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1. How should we view prayer?
We should see prayer as an Honor from Our Creator to us, since the paragraph conveys the idea that we should feel free to open our hearts to Jehovah at any time and in any language, and something surprising is that we do not have to ask date. We can pray to our loving Father from wherever we are, from a hospital bed or from a prison cell, knowing that he will always hear us.
We should see prayer as an Honor from Our Creator to us, since the paragraph conveys the idea that we should feel free to open our hearts to Jehovah at any time and in any language, and something surprising is that we do not have to ask date. We can pray to our loving Father from wherever we are, from a hospital bed or from a prison cell, knowing that he will always hear us.
We should see it as an immense privilege, since it is a true honor to be able to open our hearts to the creator of the universe and as the paragraph mentions, we can do it at any time in any language, even if we are in a hospital bed or in prison, and this It teaches us that for Jehovah we are important, despite being sinners, he gave us the opportunity to communicate with him, as a father would with his son, which shows the immense love he has for us.
2. How did King David show that prayer was a privilege for him?
The text of Psalm 141:1 and 2, conveys the idea that for David prayer was a privilege, so much so that I compare it to prepared incense, how we know that incense in David's time was used as something sacred to worship Jehovah and the priests prepared it with great care. What David wanted to convey is that in order to make incense we must prepare it carefully, in the same way to address Jehovah in prayer we have to prepare our hearts and think carefully about what we are going to say to him. Since incense was pleasing to Jehovah, it was something that fully pleased him, in the same way we want our prayers to be like pleasant incense.
According to the Book Insight on the Scriptures volume 1, it mentions the meaning of incense. Since the Law covenant was a shadow of better things to come, it seems that the burning of incense prescribed in that covenant represented prayers pleasing to God offered by his faithful servants. The psalmist said: “Let my prayer be prepared as incense before you [Jehovah].”
Also, the book of Revelation, gives a remarkable symbolic content, speaks of those who were around the heavenly throne of God with "golden bowls that were full of incense, and the incense means the prayers of the saints." In the same book it is also recorded: “[An angel] was given a large quantity of incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that was before the throne.” In several respects, the burning of incense was a fitting symbol of the prayers of the saints 'offered' night and day, and satisfying Jehovah.
3. With what attitude should we pray to Jehovah, and why?
The attitude that we must demonstrate when addressing Jehovah in prayer is with deep respect, since our prayers must not be made with excessive familiarity, because the text of Isaiah 6:1,3. Jehovah is clearly portrayed as an imposing king with a very high position. That is why we must pray to Jehovah with the respect that he deserves.
The book teaches chapter 17 paragraph 7, shows that when we pray to Jehovah, we should be humble and respectful. Why? If we had to talk to a king or a president, we would do it with respect. For Jehovah is the Almighty God, so we must be even more respectful and humble when we talk to him. We must also pray to him sincerely, from the heart, not repeating the same words over and over again.
Watchtower Number 1 of 2021 mentions that when we pray to Jehovah, we should do it as if we were speaking to a father who loves us. Instead of reading prayers from a book or reciting them from memory, we should speak to God with respect and from the heart.
4. What do we learn from the first sentences of the model sentence? (Matthew 6:9, 10).
We learn that if we talk about these matters in our prayers, we show that Jehovah's will is important to us.
If we remember the first lines of the model prayer in the Bible, we can learn that we have important matters which we can use in our prayers.
The Watchtower. Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom 2015, he mentions that about six thousand years ago, humanity had a perfect beginning and God's will was done on Earth. Hence, God said that everything "was very good." However, as we all know, the Devil rebelled, and since then very few people have done God's will. Fortunately, we are living in a time when more than eight million Jehovah's Witnesses are not only calling for God's will to be done on earth, but are striving to do it. Living in harmony with that request, leading moral lives and enthusiastically teaching people.
Jesus told his disciples and all his followers that “you must pray in this way”, and the first matters he mentioned have a direct relationship with Jehovah's purpose: that his name be hallowed; may the Kingdom come, which will destroy all enemies of God, and may the blessings he has promised for the Earth and for human beings come true. So we can see that everything revolves around the will of Jehovah and in the fulfillment of his purpose.
5. How do we know that there is nothing wrong with praying about personal matters?
We know that there is nothing wrong with it because in a model prayer, Jesus in the text of Matthew chapter 6 verses 11 to 13, clearly shows what we can ask Jehovah for daily food, for the forgiveness of sins, to protect us from temptation and deliver us from the evil one. since without a doubt when we ask these things of Jehovah, we are acknowledging that we depend on him and we are expressing our desire to obtain his approval.
In the Watchtower (study edition) November 2009 paragraph 7, there it mentions that Jesus gave thanks to his Father for the food. For example, he thanked her for the bread and wine that he used in instituting the Lord's Supper. In the same way, we should be thankful for food, since when Jesus mentions bread he is not referring specifically to food but to our physical and spiritual needs. So we can clearly see that there is nothing wrong with him praying about personal matters.
