The Watchtower Study, «Article 34», Week of October 17 to 23, 2022, Keep Walking in Truth, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, «Article 34», 17-23 October 2022, Keep walking in the truth, Answers.

“Nothing gives me more joy than to hear that my children continue to walk in the truth” (3 JOHN 4).

1. Why is it good for us to talk about how we came to know “the truth”?

It is good because these conversations remind us how fortunate we are to be Jehovah's Witnesses and also reinforce our desire to continue “walking in the truth,” that is, to continue living to make Jehovah happy and to have his blessing.


When we talk about how we came to know the truth, our appreciation for this privilege is strengthened.

And they serve a double purpose because that conversation of how we learned the truth reminds us how lucky we are to be Jehovah's Witnesses and also reinforces our desire to continue walking in the truth as 3 John 4 says.

Knowing why everything is going so badly and understanding what has happened so that the situation has become like this and having hope for a better future because it helps us helps us a lot, that is why it is good to have these conversations about how we have come to know to Jehovah.

2. What will we see in this article?

In this article, we will review some of the reasons why we love the truth. We will also look at how we can continue to show that we value this valuable gift.

And we're also going to be more eager to talk to other people about the truth.


3. What is the most important reason we love the truth?

The most important reason is that we love Jehovah, who is the source of truth, because thanks to his Word, the Bible, we have learned that he is the almighty God who made the heavens and the earth. And, above all, that he is our heavenly Father, who loves us and cares about each one of us.


Well yes because we love Jehovah who is the source of truth and thanks to his word the Bible we have been able to learn that he is the Almighty God and above all that he loves us and cares about us.

Jeremiah 29:11 says because I know very well what I have in mind for you affirms Jehovah I want you to have peace not calamity, I want to give you a future and hope that is why in the paragraph it says that Jehovah hurts a lot to see us suffer and is eager to finish with suffering when the time comes that he has entrusted, that's why we long for that day to come.

In addition, the truth also helps us to know that Jehovah is a God who loves justice and living in a world that is full of injustice is the quality that attracts us a lot.

We also love Jehovah because, as 1 Peter 5:7 tells us, he cares about us and wants us to cast all our concerns on him.

4, 5. Why did the apostle Paul say that our hope is like an anchor?

Just as an anchor gives stability to a ship, the hope of the Bible gives us stability and calm when difficulties come.


Paul said those words, thinking of the hope that anointed Christians have of going to heaven. But what he said also applies to Christians who hope to live forever on earth made a paradise, as mentioned in John 3:16.

Most people today live only to be born, grow, reproduce and die and there is no more meaning in life, but when we acquire true hope it is not even an illusion if it is not something real, then our meaning in life changes. and it really has a purpose.

The apostle Paul when he said these words, he was referring both to the heavenly hope that the anointed ones are going to have and the earthly hope that the other sheep are going to have, therefore our hope becomes like a firm and sure anchor that although come problems helps us to be firm.

And this hope is based on the sacrifice that Jesus made and as John 3:16 shows, the love of God was what motivated him to do all that in our favor, so that hope is based on the love that Jehovah feels for humanity, not it is an empty hope but a very solid hope.

That wonderful hope that we have through the death of Christ is what is giving meaning to our lives. 

6, 7. How did what the Bible teaches about the future help Yvonne?

He helped her overcome her fear of death, since she understood that Jehovah promises us that in the future we will have a wonderful hope, which is to live forever on earth made a paradise.


For our sister Yvonne it was a comfort to know that the Bible teaches that there is hope in the future, since she was very afraid of death, because she had read a book with a phrase that said "someday there will be no tomorrow" and Those words, she comments, did not let her sleep at night. 

When she was a teenager she met the Jehovah's Witnesses and began to believe that she could live forever in paradise on earth and discovered the truth and that helped her a lot and since that day, she is no longer afraid, she does not stay up at night thinking in the future or in death. She shares that hope with other people, since for Ivonne the treasure she found is something very valuable. Yvonne was a girl who was very afraid of death and says that once she read a book that one day there would be no tomorrow Such is the concern of this girl that it even took away her sleepless nights, but when she was a teenager she met some Jehovah's Witnesses and says that she began to believe and now she preaches the hope that she has to other people.

She comments on how it has helped her in such a way that she says that I no longer stay awake at night thinking about the future or death, so we see how that has served her to make the truth an anchor in her life and be able to carry it well. finished.

First Timothy 4:16 says that we have to pay attention and not stop doing these things of speaking because it says that this will have repercussions for us to save ourselves and also those who listen to you, so this sister also speaks to other people about that hope and also motivates us to be the same.

So, how does preaching look like in the image, when people know what the Bible says, then they have that anchor, that stability that makes them feel calm in the midst of difficulties, as happened to this example that we have seen in the paragraph that Knowing the truth calmed her down.

We see how Jehovah gives us the stability we have, and we know that soon, even though we have difficulties and go through bad times, we know that speaking the truth with another person will strengthen us and we will achieve the peace we need.


