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1Ki 12:21-24. What does King Rehoboam's obedience teach us? (w18.06 14 ¶1-4).
That the best thing is to obey God even if others make fun of us. If we do, we will receive Jehovah's approval and blessing. So it was in the case of Rehoboam. He was obedient and did not fight against the new nation. Instead, he fortified some cities and built others in the territories over which he still ruled: Judah and Benjamin. And what is more important, he for a time obeyed Jehovah's laws. Although the northern kingdom, ruled by Jeroboam, fell into idolatry, many of its inhabitants traveled to Jerusalem to support Rehoboam and pure worship. So Rehoboam's obedience strengthened his kingship.
In order to put down the revolt, Rehoboam gathered his army, because he wanted to fight against Israel, but the Lord told him not to do such a thing, even though the people mocked him for not punishing such a rebellion, they obeyed the word of the Lord, and turned home, according to the word of Jehovah, this teaches us that it is best to obey God, even if others make fun of us. If we do, we will receive Jehovah's approval and blessing, and in Rehoboam's case, his obedience strengthened his kingship.
What it teaches us is that when we obey Jehovah despite opposition or mockery from others, we receive blessing from Jehovah just as Rehoboam's obedience strengthened his kingdom.
And what we learn is that we Jehovah's servants will always find ourselves in this same situation since the people of this world consider it foolish to obey the biblical principles but if we obey Jehovah we will free ourselves from many calamities in life now and we will be consider worthy to live in the government of Jehovah.
This teaches us that it is best to obey God even if others make fun of us, and if we do so we will receive his approval, and as Deuteronomy 28:12 mentions, these blessings will come upon you and reach you if you always listen to the voice of the Lord your God, then obeying is very important because that way we will receive many blessings.
Many times it is not easy, it may be that it becomes difficult for us because of the ridicule or pressure of other people, as was the case with Jeroboam, but even so, he was obedient and did not fight against the new nation, but rather he concentrated on other things. that Jehovah had done to him.
In verse 24 he told them not to go up to fight and they obeyed the words of the Lord and returned to their house, so we can understand that this man had gathered his army, everything was ready and now he says you do not have to fight, what do I do? in this case we see that Rehobocam faithfully obeyed the word of Jehovah, sometimes we are also ready to do one thing but later we see that Jehovah's chariot goes in another direction, we want to be ready to obey.
Yes, Rehoboam had previously threatened to punish the people by making the yoke harder than Solomon's, punishing them with pointed stakes with a sharp-pointed whip, and now it seemed that in his reaction he was going to be like a coward because he was trusting in his word, when Jehovah he had told him to come back and that he was looking bad because in the book of second chronicles 13:7 it is seen that they compare him to useless men and that he did not have the strength despite being young to face him, so what his name of Rehoboam that It turned out badly but he preferred to obey Jehovah, so sometimes we can remain before the people, our name may remain on the ground but the important thing is that in the end we end up obeying Jehovah.
And that doesn't teach you that when one obeys Jehovah despite the opposition or ridicule we have from other people but we will receive Jehovah's blessing as well as Rehoboam's obedience, this strengthened his kingdom.
It teaches that although we already have all the enthusiasm to do something for Jehovah or defend our family or our people, the best thing is like Rehoboham to obey Jehovah, thanks to the fact that he returned from that battle good from that preparation for battle Jehovah protected the nation of the south because at that time the nation of the north began to be apostate, that was something that was for the protection of him and the people of the south.
Obedience is far more important than how we look before others who may ridicule our actions, and Jehovah always blesses obedience.
Because the best thing is to obey him but perhaps others make fun of us, so what we, despite these opposition or mockery, must follow the advice to obey Jehovah first.
What spiritual gems have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
1 Kings 11:4. Let us be very careful to choose our partner, even if it is only one, as in the case of Solomon it may divert our hearts, perhaps not to worship other gods so drastically, but if it could distract us from worshiping Jehovah with all our hearts, perhaps for promoting materialism, travel, non-theocratic goals and that would make us arrive at the same place as Solomon, by not being 100% with Jehovah.
1 Kings 11:4. Although it can be thought that Solomon became unfaithful in his old age due to senility, it does not seem that this was the reason, Solomon was quite young when he began to rule, and although he was king for forty years, he did not reach a very old age . Furthermore, he did not completely stop worshiping Jehovah. He apparently tried to practice some form of faith union.
1 Kings 11:4. Solomon married many women who did not worship Jehovah, and then when Solomon grew old he tolerated the practice of idolatry, here Jehovah advises us not to marry people who do not have our same principles with him.
1 Kings 11:9-10. This teaches me that the modest person stays within the limits of good behavior, so Christians should strive to cultivate this virtue. This example shows us that Jehovah has the absolute right to set limits on what we can or cannot do in true worship. Therefore, "let us show modesty by respecting them."
