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Spiritual Gems (10 mins.)
1Ki 14:13. What does this text teach us about Jehovah's personality? (w10 7/1 29 ¶5)
The answer is that this text we have just read teaches us that Jehovah thoroughly examines each individual person, always seeking to find something good in our hearts. He immediately appreciates the good in each of us and shows his compassion and blesses him.
It teaches me that he always sees the good in others and that he is a very compassionate God.
This verse says that something good had been found in Abijah. Apparently Jehovah thoroughly searched his heart until he found a good quality. Compared to his family you had turned out to be, according to a certain expert, a pearl among a heap of stones, that is why Jehovah valued the good that was in this member of an unfaithful family for that reason he was compassionate and granted him a decent burial. This text teaches us something very important about the fascinating personality of Jehovah and what he looks for from each of us his servants.
It teaches us that Jehovah is never going to be carried away by appearances, but rather always thoroughly examines the hearts of people, until he finds good qualities and what is more valuable, and it also teaches us that he is a very compassionate God. .
With this action it is shown that Jehovah does not judge human beings collectively, for he carefully examines each of the hearts and looks for the qualities that are necessary to be accepted in his organization. His compassionate impartiality gives us the opportunity to attain His Forgiveness for actions we have done and have repented of.
What spiritual gems have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
1 Kings 13:6 , There we see that Jeroboam wanted to do something to the prophet and his hand was paralyzed, so when he found himself in those troubles, now he went to seek Jehovah's help and I ask the prophet to intercede for he a, but we see that afterwards his actions continued to be bad. So what it teaches us is that we should not only remember Jehovah when we are going through difficult times, but also in good times when we should remember Jehovah and cultivate a close relationship with God.
1 Kings 13:4 , We see that in this case Jeroboam in the same incident tries to do something to the prophet and his hand is paralyzed my and what does this teach us?, that Jehovah acts when people go against the people of Jehovah, like what happened on that occasion and we see that Jehovah was ready to act, today also Jehovah is going to be the same at Armageddon when the people want to exterminate the people of God, Jehovah will act justly and this will give way to Armageddon.
1 Kings 13:18 , There we see that the prophet was deceived by another prophet, that is to say, the prophet had received instructions from Jehovah and another prophet goes and tells him that it should not be the opposite and so he allows himself to be deceived. So what this text teaches us is that we must train our mental faculties well as the Bible says to be able to distinguish between good and evil, so we are not going to let ourselves be influenced by the thinking of people who do not appreciate the principles of Jehovah.
1 Kings 13:21 , Now we see that the prophet was punished for not obeying Jehovah in what he had commanded him, and he ignored in this case the directives that he was not to stop at the place or eat or drink water. So what we learn from this text is that when we obey Jehovah it must be a complete obedience not half, since if we do a half obedience of the Biblical principles, then this is as if we did not obey Jehovah.
1 Kings 14:16 , We see that Jehovah was going to punish both King Jeroboam because he had practiced idolatry as well as Israel for the acts they had done to follow the king in idolatry. So what it teaches us is that each one of us is responsible for one's actions and that we cannot pass that responsibility on to other people who may have influenced us to commit some serious sin.
1 Kings 14:24, Well, we see the result of not obeying Jehovah and not acting in time when the problem began, because the result was that the people went to idolatry because Solomon began to bring women from other countries who also brought the worship of false gods. So in 24 we see the result that the people sank into idolatry, and what it teaches us is that if we see any weakness or bad attitude we must act promptly so that this does not affect the future.
1 Kings 14:25 , We see that Jehovah fulfilled his word when he told Solomon that if Israel turned away from evil ways, the temple that bore his name would not protect them. What it teaches us is that our worship of Jehovah is not something routine, true salvation depends on how much we obey Jehovah and his Biblical principles.
1 Kings 13:11-18, It makes me think that we should always be alert to any situation that takes us away from Jehovah, for example, this man told this prophet exactly what he wanted to hear, that is why he did not consult Jehovah. In the same way, the world may present us with temptations that make us attractive, that is why we must always be alert in a spiritual sense.
1 Kings 13:19-25, It makes us meditate on what the prophet of God would have done well if he had not stopped on the trip back home, what it teaches us is that we must resolve to obey the commands of Jehovah pass whatever happens, with the full conviction that everything he asks of us is fair and is for our good.
1 Kings 13:15-19, We see that instead of trusting in Jehovah as he had done up to that moment, the prophet trusted his own criteria, and as a consequence of his mistake he lost his life and his good name before Jehovah. So this account teaches us how important it is to serve Jehovah with modesty and loyalty and not rely too much on ourselves.
1 Kings 13:4,5, We see that when the humble prophet faithfully fulfilled his commission Jehovah protected him from Jeroboam's violent reaction, which teaches us that without a doubt as long as we obey everything that Jehovah tells us he will be there to help us. protect us, and it will also do well in our lives.
1 Kings 13:6, What we learn is that Jehovah is a God who always listens to the pleas of his obedient servants. He clearly today because he no longer performs miraculous interventions but he does not continue to listen and respond at the right time.
1 Kings 13:18, It clearly says that this man lied to the prophet of God, which ended up costing him his life, so this makes us think that you can end the lies, no matter how harmless they seem to us, you can end up affecting the degree of destroy the dignity, self-esteem or spirituality of a person.
1 Kings 13:1,2, We see that a prophecy is announced where it was said that a descendant of David named Josiah would burn men's bones on an altar in the city of Bethel, and according to the Bible this happened three centuries later, What Jehovah teaches us is that everything he says is fulfilled without fail.
1 Kings 13:33,34, Well, we see that even after everything that happened to Jeroboam, he did not learn his lesson and continued with his blasphemous path of disobedience to Jehovah, which teaches us that we should never abuse Jehovah's mercy and although it is true that he forgives us our sins and after committing a serious sin there he allows us to return to his people, this does not mean that we can sin deliberately.
1 Kings 14:9, teaches us that Jehovah hates the worship of idols, since he demands exclusive devotion from us because he is the only one who deserves to be worshiped.
1 Kings 14:8, teaches us that when Jehovah forgives, he does so sincerely and forgets our mistakes, because here he speaks highly of David despite the mistakes he made.
1 Kings 13:2, It is said that God can accurately predict what will happen in his word, the Bible affirms that he declares from the beginning the end and from long ago the things that have been done to us. God has announced great changes for the future, and we can be sure that every word that has not yet been fulfilled will be carried out for the benefit of all his loyal servants who trust in his promises.
1 Kings 13:18, This story teaches us that we must resolve to obey Jehovah's commands no matter what happens with the full conviction that everything he asks of us is fair, there are some who when receiving advice only listen to what they say. they are interested in the wisest thing is that before making a decision we seek Jehovah's guidance and meditate on Biblical advice.
1 Kings 14:9, This account teaches us that the Christian must be careful not to begin to consider some object as something more than what is really Christian, if we see that the presence of a certain object picture could arouse feelings of adoration due to to their old association idolatry it is better to get rid of them and that could include personal data jewelry similar things of sentimental attachment or things that are related to idolatry.
1 Kings 14:29, We see that the fact that certain books are mentioned in the Bible and are used as a source of information does not mean that they are inspired. However, we can be sure that we have all the writers who constitute the word of our God. What Jehovah chose to include in the 66 books of the Bible and preserve to this day is precisely what each of us needs in order to be fully equipped for every good work.
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