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1Ki 6:1. What does this text teach us about the Bible? (g 5/12 17, inset).
The Bible is accurate and reliable, it is not a book of tales and fairies, citing real places and dates, corroborated by archeology and history, we find an example of the value of the precise chronological records of the Bible. Biblical chronology states that the fourth year of Solomon's reign was 1034 BCE If we go back a full 479 years, we come to 1513 BCE, the year of Israel's exodus.
This text indicates the year in which King Solomon began work on the temple in Jerusalem, in the year 480 after the Israelites left the land of Egypt, that is, 479 full years, and the biblical chronology establishes that the fourth The year of Solomon's reign was 1034 BCE If we go back a full 479 years, we come to 1513 BCE, the year of Israel's exodus.
This shows us that the precise chronological records of the Bible have a very important value, since they determine the veracity and fidelity of the biblical events and motivate us to trust the word of God.
The biblical chronology teaches the accuracy of the fulfillment of biblical prophecies in this case, since it is rather the precise records of the dates of the month and the days, and this teaches us that the Bible is a reliable book on which to base ourselves on its content.
Yes, the fact that we take the time to analyze this chronology will help us strengthen our faith, but also the message that we are carrying to other people may have even more weight for them.
Well this text shows us how accurate the Bible is in terms of chronological records and we see that the Bible has it in such a way that one can see what year of reign even Solomon himself was in, then we see how accurate the Bible is.
What spiritual gems have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
1 Kings 5:2. Solomon started talking to Hiram and they start making an agreement he gives him wood things to build in exchange Solomon had to give him food logs and various things, so we see that in 10 Hiram supplied Solomon with all the cedar wood and hay he needed. what he wanted and the result we see in verse 12 Hiram and Solomon came to an agreement and there was peace between them, so putting the agreement in writing made peace between them, so it reminds us that every time we have to make a contract we have to do anything legally we always want to write it down and we and the other person always do our part so that there is peace between the two.
1 Kings 5:3. King David wanted with all his heart to build a house for Jehovah in which to place the ark of the covenant, which then dwelt, "in the midst of tent cloths." Jehovah was pleased with David's proposal, but told him that since he had shed much blood in wars, the privilege of building that building would go to his son. This did not mean that God did not approve of the wars that David had fought on behalf of his name and his people, but the temple had to be built in peace and by a man of peace.
1 Kings 5:3. David wanted with all his heart to build a house for Jehovah where to place the ark of the covenant and Jehovah was pleased with David's proposal, but told him that because he had shed much blood in wars, the privilege of building that building would go to his son Solomon this was because the temple had to be built in peace and by a man of peace, conditions that Solomon met and would be in charge of building it.
1 Kings 5:3. It teaches me that I should not compare myself with others, in this example both David and Solomon played different roles in the worship of God, so what pleases Jehovah is the disposition of our hearts.
1 Kings 5:4,6. Where he encourages parents to continue helping their children to establish a close friendship with Jehovah since it is not dependent on the faith of their parents but rather that they take the time to cultivate their own faith and this will be evident by their good decisions and like Solomon they will be able to experience the peace that Jehovah gives to his loyal servants.
1 Kings 5:6. Keeping everything in its place is important, friendship is not synonymous with taking advantage of the work of others, Salomón offered to pay the salary of Hiram's men, instead of asking him that since they were friends they just stay that way, the organization has educated us that we must be faithful, responsible, reliable, and not abuse the kindness of our brothers, whether we are employers or employees.
1 Kings 5:6. He tells us about how Solomon, despite the fact that he was the wisest man on earth and that they came from afar to see his wisdom and bring him many gifts, at no time did this make him think that everything he received must be free as a gift, so that when I need the work of skilled people like Hiram's people at no time do I expect that their work was free but that he was willing to give them the fair pay they deserved, this teaches me that the Because I have brothers in the congregation who have some skills or friends within Jehovah's people, I cannot expect their labors to be free when I need them.
1 Kings 5:7. Solomon's conduct resulted in a foreigner giving glory to God, as well as the good conduct of many brothers and sisters in study centers, in their workplace, on the street, in the neighborhood, etc. It has resulted in people who are not believers giving glory to God, this motivates us to continue striving to be exemplary in our behavior, not for the glory of men, but because our behavior influences the image that others have of the God that we serve
1 Kings 5:11. Due to the abundance of olive oil in Palestine, it became an important item of trade. Solomon gave King Hiram of Tire “twenty chorus measures of beaten oil” each year as part of the payment for the building materials for the temple, and for a time, Judah and Israel were “merchants” of oil to Tyre.
1 Kings 5:12. God fulfilled his promise that he had made to Solomon to bless him and give him wisdom, this teaches us a practical lesson, we must fulfill our vows, our promises, our assignments, of course, it is understandable that there will be very exceptional situations that are beyond our control, but without doubt, we imitate God when we keep our word, so it rains, thunders, lightning, others will know that they count on us, this reminds us of the words of Jesus, yes yes, no no, instead of talking a lot, we will act more.
1 Kings 5:13, 14. Regarding the Israelites employed in other construction works, 1 Kings 5:13, 14 says that Solomon continued to bring up those from all over Israel conscripted for forced labor; and those recruited for forced labor amounted to thirty thousand men, the kings of Israel and Juda used mechanisms to obtain unpaid labor for construction and other work in the kingdom's territories.
1 Kings 5:14. Now the phrase of Word Life haven't is very common which refers to a balance in professional and personal life to reduce stress and work tension of employees, but instead under the reign of Solomon it is seen that the Israelites were going to work in Lebanon for a month and they stayed in their homes with the family for two months, without a doubt Jehovah wanted the family to be united and thus under the millennial reign of Jesus we will know what this balance that we all seek really is.