Jesus also indicated that some of our requests can be more personal. As we see, there is nothing wrong with praying for God to help us meet our daily needs. In fact, by doing so, we are acknowledging that Jehovah is the one who “gives to every person life and breath and all things” . The Bible compares him to a loving father who enjoys giving his children what they need. Of course, no matter how much they ask, he will never give them something that endangers their well-being.
Furthermore, when he taught his disciples the Our Father prayer, he included personal issues such as the forgiveness of sins and our daily bread.
6. Should we pray only for the matters mentioned in the model prayer?
We can also pray about anything that worries us. For example, when we have to make a decision, we can ask for wisdom and understanding. When we have to take on a responsibility that seems difficult, we can ask Jehovah to give us insight and discernment. Parents can pray for their children, and children for their parents. Also, we all can and should pray for our Bible students and the people to whom we preach. Of course, praying is not just a matter of asking.
In the Watchtower (Study Edition) September 1, 2006 paragraph 9, Recall that Paul in Philippians 4:6 said: “In everything, […] make your requests known to God.” This means that in our prayers we can talk about practically any matter; even so, the most important must always be the divine interests. Daniel set a good example. When he begged Jehovah to have mercy on the Israelites, who were suffering the punishment for their sins, he said: “Do not delay, for your own sake, O my God, because your own name has been called over your city and over your people.” . Like Daniel, do we reveal in our prayers that the sanctification of Jehovah's name and the fulfillment of his will are the matters that most concern us?
And in paragraph 10 of the same Watchtower September 1, 2006, he also mentions other matters in which we can include in our prayers, mentions that it is appropriate to make personal requests to God, such as, that he help us to better understand the matters spiritual. So did the psalmist, who prayed: "Make me understand, that I may observe your law, and that I may keep it with all my heart." Jesus, for his part, “offered supplications and also petitions to the One who was able to save him from death.” In this way he showed that it is timely to implore strength to face dangers and difficulties.
In the image we see how a married couple ask in prayer that Jehovah take care of their little daughter who is in school.
Also together they are left over for the health of his wife's father since his father is in poor health, as we should in the image.
In turn, they prayed for the spiritual progress of a student, and there is no doubt that we can include everyday situations in our prayers with the confidence that Jehovah will listen and provide us with the necessary help.
A brother prays to Jehovah together with his wife. Series of images: 1. His little daughter is in class. 2. An older man in a hospital bed. 3. The wife gives a Bible class to a woman.
What things can a brother mention when praying together with his wife? (See paragraph 6). *
7. Why should we praise Jehovah in our prayers?
Because He deserves our praise more than anyone, that is why the writer of a Psalm said to him: "You are good and you are willing to forgive." And he added: “You are a merciful and compassionate God, patient and full of loyal love and faithfulness.” then we can see that we have plenty of reasons to praise Jehovah for the way he is and for everything he does.
Above all others, this incomparable and peerless God deserves our praise. That is why, scores of times from Exodus 15:11 to Revelation 19:6, encouragement is given to praise Jehovah. In harmony with this, we not only want to continue praising the Most High in our prayers, but also in our daily conversation we want to focus attention on him rather than on ourselves. After all, we have nothing that we haven't received, and apart from him we can't really achieve anything.
The Watchtower. Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom 1981, he mentions that praise is indeed a noble and exalted form of prayer, since we owe it to the Creator because of his qualities and achievements. As “Sovereign Lord Jehovah,” there is no one to equal him in authority. Since he has no beginning and no end, Jehovah God is THE Incomparable “King of eternity.” He is such a glorious Being that no man can see him and live on. The Most High has no equal, since he is infinite in power and wisdom, entirely just and the personification of altruistic love, that is, he dedicates himself to others without expecting anything in return, without a doubt Jehovah deserves our praise through the great privilege of the prayer.
8. What are some things we can give thanks for when we pray? (Psalm 104:12-15, 24).
In our prayers we want to thank him for all the wonders he gives us, such as the brilliant colors of flowers, the endless variety of delicious foods and the pleasant company of good friends.
And what can we say about the enormous amount of spiritual food that it gives us and the precious hope that we have. Without a doubt, we have great reasons to feel grateful.
We can for example be grateful for the things around us. How to visualize different colors, have a wide variety of foods and enjoy with the family.
We can also give thanks for what you are doing now in this meeting to nourish us spiritually and give us hope for the future
9. What can we do so that we do not forget to give thanks to Jehovah? (1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18).
We could write down the things we have asked of him and review the list from time to time to see how Jehovah has responded to us. Then we can pray to him to thank him for his help.
