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Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): lff section 1 review.
1. Which of the biblical promises about the future appeal to you the most? Why? (See lesson 02).
One of the Biblical promises that most calls my attention is, Revelation 21:4, it promises us a future where there will be no suffering, there will be no more deaths, nor pain.
For example, the promise that illnesses will no longer exist and the promise of the resurrection of our loved ones who have died catch my attention, and this because really we all have friends, family or ourselves who are going through problems of health, and in fact we all want to see again a loved one who has fallen asleep in death.
2. Why do you believe that the Bible is the Word of God? (See lessons 03 and 05).
Although the Bible was written by men some 1,600 years ago, we say it is from God because, as 2 Peter 1:21 says, these men "spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit." That is, the ideas recorded in the Bible come from God, not from men.
Because everything that is written in the bible has been written accurately, since even many historians and archaeologists have confirmed important events that the bible mentions, we also know that the bible is very accurate when it talks about science, for example, We know that about 200 years ago the water cycle was fully understood, but the Bible explained it well thousands of years ago.
Also, the bible predicted very important events long before they happened, like the conquest of Babylon, and it also predicted events that are happening right now.
3. Why is it important to use God's name? (See lesson 04).
Because, as we have read, if we call on his name we will obtain salvation. Furthermore, we know that when Jesus was on earth he made him known and taught his disciples to pray for his sanctification. So it is clear that it is very important to use it.
God made his name known to us and it was for us to use it, also Romans 10:13 says that if we want to be saved we must use the name, because only in that way can we have a friendship with Jehovah.
4. The Bible says that in God “is the source of life” (Psalm 36:9). Do you believe that? (See lesson 06).
Some people believe that life came into being on its own, that there is no creator. If we are here by accident, then our existence has no meaning. He made our planet to be a comfortable and beautiful place where human beings could always live.
Of course, yes, because he has created the entire universe, and the earth to be inhabited, he designed all forms of life, and also as Hebrews 3:4 says all houses are designed and built by someone, in the same way God has created all things.
5. Read Proverbs 3:32.
Because there is no one who cares more about us than Him. Jehovah wants us to be happy and cast all our worries on him as 1 Peter 5:7 says.
Because he is a God with many beautiful qualities, such as, for example, he loves justice, he is affectionate, merciful, and he also shows us his love through his word and the things he has created.
We also know that he is very interested in all of us, and that is why it hurts him to see us suffer, he loves us more than anyone, and wants us to be happy, hence he is always ready to support and comfort us.
Jehovah expects his friends to be righteous and do things according to his will, because although God loves all people in general, he has a closer relationship with those people who live according to his Word.
What Jehovah expects is that we obey his commandments, and of course he is realistic because the Bible itself says that these commandments are not difficult to fulfill, and what is more, they have been given so that we do well and nothing bad happens to us.
6. Read Psalm 62:8.
The Bible says that we must pour out our hearts before God, that is, our prayers must be sincere, they must come from our hearts. I would personally like to pray that as a young person you will help me to stand firm despite the many temptations that come our way day in and day out.
Personally whenever I have had unanswered questions, that I need guidance I have prayed to Jehovah, also when I need encouragement and comfort, and we know that we can talk about practically anything with him.
It does it in different ways. Through his Word, the Bible, when we have problems, Jehovah can give us peace of mind and he may prompt his servants to help us when we need it.
He does it through his word, when we have difficulties he gives us peace of mind, and also encourages his servants to help us when we need it most.
7. Read Hebrews 10:24, 25.
Because in the meetings we will meet people who really care for each other and who, like us, want to learn more about God. There we will hear encouraging ideas based on the Bible.
Because in them Jehovah is praised, also because in them everything that the Bible wants to tell us is explained very well, and we learn more about Jehovah and his beautiful qualities, also when we go to the meetings we surround ourselves with faithful servants of God who strengthen our faith.
Yes, it is worth it, because if we attend we will learn more about Jehovah and his beautiful qualities. The more we know of the love he has for us, the more we want to be his friend.
Yes, of course, because by attending them we have the opportunity to learn more about Jehovah and to strengthen our friendship with him.
8. Why is it good to read the Bible daily? What schedule do you follow to read it every day? (See lesson 11).
The person who reads the Bible, or "the law of Jehovah," daily will be happy and successful in life. To start, try to read it a few minutes a day. The more you know the Word of God, the more you will enjoy reading it.
Because the more we know the word of God, the more we will enjoy reading it, the happier we will be and we will have success in our lives. I personally have a schedule to read it, and I do it in the mornings before leaving for work.
9. What have you liked most about this Bible course so far?
I liked learning how life began, after making the Earth, Jehovah created the life that is in it. First, he filled the Earth with plants and animals. And then “God went on to create the human being in his image.”
What I liked most about studying the Bible was that I was able to understand many principles and teachings that I couldn't on my own.
10. Since you started studying the Bible, have you faced any obstacles? To which? What will help her to move on? (See lesson 12).
There are relatives who will agree and others who will not, but we always have to be kind and know that studying the Bible benefits us and helps us to be good people. If sometimes you need more motivation to study or to put into practice what you learn, he will help you. And, if you need more strength to overcome any obstacle or opposition from others, he will give it to you.
Personally, as a young man I was faced with the pressure to “be someone” in this world and pursue a secular career, and trusting in Jehovah will always help us in these cases.
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