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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Saturday July 30, 2022
Be an example to the faithful (1 Tim. 4:12).
Young man, when you were baptized, you showed that you had great faith and trust in Jehovah. And he welcomed you into his family with open arms. What a great honor! The key now is that you continue to lean on Jehovah. This may sound easy when it comes to making life's biggest decisions. But you need to do it with all your decisions, whether they are related to entertainment or to employment and goals in life. Instead of relying on your own wisdom, find biblical principles that are helpful in your circumstances and apply them (Prov. 3:5, 6). In this way you will make Jehovah happy and earn the respect of the brothers. Of course, just like all of us, you are imperfect and will sometimes make mistakes. However, this should not prevent you from doing all you can in your service to Jehovah. w21.03 6 paras. 14, 15
As Psalm 25:14 shows, what is the most important thing young people can do?
Also, from a young age, David developed a strong friendship with Jehovah. That relationship was more important than his bravery or his talent with the harp. For David, Jehovah was not only his God, but also his best friend (see Psalm 25:14). Young men, the most important thing you can do is strengthen your friendship with your heavenly Father. If they do, they may be given more responsibility in the congregation.
What negative opinions did some have of David?
One difficulty that David had to endure was the negative opinions that others had of him. For example, when he volunteered to fight Goliath, King Saul tried to stop him, saying, “You are just a boy” (1 Sam. 17:31-33). Shortly before, his own brother had accused him of being irresponsible (1 Sam. 17: 26-30). But Jehovah did not see him as irresponsible or immature, for he knew him very well. And because David trusted his friend Jehovah to give him strength, he managed to defeat Goliath (1 Sam. 17:45, 48-51).
What can you learn from David's experience?
What can you learn from David's experience? First, that you must be patient. It may take time for those who have known you since you were a child to begin to see you as a young adult. But rest assured that Jehovah sees beyond appearances. He knows you well and knows what you can do (1 Sam. 16:7). A second lesson is that you must strengthen your relationship with him. David did this by examining creation and pondering what it taught him about Jehovah (Ps. 8:3, 4; 139:14; Rom. 1:20). The third lesson is that you should ask Jehovah for strength. For example, if your classmates make fun of you because you are a Witness, ask Jehovah for help in prayer to endure. Also, put into practice the wise advice you find in his Word and in our publications and videos. Every time you see Jehovah helping you with a problem, your trust in him will grow stronger. And when others see that you rely on Jehovah, you will earn his trust.
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