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1Ki 16:34. How does this text help us to trust Jehovah's prophecies even more? (w98 9/15 21 ¶8)
In Joshua 6:26 a prophecy was made about the punishment for the reconstruction of Jericho, in 1 Kings it is said that Hiel the Bethelite built Jericho paying with the loss of Abiram and Segub his sons, only a real God could inspire those prophecies and make them come true
The text speaks of Hiel the Bethelite, who began to build Jericho but lost his children, this because when he went to destroy Jerusalem an oath was made, that whoever builds Jericho will pay with the loss of a son. What it teaches us is that, even if they are small things, the word of the Lord is fulfilled, and this gives us confidence that the prophecies that are in the Bible will also be fulfilled to the letter.
Well, if we remember in Joshua chapter 6 and verse 26, we can notice what Jehovah made this prophet pronounce, an oath which consisted in that if any man decided to rebuild the city of Jericho, he would be cursed before Jehovah and would pay dearly. disobedience losing in death his eldest son and his youngest son.
500 years later this prophecy would be fulfilled. Hiel the Bethelite decided to build the city of Jericho, taking place exactly as they were written in the words that Jehovah had said to the prophet Joshua, so this helps me and helps us all to continue fully trusting in Jehovah, since many of his prophecies until Today they have already been fulfilled, that is why it does not matter how long the great day of Jehovah takes, we know that without fail it will arrive, so we will be anxiously awaiting the end of this system.
The Watchtower of the year 1998 of September 15 page 21 paragraph 8, mentions that the prophecy that was given in the time of Joshua that was said 500 years before saying exactly what would happen to whoever wanted to build the city of Jericho, whoever did he would lose his firstborn and the last of his children. Hiel the Bethelite was the one who participated in this fulfillment, although he did not give details about the names of those involved in the fulfillment of this prophecy, if it was fulfilled on the death of the children of the one who did it. This guarantees that the biblical prophecies are fulfilled with the detail that Jehovah indicates, all the prophecies that Jehovah has given will surely be fulfilled demonstrating that he is a God who fulfills promises.
What spiritual gems have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
1 Kings15:7. First and Second Kings differ from First and Second Samuel by mentioning earlier records as sources of the information the compiler used, for example, both books the compiler refers to 15 times as the "book of the affairs of the days of the kings of Judah” and 18 times to the “book of the affairs of the days of the kings of Israel”.
1 Kings 15:12, 13. Asa made the temple prostitutes out of Judah, who had sex with other men as part of their pagan rites. Jehovah was pleased with Asa’s zeal for true worship, and he rewarded him by granting him many years of peace, Jehovah is pleased with those who do the good things that he commands and rewards them with a quiet life.
1 Kings 15:16-22. King Baasha of Israel set out to block the passage of anyone who felt inclined to return to Judah by fortifying the border city of Ramah, due to human reasoning or heeding some bad advice, Asa did not rely on Jehovah alone, but who resorted to diplomacy and conspiracy to get rid of this threat, although we sometimes think that our ideas can have good results, we must never forget that we must always seek Jehovah's guidance.
1 Kings 15:23, 24. Asa's final three years were painful due to foot disease, but he unwisely sought physical healing rather than spiritual healing, despite foolishness and lack of spiritual discernment which he manifested on a few occasions, his good qualities and his failure to apostatize undoubtedly outweighed his mistakes, and he is considered one of the faithful kings of the line of Judah.
1 Kings 16:4. The dogs, like the carrion birds, fed on offal, particularly in the cities and the Law ordered that the meat that a wild beast had torn to pieces be thrown to the dogs, that is why during Jehovah's judgments against his enemies sometimes it consisted of dogs eating their carcasses or licking their blood.
1 Kings 16:31. Ahab had some of the worst behavior when it comes to true worship. Not only did he tolerate the corrupted form of worship of Jehovah through the golden calves that Jeroboam had made, but he also allowed Baal worship to infect Israel on an unprecedented scale as a result of his marriage to Jezebel, the daughter of Baal. of Ethbaal, king of Sidon.
1 Kings 15:27,28, Baasha conspired against Nadab and killed him, thus becoming the new king. He allowed ambition and arrogance to dominate his heart. This teaches me the danger of allowing a wrong or ambitious desire to develop in our hearts to try to usurp some privilege or position of responsibility in the congregation. We Christians refuse to conspire against other people, contrary to that we strive to follow the advice of not doing anything moved by a conflictive spirit, but humbly think that others are superior to us.
1 Kings 16:221,22, The apostasy that existed in Israel caused the people to divide into two factions, one part followed Tibni and the other part followed Omri. In the end, Tibni died and Omri became king. This teaches me that Satan knows that a divided congregation cannot stand, so he will always try to divide us and start fighting each other instead of fighting against him. Christians do not want to fall into that trap. Rather, we are determined to show brotherly love because we know that this helps keep the congregation free from divisions, rancor and strife.
1 Kings 16:30,33, Ahab was a bad king, much worse than all that were before him. Due to the influence of his wife he built a temple and a baal altar, with this action he seriously offended Jehovah. This teaches me that we should not think that this story is unimportant today we know that the word baal means owner or master, and Jehovah asks his people to choose him as our master. Unfortunately, most people serve a great diversity or variety of masters, such as money, career or entertainment, but we are determined to serve only Jehovah our owner and master for eternity.
1 Kings 15:3, We see that the expression is repeated again, he did not serve the Lord his God with a complete heart. And what it teaches us is that in worshiping Jehovah we must worship Him exclusively and without contamination, because if we mix our service to Jehovah with duration or with vain or false things, it would be of no use to Us.
