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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 16.
1. What was the main work of Jesus?
Jesus' main job was to "announce the good news of the Kingdom of God" to people.
His main task was to announce the good news of the kingdom, so he announced the news that Jehovah would establish a kingdom that would solve all the problems of humanity.
Yes, precisely, he dedicated himself to announcing the good news, that is, he announced that through a government he would solve world problems or, at that time, the problems of that time, and then this is very interesting because there were precisely as many problems at that time as there are today, then the knowing that there is going to be a government that is going to bring solutions to the problems is something that everyone would be interested in.
He had commented that the main task was to preach that good news, especially focused on the kingdom or government, since it was going to solve all kinds of problems and we see that Jesus dedicated himself completely to this mission because Matthew 9:35 is precisely saying that he taught in the synagogues in the villages and he also took the opportunity to heal and preach but we see that he did so he traveled through cities and villages to be able to do this he had to dedicate himself completely to the message of the kingdom.
2. What were the miracles of Jesus for?
Thanks to the power of God, Jesus was able to calm a storm, feed thousands, heal the sick, and even bring some of the dead back to life. Jesus' miracles made it clear that God had sent him.
Jesus' miracles served as clear proof that he was sent from God, as well as demonstrating that Jehovah has the power to solve all our problems.
If these amazing miracles then evidenced and it was very clear that he had been sent by Jehovah and that in some way he was demonstrating that his power could solve the problems that people were suffering from, which was death in disease and lack of food, then evidenced that Jesus Christ had been sent by God.
For on earth Jesus performed the miracles that made it clear that God had sent him.
It also makes it clear that Jehovah has the power to solve all our problems.
Among many others, he calmed a storm, fed thousands, healed the sick, and raised the dead, which shows the enormous power of Jesus then and now, more than he is the king of the kingdom.
3. What does the kind of life that Jesus led teach us?
Jesus obeyed Jehovah at all times. He was faithful unto death and did what his Father had told him to do even though many tried to stop him. He showed that human beings can serve God even when we go through difficult situations.
His type of life teaches us that it is possible that human beings can serve Jehovah, even if we go through many problems, since he obeyed his father at all times.
Jesus showed that human beings can serve God even when we go through difficult situations and he set an example for all of us that we are his followers so that we faithfully follow in his footsteps.
According to the words that have been read, at all times Jesus always obeyed his father, he was also faithful until death and did or fulfilled what he had been entrusted with, his way of living teaches us that despite the difficulties we can be faithful to Jehovah.
4. Jesus announced good news
Read Luke 8:1 and discuss the following:
Did Jesus preach only to the crowds that flocked to hear him?
He went from city to city and from village to village preaching and announcing the good news of the Kingdom of God.
No, because the Bible says that he was going to look for people.
He did not expect people to go to him, in fact he went looking for people, we see that this implied an effort because he went from city to city, from village to village, so that required effort, but he did it.
Well, you can see what the text says because Jesus not only preached to those who came to him, but he also went and traveled kilometers on difficult paths on difficult paths to bring the good news.
Well, he did not expect people to come to him, but he went to the people, he entered the city, he preached to those who saw the streets, the squares, so he looked for people to share this message.
What effort did Jesus have to make to find the people?
He had to go from town to village.
The text we just read says that he went from city to city and from village to village.
And as you mentioned a moment ago, well, he didn't have the transportation facilities that we have now, to take a truck or to have a car, but he had to walk through dusty places that were difficult to access under the sun, so it wasn't easy, but he was willing to do all this as long as people will listen to the good news.
Well, going from city to city at that time was not easy, it was not like today, for example, when we take a car and travel comfortably, we had to travel km and km along dusty roads, which required a great effort.
Read Isaiah 61:1, 2 and discuss the following:
How did Jesus fulfill this prophecy?
Jehovah announced good news through the bible.
Jesus fulfilled this prophecy because he brought his message to the meek, with his good news he comforted the hearts of the afflicted, and he also proclaimed freedom.
Yes brother during his ministry he was willing to proclaim this good news in that way he fulfilled what was predicted about him and the Illustration is very useful for us since it makes us imagine how his life was, walking in the sun going to visit people who in some other way had that need was something that without a doubt was quite a challenge but he fulfilled it.
Well, already in the first century people began to have this freedom that Jesus spoke of this prophecy that he applied himself when the law or for example in the first place because he taught them the truths of Jehovah and thus freed them from oppressive teachings of the religious leaders and also because offering his life in sacrifice gave us all freedom.
Would you say that today people also need to hear this good news?
Yes, there are people who need to hear the good news.
Of course yes, because we all have problems, which lead us to be afflicted and therefore we need good news to comfort us.
Yes, as I mentioned before, today there is a lot of bad news, also people need to be freed from false beliefs and a lot of comfort is needed so that people know that they have hope.
Because just like in the time of Jesus, people today are also imprisoned by false religions that do not let them know Jehovah and they are also going through a lot of suffering due to world circumstances.
5. Jesus taught very valuable lessons
Read Matthew 6:14, 34 and 7:12, and discuss the following:
What good advice did Jesus give in these verses?
Jesus gave good advice, which was to forgive when they offend us so that God may also forgive us.
