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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 13 and note 1.
1. How have they tarnished God's reputation with their teachings?
Some religious leaders say that when a tragedy occurs it is by the will of God. But that is a lie. He is never to blame for bad things that happen. It's sad to say, but lies like these have turned people away from God.
For example, many religious leaders tell people that when a tragedy occurs it is God's will, and do not teach them to use God's name, which means that few people know it.
Many of them do not teach people the name of God, some religious leaders say that when a tragedy occurs it is God's will, lies like these have made people turn away from God.
They have exchanged the truth of God for a lie. For example, the name of God has disappeared and they do not teach it to the people. When a misfortune occurs they say it is by the will of God. Making him guilty of bad things that happen.
Saying bad things about him, for example we have read in James 1:13 that God never tries with bad things, however false religion has often taught that when a tragedy occurs it is because God has allowed it or God has wanted it.
Yes, another important aspect is that they have not taught people the name of God, however, Romans 10:13 says that it is essential to invoke the name of Jehovah to be saved.
False religion changed the truth of God for a lie and that is what Romans 1:25 says, even many of them have removed the name of God in the bible, they even blame God for all the tragedies that have happened but he never has blame for bad things that happen.
Yes, then, he is never to blame for the bad things that happen, it is sad to say it, but the lies that false religions have made have precisely caused people to distance themselves from God.
2. How have their actions tarnished God's reputation?
Religions have been getting involved in political affairs for centuries, supporting wars and causing or approving the death of many people. Some religious leaders live in luxury and demand money from members of their religion to maintain that lifestyle.
For example, what many religions do is get involved in political affairs, supporting wars and therefore, we could say that they approve the death of many people, and another way in which they tarnish the reputation of God is that many religious leaders live surrounded by luxury at the expense of parishioners' money.
Religions have been getting involved in political affairs for centuries, supporting wars and causing or approving the death of many people.
They get involved in political affairs, support wars and cause or condone the death of many, many people. Some religious leaders demand money from their members to maintain a luxurious life.
If we see how throughout history many religions have been involved in both political and war conflicts, all this using or claiming to represent the name of Jehovah the name of God and there we see how it has stained the name of Jehovah.
It is mentioned how many leaders of this religion live in luxury and also these luxuries are because of their parishioners, in fact there are religions that, for example, refuse to carry out a funeral if there is no prior payment.
If over the years we have seen how religions mix in political affairs, support wars and live in luxury at the expense of members of their religion, then this does not make us see as mentioned in Revelation 18:5 their sins are they have accumulated until they reach heaven and Jehovah is aware of their unjust acts and makes us reflect on how people who have this lifestyle can be God's representatives.
God is love, they cannot be representatives, in fact evil acts such as holy wars, the Christian crusades of the Middle Ages, the formation of the holy inquisition reflect that they cannot be representatives of God.
3. How does God feel when he sees what false religions do?
He loves the people, but is furious with the religious leaders who tarnish his reputation and mistreat the people who follow them. God promises that false religion will be destroyed and will "never be seen again."
Surely he feels very indignant since he loves people and it makes him very angry how religious leaders mistreat them, that is why he promises to destroy false religion.
If you are outraged by what false religions do, imagine how Jehovah feels, he is furious with religious leaders who tarnish their reputation and mistreat the people who follow them.
He is furious with religious leaders who tarnish his reputation and abuse the people who follow him. That is why he promises to destroy false religion forever very soon.
Surely they feel very indignant as the bad people and get very angry how the religious leaders mistreat them that is why he promises to destroy all false religion.
If we become angry seeing the things that religious leaders do, Jehovah feels even more because they are tarnishing his name and he is so furious that he is going to destroy false religion, it will never be seen again.
4. God does not approve of all religions
Read Matthew 7:13, 14 and discuss the following:
According to the Bible, what is the way that leads to life?
Narrow is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life.
The Bible says that the path that leads to life is narrow, and few people find it.
It indicates that it is a narrow road and few find it.
If the one that leads to life is the narrow.
Well, as we have read in Matthew, it is a narrow path and unlike the path that leads to destruction that so many people walk, the Bible says that few would find and walk this narrow path that leads to life.
Questions after the video, "Does God approve of all religions?":
Does the Bible teach that God approves of many religions?
