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“I will cause enmity between you and the woman” (GEN. 3:15).
1. What did Jehovah do shortly after Adam and Eve sinned? (Genesis 3:15).
He immediately laid the groundwork for us, the descendants of Adam and Eve, to have hope and look to the future with confidence, which is why he gave the first prophecy found in Genesis 3:15.
When Adam and Eve sinned, then what was God's purpose ended, so to speak, it was temporarily truncated. So he made a prophecy with the purpose that what he had at the beginning, would be fulfilled again and at the same time this prophecy offered a ray of hope to humanity again.
2. Why is the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 so extraordinary?
Because this prophecy contains the key to understand the message of the Bible, which means that all the books of the Bible are United and transmit the same message that God would send a Savior to end the serpent and all his evil followers.
The answer is that there has not been another prophecy like that, because everything that is written in the Bible, each story in the Bible, is related to this Prophecy of Genesis 3:15, and in this Prophecy it was important because it is mentioned there that Jehovah would send a Savior to punish the devil and his followers.
3. What will we analyze in this article?
We will analyze some questions related to Genesis 3:15, these are Who are the characters of this prophecy? How has it been fulfilled? and How does it help us today?
We are going to talk about this prophecy and understand it thoroughly because we are going to see, for example, who are the characters in this prophecy. We are also going to see how this prophecy is being fulfilled, and finally how this prophecy helps each one of us.
4. Who is “the serpent,” and how do we know?
The serpent is Satan the devil and we know this because the Bible in Revelation 12:9 clearly shows us that it is what he says is the original serpent, an intelligent being who used a literal serpent as a mouthpiece to deceive the first human pair.
What we are sure of is that the snake was not a real snake, it was not what we refer to as the animal that crawls on the ground, because they lack understanding and reason. And we know this because the book of Revelation in chapter number 12 verse 9, there also speaks of a serpent and precisely this text says who the Bible refers to when it speaks of the serpent, it says what is called the devil and Satan.
Satan, represented as a spiritual being, the Devil; in Revelation 12:9 he is called "the original serpent." (See paragraph 4).
5. Who are the offspring of the serpent?
The offspring of the serpent are made up of evil spirit beings and humans who oppose Jehovah and his people just as Satan does.
In John 8:44 here Jesus mentioned the behavior shown by people who imitate this offspring and the apostle Judas mentioned Angels who did not maintain their original position and abandoned their rightful place, these actions identify them with their father Satan.
The Bible uses the word descendants and uses it to refer to people who imitate the way of thinking of a being, this then means that the descendants of the serpent are all spiritual beings and also including humans who imitate the way of think of Satan. And just as Satan, for example, opposes the people of God because these people are spiritual and human beings who also oppose the people of God, these are the offspring of the serpent.
Evil spirit beings and evil humans who oppose Jehovah and his people. (See paragraph 5).
6. Why can't Eve be “the woman” of Genesis 3:15?
Because Eva is a human terrestrial woman. In addition, the prophecy itself gives an important detail since it says that the offspring of the woman would crush the head of the serpent and as we know the serpent is a spiritual being, if we think about this it would be impossible for an imperfect human being, a descendant of Eve, to end up with Satan.
It is not Eve because according to what is mentioned in this prophecy it says that there will be a dispute between the serpent and the woman, but the serpent is a spiritual being, let us remember that it was satan the devil. So Eva was an imperfect human, so the prophecy was not referring to her, because a human being can never fight or end as the prophecy said with the serpent and Eva was not a spiritual being, it would be impossible to think that.
7. How does Revelation 12:1, 2, 5, 10 help us identify the woman of Genesis 3:15?
The description that Revelation makes about the woman that Genesis 3:15 mentions, helps us to understand that it is a symbolic woman because it says that she is clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and wears a crown of 12 stars on her head. his head. She also gives birth to a very special son, the kingdom of God. This Kingdom is heavenly, therefore the woman also has to be, since the woman represents the heavenly part of the Jehovah's Organization that is made up of faithful spiritual beings.
In Revelation it helps us to see first that the woman is a symbolic being since it says that the moon is at her feet and on her head she has two stars, therefore we see the similarities between the moon and the star and it makes us see that they are it is referring to something spiritual outside of the earth. So also taking into consideration the text of Galatians Chapter 4 verse 26, we draw the conclusion that the Woman represents Jehovah's Organization and the heavenly part.
Faithful spiritual beings. The heavenly part of Jehovah's organization, made up of faithful spirit beings. (See paragraph 7)
8. Who is the main part of the woman's offspring, and when did she become so? (Genesis 22:15-18).
It is Jesus Christ in Genesis 22:15 to 18, Jehovah indicated that the descendant would come from Abraham and Jesus was a direct descendant of that faithful patriarch, but as a human being he did not have the power to crush Satan and finish him off. That is why when Jesus was about 30 years old he was anointed and thus became the son of God begotten by spirit, at that time he became the main part of the offspring of the Woman as the apostle Paul explained very well in Galatians 3: 16 by clearly stating that the offspring was Christ.
