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1. How should we view prayer?
THE Creator of heaven and earth has granted us an extraordinary honor: we can communicate with him through prayer. Let's think about what this implies. We can open our hearts to Jehovah at any time and in any language, and we do not have to make an appointment. We can pray to our loving Father from a hospital bed or from a prison cell with the certainty that he will hear us. Do we not take this immense privilege for granted?
2. How did King David show that prayer was a privilege for him?
2 For King David, prayer was a privilege. In a song he told Jehovah: “Let my prayer be before you as prepared incense” (Ps. 141:1, 2). In David's time, a sacred incense was used to worship Jehovah, and the priests prepared it with great care (Ex. 30:34, 35). Apparently, by speaking of the incense, David meant that he would think carefully about what he was going to say to his heavenly Father in his prayers. And we want to do the same, because we want our prayers to please Jehovah.
3. With what attitude should we pray to Jehovah, and why?
3 In our prayers we should not speak to Jehovah with excessive familiarity, but with deep respect. Let's think about the impressive visions that Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and John had. Although they are all different, they have one thing in common: they describe Jehovah as an awesome King. Isaiah saw Jehovah “sitting on a high and exalted throne” (Isa. 6:1-3). Ezekiel saw him sitting in his heavenly chariot and surrounded by "a radiance like that of the rainbow" (Ezek. 1: 26-28). Daniel saw the “Ancient of Days” dressed in white and sitting on a throne from which flames of fire issued (Dan. 7:9, 10). And John saw Jehovah sitting on a throne that was surrounded by “a rainbow like an emerald” (Rev. 4:2-4).Meditating on Jehovah's incomparable glory reminds us that praying to him is an incredible honor and that it is very important to do it with deep reverence. Now, what can we talk about in our prayers?
4. What do we learn from the first sentences of the model sentence? (Matthew 6:9, 10).
4 (Read Matthew 6:9, 10). In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples to pray in a way that God approves . After saying “you must pray in this way,” the first matters he mentioned have a direct bearing on Jehovah's purpose: that his name be hallowed; may the Kingdom come—which will destroy all enemies of God—and may the blessings he has promised for the earth and for human beings come true. If we talk about these matters in our prayers, we show that Jehovah's will is important to us.
5. How do we know that there is nothing wrong with praying about personal matters?
5 In the next part of the model prayer, Jesus showed that there is nothing wrong with praying about personal matters. We can ask Jehovah to give us daily food, to forgive us our sins, to protect us from temptation and to deliver us from the Evil One (Matt. 6:11-13). When we ask Jehovah for these things, we acknowledge our dependence on him and express our desire to gain his approval.
6. Should we pray only for the matters mentioned in the model prayer?
6 Jesus did not want his disciples to simply mention the words and themes of the model prayer in their prayers. In other prayers he prayed he included other matters that were troubling him at the time (Matt. 26:39, 42; John 17:1-26). We can also pray about anything that worries us. For example , when we have to make a decision , we can ask for wisdom and understanding (Ps. 119:33, 34). When we have to take on a responsibility that seems difficult, we can ask Jehovah to give us insight and discernment.— Prov. 2:6. parents _ They can pray for their children, and children for their parents . Also, we all can and should pray for our Bible students and the people we preach to . Of course, praying is not just a matter of asking.
A brother prays to Jehovah together with his wife. Series of images: 1. His little daughter is in class. 2. An older man in a hospital bed. 3. The wife gives a Bible class to a woman.
What things can a brother mention when praying together with his wife? (See paragraph 6). *
7. Why should we praise Jehovah in our prayers?
7 In our prayers, we should also remember to praise Jehovah. He deserves our praise more than anyone. A psalm writer told him, "You are good and willing to forgive." And he added: “You are a merciful and compassionate God, patient and full of loyal love and faithfulness” (Ps. 86: 5, 15). We have plenty of reasons to praise Jehovah for the way he is and for everything he does.
8. What are some things we can give thanks for when we pray? (Psalm 104:12-15, 24).
8 In addition to praising Jehovah, we want to thank him in our prayers for all the wonders he gives us , such as the brilliant colors of flowers , the endless variety of delicious foods, and the pleasant company of good friends . All this and much more is given to us by our loving Father simply because he wants us to be happy (read Psalm 104: 12-15, 24). And, above all, we thank him for the enormous amount of spiritual food that he gives us and for the precious hope that we have.
9. What can we do so that we do not forget to give thanks to Jehovah? (1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18).
9 It is very easy for us to forget to thank Jehovah for all that he does for us. What can we do so that this does not happen to us? We could write down the things we have asked of him and review the list from time to time to see how Jehovah has responded to us. Then we can pray to him to thank him for his help (read 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18). Isn't it true that we feel happy and loved when others thank us? Well , we also give Jehovah a joy when we remember to thank him that he has answered our prayers (Col. 3:15). But there is something else for which to thank Jehovah, and it is very important. Let's see what this is about.
A brother prays to Jehovah. Series of images: 1. Jesus on the torture stake. 2. A beautiful river surrounded by mountains. 3. A colorful variety of fruits and vegetables.