Image series: An anchor within a circle. 1. A paradisiacal landscape in which mountains, valleys full of vegetation and a river can be seen. 2. A sister preaches to a woman.

The truth of the Bible is like an anchor: Just as an anchor gives stability to a ship, the hope of the Bible gives us stability and calm when difficulties come. Biblical truth also prompts us to share our hope with others. (See paragraphs 4 to 7).

8, 9. (a) How did the man in Jesus' comparison show that he valued the treasure he found?

This man in Jesus' comparison "sold all that he had . " Because he understood that this treasure was worth a lot, that it was worth much more than anything he could give in return.


The comparison that Jesus made clearly shows that when the man found the treasure, he hid it again and from the joy that it gave him, he went and sold everything he had and bought that field, so we can see that this man made a great sacrifice because he knew I had found something very valuable. This story teaches us that just like that treasure that this man found, we have also found a very valuable treasure which is the truth of the word of God and we show that we value it when we make the sacrifice of leaving everything to serve Jehovah and have a close friendship with Jehovah and become his friend. 

Nothing this world offers us compares to the joy of serving Jehovah now and the hope of living forever under the Kingdom of God.

Although this man was not looking for the treasure we found it and he made a great sacrifice because he sold everything he had and he did it precisely because he understood the value of that treasure, so he knew that nothing could compare to that treasure.

b) How do you feel about the truth?

I feel that nothing this world offers us compares to the joy of serving Jehovah now and the hope of living forever under the Kingdom of God. Any sacrifice we make in order to have a close friendship with Jehovah is worth it.


It is a relief for us this hope that it gives us, we are living in very complicated times we are seeing worldwide that this system has very little left and it is a privilege to be able to know what the future will be for us a hope as this sister said also the power not to be afraid of death because we know that Jehovah will remember us and all this in these complicated times that we all go through difficulties is a great relief.

I like to think about what could have been of my life if I had not continued to know the truth, to think about what I have freed myself from, about the vices that I abandoned because it makes me makes me happy, it makes me feel privileged in this world that many People simply ignore the hope that the Bible offers.

For me, the truth has given meaning to my life, because when one knows the truth, one realizes how vain the rest of the objectives that this life can have is, that is why the truth is what really fills my life and is so I try to fight to firmly follow and be faithful to Jehovah.

10, 11. What prompted Michael to change the course of his life?

What prompted Michael to change the course of his life was when he began to study the Bible and learned what Jehovah thinks about the practice he practiced, since he practiced martial arts and in the study of the Bible he learned what Jehovah thinks of the violence, everything he learned from Jehovah and how compassionate he is, deeply touched his heart.


Well, Michael did what James 1:25 says, he looked carefully at the perfect law, that is, he understood that it was what Jehovah wanted, that it was what Jehovah thought of people, he persisted in it and then he did not stay with it but put it into practice As the text says, he did the work and finally that decision made him happy.

If there is a detail that I liked, it says this couple never told me to give up martial arts, rather they concentrated on teaching me the truth, without a doubt that when the truth enters your heart, no one needs to tell you anything, you know that has to change.


We see in the image a brother who is supposed to be getting rid of something that is valuable, a treasure, because he sees things that perhaps have a fairly large material value and he is collecting them to eliminate them because that is what it is about that his hope is no longer it is in material things they are always in the kingdom of God in his word and in Jehovah who is the anchor of their hope.

Image series: A diamond within a circle. 1. A paradisiacal landscape in which mountains, valleys full of vegetation and a river can be seen. 2. A man gets rid of a box full of trophies and awards.

The truth of the Bible is like a treasure:  Serving Jehovah now and hoping to serve him forever under the Kingdom of God is priceless. Any sacrifice we make is worth it. (See paragraphs 8 to 11).

12, 13. How did the truth of the Bible enlighten Mayli?

It enlightened her thanks to the overwhelming logic of the Bible itself, since even though our sister's family practiced two religions and she did not doubt the existence of God, there were things she did not understand, for example why God created us, what was the point for someone to suffer a lifetime and then be tormented in hell.

He also came to think that everything was God's will or that we are puppets in the hands of God and he enjoys seeing us suffer. Because he studied the Bible, he can see things with different eyes and came to have peace.

The questions that she asks herself here in the paragraph about why God created us or if it is God's will everything that happens is God's will and if we are puppets in his hands made me think that sometimes when we have been in the truth or were we born in the truth the answers to these questions we take for granted is how you answered them easy, but that is the purpose of the Watchtower today that we think again because we are here because we love the truth and that in reality there are people who follow looking for the answer to these questions and we have to find them.

We see that she had certain concerns that she could not find answers to many questions and in the end, as she says in her words, the overwhelming logic of the Bible was revealed taking into account that she came from a family in which there were two different religions at home but still so no one solves your doubts.


What she does is very interesting because we need to study what the word of God says and understand it well, make it our own, so she cleared up all the questions she had, she no longer has doubts and that is what we all have to achieve, Jehovah does not want Doubts Jehovah wants us to have all the answers we need so we can serve him.