The main part of the descendants is someone who would come from the lineage of Abraham since another prophecy follows from there where Jehovah told him that all people benefit through descendants, in this case the beneficiaries of Satan being crushed. So starting from there it would come from the lineage of Abraham and who? It was, well, it was Jesus because he was born by a direct descendant of the patriarch and also after we remember that we said that a human being cannot fight against a spiritual being. So he had to be begotten by the holy spirit, so he would become after his death a spirit being which would then give him the authority to do away with satan.
Jesus Christ and the anointed ones who will reign with him in his heavenly glory.
Jesus Christ and the anointed ones who will reign with him in his heavenly glory. Jesus Christ and the 144,000 anointed ones who will reign with him. (See paragraphs 8 and 9).
9, 10. (a) Who else are part of the woman's offspring, and when do they become so?
Jehovah decided that the offspring would have a secondary part made up of 144,000 human beings who would reign together with Christ. In Galatians 3:28-29 the apostle Paul helps us identify when they become part of the offspring he says that if they belong to Christ, then they are offspring of Abraham and become Heirs according to the promise. So Jehovah anoints a Christian with the Holy Spirit and thus he becomes part of the Woman's seed.
So those who are also part of the offspring of the woman are the Anointed Christians, they are also said to be part of the offspring, since in Galatians chapter 3 verse 28 and 29 show that if these Anointed Christians belong to Christ, then they automatically become descendants of Abraham and thus also become descendants or of the woman's offspring.
9, 10. (b) What will we see next?
Now we will briefly review what Jehovah has been doing to fulfill his words and then we will see how this prophecy helps us today.
We will see what Jehovah is doing to fulfill this prophecy of Genesis 3:15 and how that prophecy is now going to help us in a spiritual sense.
11. How was the “heel” of the woman’s offspring bruised?
This was fulfilled when Satan made the Jews and the Romans persecute and finally kill the son of God, but that wound was temporary because as Matthew 16:21 says on the third day Jesus was resurrected.
This event occurred when Satan used the Jews and the Romans to kill Jesus and such, for example when one injures himself because it affects Jesus a little, he left him temporarily out of the scene, it was when he was dead and after 3 days he got up not because of a serious injury, since as the prophecy says it was only on the heel.
12. When and how will the serpent's head be crushed?
This part of the prophecy will be fulfilled after the thousand years when Jehovah allows Jesus and those who rule with him to cleanse all the earth of their enemies. We can be sure that this will happen because in Revelation 17:14 it says that Jesus the Lamb and King of Kings will defeat and crush Satan.
By crushing the head, well, that makes us understand that it is a total destruction, unlike before it was only in the heel. So this will happen when Christ and the Anointed Ones rule and begin to cleanse the earth of the offspring of the serpent and along with that will come the destruction of satan the devil.
Important events in the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15
Timeline showing important events in the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15. A. 1943 before our era: Abraham contemplates the starry sky. B. Year 29: Jesus is anointed with holy spirit after John baptizes him. C. Passover 33 AD: Jesus hangs on a torture stake. D. Pentecost 33 AD: "Something like tongues of fire" appears over the heads of Christ's disciples. E. 1914 or soon after: Jesus casts Satan and his demons out of heaven. F. At the end of the Thousand Year Reign: Satan and his demons are cast into the lake of fire.
A.1943 BCE
The covenant that God made with Abraham comes into effect, in which he promised that the main part of the woman's offspring would be his descendant (Gen. 12:1-3; 22:15-18).
B. YEAR 29
Jesus is anointed, and thus becomes the main part of the woman's offspring (Matt. 3:16; Gal. 3:16).
Jesus is wounded in the heel, but three days later his wound is healed (Matt. 16:21; 26:1, 2).
The first members of the secondary part of the woman's seed are anointed with holy spirit (Acts 2:1-4; Gal. 3:29).
Satan is cast out of heaven, and persecution against the woman's offspring intensifies (Rev. 12:9, 12, 17).
Satan is crushed forever (Rev. 20:7, 10).
13. How does the fulfillment of this prophecy help us?
The fulfillment of this prophecy positively influences our lives, for example through Jesus we have come to know and love Jehovah, also his teachings help us lead a life that makes Jehovah happy. In addition, the perfect sacrifice of his death cleanses us from all sin, thus giving us the opportunity to reconcile with Jehovah and serve him as he pleases.
You have helped us Because from the beginning it has brought us benefits and it is that we have come to know Jehovah for example because Jesus came to Earth and Jesus came to earth to fulfill the prophecy, also through his teachings he showed us what God was like, also when Jesus was here on earth taught us to lead a happy life serving Jehovah many benefits of this prophecy.
It is also that with his death it happened that here on earth he benefited us, because in this way with his death he could offer his blood as a sacrifice and that we would once again have the opportunity to be cleansed of sin and be able to have a close relationship with Jehovah.