What things can we include in our prayers to praise Jehovah and give him thanks? (See paragraphs 7 to 9). *
10. Why should we thank Jehovah for sending Jesus to earth? (1 Peter 2:21).
10 (Read 1 Peter 2:21). We should thank Jehovah for sending his beloved Son to teach us. By studying the life of Jesus, we learn a lot about Jehovah and what we need to do to please him. If we show faith in Christ's sacrifice, we can enjoy close friendship and peace with Jehovah.—Rom. 5:1.
11. Why do we pray in the name of Jesus?
11 We thank Jehovah that we can pray to him through his Son. Jehovah uses Jesus to give us what we ask for. If we pray in the name of his Son, Jehovah hears us and answers us. Jesus explained: “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, so that the Father may be glorified through the Son” (John 14:13, 14).
12. What other reason do we have to thank Jehovah for his Son?
12 Jehovah forgives our sins because of Jesus' sacrifice. The Bible says that Jesus is our “high priest” and that he is “sitting at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven” (Heb. 8:1). It also says that “we have a helper who is with the Father: Jesus Christ” (1 John 2:1). We are so thankful that Jehovah has given us a High Priest who sympathizes with us, understands our limitations, and “prays for us” (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 4:15). Were it not for the sacrifice of Jesus, we who are imperfect would not be able to pray to Jehovah. Words are not enough to express how much we appreciate the valuable gift that Jehovah has given us: his beloved Son.
13. How did Jesus show the night before he died that he loved his disciples?
13 The night before he died, Jesus prayed long and hard for his disciples , asking his Father to protect them from the Evil One (John 17:15). What a great gesture of love! Although he was about to undergo a terrible test, he was concerned for the welfare of his apostles.
14. How do we show that we love our brothers?
14 Like Jesus, we do not focus solely on our needs. Rather, we are in the habit of praying for our brothers. In this way, we obey Jesus' command to love one another and show Jehovah how much we love our brothers (John 13:34). And we know that when we pray for other servants of Jehovah, we are not wasting time . The Bible says that “the entreaty of the righteous man has a mighty effect” (Jas. 5:16).
15. Why do our brothers need us to pray for them?
15 Our brothers need us to pray for them because they face many difficult situations. We can ask Jehovah to help them endure hardships such as illness, natural disasters, wars, or persecution. We can also pray for the brothers who sacrifice so much to help in relief efforts. You may know someone who is in one of these situations. Why don't you mention him by name in your personal prayers? By asking Jehovah to help our brothers and sisters to move forward, we show that we truly love them.
16. Why should we pray for the brothers who lead us?
16 The brothers who lead the congregation appreciate very much that we pray for them, and those prayers help them. This is how the apostle Paul felt. He wrote: “Pray also for me that when I open my mouth, words may be granted to me so that I may boldly make known the sacred secret of the good news” (Eph. 6:19). Today we also have very hard-working brothers who lead us. By asking Jehovah to bless all that they do, we show that we love them.
What things can we ask for when we pray for our brothers? (See paragraphs 14 to 16). *
17, 18. On what occasions may we be asked to pray in public, and what should we keep in mind?
17 Sometimes we may be asked to pray in public. For example, a sister who is leading a Bible class may ask the sister who is accompanying her to say a prayer. The chaperone may not know the student well, and she may prefer to say the last sentence. So she could adapt it to the needs of the student.
18 What if a brother is asked to pray at a field service meeting or a congregation meeting? The brothers who have this responsibility must keep in mind what the purpose of the meeting is. The prayers are not to advise the congregation or to make announcements. For most meetings, a total of five minutes is allotted for song and prayer. So the brother who prays does not have to “use many words”, especially at the beginning of the meeting (Matt. 6:7).
19. What will help us to be ready for Jehovah's day of judgment?
19 As Jehovah's day of judgment draws near, we need to make prayer even more important. Speaking on this subject, Jesus said: “Keep awake and pray all the time that you may escape from all these things that must happen” (Luke 21:36). If we pray constantly, we will stay awake spiritually and be ready when Jehovah's day comes.
20. What can we do to make our prayers like sweet-smelling incense?
20 What have we analyzed in this article? We highly value the honor of praying to Jehovah. The most important matters for us to include in our prayers are those that are directly related to Jehovah's purpose. We also give thanks for the Son of God and his Kingdom, and we pray for our brothers. And, of course, we can ask Jehovah to provide for our physical and spiritual needs. By thinking carefully about what we are going to say in our prayers, we show that we value this extraordinary honor. To Jehovah, our words will be like sweet-smelling incense, “a delight to him” (Prov. 15:8).
What topics can we include in our prayers?
For example, when we have to make a decision, we can ask for wisdom and understanding (Ps. 119:33, 34). When we have to take on a responsibility that seems difficult, we can ask Jehovah to give us insight and discernment.— Prov. 2:6. Parents can pray for their children, and children for their parents. Also, we all can and should pray for our Bible students and the people to whom we preach. Of course, praying is not just a matter of asking.
In our prayers we should not speak to Jehovah with excessive familiarity, but with deep respect.
Why should we pray for our brothers?
Our brothers need us to pray for them because they face many difficult situations. We can ask Jehovah to help them endure hardships such as illness, natural disasters, wars, or persecution. We can also pray for the brothers who sacrifice so much to help in relief efforts.
What should we keep in mind when we pray in public?
Think carefully about what we are going to say in our prayers, if we do so we are showing that we value this extraordinary honor. To Jehovah, our words will be like sweet-smelling incense, “a delight to him” (Prov. 15:8).
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