Congregation Book Study, Week of October 31 to November 6, 2022, What purpose does God have for us?, Lesson 25, Points 1 to 5, Answers.

Congregation Book Study, 31-October to 6-November 2022, Lesson 25, points 1 to 5, Answers.

Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): lff lesson 25.

What purpose does God have for us?

The Bible says that human beings have “a short and troubled life” (Job 14:1). But is this the life that God wants us to have? And if not, what purpose does it serve for us? Will it ever come true? Notice how encouraging an answer the Bible gives.

1. What kind of life does God want us to have?

Jehovah wants us to have a happy life, that's why when he created the first couple he put a nice garden for them and his purpose was that they live the whole earth in a paradise they will take care of it and have a happy and perfect life forever.


Jehovah wants us to have the best possible life, with perfect health and to live eternally, that is why Revelation 21 3 and 4 perfectly describes that, because there he makes it clear to us that he does not want us to suffer, that is why he is going to disappear at death completely. 

And as Genesis 1:28 tells us, this has been Jehovah's purpose since he created the first human couple, that is why he placed them in a beautiful paradise with everything they needed to be immensely happy and although this failed due to to disobedience all that remains the purpose of God. 

2. How can we enjoy a full life from now on?

We enjoy a full life when we fulfill the purpose that has been created for us and we are created with spiritual needs, when we satisfy those needs to serve Jehovah we really become happy.


Having a friendship with Jehovah, which implies not deviating from the right path and serving him wholeheartedly, since only in this way will we be able to give meaning to our lives. 

And this has to be so, because as Matthew 5:3 says, we will only be happy if we recognize that we have spiritual needs. 


3. Jehovah wants humans to have a wonderful life

Why did God create our extraordinary planet?

As we see in the video, he created the earth for human beings to enjoy living on it and have a beautiful home.


Because he wanted the first human couple to have a beautiful home and to expand paradise throughout the planet, that was his purpose. 

What does this tell us about Jehovah?

That Jehovah is a loving God, that is why he does not want human beings to die and that purpose that people live forever, shows us that he had an eternal purpose for humanity. 


What a very loving and almighty God. That is why he has made everything very beautiful, so that we human beings can live with everything we need and be very happy. 

4. Jehovah's purpose has not changed

How do we know that Jehovah's purpose for us has not changed?

Because throughout the Bible it is shown that God's purpose for human beings is that they live forever, from the first book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and it also mentions that everything that Jehovah has promised has been fulfilled. 


Because after the rebellion of our first parents, he let sincere and obedient humans continue to serve him. In addition, as Isaiah 55:11 says, everything that the Lord has done must be fulfilled, that is why we have this security.

5. Worshiping Jehovah gives true meaning to life

How did it help Terumi discover the true purpose of life?

What helped him was to do a self-examination and see that the goals he met did not give him true happiness. But when analyzing the Bible, it helped her to see that there is a creator, so she discovered what the purpose of life was and she herself says that life is very short, but that is why we must do what is really important, serve Jehovah and that It has brought a lot of happiness.


She realized that the happiness that this world offered her was temporary, she felt that she was going aimlessly in her life, so when she discovered the true purpose of life, she felt very relieved. She was also able to be very happy serving many years full time, and when she went through a difficult stage in her life due to illness, I was able to overcome it and be happy again serving our creator. 

In view of all that Jehovah has done for us, what should we do to show our gratitude?

We must continue to serve him with all our hearts, which means that we obey all his commandments in every aspect of our lives.

WHAT SOME ASK: “Why are we here? What is the meaning of life?".

What would you answer?

The history of man shows that he has always had the need to adore someone. And that teaches us that the purpose of our lives is to serve Jehovah.


We have been created to serve the creator of the universe. That is why we can only be happy if we do so.


Jehovah wants us to enjoy life on earth forever and in perfect conditions. Even now, our lives have real meaning when we worship Jehovah with all our hearts.


When Jehovah created Adam and Eve, what purpose did he have for them?

Jehovah wanted the first couple to enjoy living here on earth, that is why he arranged a space on earth, so that they can use it and take care of it. Whose space was a beautiful garden and there he put them and the purpose was that they would be in the garden and live forever with a perfect human life. 


Jehovah's purpose was that they be very happy and that they have many children and that they expand that beautiful garden throughout the Earth. 

How do we know that God's purpose for human beings has not changed?

Because throughout the Bible it is shown that God's purpose for human beings is that they live forever from the first book of Genesis to revelation and it also mentions that everything that Jehovah has promised has been fulfilled. 


We know because after the rebellion of our first parents, he said that sincere and obedient humans continue to serve him. Furthermore, as Isaiah 55:11 says, everything that Jehovah has said must be fulfilled. And that is what gives us complete security. 

What will help you have a fulfilling life?

Many people have fulfilled their goals and have not had a full life, which gives us to understand that a full life or a happy life is to fulfill the purpose of our life is to serve a God and wholeheartedly. 


The only thing that can help us is serving Jehovah wholeheartedly and doing his will. 