One of those tips is that we forgive others when they offend us, since that is the only way that Jehovah also forgives us, he also talked about not worrying too much about tomorrow and not doing what we do not want others to do to us.
And in other very important things, the enormous need to know how to forgive, not worrying about tomorrow, what is a burden day by day when they do not know Jehovah and in 7:12 the golden rule where he teaches us to treat people how we want them to treat us and that is also very important because these days people have no moral value or respect for those principles and much less consideration for people.
The one that we have read first regarding forgiveness towards other people, Jesus was not based on the fact that if you forgive others you will sleep peacefully or you will be able to rest or have a good conscience there he was saying if you forgive your parents they will forgive you then we see that the The consolation he gave them was not momentary, but his life and eternal life were involved in it.
As for Matthew 6:34, it is a verse that basically solves almost all emotional problems, people who have depression in the first century and today, in fact all of us if we manage to apply this text we can find relief to all our problems like this that Jesus' advice was most practical.
Do you think these tips can help people today?
Yes, because that way we can think more about our neighbor and help them.
Of course, because to live in peace with each other we need to forgive each other, we should not let worries or problems overwhelm us either.
There is even in Matthew 7:12 the famous golden rule that we do to others what we would like them to do to us, in reality if we all put in the effort to follow this we would live in a better place, then what use is it to us, they are definitely excellent advice that They are not from Jesus Christ, they are from Jehovah, but he gives them to us.
We can encourage the student to put these tips into practice as it promotes peace both for ourselves and for those around us.
6. Jesus performed miracles
Questions after the video, “The Healing of a Sick Woman”:
According to the video, what was the sick woman sure of?
She was sure that Jesus was sent from God. She was sure that Jehovah would take care of him and heal her from her illness.
She had been suffering from bleeding for 12 years, she had been to many doctors without any results and had spent all her money.
If she was very sure that Jesus was sent by God and besides she was sure that Jehovah would take care of her and heal her from her illness.
Well, she was very sure of the power that Jesus had because she was aware and knew that even if nobody realized it, she could be cured just by reaching out to Jesus and touching him.
What strikes you most about this miracle?
It strikes me more that Jesus did not treat her badly, he knew that she needed him to help her and he saw that she had a lot of faith.
What most strikes me is that this miracle was performed with the sole fact that this woman will touch Jesus' clothing, thus indicating the great power that Jehovah had given her.
The faith that she was convinced that Jesus Christ had the power to execute a miracle that is why she had to fight through the crowd to be able to reach him because of her great faith and she received healing.
I was struck in the video by the empathy that our Lord Jesus Christ showed towards this woman because when she falls at his feet you see that he leans towards where she is and then picks her up and then comments, I imagine with a voice calm and reassuring when he tells her, daughter, your faith has healed you, go in peace and be healed of your distressing illness, then the empathy, love and tenderness with which he treated this woman caught my attention.
The faith that she was convinced that Jesus Christ had the power to execute a miracle that is why she had to fight through the crowd to be able to reach him because of her great faith and she received healing.
Read John 5:36 and discuss the following:
What do the miracles that Jesus did “confirm” or demonstrate?
They confirm that Jehovah sent him.
For all his miracles clearly demonstrated that he was the one sent by Jehovah.
That Jehovah truly is with him.
Thus the word of Isaiah was also fulfilled when he says that the spirit of the Lord is upon him, so that more could be expected than that Jesus would do things that came from his father.
And I like it because in an example that we saw earlier in Luke chapter 7:11 to 17 in verse 16 he mentioned that everyone was very impressed and began to glorify God more than giving a simple show or a miracle, it was a testimony of that Jehovah was helping Jesus and this was helping people convert or become believers.
WHAT SOME SAY: "Jesus was just a good man, and nothing more."
What do you think?
No, Jesus was sent so that Jehovah would forgive our sins.
I disagree with this opinion because as we have studied today, all the miracles that Jesus performed show that he was the Messiah, not just a human being.
We have been reminded how the biblical record confirms that Jesus performed miracles that even people who had no faith in him could not deny so this shows that he was not just a good man but that he was indeed the son of God.
What was the main work of Jesus when he was on Earth?
To be able to save us from our sins and that we can attain eternal life.
His main task was to announce the good news of the kingdom, so he announced the news that Jehovah would establish a kingdom that would solve all the problems of humanity.
And as Luke 4:43 mentions, for 3 and a half years he dedicated himself to announcing the good news of the Kingdom of God.
What did the miracles of Jesus demonstrate?
That he was sent by Jehovah.
Jesus' miracles served as clear proof that he was sent from God.
Yes, well, it was a sign of what the kingdom that he preached would be like and that confirmed in this way that he came from his father, God Almighty, and that he had all the authority to say it because he did it.
What practical lessons did Jesus teach?
Loving and caring for each other, we have to love our neighbor.
Jesus taught, for example, that we forgive others when they offend us, since that is the only way that Jehovah also forgives us, he also talked about not worrying too much about tomorrow and not doing what we do not want others to do. do us.
For example in Matthew 6:34 it teaches us not to worry about the next day that each day has its own concerns and this is very good advice in the time in which we live where most people are very anxious about what there are around us.
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