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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Thursday, September 22
Don't be too fair or too wise. Why cause your own ruin? (Eccl. 7:16).
If ever we feel that we need to advise a friend, what should we take into account? Before you talk to him, ask yourself, "Am I being 'too fair'?" The overly righteous person judges others by his own standards, not Jehovah's, and is often not very compassionate. If after thinking about this it still seems to us that we need to talk to our friend, let's clearly tell him what the problem is and ask him questions so that he realizes his mistake. We must be sure to base what we say on the Bible, and remember that our friend is not accountable to us, but to Jehovah (Rom. 14:10). Let's lean on the wisdom of God's Word and, when we advise someone, let's be compassionate like Jesus (Prov. 3:5; Matt. 12:20). Let us remember that Jehovah will treat us the same as we treat others (Jas. 2:13). w20. 11 21 para. 13.
What does God's organization prepare for us?
Jehovah uses the earthly part of his organization to guide us on the path that leads to life. He is preparing videos, publications and meetings that help us put biblical advice into practice. This information is in complete harmony with the Scriptures. The Governing Body seeks the guidance of the holy spirit in deciding the best way to carry out the preaching work. Even so, from time to time, they review their own decisions on this matter, since "the scene of this world is changing" and God's organization must adapt to the circumstances (1 Cor. 7:31).
What situation have some publishers faced?
Of course, when God's organization publishes a new explanation of some biblical teaching or gives us guidance on moral issues, we accept it without question. But how do we react when he makes a change that affects other fields of our life? For example, in recent years the cost of building and maintaining our places of worship has skyrocketed. That is why the Governing Body has decided that the Kingdom Halls be used to the maximum of their capacity. Because of this, some congregations have merged and some Kingdom Halls have been sold. The money is being used to help build classrooms in the places where it is needed most. If we live in an area where halls are being sold and congregations are merging, we may have a hard time adjusting. Now, Some publishers have to travel greater distances to attend meetings. Others who worked hard to build or maintain a Kingdom Hall may wonder why it is being sold. They may feel that the time and effort they put into it was wasted. Despite everything, they continue to collaborate with these new plans, and we congratulate them for it.
How does Colossians 3:23, 24 help us not lose joy?
Remembering that we work for Jehovah and that he is leading his organization will help us not to lose our joy (read Colossians 3:23, 24). King David set a good example for us when he contributed financially to the construction of the temple. He said: “Who am I and who are my people that I can make these freewill offerings to you? For everything comes from you, and what we have given you comes from your own hands” (1 Chron. 29:14). When we make donations, we are also giving to Jehovah what comes from his own hands. Still, Jehovah appreciates the time, energy, and resources we contribute to support the work he wants us to do.—2 Cor. 9:7.
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