What the paragraph mentions is also interesting, because there we see how Jehovah feels when we thank him through prayer for the things that He gives us, because we give him joy when we remember to thank him and that he has answered our prayers, and that is something that motivates us to continue being grateful for the infinite show of love that we receive.
The most important thing is to remember how many times Jehovah has answered our prayers, perhaps giving us the help we needed or the peace of mind of knowing that a loved one was cured of an illness, things like these we must keep in mind in order to thank Jehovah for everything what he does for us and not just remind us of him when we need something.
Well, at some point we have all felt happy when we have been thanked for help, in the same way Jehovah feels happy when we thank him for the help he gives us through our prayers.
A brother prays to Jehovah. Series of images: 1. Jesus on the torture stake. 2. A beautiful river surrounded by mountains. 3. A colorful variety of fruits and vegetables.
What things can we include in our prayers to praise Jehovah and give him thanks? (See paragraphs 7 to 9). *
10. Why should we thank Jehovah for sending Jesus to earth? (1 Peter 2:21).
Because if we show faith in Christ's sacrifice, we can enjoy close friendship and peace with Jehovah.
Because as the text mentions, thanks to the sacrifice that Jesus made for us today we have the hope of a better future.
So we can also imagine the pain that Jehovah must have felt when seeing his son go through all those trials and adversities. Undoubtedly both Jehovah and Jesus suffered for us, which should also be remembered in our prayers, giving thanks to Our Creator and his Son for the rescue, is something essential that should influence our prayers.
Because that way we know what Jehovah likes, and his sacrifice was the only means for us to have the opportunity to cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah.
11. Why do we pray in the name of Jesus?
Because when we pray in the name of his Son, Jehovah hears us and answers us. That is why Jesus explained: “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, so that the Father may be glorified through the Son” as mentioned in John 14:13, 14.
Because Jesus is the mediator that Jehovah has chosen so that through him everything may be fulfilled, including our prayers in John 14:13,14, we read that Jesus makes it clear that through prayers they reach Jehovah by making himself heard and he will answer us.
Because it is the only way in which Jehovah listens to us, only if we pray to him in the name of Jesus, he will give us what we ask of you and that is what Christ said.
12. What other reason do we have to thank Jehovah for his Son?
Were it not for the sacrifice of Jesus, we who are imperfect would not be able to pray to Jehovah. Words are not enough to express how much we appreciate the precious gift that Jehovah has given us: his beloved Son.
Because if it were not for the sacrifice of Jesus our sins could not be forgiven and we would not have the privilege of being able to pray to him and for him to hear us and answer our prayers.
Therefore we must thank Jehovah for having sent his son Jesus, who sympathizes and understands the limitations of each one of us and who through our prayers reaches Jehovah, and thus listens to us and of course we are immensely grateful. for all the good things they have done for us.
13. How did Jesus show the night before he died that he loved his disciples?
Jesus prayed long and hard for his disciples, asking his Father to protect them from the Evil One, since even though he was about to go through a terrible test, he cared for the well-being of his apostles.
The Bible mentions that just the night before Jesus was to die he prayed to Jehovah for the welfare of his disciples. And also that he would take care of them from the evil one, we could ask ourselves if we remember someone to ask for him, just when we know that we are going to die the next day, personally I would be very anguished what could do that to me. There is no doubt then that Jesus had a deep love for his disciples that even though he would die he had the courage and strength to clear his mind and focus on asking for someone else in this case the disciples of the.
Because despite knowing the suffering that awaited her, she thought about the needs of her disciples and asked Jehovah to take care of us.
He demonstrated this by praying for his disciples, asking his father to protect them from the evil one.
14. How do we show that we love our brothers?
We demonstrate this by not putting priority solely on our needs. Rather, we have to get into the habit of praying for our brothers and caring for them. we know that when we pray for other servants of Jehovah, we are not wasting time that is why the Bible says that “the prayer of a righteous man has a powerful effect”, as James 5:16 mentions.
We show it by trying to imitate Jesus, praying not only for our needs but also focusing on that of our brothers, perhaps someone is going through a bad time, or another is sick or someone is having a hard time financially, We remember them and we pray to Jehovah to help our brothers.
The love we have for each other reminds us that we are a family and as members of it, we want all those who make it up to be well and without problems, in this way we also fulfill a mandate that Jesus allowed us to love one another.
15. Why do our brothers need us to pray for them?
Because they face many difficult situations, and we can ask Jehovah to help them endure hardships such as illness, natural disaster, war, or persecution. We can also pray for the brothers who sacrifice so much to help in relief efforts.
Because they face many difficult situations, and we can ask Jehovah to help them endure hardships such as illness, natural disaster, war, or persecution. We can also pray for the brothers who sacrifice so much to help in relief efforts.
Because just like us, they also go through difficulties, illnesses, money problems, among other factors that often rob our brothers of spirit. Some of them are currently suffering persecution, others are even risking their lives in the works of Relief work.
