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1. What is God's will today?
His will is that we preach the good news of the Kingdom throughout the earth.
2. What will we see in this article?
We will see that Jesus uses the “faithful and wise slave” to give us spiritual food and organize us for the greatest preaching campaign of all time.
3. What authority was given to Jesus?
Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."
4. Why can we be sure that Jesus continues to supervise the preaching?
Because he said he would be with his followers "every day until the conclusion of the system."
5. How do we participate in the fulfillment of Psalm 110:3?
We participate, preaching the good news, thus supporting Jesus and the faithful slave, and participating in the fulfillment of this prophecy.
6. What is one of the obstacles we face?
One of the obstacles we face is the opposition.
7. What evidence do you see that Revelation 14:6, 7 is being fulfilled?
Bible prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes: people “of all the languages of the nations” are learning to speak the “pure language” of biblical truth
8. What have been the results of the preaching so far?
More than 8 million people in 240 countries and territories are part of Jehovah's organization.
9. According to Matthew 24:45-47, what did Jesus say would happen at the end time?
Jesus would entrust a “faithful and wise slave” with the task of giving us spiritual food.
Image Series: Publications that have been used over the decades to help people learn about the Bible. 1. 1949: “Let God be true”. A sister preaches to a married couple and offers them the book. 2. 1968: "The truth that leads to eternal life." A man reads the book in his house. 3. 1982: “You can live forever in paradise on Earth”. A brother gives a Bible class to a man. 4. 1995: "The knowledge that leads to eternal life." A brother gives Bible lessons to a colleague during his lunch break at his place of employment. 5. 2005 and 2017: The books “What Does the Bible Really Teach?” and “What does the Bible teach us?” A sister teaches a Bible study to a woman. 6. 2021: “Enjoy life”. A sister teaches a Bible study to a woman via videoconference.
10. Which of the books that appear in the images helped you to enter the path that leads to life?
In 1921, the slave published the book The Harp of God in English to teach the basic truths of the Bible.
11. Why is it so important that we all receive spiritual food?
Because we all need it, “Solid food is for mature people”, it will also help us “distinguish what is right from what is wrong”.
12. What have we done to honor God's name as Jesus did?
In 1931 we adopted the biblical name Jehovah's Witnesses. Thus we show that we want to bear the name of our heavenly Father, because it is very important to us.
13. What convinces you personally that Jesus is using the “faithful and wise slave” today? (John 6:68).
Because Jesus has caused his followers to form an extraordinary organization here on earth to promote pure worship.
14. How has being part of Jehovah's organization helped you during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Many people in the world did not know what to do, but Jesus made sure that we received clear guidance to protect ourselves. He encouraged us to wear face masks in public places and to keep physical distance. And the reports from the Governing Body have given us further instructions and encouragement.
15. What other instructions have come to us during the pandemic, and what are the results?
Clear instructions for meetings and preaching reached us. We started by holding meetings and assemblies by videoconference. Jehovah has blessed our efforts. The number of publishers has increased remarkably.
Jehovah blesses the preaching
When the pandemic broke out, a Central American couple who had been living in Europe for more than 15 years decided to preach to all their relatives and acquaintances in Central America. So they wrote over 200 letters and sent them using a messaging app. They got several return visits, and those who showed interest were sent links to posts and videos. Jehovah blessed their efforts. In a matter of 8 months, 14 Bible courses began.
During the November 2020 campaign, when we distributed The Watchtower under the title “What Is the Kingdom of God?”, a brother called an old schoolmate. The man accepted the magazine and agreed to talk about it the following week. In that conversation, he told the brother: "Before you called me, I had asked God to help me know what he expects of me." The man accepted a Bible course and began to attend the meetings and put into practice what he was learning. Later he told the brother, “I used to feel that something was missing in my life. Now I see that something was Jehovah. I will be eternally grateful to you for helping me get to know him.”
16. What can we be sure of?
We can be sure that whatever comes in the future, Jehovah and his dear Son will be with us.
17. How do you feel about working under Jesus' supervision?
I feel that I belong to an organization that has not let nationality, culture or language divide us.
What convinces you that Jesus supervises the preaching throughout the world?
Shortly before ascending to heaven, he met with some of his faithful disciples on a mountain in Galilee and told them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." Jesus said that the preaching and disciple-making work would take place in “all nations,” and that he would be with his followers “every day until the conclusion of the system.”
What convinces you that Jesus directs the “faithful and wise slave” to give us spiritual food?
Through “the faithful and wise slave,” Jesus has caused his followers to form a remarkable organization here on earth to promote pure worship. What do you think of this organization? Perhaps you feel like Peter, who said to Jesus, “Who are we going to go to? You have words of eternal life".
What convinces you that Jesus guides his followers in difficult times?
When difficult times come, Jesus guides us wisely. This became clear when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. Many people in the world did not know what to do, but Jesus made sure that we received clear guidance to protect ourselves. He encouraged us to wear face masks in public places and to keep physical distance. The elders were reminded to keep in touch with all the publishers and to be concerned about their physical and spiritual needs.
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