1 Kings 5:16. Chief stewards served as managers and overseers of those who worked on construction during Solomon's reign. It seems that the two stories about these commissioners, without a doubt, must have been a very important and vital responsibility for the fulfillment of the construction of the temple, likewise, at present there are brothers who are in charge of supervising the activities that the servants of Jehovah do in favor of the advancement of the interests of the Kingdom.
1 Kings 5:17. He mentions that they used large and expensive stones for the foundation of the house, this reminds us of the words of Jesus about the foundation of our faith, he said that we can base our faith on him, who is the rock, or have no foundation, which would become fatal eventually, it is important to examine ourselves on what we base our faith, we are not followers or worshipers of the day to remember him and continue learning from him, we do this when we read the Bible daily and go to meetings, as well as when we practice what we have learned, without a doubt, the best foundation of our faith, which will not collapse before the storms and shocks of this life.
1 Kings 6:1. The construction of the house of Jehovah was a legitimate work, it was not an idea of someone, which would later be used for other purposes, it was a most holy work, so much so that God publicly expressed his approval, it was a process, it was not something instantaneous , in a certain way we are building our faith, day by day, it is not something instantaneous, it is also a long and difficult process, but Jehovah gives us his blessing and that encourages us to move forward, instead of stalling or leaving half our construction, the organization gives us spiritual tools to continue in the construction of our faith.
1 Kings 6:3. They show that the Bible is an exact book and that everything that has been done in the past has been done well as Jehovah has wanted with exact measurements and this can help us in our studies to explain that the Bible is an exact book.
1 Kings 6:7. The building of Solomon's temple foreshadowed the building of the heavenly temple with all its stones prepared beforehand and then all quietly set in place, the literal temple made a wonderful sight when built, but even more magnificent is the building of the Heavenly Zion.
1 Kings 6:12. Having knowledge of the Bible is important, but it will be of no use to us if we do not comply or obey it, so much so, that we would not see the promises of Jehovah fulfilled, seeing it this way, it is convenient for us every day to strive to do things as Jehovah wants.
1 Kings 6:11,13. He found a pearl about how Jehovah made a condition for Solomon to continue blessing him that being obedient and keeping his commandments was something that he had to do continuously and not think that as he had already done for a while or as his father David had been faithful he would continue to receive the blessings of Jehovah, we must also continue to be faithful and obedient continuously and not think that since we have been for many years we are excused so we no longer try very hard to do so.
1 Kings 6:12,13. Solomon mentions that Jehovah had told him that if he complied with obeying his will Jehovah was going to fulfill the promise he had made to David that he was going to have Solomon build the temple and that he was going to establish confirms to the kingdom of Solomon , Jehovah's promise was made now depended on Solomon fulfilling Jehovah's standards, obeying his commandments and living according to him, the same can happen or think us, the promise that Jehovah has given us are in his word the Bible and are Many, if we want to benefit from those promises that Jehovah has given us, we must do as Solomon said, live according to his rules, fulfill his commandments, because that is the way that we are going to be able to benefit from the promises of Jehovah.
1 Kings 6:14. Solomon continued building the house of Jehovah until it was finished, this reminds us of the words of Jesus of the man who plans, calculates and undertakes a successful construction, in a way, we are building our spirituality, our faith, how are we doing, we have stagnant, or we continue with those who finish what they start, anyone can start a work, but not everyone finishes it.
1 Kings 6:17,18. We learned a lot about the discretion of the stonemasons, they did a job out of sight of most people, as mentioned in verse 7 there was no noise of hammers or axes in the construction area of the temple, but even when they finished their work for some very beautiful and very valuable quarry stones in verse 18 we see that everything was covered with cedar, their work was again out of sight of most people, but this teaches us that although our work in the congregation is discreet, it is still valuable in the eyes of Jehovah, so the example of these spiritual men who contributed to the glory and honor of Jehovah, helps us to work discreetly and always honor him to Jehovah.
1 Kings 6:27. The detailed architectural plans of Solomon's magnificent temple indicated that two huge cherubim made of oil-bearing wood and overlaid with gold be placed in the Holy of Holies, their wings spread out so that while one touched the wingtip of the other, the ark of the covenant and its poles were in the center, under its wings.
1 Kings 6:23,28. There is talk of the construction of some cherubim that were made inside the house of Jehovah, this makes us think of the intervention that Jehovah has had through them or has used them in such a way that he has given them a lot of power and has placed them in places saints especially and thinking about all this since ancient times Jehovah has used his creatures, today he has surely given them many assignments and obviously the Bible records how the angels have also been assigned to protect us especially when we are preaching the good news.
1 Kings 6:29. Some people argue that the images cited are valid for the manufacture of images in their chapels, but when reading the Bible carefully we realize that these images were not for adoration or veneration, it was for another purpose, no one went there to pray the palm trees or flowers, nor kneel before them, establishing these facts could help us to reason with someone sincere in preaching.
1 Kings 6:29,32,35. Due to its upright shape, its beauty and productivity, palm trees served as decoration in Solomon's temple, it was an adequate symbol of the righteous man planted in Jehovah's courtyards, today it can serve as a reminder that for our worship to be acceptable to God one must have the desirable characteristics of the palm tree, such as being morally upright and continuing to produce good deeds.
1 Kings 6:38. After the exodus from Egypt, Bul became the eighth month of the sacred calendar, and it was during this month that Solomon completed the construction of the temple in Jerusalem, but Jeroboam, the founder of the separatist northern kingdom of Israel, arbitrarily made Bul a holy month. festive in order to make the people forget about Jerusalem and its festivals.
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