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Examine the Scriptures Every Day 202 2
Tuesday, October 25
With brotherly love, show each other tender affection. Take the initiative to honor one another (Rom. 12:10).
Tender affection will prevent a competitive spirit from arising in the congregation. Let us remember that Jonathan did not try to compete with David nor did he see him as a rival for the throne (1 Sam. 20:42). Let's follow his example and not see our brothers as rivals because of the skills they have. Rather, let us do what Paul said: “Humbly think that others are better than you” (Phil. 2:3). Let us keep in mind that all the brothers contribute something to the congregation. If we are humble, we will notice the good qualities of our brothers and benefit from his faithful example (1 Cor. 12: 21-25). When we show tender affection to one another, we strengthen the unity of God's people. In addition, we show that we are true disciples of Jesus, and this makes more sincere people want to serve Jehovah. But most importantly, we give glory to Jehovah, “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3). w21.01 24 para. 14; 25 para. 16.
What does it mean to love “one another intensely from the heart”?
The Bible says: “Love one another intensely from the heart” (1 Pet. 1:22). Jehovah sets the example for us. He loves us so much that as long as we are loyal to him, nothing can separate us from him (Rom. 8:38, 39). The Greek word translated “intensely” conveys the idea of going to great lengths to show love, and that is what we may sometimes have to do with some brothers. The Bible tells us what to do when someone upsets us: “Bear with one another in love; do your best to maintain the unity of spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:1-3). To protect “the bond of peace,” we must not focus on the faults of our brothers, but strive to see them as Jehovah sees them (1 Sam. 16:7; Ps. 130:3).
Why isn't it always easy to show tender affection?
It is not always easy to show tender affection to our brothers, especially when we are aware of their faults. Apparently, this already happened in the first century. For example, it seems that Euodia and Syntyche had no problem working together with Paul "for the good news." But, for some reason, they found it hard to get along with each other. So Paul told them to “have the same mind in union with the Lord” (Phil. 4:2, 3).
What must we do to feel tender affection for our brothers?
What must we do to feel tender affection for our brothers? Try to get to know them better and better. This will make it easier for us to understand them and come to care for them. Age and cultural differences do not have to be an obstacle. Let us remember that Jonathan became very good friends with David even though he was about 30 years older than him. Why doesn't he think of someone in his congregation who is older or younger than you, and he makes it a goal to befriend him? If he does, he will be showing that he has “love for all the brotherhood” (1 Pet. 2:17).
Why is it that we do not have an equally close friendship with all the brothers in the congregation?
Now, when we speak of having a tender affection for the brothers, do we mean having an equally close friendship with everyone? No, that would not be realistic. It is normal that we feel more comfortable with some siblings than with others because we have more things in common. In fact, Jesus viewed all of his apostles as friends, but he had a special fondness for John (John 13:23; 15:15; 20:2). Still, Jesus showed him no favoritism. For example, when John and his brother James asked him to give them an important position in the Kingdom of God, Jesus replied: "I am not the one who says who will sit on my right or on my left" (Mar. 10:35-40). We are to imitate Jesus and not show favoritism to our closest friends (Jas. 2:3, 4). Favoritism causes divisions, and that is totally out of place in the congregation (Jude 17-19).
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