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Examine the Scriptures Every Day 202 2
Thursday October 27
I do exactly what the Father has commanded me (John 14:31).
Jesus respects Jehovah's authority. Does he do it because of lack of intelligence or skill? No, because only a very intelligent person could teach as simply and clearly as Jesus did (John 7:45, 46). Jehovah has such respect for Jesus' abilities that he allowed him to work alongside him when he created the universe.—Prov. 8:30; Heb. 1:2-4. And, since Jesus was resurrected, Jehovah has given him “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matt. 28:18). Despite having so many abilities, Jesus still looks to Jehovah for guidance, and he does so because he loves his Father. Husbands should keep in mind that Jehovah did not establish the principle of authority because he thinks women are inferior to men. He has made this clear by choosing both women and men to rule with Jesus (Gal. 3:26-29). Just as Jehovah has shown that he trusts his Son by giving him authority, the wise husband will also give his wife a measure of authority. w21.02 11 paras. 13, 14.15.
What can wives learn from Jesus' example?
What can wives learn? Despite all that Jesus has accomplished, he does not feel that respecting Jehovah's authority lowers him (1 Cor. 15:28; Phil. 2:5, 6). Likewise, the competent wife who follows Jesus' example does not feel that respecting her husband's authority lowers her. She supports her husband because she loves him, but above all because she loves and respects Jehovah.
According to 1 Samuel 25:3, 23-28, what situations did Abigail face?
Abigail was married to Nabal, a selfish, proud and ungrateful man. Still, she did not look for an easy solution to escape her marriage. She could have kept quiet and let David and his men kill her husband. However, she went to work to protect Nabal and everyone in her house. What courage Abigail must have had to stand before 400 armed men and respectfully reason with David! She was even willing to take the blame for what her husband had done (read 1 Samuel 25:3, 23-28). David quickly realized that Jehovah had used this brave woman to advise him and prevent him from making a serious mistake.
What can husbands learn from the story of David and Abigail?
What can husbands learn? Abigail was a sensible woman. So she was very wise of David to listen to her advice. And, as a result, he avoided killing innocent people. Similarly, a husband who is wise will pay close attention to his wife's opinions when he has important decisions to make. Maybe that will help you not to make a bad decision.
What can wives learn from Abigail's example?
What can wives learn? A wife who loves and respects Jehovah can greatly benefit her family, even if her husband does not serve Jehovah or does not live up to her standards. She will not disobey biblical principles to escape her marriage. On the contrary, she will be respectful and obedient, and in this way she will try to motivate her husband so that she wants to learn about Jehovah (1 Pet. 3: 1, 2). And, even if her husband does not respond well to her good example, she can be sure that Jehovah values her loyalty.
In what cases will the wife not obey her husband?
However, the Christian wife will not support her husband if he asks her to do something that goes against the laws or principles of the Bible. For example, suppose a sister's non-Christian husband asks her to lie, steal, or do something else that Jehovah does not like. Married sisters, like all Christians, must be loyal to Jehovah above all else. So, if a sister is asked to disobey biblical principles, she should refuse and lovingly but firmly explain why she cannot do so (Acts 5:29).
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