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Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): lff lesson 18 points 1-5.
1. What is a true Christian?
As Jesus said, the true Christians are those who remained in his teachings, so we can say then that every authentic Christian is the one who obeys the teachings of Jesus and these are exposed in the Bible.
A true Christian obeys the teachings of Jesus and bases his beliefs on the Bible just like Jesus.
2. How do true Christians show love?
True Christians show love just like Jesus encouraging and helping his Christian brothers, even Jesus was willing to die for them, this teaches us the kind of love that every Christian should show.
They show it to each other by word and deed, just like Jesus with his disciples while he was on earth, he dedicated time to them, encouraged them and what is more, he gave his life for them.
3. What is the main work of true Christians?
The main task is to preach the kingdom in Acts: 5:42, it teaches us how Jesus did it and how his followers did it, they not only waited for the people to go to the places of worship but they took the initiative they went to places public and to people's homes.
As in the past, the main task of true Christians is to preach the truths of the kingdom anywhere, and this is actually a sign of love for others as they use their time and energy to carry this message of comfort and hope.
4. They seek the truth of the Bible
Questions after the video, “How Christianity Was Corrupted”:
Some so-called Christian Churches tried to prevent people from knowing the teachings of Jesus, how did they do it?
One of the ways is that the churches mixed the false teachings with the true ones and did not allow the Bible to be translated into the language that people understood.
Well, they did it by letting the ideas of philosophers of this world infiltrate the true teachings, that is, they wanted to mix Christian teachings with pagan beliefs.
Read John 18:37 and discuss the following:
According to what Jesus said, how can one know who are the Christians who are “on the side of the truth”?
Jesus said that when he came here to earth he had come to teach the truth, so all Christians who are on the side of the truth teach or preach what Jesus spoke and when Jesus said that they listened to his voice, he implied that it was not only hearing but practice it in our lives.
According to what Jesus himself said, the Christians who stand for the truth are those who listen to his voice.
5. They preach the truth of the Bible
Read Matthew 28:19, 20 and Acts 1:8, and discuss the following:
How long and how far should one preach?
In the text of Matthew 28: 19,20, it is mentioned that we should preach until the conclusion of this system of things and in Acts 1:8, it is mentioned that we would have to do it until the most distant part of the Earth.
Jesus said that they would have to preach to the end of the system of things and to the farthest part of the earth.
6. They lead by example
Questions after the video, “Religion let me down”:
According to the video, why was Tom disappointed by religion?
Because each religion is different, he was in many religions and he did not feel good, he felt that they hid things.
Why is Tom convinced that he has found the truth?
Because the brother always answered with the Bible, and he realized that it was not like other religions that belonged to an institution or a person.
Read Matthew 7:21 and discuss the following:
What is more important to Jesus: what we say we believe, or what we demonstrate by our actions?
For Jehovah the most important thing is to demonstrate with our actions.
7. They love each other
Questions after the video, “He was willing to give his life”:
What prompted Brother Lloyd to risk his life for Brother Johansson?
Because in the Bible it says, greater love has no one than this, that someone surrender his soul in favor of his friends.
Do you think he behaved like a true Christian?
Yes, because I don't leave my brother alone.
Read John 13:34, 35 and discuss the following:
How should the disciples of Jesus, true Christians, treat people of another race or nation?
They have to treat them well and love them as Jesus loves us.
And how would they do it in times of war?
Loving each other.
WHAT SOME SAY: “Christians have done terrible things. How are they going to be the true religion?
What text would you read to prove who the real Christians are?
I would read the text of Matthew 7:21.
On what do true Christians base their beliefs?
The love that Jehovah does not have and his word, the Bible.
What quality identifies authentic Christians?
The love that brothers have like this.
And what work do they do?
Help the brothers, and love them as Jehovah loves us.
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