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1. What important decision must everyone make?
We must make the important decision of choosing whether we will support Jehovah as the rightful ruler of the universe, or whether we will side with his evil enemy Satan. The decision we make will mean eternal life or death for each of us.
Everyone has a very important decision to make: will they support Jehovah as the rightful ruler of the universe, or will they side with Satan, God's evil enemy?
If they support Jehovah as the rightful ruler of the universe, or they will side with Satan the wicked enemy of God. Eternal life depends on that decision. You can't be neutral.
2. a) What does Hebrews 10:35-39 encourage us to do?
It encourages us to "continue serving Jehovah with courage, firm faith and endurance, it encourages us not to back down or doubt our decision", rather, we must always be convinced that siding with Jehovah is the best decision we have made. taken.
You must endure to stay alive.
If you have already sided with Jehovah's government, you have made a good decision. Surely now you want to help others to do the same.
(b) How does the book of Revelation help us?
The teachings of the book of Revelation help us realize what will happen to those who oppose Jehovah and the blessings that will come to those who loyally support his rule. Furthermore, we can use this knowledge to encourage others to make the right decision and side with Jehovah.
This book tells us what will happen to those who oppose Jehovah and highlights the blessings that will come to those who loyally support his government, and we can use what we have learned to encourage others to make the right decision and not back down.
It tells us what will happen to those who oppose Jehovah, and on the other hand it highlights the blessings that will come to those who loyally support his rule. The information from the Apocalypse helps encourage others to make the right decision and not back down.
3. What questions will we answer in this article?
The questions are: What awaits those who support the government of God? And what about those who choose to support the beast mentioned in the Book of Revelation?
What awaits those who support the government of God? And what will happen to those who decide to support the scarlet red wild beast mentioned in the book of Revelation?
We will answer the following questions: What awaits those who support God's government? And what will happen to those who decide to support the scarlet red wild beast mentioned in the book of Revelation?
4. What group does the apostle John see together with Jesus in heaven?
The apostle John sees a group of 144,000 people, as Revelation 14:3,4 says "they have been bought from the earth" and are standing with Jesus on the heavenly Mount Zion.
Out of 144,000 who are from Earth and go to heaven to form, together with Jesus, a government or kingdom that will rule over Earth.
The first group is made up of 144,000 individuals, they are from Earth, and they go to heaven to form, together with Jesus, a government or Kingdom. All together they reign over the Earth.
5. What will soon happen to the remaining anointed Christians on earth?
In Revelation 7:3 it says that "those who remain" must receive the final "seal", that is, the final approval of Jehovah. Then, at some point in the great tribulation, this remnant will be taken up to heaven to be with the rest of the 144,000 and rule with Jesus in the Kingdom of God.
Before the great tribulation begins, those who remain of the anointed Christians will receive the definitive “seal”, that is, the final approval of Jehovah and will be taken to heaven to be with the rest of the 144,000 who died being faithful and who are already They are there.
At some point in the great tribulation the remnant that remains will be taken up to heaven to be with the rest of the 144,000. This will happen because they will receive the definitive seal, that is, the final approval of Jehovah.
6, 7. (a) What group does John next see, and what do we know about them?
The apostle John sees "a great crowd that no man could number." In Revelation 7:14 he says that "they are survivors of the great tribulation" and in verses 16 and 17, John describes the wonderful blessings they will enjoy here on earth.
John sees "a great crowd." Unlike the 144,000, this second group cannot be counted, they will live on Earth and enjoy wonderful blessings.
To a great crowd that cannot be counted. They are the ones who come out of the great tribulation and will live on earth and enjoy wonderful conditions.
(b) Why should the remnant of anointed Christians and the “great crowd” be interested in Revelation chapter 7?
It should interest us because: we want to be part of this prophecy and see ourselves in it. Let us remember that this chapter 7 of Revelation makes us see how happy we will be to have decided to support Jehovah's government.
It will be a very exciting time for these two groups of God's servants, we will be very very happy that we decided to support Jehovah's government.
Because we want to see ourselves in the photo described in chapter 7 of the Apocalypse. For both groups it will be a very exciting time and we will see the good result of supporting Jehovah's government.
8. How will the great tribulation begin, and what will be the reaction of most people?
According to Revelation 17:16,17 the great tribulation will begin when political organizations attack Babylon the Great, the set of false religions in the world. The reaction of most people to this event is described in Revelation 6:15,17 where it says: "That they will seek protection in the political and commercial systems of this world, comparable to mountains." Since these people do not take the side of the Kingdom of God, Jehovah considers them his enemies.
The political organizations of this world will soon attack Babylon the Great, the set of false religions in the world, those who do not serve Jehovah will seek protection in the political and commercial systems of this world, which in this chapter of the Bible are compared to mountains.