14. How do we know that what Jehovah prophesied in Eden would not immediately come to pass?
Because the prophecy speaks of offspring and the enmity that would exist between them, it is understood that enough time was needed for all the events related to the woman and the promised offspring and satan and her offspring to appear and unfold.
We know this because time was needed first for the offspring of the woman to come into existence, let us remember that said offspring came through the offspring of Abraham. So a lot of time was also needed for the devil to gather his descendants, that is, those who would oppose the people of God or for an enmity and hatred to arise between these two groups, so time is required.
15. a) Why does the world hate us today more than ever?
Today more than ever because he is under the influence of Satan who was expelled from heaven. That is why, as Revelation 12:17 says, he furiously attacks all those who obey God's commandments and have the mission of bearing witness about Jesus.
It's that the world hates us because the devil was cast down to Earth. So he has great anger and desperation and so he attacks God's people through his offspring.
15.b) Why should we not fear Satan?
We are not afraid of Satan because we have the same conviction that the apostle Paul expressed in Romans 8:31, there he said if God is for us, who can be against us. So we trust completely in Jehovah and in his protection.
We should not fear the devil because as the Apostle Paul said in Romans Chapter 8 verse 31 Jehovah God is on our side.
16-18. How has understanding of Genesis 3:15 helped Curtis, Ursula, and Jessica?
Brother Curtis
For example, in the case of Curtis, understanding this prophecy has helped him keep his trust in Jehovah, because he knows that the day will come when our heavenly father will end all difficulties.
Genesis chapter 3 verse has helped Brother Curtis a lot because he says that there are problems and disappointments that will always test Jehovah's loyalty. So knowing this prophecy has helped Brother Curtis maintain his confidence in Jehovah.
Sister Ursula
In the case of Úrsula, it helps her to be convinced that the Bible is the word of God. She was also moved to discover how Jehovah took immediate action so that mankind would not be without hope.
In the case of sister Úrsula, it helped her because knowing about that prophecy left a great mark on her being, since she felt the love of Jehovah when he took the measures to repair the sin that Adam and Eve had committed and that everyone would have a hope again and this was right after Adam and Eve sinned.
Sister Jessica
And understanding this prophecy helps Jessica remember that the life we are living is not the real life. She is also convinced that serving Jehovah gives us the best life now and a much better one in the future.
In the case of Sister Jessica, I helped her because it reminded her that the life we have now is not the real life, we are just waiting for the prophecy to come true so we can have a better life in the future and serve Jehovah.
19. Why can we be sure that the final part of the prophecy will be fulfilled?
Because the first part of the prophecy has already been fulfilled, this gives us the assurance that the final part will also be fulfilled. Now we are at the point where the selection of those who make up the secondary part of the woman's offspring is being completed and very soon the culminating part will be fulfilled where the serpent's head will be crushed.
We are sure because we have seen that most of the prophecies of Genesis 3:15 have already been fulfilled. So we are just waiting for the offspring of the Woman to crush the serpent's head.
Who are “the serpent” and his offspring, and who are “the woman” and her offspring?
Revelation 12:9 helps us identify that Satan's original serpent and his offspring are all evil spirit beings and evil humans who oppose Jehovah and his people. In the case of the woman's identity, the description that Revelation 12 verses 1,2-5 and 10 makes about her, helps us to understand that she is a symbolic woman. So the woman represents the heavenly part of Jehovah's Organization that is made up of faithful spirit beings, and the offspring are Jesus Christ and the 144,000 Anointed Ones who will Reign with him.
Let us remember that satan the devil or the offspring of the serpent are all who follow his way of acting and oppose Jehovah. The woman's offspring is Jehovah's heavenly organization, and her offspring is Jesus and also the 144,000 Anointed Ones.
How has this prophecy been fulfilled so far?
For example, in 1943 before our era, the covenant that God made with Abraham came into force, in which he promised him that the main part of the woman's descendants would be his descendants.
In the year 29 Jesus was anointed and thus became the main part of the woman's offspring.
For Easter of the year 33 Jesus was injured in the heel when he was killed but three days later he was resurrected and thus healed his wound.
On Pentecost of the year 33, the first members of the secondary part of the woman's descendants were anointed with holy spirit.
In 1914 or shortly after Satan is expelled from heaven and the persecution against the offspring of women intensifies.
They have been fulfilled because we have seen that the offspring of the woman and the offspring of the serpent have appeared, we have also studied how the prophecy that Jesus was bruised on the heel was fulfilled. So we hope that the offspring of the Woman will now crush the heads of the serpent.
How has the fulfillment of this prophecy helped you personally?
It has helped me understand the issues involved in the rebellion that occurred in Eden and get an overview of Jehovah's purposes, it makes me see how important it is that we make the decision to stand with Jehovah and recognize Jesus as the descendant promised and the King who will shower blessings on all the earth.
It has helped me because it gives me confidence to continue waiting for the other prophecies that are in the Bible to come true. It has also been, as the sister said, a sign of Jehovah's love, because it has made it possible for all of us to once again have hope and a future.
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