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“The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him” (PSA. 33:18).
1. Why did Jesus ask Jehovah to protect his followers?
Because Jesus knew that we would need protection from the evil one, he was aware that his father takes care of his servants. But he knew that Satan would attack them more cruelly so they needed Jehovah's help.
He knew that when he left his disciples were going to be left alone, so he realizes that they were going to have a very difficult and distressing time for them, that's why he asks Jehovah for help.
This does not apply only to the first disciples of Christ, because John 17:20 says that I asked him not only for them but also for those who put faith in me thanks to their word, therefore we are included as well.
We know that Satan will always test us and we know that we have to be firm and trust Jehovah that he will always protect us.
2. According to Psalm 33:18-20, why shouldn't problems frighten us?
Because as this psalm says, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, he is our help and our shield, which tells us that the Lord is watching over us, he knows the problems we have and how we feel. But the important thing is that he is always ready to help us.
Because Jehovah is watching over us, he sees what we are going through and is always ready to help us as Psalm 33:20 said, he is like a shield that protects us.
In this psalm we can well see how the meaning of his name is fulfilled, because he is promising to be several things for us here, the psalm mentions several aspects such as that he is our help he is our shield, then he becomes someone strong when needed but also someone who keeps us alive in times of famine so gentleness is needed but sometimes strength is needed and Jehovah can be both for us.
And how he was applied in the speech he is pending not with the desire to look for faults in us, which of course he would find them quickly, but with the interest that a father has in watching over his children to see what worries him and to see ways to help, So we feel we are very happy that Jehovah is aware of our personal situation.
3. In what situations might we feel alone?
For example, young people may feel alone when they have to explain their beliefs in front of their peers at school or also when they change congregations, other brothers may be sad or struggle with negative feelings and think they have to face this situation alone. , also some are afraid to vent because they think they will not be understood and others think that no one cares about us. The truth is that Jehovah does not want us to feel this way.
Our young people may feel lonely at times at school when they have to defend their beliefs and everyone thinks otherwise, or even when they have to change congregations and leave their friends and have to face new ones. friendships.
Yes, adults are also exposed to discouragement, to feeling sad, to also going through depressive periods and, as the paragraph says, even thinking that there is no solution, that there is no help, that others may not understand us, therefore this is a situation that can affect everyone.
We may think that due to these circumstances we are seeing that we feel helpless, distressed and that no one cares about us.
4. Why did the prophet Elijah say “I am the only one left”?
Undoubtedly the situation Elijah was experiencing led him to think that he was the only prophet left, Queen Jezebel's order was to kill all the prophets, perhaps he thought that all had been killed except him, it is even possible that he felt alone because no one He sided with Jehovah After what happened with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, perhaps he thought that no one knew how dangerous his situation was or that no one cared about him, but Jehovah did understand Elijah and knew how help him.
There were several reasons one is that he could think that these prophets that Obadiah had saved because in the end they had also been killed, another reason is that the offering is that he had presented moistened with water and then Jehovah sent fire from heaven and finished with it, and another reason is that maybe because he thought that people didn't care about him even knowing it because they didn't care either.
And although the Bible does not give us all the details, what we do know is that Jehovah did understand how Elijah felt that he felt alone and knew how to help him, he knew perfectly well, in our case it is the same Jehovah knows how we feel and you know what it is way to help us.
5. What did Jehovah do to assure Elijah that he was not alone?
The first thing Jehovah did is encourage his prophet to express himself twice, he asked him what he was doing in the cave and then listened carefully to what Elijah told him, then Jehovah answered him and showed him that he was there, he used his amazing power to comforting and encouraging Elijah also assured him that there were 7,000 people in Israel who supported pure worship, then he gave him several important missions. This helped Elijah focus on positive things, and Jehovah also gave him a good companion, Elisha.
Well, I encouraged him to express himself and asked him on two occasions what he was doing there and Jehovah listened carefully to what Elijah was telling him, he also showed him that Jehovah is a powerful God and that he was with the one who took care of him and assured that in Israel there were many people who also supported pure worship.
Jehovah made a great demonstration of his power so that Elijah felt protected but in 1 Kings 19:18 that after this Jehovah spoke to him with a calm and low voice to calm him down, it was shown that Jehovah was with him and that he was going help.
Also, if we read the passage from kings If Jehovah had not sent an angel to Elijah to feed him, he had not reached the cave, it was clear that he was watching him at all times and when he saw him calmer was when Jehovah spoke with him and told him he gave all the help and all the missions that we see in kings.