1 Kings 11:9. Jehovah was furious with Solomon because his heart had turned aside and away from Jehovah, who reminds us that our good and bad acts influence Jehovah, he feels sad or he feels happy, it is better to obey Jehovah and that way the smiles at us
1 Kings 11:9-14. When Solomon became disobedient in his last years, Jehovah raised opponents against him, the way he treated him reminds us of what 1 Peter 5:5 mentions where it says that God opposes the proud, but gives undeserved kindness to the humble, that is why we must always keep in mind never to disobey Jehovah, rather, we must remain humble and loyal to him.
1 Kings 11:28. Young brothers if you are capable and above all workers as this text says, surely Jehovah will make brothers with Solomon observe you and assign you to supervise some tasks, and we do not know, as in the case of this young man, he ended up being the king of Israel, you they may be able to acquire special and unique assignments in Jehovah's service.
1 Kings 11:29,32. This teaches us that Jehovah used this object to convey important information. It is imitation of him, we in the ministry can use different visual media in order to instill biblical truths. Let us remember that these aids appeal to the senses of sight and hearing, which allows the person to be more attentive and remember the information. So let's use visual aids to teach.
1 Kings 11:31-35. It teaches us that Jehovah is a jealous God and does not share worship with false gods for which he punished Solomon by taking away his kingdom and what he teaches us is that we too cannot mix our worship with false doctrines since this is something that Jehovah does not approves.
1 Kings 11:34. Jehovah is a loyal God when he made the decision to withdraw his support from Solomon he says but I will not take away the entire kingdom out of consideration for my servant David because he obeyed and because he followed his statutes all his life, Jehovah is a God that you remember his faithful servants.
1 Kings 11:13,36. We can see how although Solomon became unfaithful to Jehovah and Jehovah could take the throne and give it to another just as he did when Saul became unfaithful and gave David the kingdom Jehovah did not change his decision he said that Solomon's son had part of the kingdom and this was because of the promise that David had made to him that an eternal kingdom would come out of his family, this teaches us that Jehovah does not change his promises when he fulfills even if he goes through any event he does not renounce that promise but rather seeks to make adjustments to be able to fulfill its promises.
1 Kings 11:38. We see that he intervenes to eliminate the oppression that the people suffered, which teaches us that Jehovah is aware of each one of his servants individually and will soon intervene so that his servants can serve him and be happy.
1 Kings 11:38. Here we see how Jehovah loves his servant and forgets the mistake that was made in the case that if we obey him as David obeyed him, doing everything that was good in his eyes, then he will be with us and that text refers to the first of kings 15: 5 where it says that David did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah and did not deviate, because when Jehovah forgives he does not mention the error anymore and he loves the person who loves him with a complete heart as David did and so we can also have that relationship with Jehovah.
1 Kings 11:40. I found a pearl about when Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam because of what he had prophesied about him there, this was a very different reaction than when he refused to take revenge on Adonijah 40 years earlier but this change in attitude was the result of turning away from Jehovah and that his heart was no longer complete with him, so we must be very careful not to have a divided heart since in this way our love for Jehovah competes with the love we have for the things of the world and little by little matters The worldly ones can overshadow the spiritual ones and drown them completely, so it would be a very sad end if we do not love Jehovah with a complete heart.
1 Kings 11:30-40. King Solomon sought to kill Jeroboam because of what Ahijah had prophesied about him, no doubt how different the king's reaction had been some forty years ago, when he refused to take revenge on Adonijah and the other conspirators, that change in attitude was the result having turned away from Jehovah.
1 Kings 11:41. As we can see, in the Bible reference is made to other books, as in this case to the book of "the history of Solomon". This teaches us that it is not bad to use external sources and of course the organization's books to help others understand parts of the Bible, so this text invites the reader to see this book and many others that support or explain it in more detail. Biblical themes.
1 Kings 11:43. When Solomon died away from Jehovah, we may wonder if he will be resurrected in the New World or not, well, when he says that he rests together with his ancestors, it seems logical to conclude that Solomon is in Sheol, or Hades, from where he will be resurrected and Remembering that there will be a resurrection of the just as well as of the unjust, it is better to confidently wait for Jehovah's perfect decision.
1 Kings 11:43. Solomon rested with his ancestors and was buried in the city of David his father and the 65 Watchtower says that Solomon lay or slept in death with his ancestors including David, that places him in Sheol or Hades with the prospect of be removed from there under the kingdom of the greater Solomon Jesus Christ, then we can say why, if Solomon sinned against Jehovah, only he knows and how it is said he has the last word our God Jehovah.
