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Let's look for hidden pearls (10 mins.)
2Sa 23:15-17. Why did David refuse to drink the water? (w05 5/15 19 ¶6)
While on the run, David longed to drink of the water from the cistern in Bethlehem, which was then under the control of a Philistine garrison. His men found out that he was very thirsty, so they went into enemy territory and risked their lives to get him water. But, when they brought it to David, he did not want to drink it and said: How could I drink the blood of these men, who went and risked their lives? For David, that water represented the life of his men. He understood how precious life and blood are to God.
Yes, he avoided doing anything that even appeared to be a violation of the law on the improper use of blood. But he also teaches us not to put the life of any human being at risk or promote activities that may cause temporary or permanent damage without a possible justified reason. For the love of God, God's servants respect the sanctity of blood and obey everything that serves to keep it under Jehovah's standards.
David had such respect for God's law regarding his men's life and blood that, on this occasion, he refrained from doing anything that only seemed to be a violation of that law. That is the attitude that we must cultivate towards all divine mandates.
Because his men to get this water went into enemy territory and risked their lives to get it, so for David, that water represented the life of his men, he understood how valuable life and blood are to God and he had so much respect for his law that he refrained from doing anything that only appeared to be a violation of it.
And the same is really expected of Christians today, since we know that Jehovah is the source of life and that Jehovah is the source of life and that the life of all living things belongs to him, and since we recognize that the Blood is sacred and represents life, which is why we make sure to keep biblical principles in mind before making a decision about medical treatments that use blood.
He refused to drink it because the law of God showed that life and blood were precious, therefore they could not be put in danger and those men had put their lives in danger to bring the water for David and he respected the law of Jehovah we must also cultivate that same respect for divine mandates.
Because David understood very well at first what was behind the legend about blood, in David's eyes that water that his warriors had brought him was equivalent to his blood or his life, that's why he was very thirsty he refused to drink it the I pour out Jehovah, this time David refrained from doing something that could only seem like a violation of Jehovah's law, so we can also copy this example of David also refusing to do something that could seem like we are overlooking some biblical principle.
Because David had a lot of respect for God's law about life and blood he simply said that he was thirsty and these three men risked their lives by going to get him water, so he said that this time he was not going to drink the water because although It just seems like a violation of the law.
What spiritual gems have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Samuel 23:1. When referring to David, he says the exalted one, the anointed of God, pleasant, and this makes me reflect on how I would like to be remembered, as a faithful and pleasant servant or as a disobedient one? That is why we must now work on our spirituality and on our record before Jehovah.
2 Samuel 23:2. David being the first king in Jerusalem and an excellent composer of praise songs to Jehovah and also cited some prophecies that have their fulfillment during the reign of Jesus Christ. However, he recognized that everything he said came from Jehovah.
2 Samuel 23:2. The spirit of Jehovah spoke through me, which reminds us that all parts of the Bible are inspired by God, since by means of his active force or spirit, he guided the writers of the Bible, so this is a verse that we can also use in ministry to teach this truth.
2 Samuel 23:3. The Bible compares Jehovah to inanimate things; says, for example, that it is "the Rock of Israel", the idea that this image conveys is that, like a large and solid rock, God is a safe haven for us, that security will help us withstand opposition and problems. that we record in the world now or in the future.
2 Samuel 23:3. To refer to Jehovah he says the rock of Israel, so this teaches us from Jehovah that like a large and solid rock, God is a safe refuge for us, and without a doubt we can go to him in any difficult situation that we have to face. .
2 Samuel 23:3. He calls Jehovah the rock of Israel, this idea conveys that like a big solid rock God is a safe haven for us, this teaches us that if we strive to have a close relationship with Jehovah Like a rock he can give us stability to our mind and heart.
2 Samuel 23:3,4. God's word emphasizes the need for those in authority to fear Jehovah God. That is why it was requested that the ruler who exercised authority over the people of God, read the law every day so that he would remember the correct norm of doing things and treating the people as Jehovah would do it, thus guaranteeing happiness to the people and approval on the governor.
2 Samuel 23:4. Jehovah represented the blessings of a just government as the joy of waking up with a radiant sun and a clear sky and having soaked the ground with rain, the vegetation grows with freshness, it is the same joy and satisfaction we will be able to express when we in the New World who Jehovah has promised.
2 Samuel 23:5. David says because he has made an eternal covenant with me, so here I notice how it is that David recognized his place in the eternal covenant and today many people know about the sacrifice of Jesus but do not see it as applying to them personally, so having a ministry specifically in a Bible course I can use the tools of the example thoughtful questions to make the person see what the ransom applies to them.
2 Samuel 23:6. There is talk of a type of person that we should not be, he compares them to brambles that are despicable and that you cannot even grab with your hands because of the spikes they have. In some cases, they even become poisonous, we do not want to be like brambles people surly unfriendly even poisonous with our speech on the contrary that we can take our brothers by the hand, when they are going through worries or problems and that we can be a comfort and a help both by word and deed.