6. What can we say to Jehovah when we feel lonely? (Psalm 62:8).
Psalms 62:8 encourages us to trust and pour out our hearts before the Lord, so we must open our hearts to the Lord and tell him how we feel, what worries us, ask him to help us see what we have to do in certain situations that we are going through. The important thing is that if we unburden ourselves to Jehovah we can keep feelings of loneliness at bay and we will see how he answers our prayers and that he helps us through our brothers.
Sometimes it can be difficult to unburden ourselves with someone in our most intimate feelings but the proverb 15:8 that says that Jehovah listens for it is a pleasure to hear the prayer of the righteous, then knowing this because it relieves us to know that we can open our hearts to Jehovah and that no matter how difficult the problems are, he will be there and will relieve us of that pain that we have.
And another important thing is that we are attentive to how Jehovah responds to us, perhaps it is not in the way that we thought he was going to respond to us, that is why we have to be very attentive, what will enhance us is that we know that Jehovah listens to us and he is interested in us, let us continue asking him on other occasions.
Series of images: 1. Elijah prays with all his might inside a cave. 2. A brother prays with all his might in his bedroom.
When we feel alone, how can we find comfort in remembering what Jehovah did for Elijah? (See paragraphs 5 and 6).
7. What do you learn from Mauricio's example?
Mauricio teaches us that Jehovah gives us very important tasks in the congregation and in preaching and this helps us fight against loneliness, the brother tells that one of his friends left Jehovah and that discouraged him, he felt alone and began to negative thoughts but what kept him going was preaching more and not thinking about himself so much, he also got to work more in the congregation and made an effort to prepare and present his assignments well. This shows us that fulfilling and doing more in Jehovah's service is an effective therapy against loneliness.
And the example teaches us not to focus on ourselves, it is normal that we can go through these feelings but as has already been mentioned then concentrate on what we can do and those good things those acts what we do then it will be that these feelings will pass .
Well, if we are busier serving Jehovah, this will help us fight against loneliness, which is what happened to Mauricio when he felt lonely because one of his friends left Jehovah, he says that he focused on preaching and that helped him not to have so many negative feelings because being with other brothers also helped him feel happy and that made him not feel so alone. He also says that he made more effort to work more fully in the congregation and for prepare better and in this way, he came to feel more affection both from Jehovah and from the brothers.
Therefore, these two paragraphs teach us a very important lesson when we go through moments of loneliness with depressive feelings or with negative feelings, which we can never do, although it is what we most want to do is isolate ourselves, it is possible that we mistakenly think we are very badly now I need you to take care of me now he also slowed down the spiritual pace now I try to take care of myself in quotes,but the example of this brother and many others show us that we would not be accepting Jehovah's help if we want to recover spiritually and emotionally we have to be close to Jehovah we have to accept his help we have to be closer to our brothers than ever because if we take the On the contrary, thinking that we are taking care of ourselves or hoping that they take care of us, what we are going to achieve is not being able to get out of that situation, therefore it is necessary that we do that, that we focus on serving Jehovah.
The brother in the first image happily preaches by letter with other brothers and sisters who are connected with him by videoconference.
Do we strive to spend more time preaching with other brothers? (See paragraph 7).
8. How might we feel when we go through difficult trials?
When a problem comes by surprise, we feel distressed and overwhelmed, especially if they come to us one after another or even several at the same time, but we must be clear that Jehovah is watching over us, he can and wants to help us face any trial that comes our way. Present.
Surely we feel very distressed, even suffocated, especially when we have to go through several problems at the same time and even more so now, as Second Timothy 3:1 says, we are living in the last days, but it is in such difficult times that we cannot forget that Jehovah is aware of us and that with your help we will be able to face any test that comes our way.
And many times they are problems that appear suddenly in our lives that are out of our control, such as health issues, an economic setback or the loss of a loved one, these are things that distress us a lot and that sometimes appear as suddenly commented on in our lives.
9. What were some of the tests that Job faced?
For example, in a single day he violently lost all his cattle to his servants and the most terrible thing to his ten beloved children, then he had not finished assimilating this great misfortune when a very painful disease attacked him.
In a single day he found out that he had violently lost all his cattle which provided his livelihood he also lost all his servants and what is worse his 10 children that same day, we can imagine how Job felt without However, when he was still trying to assimilate what had happened to him, he contracted a very painful illness and felt so bad that, as Job 7:16 says, he came to wish he did not continue living.