With the attack on Babylon, the great set of false religions that exist in the world. After this event people will seek protection in the political and commercial systems of this world.
9. Why will Jehovah's people draw much attention during the great tribulation, and what will be the result?
Because we are the only group on earth that will continue to serve Jehovah and continue to refuse to support "the wild beast." The result will be: that a coalition or group of nations will aggressively attack us all over the Earth.
They will be the only group on earth that continues to serve Jehovah and refuse to give their support to “the wild beast”, those who oppose Jehovah will be furious and attack God's people throughout the earth.
Because they will be the only group on earth that continues to serve Jehovah and refuse to support the Wild Beast. That will enrage God's enemies so a group of Nations will attack God's people all over the Earth, this is what is known as the Gog de Magog attack.
10. According to Revelation 19:19-21, what will Jehovah's reaction be when his people are attacked?
Jehovah will come out in defense of his people, in Revelation it says that all these enemies "will be thrown into the length of fire that burns with brimstone" which means that God will cause them total destruction.
Jehovah's reaction when this cruel attack against his people occurs is described as the unleashing of his fury, Jehovah will send his Son, who will be accompanied by the faithful angels along with the 144,000, to defend his people and defeat their enemies .
Jehovah will send his son to defend his people and defeat their enemies. The faithful angels will also intervene along with the 144,000. This will mean total destruction of all people and organizations that oppose Jehovah.
11. What is the most exciting event in the book of Revelation?
The most exciting and happy event is: «the wedding of the lamb».
The most important event is the one recorded in Revelation 19: 6,9 which is the wedding of the lamb.
Faithful Christians on Earth who have survived the annihilation of God's enemies will be overjoyed and there will be an even greater reason for happiness “the marriage of the Lamb”.
12. When will the marriage of the Lamb take place? (Revelation 21:1, 2).
According to John's vision, the wedding will be celebrated until "the former earth and heaven are no more", these symbolize the governments and the present human society, therefore, the wedding will be until after Armageddon when all these enemies of Jehovah be removed.
The wedding will take place after the war of Armageddon, when all the enemies of God have been eliminated.
Before Armageddon begins the entire 144,000 in heaven. Then all the enemies of God will be eliminated. After this the wedding of the lamb will be celebrated.
13. What meaning does the marriage of the Lamb have for those who participate in it?
As it is a symbolic wedding where the king, Jesus Christ, and his "bride", the 144,000, are united, this event means that Jesus and the 144,000 will begin to reign together on Earth for 1000 years.
In this symbolic wedding, the King, Jesus Christ, and his “bride”, the 144,000, join together. With this exciting event, Jesus and the 144,000 will begin to reign together on Earth for 1,000 years.
In this symbolic wedding, the King, Jesus Christ, and his bride, the 144,000, join. From that moment they begin to reign together for 1000 years.
14, 15. To what is the 144,000 in Revelation 21 compared? (See cover drawing.)
The prophecy of Revelation compares the 144,000 to a precious city called "the New Jerusalem." The cover drawing is a sample of what Juan sees, he describes in detail how beautiful this city is, he says that its foundations, street, gates and walls are adorned with precious stones, and have the shape of a perfect cube. Furthermore, John sees that the New Jerusalem is illuminated by the glory of Jehovah himself and of the lamb Jesus Christ. Which means that those who are part of the New Jerusalem will have direct access to them.
The 144,000 are compared to a beautiful city called “the New Jerusalem”, it has “12 stones for its foundations”, and on them are written “the 12 names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb” including the name of John. Its main street is pure gold, its 12 gates are 12 pearls, the wall and foundations are adorned with precious stones, and it has the shape of a perfect cube, the city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, because the glory of God illuminates it and its lamp is the Lamb” and those who are part of the New Jerusalem will have direct access to Jehovah.
With a beautiful city called “the new Jerusalem”. This city has "for foundations 12 stones", and on them are written "the 12 names of the 12 apostles of the lamb" including that of the apostle John. This city has the shape of a perfect cube, its main street is pure gold, its 12 gates are 12 pearls, the wall and foundations are adorned with precious stones.
16. What blessings will mankind enjoy during the Thousand Year Reign of God's Kingdom?
John symbolically describes that "from the throne of God and of the Lamb" flows "a river of water of life" and that on both banks there are "trees of life" that produce leaves "to heal the nations", this is It refers to the blessings that all obedient humans will enjoy, where we will gradually reach perfection and there will be no more illnesses, pain or tears of sadness.