2 Samuel 23:8. We read the feat of Joseb-Basébet who once killed 800 men with his spear so we read in verse 10 we can conclude that this feat was thanks to Jehovah, today Jehovah's people have also achieved achievements Unthinkable, for example, the scope of the preaching work, the languages in which the Bible has been translated or the unity that we enjoy, we can reach the logical conclusion that all this is only possible thanks to the help of Jehovah.
2 Samuel 23:14-17. We see that David avoided drinking the water since the people who had gotten it had put their lives in danger, what he teaches us. It is that we must value life and if we have any means of transport we must ensure that it is in good condition since the lives of people will be in our hands.
2 Samuel 23:15-17. Another thing that helps us see the value of blood is something David did when he was fighting the Philistines. His men found out that he was very thirsty, so they went into enemy territory and risked their lives to get him water. But, when they brought it to David, he did not want to drink it and spilled it, for David, that water represented the life of his men, he understood how valuable life and blood are to God.
2 Samuel 23:8-22. Jehovah used these powerful men to give victory to Israel and what he teaches us is that if we are humble and let Jehovah use our abilities, we will be of great help in the congregation and for our brothers.
2 Samuel 24:1. Who prompted David to take a census of the Israelites? It was not Jehovah. The text says: "when someone made David act against them." In 1Chronicles 21:1 it says: "Satan: 'a resister,' proceeded to rise up against Israel and incite David to number Israel." God was dissatisfied with the Israelites and therefore allowed Satan the Devil to make them fall into that sin.
2 Samuel 24:1. Taking a census was not per se forbidden by the Law, but the Bible does not say what purpose David had in counting the people and then in 1 Chronicles 21:1 it indicates that it was Satan who incited him to do so, in any case, Joab, his chief of the army, knew that David's decision to take a census of the people was ill-advised and tried to dissuade him.
2 Samuel 24:1. It says that with regard to the census that one incited David against them by saying to take the tally, that one seems to have given a bit of digging into 1st Chronicles 21:1 rather than saying one says that Satan proceeded to rise up but there has still been enough studies between the different manuscripts because there is even a biblical translation that says it translates it as not satan but a satan, so the insight book says that there is a possibility that the one who impelled David could be a bad human adviser.
2 Samuel 24:3. What happened with David and Joab makes me think about the importance of perhaps stopping to think when a brother comes to warn us that we are about to make a mistake either because we think we are experienced or for any other reason we decide not to listen to him, but let's think if David had accepted the advice he would have saved himself bitter consequences, this encourages me to stop and meditate on the advice and also see them as a token of love very well.
2 Samuel 24:10. On this occasion King David of Israel had a census taken of the nation. The Bible describes how the realization that he had sinned affected David. Showing conscience in operation, the Bible says that "his heart condemned him." This is because the creator made man in his own image, with intelligence and a moral sense, just as God himself has these things.
2 Samuel 24:10. After realizing the serious mistake he had made, David's conscience led him to repentance and he asked Jehovah to forgive the mistake he had made, because he recognized that he had behaved like a fool, his example can prompt us to make a self-examination and ask ourselves if our conscience is sensitive enough to respond in the same way when we know that we have committed a sin.
2 Samuel 24:10. We see how David's conscience allowed him to see that he had done wrong and this made him repent of his actions, we see the importance of having a well-trained conscience because thanks to it we can see what we have done wrong and correct it.
2 Samuel 24:14. David knew well that Jehovah is more merciful than human beings and he could say that because throughout his life he has seen how Jehovah is with his loyal servants, we must also have that same conviction, in this way we will show that we trust in God above all things.
2 Samuel 24:1,16. David showed that his fear of God had weakened and although he later repented, both he and the people suffered bitter consequences, what he teaches us is that even when we repent from the heart after having committed a sin, we will have to suffer the consequences of East.
2 Samuel 24:17. David felt sorry that his sin brought suffering to the entire nation. The repentant sinner must feel remorse for the disgrace his action may have brought upon the congregation.
2 Samuel 24:17. We are also shown how David was a good example of true repentance because we see that he cared not so much about the sin he had committed but also about the effect that others had, he was worried about what was happening to the nation Israel, so that also shows us how a sign of repentance of true repentance is that we think about the consequences that our actions have on others and especially the congregation.
2 Samuel 24:21,24. We can see how Arauna wanted to pay the sacrifices that David owed and that makes me think that it is possible that when we commit a sin someone close to us who loved us wants to take responsibility for us to pay the consequences of our mistake, however we must act like David and take our responsibility and pay the price we owe for our own mistake.
2 Samuel 24:24. He teaches me that sacrifices must be made willingly and with effort to Jehovah.
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