10. What did Jehovah do to help Job endure his trials? (See cover drawing.)
First he communicated with him and told him about his immense wisdom and the affection with which he cares for all that he has created, as we see in the drawing on the cover, God mentioned many impressive animals, and Jehovah also sent them to encourage him and To console her, he spoke to her like a true friend, reminding her that God always rewards those who serve Him with endurance, giving her good advice, and helping her see the big picture. He encouraged him to reflect on the wonderful works of God, then Jehovah gave Job an assignment to pray for his three friends who had sinned.
Well, Jehovah gave Job everything he needed so that he could face the situation and one of those things was to remember how well Jehovah cares for his servants and that is why I spoke to him about the animals of creation and explained how he cared for them, so all the more how he was not going to take care of Job. also.
And also very significant is the fact that Jehovah commissioned Job precisely to pray for those three friends who had approached him with the intention of comforting him, which was not the case because what these 3 false comforters kept insinuating was that yes Job was like this it was his fault for something he had done, so therefore he confirmed to Job that if he had to pray for them it was because really what they were wrong was they and not him, he was a faithful person and for therefore he could feel content and also sure that he had Jehovah's approval.
And in the photograph that we can see there the creation behind, Job 40:15 speaks of the hippopotamus, and we can see in the drawing those impressive jaws but Jehovah tells him he eats grass just like the bull what is he telling him that I have the strength and power to create something so imposing but it's also weak because it eats grass just like the bull so if I have the strength to create him, I don't have the strength to help you.
Job reflects on some impressive animals that Jehovah has created, such as the hippopotamus, the stork, the ostrich, the crocodile, the eagle, the horse, and the wild bull. A storm is hitting the place. Near Job sit Elihu and the three false friends.
Jehovah tells Job how well he cares for the beings he has created. This confirms that he cares for his servants with affection. (See paragraph 10).
11. How does the Bible comfort us when we go through trials?
When we go through trials, the Bible comforts us because it gives us hope for the future in its pages Jehovah assures us that the present trials are temporary and short compared to the reward of eternal life that he offers us, in psalms 37:10 our Loving God guarantees us that he will eliminate the root of all our problems satan and all who are evil.
Also Psalm 37:10 that says just a little more and the wicked will no longer exist this text because it guarantees us that there will be no more problems because both Satan and all those who are like the Lord will end up rooting them out. it is going to eliminate and as it says at the beginning of the verse just a little more is to say that there is little time left.
Psalm 145:18 says that Jehovah is close to all those who call him, all those who call him with sincerity, and we have prayer, which is the means that he has put in place to be able to communicate with him, and in this way, we will not even feel alone and we can withstand the tests.
And James 1:12 reminds us that if we are faithful in those tests and endure we will have the approval of Jehovah and what better thing than that.
12. What must we do to make the most of the help that Jehovah gives us through his Word?
We must have the habit of studying the Bible and reflecting on it, but the most important thing is to put into practice what we learn, since our faith and our friendship with Jehovah will become stronger, also if we trust in his word Jehovah will give us his spirit holy and we will have the power that goes beyond normal to withstand any test that comes our way.
And I really like how you mention it in the paragraph you talk about having the habit of doing this, we have 2 Corinthians 4 this treasure in clay pots and we want to value it so much that we have a spiritual routine, a habit of studying the Bible and reflecting on what we read and that way we will be able to put it into practice and follow the advice.
Well, we have to prepare ourselves and study the Bible very well and trust everything that Jehovah tells us through it, so if we do this and put it into practice our faith and our friendship with him will be stronger.
13. How does the spiritual food we receive through “the faithful and wise slave” help us to endure?
The spiritual food provided by the reckless faithful slave helps us to have a strong faith and be spiritually vigilant, this spiritual food does not come through meetings, assemblies and Bible-based publications and videos. If we want to endure trials we must make the most of these spiritual gifts.
That is why we must consume the spiritual food that Jehovah gives us through his organization, not leave it aside knowing that we have so much and that many times we take it for granted, but many times it has happened to us that when we have read an article we have said this Jehovah has written for us, but of course we must read it.
With the support of Jehovah, the faithful and prudent slave says that he gives us many articles, videos, songs that help us to have a strong faith and to be vigilant in a spiritual sense, for our part, what we have to do is make the most of all these gifts that we receive. they arrive at the due time as Mat 24:45 says that the faithful and prudent slave feeds us spiritually at the due time.
14. How does Jehovah use our brothers to support us when we experience difficulties? (1 Thessalonians 4:9).
When we go through difficulties as the first one says in Thessalonians 4:9, Jehovah has taught us to have brotherly love to love one another. So when we go through difficulties our brothers are a true support and comfort. the paragraph mentions an example of this, sister Diane tells that the brothers of her congregation helped her and her husband who became seriously ill says that they supported them a lot and gave her everything we needed to get ahead and stay strong in a spiritual sense . So Jehovah uses our brotherhood to support us in difficulties.