During the Thousand Year Reign of the Kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem will pour out countless blessings on Earth as "a river of water of life" and that on both banks there are "trees of life" that produce leaves "to heal the nations ”, it will gradually reach perfection and no more sickness or pain or tears of sadness.
These blessings will flow like a river of water of life and on both banks of the river there will be trees that produce leaves to heal the nations. For humans living at that time it will mean that they will gradually reach perfection.
The symbolic city called the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven and shines. A river flows from that city. On both banks of the river there are trees that bear fruit.
Revelation chapter 21 says that the New Jerusalem comes down “out of heaven, from where God is.” During the Thousand Year Reign, this symbolic city will shower countless blessings on obedient human beings. (See paragraphs 14 to 16).
17. Who will enjoy the blessings of the Thousand Year Reign? (Revelation 20:11-13).
First of all, we will be the ones of the great crowd that survive Armageddon and the children that are born in the new world, then, in chapter 20 of Revelation, it promises that the dead will rise again. The Bible calls them the "righteous," that is, Jehovah's faithful servants who died in the past, and the "unrighteous," those who did not have the opportunity to know Jehovah.
The great crowd that will survive Armageddon, the children that will be born in the new world, and the people that will be resurrected, both the faithful servants of Jehovah who died in the past, and those who did not have the opportunity to know Jehovah.
First the great crowd that will survive Armageddon and also the children that will be born in the new world. Then the righteous will resurrect, who are the faithful servants of Jehovah who died in the past and also the unrighteous, that is, those who did not have the opportunity to know Jehovah.
A group of people enjoy life in Paradise. In the background is a river flowing from the symbolic city called the New Jerusalem. On both banks of the river there are leafy trees.
Who will receive the blessings represented by “a river” and by “trees”? (See paragraphs 16 and 17).
18. In what situation will humanity be at the end of the 1,000 years?
At the end of the 1000 years, all the inhabitants of the earth will have reached perfection. No one will suffer from the sin and death that Adam inherited us.
At the end of the 1,000 years, all who live on Earth will have reached perfection, the inhabitants of Earth will come to life because they will be perfect human beings.
Everyone will have perfection. The effect of Adam's sin of disobedience will have disappeared. At that time everyone will come to life.
19. Why will a final test be necessary?
It will be necessary because the just and proper sovereignty of Jehovah God demands absolute obedience from humans. We know that after 1000 years each of us will be perfect, it is then that Satan is released from the abyss and it is where our fidelity to Jehovah will be tested.
The perfect human beings will have the opportunity to remain loyal question when the 1,000 years are over and Satan is released from the abyss, if they are faithful during the final test they will receive eternal life and finally enjoy true freedom and if not, they will be destroyed forever, Just like the Devil and his demons.
By becoming in a state of perfection, human beings will have to prove to Jehovah that they will be loyal just as Jesus was. After passing this final test, they will receive eternal life and finally enjoy true freedom. Otherwise they will be destroyed forever just like the Devil and his demons.
20. How do you feel after analyzing the exciting prophecies of Revelation?
We are extremely excited that Jehovah allows us to see the fulfillment of these prophecies, this review also helps us to recognize what is important: what it is to invite others, so that “all together we serve and adore our Magnificent and Sovereign God Jehovah for eternity. ».
After discussing these exciting future events, we are sure to be filled with excitement and want to say what the apostle John said: “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus."
We are excited to appear in "the picture" asking for the fulfillment of these beautiful prophecies. And we long to invite others to join in the pure worship of our God.
What decision must we make now?
The important decision of choosing whether we will support Jehovah as the rightful ruler of the universe, or whether we will side with his enemy Satan.
Whether we support Jehovah as our rightful ruler of the universe or whether we side with Satan who is Jehovah's enemy. We cannot be neutral, we want to achieve eternal life, we must make the decision to support Jehovah.
What is "the marriage of the Lamb"?
It is a symbolic wedding where the king, Jesus Christ, and his "bride", the 144,000, are united. This event means: that Jesus and the 144,000 will begin to reign together on Earth for 1000 years.
It is the union of the King Jesus Christ and his bride who are the 144,000, this will mean the beginning of the reign together on earth for a thousand years. This wedding will take place after the war of Armageddon.
What blessings await faithful servants of Jehovah?
The prophecies say that there are countless blessings that all obedient humans will enjoy, for example: we will gradually reach perfection, there will be no more illnesses, no pain, no tears of sadness, nor will there be death, another promise is that Jehovah will resurrect our loved ones.
The survivors of Armageddon, the children who have been born in the new world, the righteous or faithful servants of Jehovah who died in the past, as well as the unrighteous who had not had the opportunity to know Jehovah, if they pass the final test after the thousand years, they will be able to enjoy eternal life, to say that they will live because they will finally be perfect human beings.
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