16. Why should we pray for the brothers who lead us?
Those prayers help them and the reason is that today we also have very hard-working brothers and sisters who lead us because they also have adverse circumstances. By asking Jehovah to bless all that they do, we show that we love them.
Because our brothers spend day by day for the spiritual well-being of each one of Christ's sheep, they teach us how to preach, how to develop our assignments. They are also aware of how we feel, like the apostle Paul, surely our brothers appreciate that we pray for them. So Jehovah will continue to give him the strength and adequate words to continue his work as leaders of the congregation.
Because this is how we show our love, in addition, the prayers we make in favor of them will help them give as the apostle Paul mentioned in Ephesians 6:19.
Because they also need Jehovah's help and we also show that we appreciate the work they do in the congregation.
A sister prays to Jehovah. Image Series: 1. A Governing Body member on a JW Broadcasting® program. 2. A married couple leaves his house, which was damaged by a storm. 3. Dennis Christensen, handcuffed and escorted by Russian policemen.
What things can we ask for when we pray for our brothers? (See paragraphs 14 to 16). *
17, 18. On what occasions may we be asked to pray in public, and what should we keep in mind?
For example, a sister who is leading a Bible class may ask the sister who is accompanying her to say a prayer. The brothers who have this responsibility must keep in mind what the purpose of the meeting is. The prayers are not to advise the congregation or to make announcements. So the brother who prays does not have to “use many words”, especially at the beginning of the meeting.
When we are giving Bible courses, it is very common to involve our companion, asking him to say the prayer if we still do not know the student well, we can tell the brother what he is leading so that we can say the final prayer.
Also sometimes we are asked to pray in a public meeting, for this we must take into account that our words should not be extensive and we cannot talk about matters there that concern doing it at another time, we must present ourselves at the meeting and ask that it be Jehovah and Jesus as head who guides her.
19. What will help us to be ready for Jehovah's day of judgment?
Jesus said, "Keep awake and pray all the time that you can escape from all these things that have to happen." If we pray constantly, we will stay awake spiritually and be ready when Jehovah's day comes.
It will help us to keep in mind the words of Jesus recorded in Luke 21 36 where he said stay awake and pray all the time that you manage to escape from all these things that have to happen if we do so and pray constantly we will stay awake spiritually and of course we will be ready for when the great day of Jehovah comes.
What will help us is not neglecting the prayer since if we pray to continue We will be able to stay awake in a spiritual sense.
20. What can we do to make our prayers like sweet-smelling incense?
We highly value the honor of praying to Jehovah. The most important matters to include in our prayers are those that are directly related to Jehovah's purpose. By thinking carefully about what we are going to say in our prayers, we show that we value this extraordinary honor. To Jehovah, our words will be like sweet-smelling incense, they will be “a delight to him”.
What we can do is always think carefully about what we are going to say in them, we must include part that is directly related to God's purpose, we must also thank you for sending your son and praying for our brothers in faith, and of course ask him to cover our physical and spiritual needs.
As we saw in the first paragraphs, incense in David's time was prepared with great care.
Our prayers are like pleasant incense for Jehovah, we must prepare our words well, what we are going to say in prayer, if we do so, Jehovah will know that we value the Lord we have to be able to address him in prayer.
What topics can we include in our prayers?
For example, when we have to make a decision, we can ask for wisdom and understanding. When we have to take on a responsibility that seems difficult, we can ask Jehovah to give us insight and discernment. Parents can pray for their children, and children for their parents. Also, we all can and should pray for our Bible students and the people to whom we preach. Of course, praying is not just a matter of asking.
As we have learned, we can not only base ourselves on the model prayer, we can also ask for daily matters or problems that we go through, also ask for our brothers, our family and that we lack daily food.
In our prayers we should not speak to Jehovah with excessive familiarity, but with deep respect.
Why should we pray for our brothers?
Our brothers need us to pray for them because they face many difficult situations. We can ask Jehovah to help them endure hardships such as illness, natural disasters, wars, or persecution. We can also pray for the brothers who sacrifice so much to help in relief efforts.
Because they, like us, go through adversity which they need to resolve, as we saw some suffer persecution, by asking for them we recognize that we love our brothers and we want them to be well at all times.
What should we keep in mind when we pray in public?
Think carefully about what we are going to say in our prayers, if we do so we are showing that we value this extraordinary honor. To Jehovah, our words will be like sweet-smelling incense, “a delight to him.”
We must take into account our words since they should focus not on advising but on what the meeting is about, and if it is a Bible course, we can be prudent by saying a prayer at the end if he invites us to be a brother or sister who invites us.
We must tailor our prayer to the needs of the person or persons we are praying for, and let us also remember that prayers are not for advising our listeners or for making announcements.
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