In addition, at the beginning of the paragraph it says that Jehovah teaches all his servants to love us and comfort him, that is, we have to be aware of when our brothers also need that help, the experience of the sister, the congregation encouraged her, but they not only stayed there to encourage her, but They did their part, they helped her go to the meetings to preach, they made calls to her, meaning that we are also required to be attentive to our brothers and to move us to act and do these things for them.
The apostle Paul here commends the Christians of Thessalonica for being attentive to the needs of the brothers in Macedonia and sometimes it happens that the organization makes us attentive to complicated situations of our brothers in other parts of the world and we want to collaborate with our participation or with our contributions, but we also want to be attentive to local needs, which is much more within the reach of all of us.
A mother and her little daughter visit an older couple and bring them a card that the girl has made for them. The brother uses an oxygen tank to help him breathe.
What can we do to help the brothers in the congregation? (See paragraph 14).
15. Why are we convinced that we can face difficulties?
Because we are convinced that we can face difficulties because we are not alone, our loving father Jehovah is always watching over us and gives us everything we need to endure prayer, the Bible, abundant spiritual food and a brotherhood that treats us with love.
Because many times when we have problems and we are stuck there we feel that no one has problems as strong as us that we are the only ones and we feel alone, but here very important is what this beautiful paragraph says in the book of Isaiah 43:2 says that no we are alone that Jehovah is ready and willing to help us to hear our prayer and that we go to him and he is going to help us like a loving father, that is a very great blessing that we have.
Isaiah 43:2 Jehovah assures us that if we cross waters he will be with us if we cross rivers he will not cover us if we go through fire we will not be burned, so whatever the problem we face Jehovah assures us that nothing bad will happen to us Because he will always be with us.
He is always aware of us, always listens to us when we ask him to help us and to give us his support he also gives us everything we need to endure such as prayer, the Bible, spiritual food and a sister who treats us with much love.
16. What must we do so that Jehovah continues to care for us?
Make the most of all the help he gives us and always strive to obey him and do what he considers right.
Well, something is required of us, we cannot expect Jehovah to help us if we do not pay attention to what pleases him and the text of First Peter 3:12 is quoted where it says that the eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous and their Ears listen to his pleas, but nevertheless he is against those who do bad things, that is, if we want Jehovah's help, we have to be on Jehovah's side and we have to comply with his will, otherwise we cannot expect him to help us.
And throughout this study we have seen that we have to take advantage of all the help that Jehovah gives us and do our part and work.
How does Jehovah help us when we feel lonely?
In paragraph number 5, we see how Jehovah helped Elijah, for example, he encouraged him to express himself on two occasions and Jehovah listened carefully to everything Elijah told him and then answered him, showing him that he was there and also that he is a very powerful God. In the same way we currently have a way to communicate with him which is through prayer and that way he can see how we feel and like Elijah he listens to us and answers our prayers.
We learned that Jehovah helped Elijah who felt lonely, invited him to express himself and listened carefully, then answered his prayer and assigned him more missions and gave him a good companion, Elisha. In the same way we can keep feelings of loneliness at bay, if we unburden ourselves with Jehovah we are attentive to how he answers our prayers and accept the help of others.
How does Jehovah help us when difficult trials distress us?
Jehovah used Elihu to encourage Job, that is why in the text of Job 37:14, we see that he helped him see the full picture of the problem, because he reminded him that human beings are very small compared to Jehovah the creator of the whole universe. In our times Jehovah is not going to tell us what we have to do directly, but he uses the Bible to encourage us, he comforts us by giving us hope for the future, remembering our hope encourages us to follow the path that leads to life.
Just as he helped Job when he went through terrible trials, Jehovah helps us through his word the Bible, giving us hope for the future and reminding us that our trials are temporary and short when compared to the reward of eternal life that offers.
We also have the help of the faithful and prudent slave who supplies us with abundant spiritual food so that we have a strong faith and we have a spiritual family that treats us with great love.
We have also seen many texts that teach us how Jehovah helps us to see that we can be happy when we go through trials and also that we are not going to have trials greater than those we can endure as it was said in 1 Corinthians 10:13 and that it always goes give the exit
Why are we grateful that Jehovah cares for us lovingly?
We are thankful that he gives us by the hand everything we need to endure, for example prayer, the Bible, abundant spiritual food and also a brotherhood that treats us with much love.
Because without your help we could not face the problems we have today. So we are so thankful to have a loving heavenly father who is looking out for us and knows exactly how to help us.
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