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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 20.
1. Who is in charge of the Christian congregation?
We would say that it is Jesus, since just as Jesus in ancient times used the Apostles to lead the congregations, similarly today Jesus uses the Governing Body to lead the congregations, so he is the Head of the Congregation.
In Acts chapter 15 verse 2 it mentions when Paul and Barnabas disagreed on some matter and arrangements were made for Paul and Barnabas and some others to go up to where the Apostles and elders of Jerusalem were to discuss this matter. So in this text we can see why the elders seek Jehovah's guidance to be able to solve some matter and it is interesting that at the end of the paragraph it mentions that these men are not leaders of our organization, but when an issue arises in the congregation they they seek guidance in the word of Jehovah and submit to the authority of Jesus.
2. What role do elders play?
In First Peter chapter 5 verse 2 says that the elders who are mature men, are teachers who teach with the Scriptures and are also faithful shepherds who care for and protect the flock, that is, they help and encourage the members of the congregation with love .
The text also mentions that the Elders that Jehovah established in the congregations have the task of working very hard, but they do so without profiting from the work they do. This is a very important point that makes us reflect a lot, since despite the fact that they have problems, difficulties, families to support. Even so, they take time to shepherd the flock and that is a work worthy of praise, since Jehovah feels happy for the work that these faithful Servants carry out.
Also within the group of Elders, brothers are chosen who visit the congregations and these are called circuit overseers who give guidance and encouragement, who at the same time appoint new elders and clearly ministerial servants, following the requirements that are shown and that are in the Bible.
3. What role does each Witness serve?
All Jehovah's Witnesses without exception praise Jehovah participate in meetings and preaching
In psalm 148 verse 12 and 13, we see that both boys, girls, old men and young people together praise Jehovah. And how can we praise Jehovah? There are many ways to do it, it is with our comments, participating in the preaching, cleaning the room. So in this text we can see that all Jehovah's Witnesses fulfill the function of participating in all facets of ministry or also what each one can or agrees to do according to the circumstances.
Let's see what kind of leader Jesus is, how the elders try to imitate his example, and how we can collaborate with Jesus and with the elders.
4. Jesus is a leader who offers relief
Jesus makes us a beautiful invitation. Read Matthew 11:28-30 and discuss the following:
What kind of leader is Jesus? And how does he want to make us feel?
As the text of Matthew mentions, he is a leader who cares for his followers. He also has good qualities such as gentle, humble of heart and giving help to all who feel burdened and discouraged.
In Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 to 30 there is mentioned what the feelings of Jesus are, there he encourages us to put our burdens in his hands and learn from him, as we know he is gentle and humble of heart and he makes us this invitation because he wants that we have relief and does not want us to live burdened due to the worries of this world.
How do the elders imitate the example of Jesus? Watch the video.
VIDEO: Helping the elderly after the Nepal earthquake (4:56)
The Bible clearly explains how elders should carry out their work.
Read Isaiah 32:2 and 1 Peter 5:1-3, and discuss the following:
Jesus offered relief to others. How does he feel knowing that the elders strive to do the same?
We feel that Jesus really cares about his disciples and one example of this is that he has left mature brothers who, like Jesus, strive to be a source of encouragement and help their brothers.
In what other ways do the elders imitate Jesus?
Like Jesus, they try to be a refuge for the brothers, they listen to them when they have problems and help them by giving advice from the Bible. Although they cannot perform miracles like Jesus, but they strive to give everything for the brothers of the congregation.
How could you see in the video on April 25 an earthquake of magnitude 7. 8 that shook the Kathmandu region, the capital of Nepal, and there we can see that the inhabitants suffered the effects of the strongest earthquake that had occurred in Nepal, 163 homes of our brothers were affected, 91 of them were totally destroyed.
It was also observed that the disaster caused a significant shortage of food, water and appropriate places to house those affected, and in just 24 hours the brothers from less affected areas and neighboring branches coordinated and began to send humanitarian aid. A relief committee was formed in the country and the medical team went to the place to give physical and emotional help to those affected, at the same time they were given the comfort and encouragement that a spiritual sense needed right after the first tremor the elderly began to call all members of neighboring congregations.
5. Elders lead by example
How does Jesus want the elders to view their own work? Watch the video.
VIDEO: Elders, go to the front! (7:39)
Jesus made it very clear how the brothers who lead us within the congregation should be. Read Matthew 23:8-12 and discuss the following:
How does the Bible say that they have to be the elders? Do you think priests and other religious leaders meet those requirements?
As the text of Matthew says, the elders do not have to be like leaders saying what others should do. Rather, he should serve others, that is, go along with them and do the same thing that all the servants of Jehovah do, unlike religious leaders who only say what they should do and they do not do it.
Elders strengthen their friendship with Jehovah and help their family to do the same.
Elders care about everyone in the congregation.
The elders preach frequently.
The elders are teachers. They also help with cleaning and other tasks.
6. We collaborate with the elderly
The Bible gives us compelling reasons to cooperate with elders. Read Hebrews 13:17 and discuss the following:
Why does the Bible say that we should be obedient and submissive to those who direct us? Do you think that is reasonable? Why?
Hebrews 13:17 urges to be obedient and submissive because this would make the brothers who take the lead or the elders we are talking about feel encouraged to continue giving more of themselves because they know that we appreciate the work they do. they do.
In the same text it also shows that they are taking care of us and they are going to give an account to Jehovah, so we see that they are watching over our well-being and it is reasonable to obey, since the result will be that they will be happy doing the work that Jehovah has entrusted to them, which is to care for the flock.
Read Luke 16:10 and discuss the following:
Why is it important to collaborate with the elders even in matters that seem of little importance?
Because as Luke 16 10 says, If we collaborate with the elders in small things when we have to collaborate in bigger things, we will gladly do it because we have learned to be collaborators regardless of whether what we do is little or much.
WHAT SOME SAY: "You don't have to belong to any religion."
What advantages are there in worshiping God within the congregation?
The advantage is that unity makes us strive better to achieve the goals, it would be different if one tried to serve Jehovah but others would do the opposite and that would discourage us, so it is better to serve with those who have the same thoughts and the same goals.
Jesus is in command of the Christian congregation. The elders are under his authority, and we gladly collaborate with them because they take care of us and teach us by example.
Who is in charge of the Christian congregation?
Jesus and uses the governing body to give his direction here on earth.
How do the elders help the congregation?
The elders help because they care for and protect the herd in a spiritual and physical sense as well.
What role does each servant of Jehovah fulfill?
Each servant fulfills the function of serving Jehovah by participating in the meetings and preaching and also takes care of the other brothers.
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