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1. How should we view prayer?
We must see prayer as a true privilege, because we can communicate with the most important person that exists in the universe, our creator Jehovah. We can go to him, without the need to make an appointment or worry about what language we speak or where we are, we all have the unique honor of praying to pour out our hearts to Jehovah.
2. How did King David show that prayer was a privilege for him?
He proved this by what he said at Psalm 141:2, that he wanted his prayer to go before Jehovah as prepared incense. And it is that David very well knew that the use and preparation of incense to worship Jehovah implied a lot of care, so he wanted to emphasize that he thought very well what he was going to say to Jehovah in his prayers, he wanted them to be acceptable goodbye.
3. With what attitude should we pray to Jehovah, and why?
We must pray to Jehovah with deep respect and reverence, the Bible describes Jehovah as an incomparably glorious being, for example in Isaiah 6:1 to 3 the prophet saw Jehovah sitting on a high and elevated throne, therefore it makes us understand that when we pray , we are not talking to someone who is at our level. We are addressing the most important person in the sovereign universe and awesome King Jehovah. So we must be very respectful.
4. What do we learn from the first sentences of the model sentence? (Matthew 6:9, 10).
When Jesus taught the Our Father prayer, he showed that the first thing we should ask is that Jehovah's name be hallowed, then ask that his Kingdom come and that God's will be done in all the earth, so that by first mentioning Jehovah and his will showed that when praying these matters should be the most important thing for us.
5. How do we know that there is nothing wrong with praying about personal matters?
Because the following things mentioned in the model prayer that Jesus taught refer to personal matters. He mentioned that we can ask for daily bread, forgiveness, protection from temptation and deliverance from evil. Which shows us that in prayers we can ask Jehovah for these things. Even so, the most important thing should always be the Divine interests.
6. Should we pray only for the matters mentioned in the model prayer?
No, because Jesus on other occasions included other matters that concerned him, for example, in Matthew 26 verses 39 and 42, the prayer he made to Jehovah due to the intense anguish he felt the night before he died is recorded. In the same way we can pray about anything, for something that worries us, for making a good decision, for fulfilling some responsibility that seems difficult to us or we can also pray for our family, the Bible student Brothers and people in the preaching .
A brother prays to Jehovah together with his wife. Series of images: 1. His little daughter is in class. 2. An older man in a hospital bed. 3. The wife gives a Bible class to a woman.
What things can a brother mention when praying together with his wife? (See paragraph 6). *
7. Why should we praise Jehovah in our prayers?
Because as Psalms 86 5 and 15 say Jehovah is good, and is willing to forgive. he is a merciful compassionate God patient and full of Loyal Love and fidelity. So the way he is and everything he does are reasons enough to praise Jehovah.
8. What are some things we can give thanks for when we pray? (Psalm 104:12-15, 24).
For example, as this Psalm says, we can thank him for the things he gives us, such as the colors of flowers, the infinite variety of delicious foods, the pleasant company of good friends. But mainly we must give thanks for the enormous amount of spiritual food that it gives us and for the precious Hope that we have.
9. What can we do so that we do not forget to give thanks to Jehovah? (1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18).
The paragraph gives us an excellent idea of what we can do so that we do not forget to give thanks to Jehovah. We should write down the things we have asked of him and review the list from time to time to see how he has responded to us, then we can pray to him to thank him for his help. The truth is that we all feel happy and loved when others thank us. Similarly, Jehovah is happy when we remember to thank him for answering our prayers.
A brother prays to Jehovah. Series of images: 1. Jesus on the torture stake. 2. A beautiful river surrounded by mountains. 3. A colorful variety of fruits and vegetables.
What things can we include in our prayers to praise Jehovah and give him thanks? (See paragraphs 7 to 9). *
10. Why should we thank Jehovah for sending Jesus to earth? (1 Peter 2:21).
Because as First Peter 2:21 says, Jesus set the example for us so that we would faithfully follow in his footsteps. So by studying the life of Jesus, we learn a lot about Jehovah and what we have to do to please him, plus his sacrifice made it possible for us to have a close friendship and peace with Jehovah.