The Bible is like a map that tells us how to worship God in order to have a happy future. Each religion has many beliefs that contradict each other, according to the Bible the dead know nothing, God will resurrect them and the righteous will live forever on earth.
The Bible teaches us this, moreover, the Bible speaks of two paths, and only one that represents the true religion leads to eternal life. And something very interesting that is mentioned in the video is that the Bible is like a map, which tells us how to worship God to have a happy future, and also clearly explains many teachings that some religions distort.
Well, in Ephesians 4:5 it is said that there is only one faith, then there must be agreement among all true Christians to make that faith known to put faith in the true God so that the name of God that it carries can be made known salvation have to be united, then there can be no contradiction between what one religion says and another and that God approves everything is impossible only approves one faith.
That is why explain to me well as Jesus said that there are only two paths the wide one that includes all the false religions and the narrow path that is the true religion, how narrow it says that it is difficult to find it, to find it we need the guide or the map what does it mean the bible for that reason only if we know the bible we will be able to act and live according to what God demands to be in the true religion.
For nothing only approves the one that adheres to the norms that God has established through the Bible.
5. False religions do not reflect God's love
Questions after the video, "The Role of Churches in World War II":
What position did many churches take during World War II?
The churches of Christendom continually expressed their support for human governments.
Well, what the churches of Christianity did was support human governments, and even played a very important role in what had to do with the rise to power of some political leaders, the Catholic Church also pressured many nations to become the state religion. Furthermore, all of these religions sent their members into combat.
In 1939 in the second world war all the false religions sent their members to combat. Members of the same religion killed each other.
Contrary to the Bible because they supported human governments on both sides, so as shown in the video Catholics attacked Catholics but from different countries, which is totally contrary to what the Bible says.
Well, they supported the war, they even supported Adolf Hitler, so it means that they were not in favor of the Kingdom of God if they were not against the Kingdom of God as we live, many Catholics killed Catholics and Protestants killed Protestants they did not care about religion.
What do you think of what they did?
What they did was wrong, because they shouldn't have supported one side of a conflict.
There we see the great hypocrisy of Christianity, because how could they say that they followed God's rules, that they served God while they sent their parishioners to war to kill their neighbor.
Religions had to remain neutral in war conflicts to show that they loved their neighbor.
Yes, with these actions they were demonstrating that they were not true religions, they were false religions, because they were mixing with politics by supporting wars and from both sides, as mentioned, they were supporting, for example, the German Catholic army and on the other side also Americans and English leaders were also supporting them. religious to kill each other, this was something that really offended Jehovah a lot and made it clear that they were false religions.
By showing the qualities of Jehovah and the most important that is love, this allows us to see that it is not in accordance with the wars and with so much death that was caused in these times where there was a lot of death, then that will help us so that the person can think what they did and if it was right to support killing another person.
Read John 13:34, 35 and 17:16. Then talk about the following:
How should Jehovah feel when religions get involved in wars?
Jehovah must feel bad, because he wants us to love one another, that we love each other as he loves us.
A lot of indignation, because he has left written in his word the Bible that one of the most important commandments is to love our neighbor, so we can say that these religions that follow the norms of God, if what they do is practically murder their neighbor.
Being a God of love, he wants all of us to love each other. Therefore, it must pain him to see the hatred that is practiced in wars and that innocent human beings are killed.
If we clearly see that true love is our main distinctive as true Christians, then in short, Jehovah feels disgust and absolute indignation at seeing these such actions.
Jehovah must feel sad because as we saw in the verse Jehovah said that they should love each other and in wars they are not really loving each other, they are destroying each other.
In the past the express that felt sorrow in his heart pain in his heart for having created humans who were behaving in this way moving away from him, Jesus mentioned that all his followers would not be part of the world just as he was not and he meant precisely to that world far from God that would reject his norms and that naturally makes us think of the pain caused to Jehovah and Jesus.
False religions are responsible for many barbarities and do not reflect the love of God. What things have you seen that show that this is so?
Wars, poverty, injustice, all of that is part of false religions.
For example, something very notorious is that many religious leaders bless the armies of the country in which they live, another thing is the way they try to hide the corruption that exists within their churches, such as religious pastors accused of sexual abuse.