Image series: An oil lamp within a circle. 1. A paradisiacal landscape in which mountains, valleys full of vegetation and a river can be seen. 2. A young woman meditates on what she has read in the Bible.

The truth of the Bible is like a lamp:  A powerful lamp helps us not to get lost in the dark. Similarly, although we live in Satan's dark world, God's Word lights our way. (See paragraphs 12 and 13).

14. What can we do to love the truth more? (Also see the box “Other Comparisons”).

We can set ourselves the goal of finding out other reasons to really love, since the more we love the truth, the more we will show the love we feel for it.


We can set ourselves the goal of finding out other reasons to love the truth more, we know that the more we know Jehovah and his purpose, the more we want to tell others about it and that will make them see how much we love the truth. 


We have seen that "the truth" is like an anchor, a treasure and a lamp.

The truth and the Bible, we can also compare it as a mirror, since when we look at ourselves in it we can see what we are inside and what we have to improve.

The truth in the Bible is also compared to the drops of water, just as water refreshes us on a hot day, the waters of truth and the Bible refresh us in this world, since in a spiritual sense this world is like a desert.


15. What is one way to show our love for the truth?

One way we show our love for the truth is by regularly studying the Bible and our publications. After all, no matter how long we have been in the truth, there are always things to learn.


Studying the Bible frequently and our publications but no matter how long we have been because sometimes we have been a long time and we take things for granted but we constantly see that the faithful and prudent slave is updating information, then studying that new information is also a benefit for all of us.

This beautiful illustration teaches us that if we love the truth we cannot remain superficial in the simple in going to the meeting in listening going to preach we need something more we need to go deeper we need to make an effort because if we do not do this following the example of this illustration at the end we are showing that we do not really value the enormous privilege that we have to be within the people of Jehovah, that is why it requires effort, it requires dedication and the blessings are much greater than any effort that we are going to make.

16. What study method has worked well for you? (Proverbs 2:4-6).

For example, when we do our Bible reading, we can focus on a single verse or we can also read the footnotes and look for marginal references and start researching more about the subject, whatever our method, if we dedicate time and effort to it. study of the Bible we will show that we value the truth.


It is true that not all of us like to read and study, but Jehovah encourages us to continue seeking his knowledge, since our goal should be to better understand the truth. That is why we must look for study methods in order to better understand the truth of God's word.

And studying is not always easy for me, sometimes I take a text about I want to read more on Jw and see if there is a video about it

.I like to look for information about the characters that appear in the reading and this has helped me to know a little about the context and the personality that they could have and thus also understand why they make or not make certain decisions.

17. What does it mean to live the truth? (James 1:25).

It means putting into practice what we learn. Only then will the truth make us completely happy.


James 1:25 says that we had to look carefully at the perfect law and persist in it, not only hear it or forget it but put it into action because it would be foolish for us to look at ourselves in the mirror of the Bible to see our imperfections the things that must be correct what needs to be improved but ignore and not correct those things, so that would be living the truth.

When we sing canticle 56, Live the truth. the chorus when it mentions that we have it in our hearts and when we make God the center of our lives we will have his blessing, because this song is also based on proverbs 3:1 and 2 where it mentions that you do not forget my teaching son mine and that your heart obey my commandments because they will add many days of years of life and peace, then we know that being in the truth of Jehovah is a relief for us because we are, so to speak, in his arms, we throw all our burdens to him and we know that Jehovah will give us that Peace that love that we always need when we know that today it is very difficult to find that. 

18. Why do we do our best to keep “walking in the truth”?

Because if we do our best to continue walking in the truth, our lives will improve and best of all, we will rejoice the heart of Jehovah and that of our Christian brothers, who also strive to continue walking in the truth.


Yes, we also have to think that we make Jehovah's heart very happy because we have to think that it is a challenge that we bet Satan that we do not love him, so that is a way to make him happy


Why do we feel love for “the truth”?

Thanks to his Word, the Bible, we have learned that he is the almighty God who made the heavens and the earth. And, above all, that he is our heavenly Father, who loves us and cares about us.


Another reason because it helps us a lot in life.

And also many people also want to achieve many things in their life and so do we but we don't have time we don't have the money and thanks to the truth we know that we can do all things in the future in paradise and much better and so today we can be calm concentrating on the truth we do all we can for Jehovah.

What can we do to love the truth more?

Find out other reasons to love the truth. The more we love the truth, the more we will show our love for it.


The truth is like a mirror so when we look at ourselves in it we can see what we are inside and what we have to improve on just like when we see in a mirror some defect or something that we can improve or take away because in the same way we can do through the Bible. 

How do we show that we love the truth?

One way we show our love for the truth is by regularly studying the Bible and our publications. After all, no matter how long we have been in the truth, there are always things to learn.


It is also self-examination to see what we are doing well but also to see our deficiency to try to improve on it. 