11. Why do we pray in the name of Jesus?
Because Jesus himself in John 14 13 14, explained that whatever we ask in his name and he will do it so that the father is glorified through the son. So this means that if we pray in the name of Jesus, Jehovah hears us and answers us.
12. What other reason do we have to thank Jehovah for his Son?
We thank Jehovah for his son, because as Hebrews 8:1 and Romans 8:34 say, Jesus is our high priest, he died and prays for us, which makes possible the forgiveness of our sins. Truly the value of his sacrifice is so valuable that without him, we would not be able to pray to Jehovah.
13. How did Jesus show the night before he died that he loved his disciples?
Jesus showed that he loved his disciples, because he made a long and sincere prayer to Jehovah for them, asking him to protect them from the evil one. This shows us that he was more concerned about the welfare of his disciples than about the ordeal he was about to go through.
14. How do we show that we love our brothers?
We show that we love our brothers by praying for them since we know that praying for other servants of Jehovah is not a waste of time. In James 5:16 it says that the prayer of the righteous man has a powerful effect, so we pray for our brothers.
15. Why do our brothers need us to pray for them?
Because they face many difficult situations, and we can ask Jehovah to help them endure hardships such as illness, natural disaster, war, or persecution. We can also pray for the brothers who sacrifice so much to help in relief efforts. If we pray to Jehovah to help them and they can continue ahead, we show that we really love them.
16. Why should we pray for the brothers who lead us?
Because as the apostle Paul said in Ephesians 6:19 when praying for them, Jehovah grants them the words so that they can courageously make known the sacred secret of the good news, so it is appropriate to pray to Jehovah to bless all those who they lead and work hard within their village.
A sister prays to Jehovah. Image Series: 1. A Governing Body member on a JW Broadcasting® program. 2. A married couple leaves his house, which was damaged by a storm. 3. Dennis Christensen, handcuffed and escorted by Russian policemen.
What things can we ask for when we pray for our brothers? (See paragraphs 14 to 16). *
17, 18. On what occasions may we be asked to pray in public, and what should we keep in mind?
In the case of sisters, they can pray before leading a Bible course, it can be done by the publisher who leads or by the chaperone. The sisters should keep in mind that they can adapt the prayer to the needs of the student, in the case of the men they are asked to pray in a meeting for the field service or in a meeting of the congregation. They should follow the advice in Matthew 6:7, they should not use many words, they should keep in mind what the purpose of the meeting is and focus their prayer on it.
19. What will help us to be ready for Jehovah's day of judgment?
What will help us is to follow the advice of Jesus in Luke 21:36, he said stay awake and pray all the time so that you can escape from all these things that have to happen, so we must pray constantly, this will make us stay awake in spiritual sense and be ready for the day of judgment.
20. What can we do to make our prayers like sweet-smelling incense?
What we can do is think carefully about what we are going to say to our prayers, we may not be so eloquent. But if we can be sincere, we can also reflect on what we have learned in this study, that will help us prepare our prayers as incense before Jehovah.
What topics can we include in our prayers?
In our prayers we can include the most important matters that are related to Jehovah's purpose, we must also remember to praise Jehovah and give thanks for his Son and his Kingdom, we also pray for our brothers, we can also ask Jehovah to cover our needs physical and spiritual.
In our prayers we should not speak to Jehovah with excessive familiarity, but with deep respect.
Why should we pray for our brothers?
Because they face many difficult situations such as illnesses, natural disasters, wars or persecution, if we pray to Jehovah to help them and they can move on, we show that we really love them. It is also appropriate to pray for what they direct us because they work hard to carry out the work Jehovah has entrusted to them.
What should we keep in mind when we pray in public?
Think carefully about what we are going to say in our prayers, if we do so we are showing that we value this extraordinary honor. To Jehovah, our words will be like sweet-smelling incense, “a delight to him.”
To pray in public we must keep in mind what the purpose of the meeting is and focus on it, thus ensuring that it is acceptable to Jehovah.
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