1 Kings 15:4, Says that Jehovah kept a successor out of consideration for David. Even though he was already dead and what he teaches us is that Jehovah, as the Bible says, does not forget the love they showed for his name and will bring them back to life in the future.
1 Kings 15:11, This text is very motivating for the brothers who are serving Jehovah alone since we see that he was even a faithful servant to Jehovah despite the fact that his father and grandmother worshiped false gods. And just like these brothers, Asa is considered a good example of being a servant of God.
1 Kings 15:29, shows us that what the Lord prophesied through the prophet Ahijah that all of Jeroboam's house would die was fulfilled, what it teaches us is that the promises of the Lord are always fulfilled, and the same will happen with these promises that we have in the Bible that are yet to be fulfilled in a future time.
1 Kings 15:30, Jehovah passed sentence because it says that Jeroboam angered Jehovah and this was because even though he knew what he had to do he always did the opposite, what it teaches us is that we know what Jehovah and we know what He asks us, but if we sin even knowing we can have the same result that Jeroboam had.
1 Kings 15:13, There we see that Asa put family relationships above his relationship with Jehovah. What it teaches us is that we should strive to act in a way that puts Jehovah before the family, such as when a relative is disfellowshiped we should continue to maintain our loyalty to Jehovah.
1 Kings 16:2, shows us that the sins that are committed offend Jehovah. And what it teaches us is that if we are afraid of displeasing Jehovah, we are going to think carefully about our decisions and goals so as not to fall into the same mistake as these people and sadden Jehovah's heart.
1 Kings 15:1-4, Here we see a new king of Judah, Abiyam, who did not reign for a long time, it was only three years and this was because Jehovah did not bless his reign, because as the Bible mentions, he did what was wrong to the eyes of the Lord, even though he knew his statutes. From this story in the Bible I learn that Jehovah many times with his love that he has for us, gives us the opportunity to show him how much we love him, giving us privileges that we must treasure with all our hearts, in order to continue doing what he wants. But if we don't do it this way, they won't last long because they won't have his blessing, and just as they were given to us at the time, they will be taken away from us.
1 Kings 15:17, Comparing what Second Chronicles chapter 13 says, Asa forgets Jehovah and turns to a man to help her, Jehovah lets Asa know through a prophet what he had done, which he he refuses to listen. From this we learn then that in our day to day our loyalty to Jehovah is tested, either by what we say or by what we do, Asa in his desperation turns to man for help, forgetting everything that Jehovah had done for him . Let's learn from this story and let's not forget Jehovah when we need help, let's listen to his word and let us be guided by him, so we will be doing the right thing avoiding ceasing to be loyal to Jehovah.
1 Kings 15:29, This text teaches me about Jehovah what is a God who keeps promises and also what is a God of Justice, many times he warned Jeroboam of what would happen to him if he continued walking on the paths that displease him, but he I can not hear. So some time later, through Baasha, Jehovah fulfilled his word, without a doubt we must bear in mind that Jehovah gives us opportunities, but if we do not know how to take advantage of it and continue doing what he dislikes, in the future Jehovah's justice will come without lack.
1 Kings 16:1-14 teaches me that Jehovah does not want people to be deceived by idolatry and false teachings against his word. Baasha had led many of Israel's people to the path of idolatry, and Jehovah gave him his sentence as well as Baasha. Jehovah will very soon put an end to all the false teachings and idolatry that many religions teach to people who only want to serve him with a good heart, but who are deceived through it, that is why for the moment Jehovah has given us the honor of bringing the truth of his agent word from all parts of the world, so that they are not deceived and know the truth.
1 Kings 16:29-34, teaches me that today there are many people who do what God hates for the simple fact of putting it to the test, saying things like that there is no God who can judge them, or that if there is a God who stops what they are doing, but we as true Christians know that Jehovah only observes and in due time will do justice, as we have read in the prophecies that have already been fulfilled, in all the men who did detestable things to his eyes.
1 Kings 15:3, The Watchtower 1984 September 1st, Page 16, Mentions that King Abiyam was a son of Maacah and then set up an obscene idol for false worship having a bad example within his own family, and for that reason his heart was not complete as his ancestor David was. Although he initially encouraged the people to follow David's example in worshiping Jehovah, he himself did not comply and therefore paid the consequences. This teaches us that although we have Jesus as our model to follow, it is essential that Christian parents also set an example for their children, because they look not only at what they say but also at what they do, when they direct their lives. by themselves they will demonstrate what the parents planted in their hearts during the years they were together.
1 Kings 15:12, On several occasions Asa prayed to Jehovah for help when he was in trouble. He did his best to support true worship by removing idols that promoted idolatry. On later occasions he unwisely overlooks, for example he asked the king of Syria for help instead of Jehovah, yet in the end Asa's own heart proved whole. This text teaches us that we should all examine our heart to see if it is totally delivered to God, let us ask ourselves, Am I determined to please Jehovah and defend Pure Worship and protect his people from everything that can corrupt them? Like Asa, we can show that our hearts are complete by putting all our trust in God when we face opposition even if it seems impossible to bear.
1 Kings 15:3, We see that Asa showed zeal for pure worship as David jumped past and courageously set out to cleanse the land of idols and temple prostitutes, he commanded to burn the horrible idol that his grandmother Maacah had made in honor of the sacred post, and for this reason he removed her from the position of first lady that she occupied. This text teaches us that it is possible that at some point we observe inappropriate behavior from a family member or very dear friend. Taking a firm stance on true worship, we want to remember that our loyalty to Jehovah is above any feelings we have towards any loved human being.
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