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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Thursday September 29
Show each other tender affection (Rom. 12:10).
What must we do to feel tender affection for our brothers? Try to get to know them better and better. This will make it easier for us to understand them and come to care for them. Age and cultural differences do not have to be an obstacle. Let us remember that Jonathan became very good friends with David even though he was about 30 years older than him. Why doesn't he think of someone in his congregation who is older or younger than you and make a goal of becoming his friend? If he does, he will be showing that he has “love for all the brotherhood” (1 Pet. 2:17). Now, when we speak of having a tender affection for the brothers, do we mean having an equally close friendship with everyone? No, that would not be realistic. It is normal that we feel more comfortable with some siblings than with others because we have more things in common. In fact, Jesus saw all his apostles as friends, but he had a special affection for John (John 13:23; 15:15; 20:2). Still, Jesus showed him no favoritism (Mark 10:35-40). w21.01 23 paras. 12, 13.
According to Philippians 2:3, what will prevent a competitive spirit from arising in the congregation?
Tender affection will prevent a competitive spirit from arising in the congregation. Let us remember that Jonathan did not try to compete with David nor did he see him as a rival for the throne. Let's follow his example and not see our brothers as rivals because of the skills they have. Rather, let us do what Paul said: “Humbly think that others are better than you” (read Philippians 2:3). Let us keep in mind that all the brothers contribute something to the congregation. If we are humble, we will notice the good qualities of our brothers and benefit from his faithful example (1 Cor. 12: 21-25).
What do you learn from what happened to Tanya and her family?
When difficult situations come our way, Jehovah comforts us through the tender care and practical help we receive from our brothers. Let’s see what happened to a family after attending one of the 2019 “Love Never Fails” international conventions in the United States on Saturday. Tanya, who has three children, explains that they were on their way back to her hotel when another vehicle lost control, cut into her lane and collided with them. She recounts: “No one was hurt, but we got out of the car and stood on the highway, half paralyzed. Then we saw someone who was on the side of the road waving us to go to his car and get to safety. He was a brother who had also just left the assembly. And he wasn't the only one who stopped; so did five delegates from Sweden. The sisters hugged me and my daughter very affectionately. It was just what we needed. Although we told them we were fine, they preferred to stay with us. They didn't even leave when the EMS arrived. They made sure we didn't miss anything. During that unpleasant situation, we felt Jehovah's love at all times. Going through this strengthened our love for the brothers. Also, our love and gratitude to Jehovah deepened.” Do you remember a time when a brother showed you tender care when you needed it most? They didn't even leave when the EMS arrived. They made sure we didn't miss anything. During that unpleasant situation, we felt Jehovah's love at all times. Going through this strengthened our love for the brothers. Also, our love and gratitude to Jehovah deepened.” Do you remember a time when a brother showed you tender care when you needed it most? They didn't even leave when the EMS arrived. They made sure we didn't miss anything. During that unpleasant situation, we felt Jehovah's love at all times. Going through this strengthened our love for the brothers. Also, our love and gratitude to Jehovah deepened.” Do you remember a time when a brother showed you tender care when you needed it most?
What reasons do we have for showing tender affection to one another?
If we show tender affection to each other, what will be the benefits? We will give comfort to our brothers when they are suffering and we will strengthen the unity of God's people. In addition, we will show that we are true disciples of Jesus, and that will make more sincere people want to serve Jehovah. But most importantly, we will give glory to Jehovah, “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3). Therefore, may we all continue to cultivate and show each other tender affection.
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