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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth (Matt. 24:14).
The Bible is a gift that reflects God's love. Our heavenly Father had men of the past write it by inspiration because he cares so much about his earthly children. In his Word, Jehovah answers the most important questions, such as where we come from, what is the meaning of life and what will happen in the future. As Jehovah wants all his children to know the answers to these questions, he has promoted the translation of the Bible into many languages through the centuries. Today the Bible—in whole or in part—is available in more than 3,000 languages. In fact, it is the most translated and distributed book in history. How can we show that we are grateful to have the Bible? By reading it every day, meditating on what it teaches, and doing our best to put what we learn into practice. Also, We express our gratitude to God by doing our best to make the message of the Bible known to as many people as we can (Ps. 1:1-3; Matt. 28:19, 20). w20.05 24, 25 paras. 15, 16
Why can we say that our brain is an engineering marvel?
The human brain is an engineering marvel. When we were in our mother's womb, our brains were formed according to a predefined design. And thousands of new brain cells appeared every minute! Researchers estimate that the adult brain has about 100 billion neurons, which are a special type of cell. These are perfectly packed in an organ that weighs only 1.5 kilos (3.3 pounds). Let's look at some of the amazing faculties that our brain possesses.
What convinces you that our ability to speak is a gift from God?
Our ability to speak is a true miracle. Let's think for a moment about everything that happens in our body when we speak. To utter a single word, the brain has to coordinate the movements of about a hundred muscles in the tongue, throat, lips, jaw, and chest. All of these muscles have to move in a specific order for words to be understood. As for our ability to speak languages, a study published in 2019 revealed that newborns can already distinguish single words. This discovery confirms what many researchers believe: that we are born with the ability to identify and learn languages. Without a doubt, our ability to speak is a gift from God (Ex. 4:11).
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