? (See paragraph 14). *

15, 16. How should we treat those who have become spiritually weak?

We should treat each other the same way Paul treated them. To begin with, we must not give up. On the contrary, we must show them compassion and speak to them in a loving and positive way, and if we have to give them advice, then we will include ourselves to show them that we must also apply said advice. Another way in which we can invite Paul is to confirm these brothers that Jehovah has not forgotten their good deeds. 


When, with signs of love, we make our brothers and sisters who have weakened in faith see that we have not given them up for lost, we are building them up. If we use kind words with them to remind them of how important they are to us and to Jehovah and we can also ask them to tell us how they learned the truth, we will be strengthened. 

And another thing we can do for them is help them remember the times they saw the hand of Jehovah and how he never abandoned us. In this way we will be building them up in faith and fueling the desire to continue serving Jehovah.

We should treat each other the same way Paul treated them. To begin with, we must not give up. On the contrary, we must show them compassion and speak to them in a loving and positive way, and if we have to give them advice, then we will include ourselves to show them that we must also apply said advice. Another way in which we can invite Paul is to confirm these brothers that Jehovah has not forgotten their good deeds.

He says that he showed compassion and spoke positively and lovingly to them. He also confirmed to his brothers that Jehovah had not forgotten their good deeds.

And I also like that he was included because he didn't tell you you have to work but he was included because he also knew that he had things to work on and in the end that's how we built each other up.


Well, in this photo we see an old man who is visiting a brother who is spiritually weak and encourages him by showing him photos where both were in the past enjoying the pioneer service school, so being together remembering these moments because the brother began to cry with joy that he felt when he served Jehovah and returned to the congregation, this teaches us that we can also reflect in the congregation about whether we know of brothers who are spiritually weak or inactive since we spend many hours searching to people in the preaching work, but perhaps there are brothers whom we can help to return to Jehovah.

Yes, in addition, what he says at the end of the paragraph says that what we say to him is very important but he also says that it is the tenderness and affection with which we speak to him, many times the words are very good but the way of saying those words is better.

And this old man is doing what Paul did, in Hebrews 10:32 he says remember and that is what is helping this brother remember the happiness that serving Jehovah gave him. 

How can we imitate the apostle Paul and edify others? (See paragraphs 15 and 16). *


17. How can we become more efficient in the work of building others?

Just as a construction worker becomes more skillful in practice over time, we can also become more uplifting in the work of building others as we practice. For example, the more we strengthen our brothers to endure trials by telling them about the example of endurance of other servants of Jehovah, the more efficient we will be. 


The more we promote peace by saying the good things we see in others, the more efficient we will be in building it. So the key to becoming more efficient is simply to practice continuously.

The more we protect the peace in the congregation when it is in danger and the more we try to recover it if it has been lost, the more efficient we will be in the work of building others. Similarly, the more practical help we give and the more support we give to those who are spiritually weak, the more efficient we will be in building others up.

18. What are you determined to do?

I am determined to put into practice the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 in terms of continuing to encourage and build each other up keeping in mind that continued practice is the key to becoming more uplifting.


I am also determined to take advantage of every opportunity to build my brothers in the faith and to always look for ways to do so.

In the same way, I am determined never to forget that any effort I make in this direction will have been worth it, because the results of my labor can last forever and because they make me, my brothers and Jehovah happy.

I am particularly determined to do my best to put into practice all that we have learned today to foster peace in the congregation.

In addition, this work, unlike the builder that we were talking about, that building may deteriorate over time or even be demolished, but this action of building our brothers will continue forever, even improving over time and that will give us great happiness.


How can you help others endure trials?

We help them when we treat those facing trials with compassion and empathy.


We can tell you experiences of brothers who have gone through trials without losing happiness.

Many letters are received at world headquarters from brothers and sisters who feel that their faith has been strengthened by reading the biography of a faithful servant of Jehovah today. Then we can encourage them to read these biographies, which will surely help them withstand the tests.

How can you promote peace?

We can foster peace by seeking guidance from the brothers Jehovah has appointed to care for the congregation.


Seeking Bible-based guidance in our publications and organization guidelines.

We will be able to promote peace if we follow the instructions of the Organization instead of promoting our personal opinions, in this way we will contribute to peace in the congregation.

How can you strengthen those who have weakened spiritually?

Today, we also build the faith of our brothers when we spend our time, energy and skills in relief efforts and when we regularly donate to the worldwide work.


We can ask him to tell us how he learned the truth or help him remember times when he saw the hand of Jehovah.

Let us remember that the words we say to them are important, but so are the tenderness and affection with which we speak.

Let us strengthen our brothers so that they can endure trials by telling them about the example of endurance of other servants of Jehovah.
