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Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): lff lesson 19 points 1-4.
1. On what do Jehovah's Witnesses base their beliefs?
We have always based our beliefs on the Word of God. Look at the beginnings of Jehovah's Witnesses today. Around the year 1870, a group of Bible students began to thoroughly analyze the Word of God. They based their beliefs on what the Bible said.
Jehovah's Witnesses have always based their teachings on the word of God since 1870 when the teachings of the Bible began to be analyzed, there were no qualms about following what the Bible said even when most people and churches taught otherwise.
We believe that the complete truth is in the Bible and for example in 1870 a group of Bible students began to analyze in depth the word of God and realized that many of the beliefs that the churches taught were not in the Bible, which motivated others to teach him what they had found in the Bible.
They hid the truths and we already saw the video last week and they didn't even want to have the Bible in Latin, a language that people didn't even understand.
2. Why do we call ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses?
Jehovah says that those who worship him are his witnesses because they declare the truth about him. And Jesus is called “the True Witness”.
A witness is someone who declares the truth of what he knows and since the servants of Jehovah speak of him based on the knowledge of the Bible that is why they adopted the name Jehovah's Witnesses since 1931.
Furthermore, the name Jehovah's Witness is recorded in the Bible in Isaiah 43:10, when Jehovah himself told his servants that you are my witnesses.
We call ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses because we proclaim the truth about him, also as we see in Isaiah 41:10 in ancient times he himself called his people Jehovah's Witnesses.
And to see how we form the people of Jehovah that we have chosen, then we have to clearly and firmly specify that Jehovah is the only true God.
As it says here we are proud to bear that name and that is why it is very important not to tarnish it.
And we also have several examples in Hebrews 11:4 to 12:1 we have several people who by their faith proved to be true witnesses of Jehovah proclaiming his name and his message and at the end of the verse in 12:1 it says and one says therefore since we are surrounded by such a large cloud of Witnesses, then he gives us the advice that we should also remove all burdens and sin that easily entangles us, so that if we are true we apply what the word of God says.
Revelation 1:5 says that Jesus is called the faithful witness, we can also say look if we call ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses we follow the example of Jesus as a witness he was always faithful and preached the truth.
If we want to point out an example, it is that Jehovah is sued saying that he is acting badly, he is falsely accused and we go to that trial but to defend him and that is why we call ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses because we testify in favor of Jehovah.
As of 1931 we call ourselves Jehovah's Witness but nevertheless we are not the first Witnesses that Jehovah has had because in Hebrew chapter 11:4 to 12:1 shows many names of Jehovah's servant starting from Abel that as it says 12 :1 witnessed him.
And this was an assembly and it was interesting because what had received the program had a letter jw and everyone wondered what this meant and then there in that assembly this name was declared for us and everyone agreed.
3. How do Jehovah's Witnesses imitate Jesus' love?
Jesus loved his disciples so much that they were like family to him. Jehovah's Witnesses are also united, we form a global family. And that is why we call each other “brother” and “sister”.
They imitate him having the same way of thinking as Jesus since he called his disciples his family and today Jehovah's Witnesses also form a great family around the world without taking into account nationality social position that is why we use the term brothers because it describes the love we have for each other.
In addition, another way in which we imitate the love of Jesus is that when he was here on Earth he helped his disciples in the same way we help our brothers through our voluntary donations when they go through difficulties.
That is the love of brotherhood that we feel for each other and makes us feel like a global family and that is why we call ourselves brother sister that helps us transmit that feeling of family.
Yes, just like Jesus when he was here on earth he helped his disciples, in the same way we can help our brothers and right now we also have this possibility of, for example, helping our brothers in countries in conflict.
On a certain occasion they told Jesus Christ that his family, his brother, his sister, were looking for them, and he clearly said that everyone who does the will of God is a brother to him, a brother, that is why he showed intense love to his disciples, so everyone they were a family just as we imitate their example and consider ourselves as a family.
4. We base our beliefs on the Bible
Read Daniel 12:4 and discuss the following:
What would become “abundant” among God's servants as they examined the Bible?
True knowledge will become abundant.
The knowledge of God would become abundant for his servants, that is why we know the truth of many beliefs, such as the truth about the dead, the soul, we also know Jehovah's purposes for the future, such as that the earth will be converted into a paradise and that there will be a resurrection of the dead and how Jehovah wants them to worship him.
In Daniel he said that true knowledge will become more abundant, that is, greater.
It also does not lead to our responsibility there it is mentioned that it is carefully examined bone that the study of the Bible should not be something lightly for us it must be something important and daily in our life and we must deepen to really cling to hope and responsibility to be witnesses of the name of God.
And that same book of Daniel contains many prophecies that we have been seeing more clearly as time progresses now we have the prophecy of the image that before the 10 fingers meant something but then so many details of so many prophecies have been clarified that we see how Daniel 12:4 is fulfilled today.
Yes, with the help of Jehovah we can explain the teachings to other people because Jehovah helps us so that we can explain what he wants for humanity and we also see there, for example, doing Bible studies at home or preaching with carts.
And in fact there are many people who go to the first one they don't dare but to the second they do dare and take out a publication.
There you see the fulfillment of Daniel 12:4 for the people of this world, knowledge is becoming abundant, they look on the JW page they see us in the carts many times people see us when they are on vacation and then they see us where they live and there they are again, which shows the testimony of this knowledge that is taking place worldwide.
Questions after the video, “Bible Truth Unearthed”:
According to the video, how did Charles Russell and the other Bible students analyze the Word of God?
What he did was choose a topic, use a concordance of the Bible to see what he meant and write down what he understood that way they began to discover the truth and the important thing is that they came to believe in what the Bible says and not what they told other people.
They chose a topic, for example, hell or the soul, and they investigated everything within their reach, obviously in the scriptures, and in this way, what they investigated they believed, what Daniel said they would deeply examine the scriptures was fulfilled.
And it is nice to see the zeal they had to discover biblical truths, when we see the notes that they put next to the work, the hours that were there to be able to get these biblical truths and today we have the privilege of having the Bible that we press a little button and it shows us everything related to a topic and thanks to the work they did.
At the beginning of the video he told us that he lost three brothers when he was young and also his mother, so surely when he sought Jehovah he thought of his family.
As he had so much suffering with his family with his little brother who passed away and as he had always heard that false doctrine of hell, he had those fears that such a cruel God and that his family had died, so he was also afraid that his family was going to suffer and for that reason they were investigating all the truths of the bible and they were bringing everything to clarity.
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