1 Kings 12:3,4. This teaches me that today, too, most rulers are corrupt and oppress their citizens, but Jehovah makes it clear through his word in the Bible that he does not tolerate corruption or operation, but will punish those who persist in that evil road. His Heavenly Kingdom will replace the corrupt politicians of this world and completely put an end to oppression and injustice. That way he will bring relief to all his subjects.
1 Kings 12:6. It is mentioned that King Rehoboham consults with the elders, but verse 13 says that he ignores the advice of the elders, so from this we can learn that if they give us advice we must be humble and listen to the advice he gives us because they come from part of Jehovah and him hearing this will make our lives filled with blessings now and in the future as well.
1 Kings 12:5,10. We see that Rehoboam rejected the advice of the elders and sought advice from people who told him what he wanted to hear and the results were not good, this teaches us how important it is not to trust our own wisdom but rather to consult Jehovah and mature brothers who give us advice that is based on the Bible, so we can make good decisions.
1 Kings 12:5, 12. Sometimes the Hebrews used the expression 'day and night' to refer to only part of a twenty-four-hour solar day, for example, here it is said that Rehoboam asked Jeroboam and the Israelites to they “go away for three days” and then return to him. Proof that he was not referring to three full days of twenty-four hours, but three incomplete days, is in the fact that the people returned to him "on the third day."
1 Kings 12:12,13. It shows us a mistake Rehoboam made and that is that he decided to follow the advice of his friends, the people of his youth, instead of listening to the advice of the elders who were with him, and that was because he only wanted his ears to be given to him, he wanted to hear what that he wanted to listen and listened to his friends and it was a bad decision, that reminds us that we have to avoid that of giving us the ears, we ask for advice from mature spiritual people to make good decisions.
1 Kings 12:13,14. We see that Rehoboam, instead of taking into account the advice of the elders, looked for young people like him and we see that they gave him bad advice, what he teaches us when we have to make important decisions, we seek the advice of mature people who know the scriptures well and who obey divine principles.
1 Kings 12:15. It says that Jehovah moved matters so that the words that he had said to Jeroboam would be fulfilled and what he teaches us is that in the same way Jehovah will handle events so that the prophecies that are recorded in the Bible related to time are fulfilled. Dolphin.
1 Kings 12:15. It shows that the king did not listen to Jehovah's people, on the contrary, he says that it was Jehovah who made things happen that way, today also all these events that we are experiencing are things that we see are things that are happening because Jehovah wants them to be that way for its purpose to be fulfilled, then we must support it by obeying the instructions given to us by the governing body.
1 Kings 12:18. As we can see, even if they are worshipers of Jehovah, if one treats others badly, they may respond in a very bad way. Let's treat our brothers with kindness, love and consider their circumstances and possibilities and they will follow us and love us forever.
1 Kings 12:21,24. It teaches me that just as the Rehoboham King and his armies obeyed the word of Jehovah and returned home according to his word, it teaches me that it is best to obey God even if others make fun of us if we do so we will receive Jehovah's approval how I learned it in Deuteronomy 28:2.
1 Kings 12:26. We see how the acts of an important person led the people to disobey Jehovah, what it teaches us is that if we are elders or parents, our actions can greatly influence the worship of Jehovah that other brothers or our children give him.
1 Kings 12:26-28. The first king of the ten-tribe kingdom, Jeroboam, feared that his subjects would revolt and return to the house of David if they continued to go up to Jerusalem to worship, so he had two golden calves made, the biblical record does not say to what extent factors such as the following influenced his decision to represent Jehovah by a calf: the worship of these animals previously practiced in Israel, what he himself had observed in Egypt, or the religion of the Canaanites and other peoples, which they used to represent their gods standing on a bull or other animals.
1 Kings 12:28. Like this King of the 10 tribes, King Jeroboham begins with an apostasy because he made two golden calves and placed them in two places at the ends of the reign of the 10 tribes and gave them messages with deception how to say here is your God who brought out of the land of Egypt, but we know that he worshiped Jehovah but this time he began to apostatize and this caused that in verse 30 it says this caused them to sin, we must be very careful with these words of perhaps in the internet in places where people who were perhaps Jehovah's Witnesses before now want to lure people into apostasy with lies, we must be very careful with these things.
1 Kings 12:31-33. An interesting fact regarding the Feast of Booths is that when Jeroboam separated from Solomon's son Rehoboam and became king of the ten northern tribes, he instituted a festival (in the eighth month, not the seventh) in imitation of the Feast of Booths in order, apparently, to drive the ten tribes away from Jerusalem. But, as expected, the sacrifices were offered to the golden calves that, contrary to Jehovah's command, he had erected.
1 Kings 12:18-32. We see that Jeroboam founded his own religion, not only the calves but also dismissed the priesthood who were not Levites, he also made that party that replaced the party of the booths and here he became an apostate, and of course this spread to others, so we see how dangerous it is to mix with apostates even out of curiosity, it is a very great danger.
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