We have seen, for example, not that we have witnessed but history the crusades, terrible wars of religion where many innocent people were killed revolutionary movement and in our country in Spain we have seen for decades more than four decades the total support of the Catholic religion to a military dictatorship, because that does not reflect the love of Jehovah.
6. God wants to free people from false religions
Read Revelation 18:4 and discuss the following:
God wants to save people who have been deceived by false religions. What do you think of that?
I think it's good, because God always thinks of us and does not want us to be complicit in the sins of false religions.
Without a doubt, this is a great proof of God's love, that is why he gives people the opportunity to get out of these religions, so that they are not destroyed.
It is a demonstration of interest in human beings by telling them to get out of them so that they do not receive part of their plagues.
This is indeed proof that God is indeed a God of love because he wants to save people even though they are deceiving him in his name and well, precisely for that reason he gives this warning that they get out of these false religions to be saved.
7. Don't stop learning about the true God
Would it be fair to blame Jehovah for what false religions do and to stop learning more about him?
It would not be fair, because Jehovah is not to blame, it is false religion that is to blame.
Of course it would not be fair, because just like a good father who raises his son well, but he decides to lead a life contrary to what his father has taught him, we could not blame the father, because he did his job, and the same goes for Jehovah, we cannot blame him for the way religions have distorted the truth.
Jehovah does not promote the misconduct of religious leaders, nor what they condone in his name. Rather, he hates hypocrisy and it hurts him to be blamed for what happens.
Well, this example would not be fair, it is very good because if a son rejects his father's wise advice, he leaves home and leads a bad life, even if the father does not approve of what he says, the consequences of his actions must be reaped by him, but the The father is not to blame for these consequences, because the same happens with Jehovah, he has given free will and many people do not do his will, but these consequences are not his fault.
If this would not be fair, then he is the rebellious son who decided to leave home.
Yes, it would be completely unfair and also illogical to think that because of this we can no longer learn more about Jehovah, we have seen that religions are the ones that have caused many people to have bad or false ideas about Jehovah, but then the The Bible teaches us that this is not so.
WHAT SOME SAY: “I don't want to know anything about God; religion has done a lot of damage.”
Do you think the same?
No, false religion is the one that has done a lot of damage.
Of course not, because it is unfair to blame Jehovah for the damage that has been and is being caused by many religions.
They are right that false religions do a lot of harm, but they are not promoted by Jehovah.
Why should we not think ill of Jehovah because of what false religions do?
We should not think ill of Jehovah, because he is not to blame.
Because Jehovah has nothing to do with these false religions, since he has made it very clear to us in his word the Bible all the steps we must follow to identify the true religion.
Because nowhere in his word does he indicate that he approves of the conduct of these religions, rather he mentions that very soon he will destroy them forever for all the disgrace they bring to his holy name.
In Romans 1:25 he gives us the answer by telling us that they have changed the truth of God for a lie, then false religions have tarnished their name and reputation, therefore we should not associate what people have made the decision with what that Jehovah thinks and desires.
Well, if we do it to our student we will be able to realize what it is that he needs to reinforce, then this will help us measure where we can help the student to grasp the idea that God rejects false religions .
What do you think of what false religions have done and taught?
Which is wrong, because they support human governments.
I am very indignant about how they have distorted the teachings that Jehovah has left in his word, the Bible, for their convenience, which has even caused many people to stop believing in God for it.
They have kept people fooled for centuries. And they have caused so much damage because we accuse God of many things that are not true and promote practices that are distasteful and despicable from God's point of view.
Well, they deceive people a lot because they don't teach what Jehovah left us in his Bible.
What does Jehovah think of false religions?
They only do harm, and make Jehovah's name look bad.
Surely he feels very indignant about everything they do, so of course he does not approve of them because they do not reflect his love.
What were powers that did not correspond to them. They have used his name to deceive people and so he feels indignant against them.
Yes, Jehovah is furious with all these religious leaders who tarnish their reputation and mistreat people, that's why, as Revelation 18:21 says, Jehovah is going to destroy them and they will never be seen again.
What will God do to false religions?
He will destroy them, and clear his name.
Revelation 18:21 says that God will completely destroy false religions.
In Revelation 18:4, he demonstrates the desire to end all false religions very soon and deliver sincere-hearted people who turn away from it.
Of course, it is important to emphasize that they will be totally destroyed and according to what Revelation 18:21 says, they will never be seen again.
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