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1, 2. (a) Who was Eunice, and what obstacles did she have to overcome as a mother? b) Describe the cover image.
Although the Bible does not speak of Timothy's baptism, his mother, Eunice, must have felt great joy that day (Prov. 23:25). Let's imagine the scene: she is sure to be very proud to see her son in the water, about to be baptized. As Eunice watches smiling, Timoteo's grandmother Loida approaches her and puts her arm around her. Eunice sighs with excitement and holds her breath as Timothy is lowered into the water. Her tears come to her eyes when she hears the sound of water and sees her son come out of it with a big smile on her face. Although it has not been easy, she has succeeded in teaching Timothy to love Jehovah and his Son, Jesus Christ. What obstacles did she have to overcome to get to this moment?
Timothy's parents did not have the same religion. His father was Greek, and his mother and grandmother were Jewish (Acts 16:1). Timothy was apparently a teenager when Eunice and Lois became Christians. But his father did not change his religion. Timothy was old enough to make his own decision. What would he do? Would she choose the religion of his father? Would he cling to the Jewish traditions he had learned as a child? Or would he become a disciple of Christ?
3. According to Proverbs 1:8, 9, how does Jehovah view all that mothers do to help their children be friends with him?
Like Eunice, Christian mothers today love their families. Above all, they want to help their children become Jehovah's friends. And our God highly values all the efforts they make (read Proverbs 1:8, 9). He has helped many mothers teach their children to love and serve him.
4. What difficulties do mothers face today?
Naturally, a mother sometimes wonders if her children will make the decision to serve Jehovah, as Timothy did. After all, parents know very well that their children face many pressures in Satan's world (1 Pet. 5:8). As if this were not enough, many mothers have the difficulty of raising their children without a husband or with a husband who does not serve Jehovah. For example, a sister named Christine says: “My husband was a good father and he loved us very much, but he wouldn't let me raise our children as Jehovah's Witnesses. He often asked me through tears if my children would one day serve Jehovah.”
5. What will we see in this article?
If you are a Christian mother, you can help your children to love and serve Jehovah, as Eunice did. In this article, we'll look at how you can follow her lead and teach your kids by both what she says and what she does. We will also see how Jehovah will help her.
6. As indicated at 2 Timothy 3:14, 15, how did Timothy become a Christian?
From the time Timothy was born, Eunice strove to teach him "the holy writings" as the Jews understood them. Of course, her knowledge was limited because she didn't know anything about Jesus Christ. Still, what Timothy learned from the scriptures was a good foundation that could help him become a Christian. But would he make that decision? He was old enough to decide for himself what he would do with his life. No doubt his mother's efforts played a part in Timothy being “persuaded to believe” the truth about Jesus (read 2 Timothy 3:14, 15). How happy Eunice must have been that she had succeeded in teaching her son to know Jehovah! Truly, this Christian lived up to her name, which comes from a word that means "overcome."
7. What did Eunice do to help her son continue to thrive after his baptism?
Timothy took a very important step in his life when he was baptized. But Eunice's worries didn't end there. What would her son do from then on? Would she allow herself to be influenced by bad company? Would he go to study in Athens and accept the ideas of the pagan philosophers who were taught there? Would he waste his time, his energies and his youth by becoming a slave to riches? Eunice couldn't decide for Timothy, but she could help him. How? By continuing to instill in him a deep love for Jehovah and gratitude toward Jesus. Now, reaching the heart of a child to become a faithful servant of Jehovah is not a challenge only for parents who are alone in the truth. It is also a challenge when both serve Jehovah. So what can parents learn from Eunice's example?
8. How can a mother help her Witness husband to care for the spiritual needs of their children?
Study the Bible with your children. If her husband is in the truth, Jehovah wants you to help him care for the spiritual needs of his children. One way to do this is by supporting weekly family worship. Speak well of it and think about what you can do to make it a calm and enjoyable occasion. Perhaps you can help your husband plan a Bible study project or other special activity. Also, if any of your children are old enough to study the Enjoy Life book, perhaps you could work with her husband on this task.
9. What help is available to a mother who does not have a Christian husband?
Some mothers have to take it upon themselves to study the Bible with their children either because they do not have a husband or because their husband is not in the truth. If that's the case for her, she has nothing to worry about. Jehovah is there to help her. Take advantage of the good tools that her organization gives you to study with her children. Talk to other parents to see how they use these tools in family worship * (Prov. 11:14). Also, ask Jehovah to help you communicate well with her children to find out what they really think and feel.— Prov. 20:5. Just asking something like "What problems are you having at school?" could lead to a good conversation.
10. What else can you do to help your children come to know Jehovah?
Look for occasions to teach your children about Jehovah. Tell them about Jehovah and all the good things he has done for you (Deut. 6:6, 7; Isa. 63:7). This is especially important if you can't study with your children at home. Christine, mentioned in paragraph 4, recounts: “Because I had so few opportunities to talk about spiritual things with my children, I took advantage of whatever time I could. We would go for a walk or we would all get into a canoe and go a little way from the shore to talk about Jehovah's precious creation and many spiritual matters. When my children were old enough, I encouraged them to study the Bible on their own.” Also, speak well of Jehovah's organization and the brothers. Do not criticize the elders. What you say about them can give your children the confidence to come to them when they need to.
11. According to James 3:18, why is it important to foster peace at home?
Promote peace at home. Be in the habit of expressing your love for your husband and her children. Speak of her husband with kindness and respect, and teach your children to do the same. This will help create a peaceful environment where it will be easier to learn about Jehovah (read James 3:18). Consider the case of Jozsef, a special pioneer serving in Romania. When he was little, his father opposed his mother, his brothers, and him serving Jehovah. Jozsef explains: “My mom did everything she could to make the house peaceful. The nastier my father was, the nicer she was. When he saw that we had a hard time respecting and obeying our father, she discussed with us Ephesians 6: 1-3.Then he would tell us about Dad's good qualities and help us understand why we should respect him. So he managed to calm things down in the house many times”.
12. Based on 2 Timothy 1:5, what effect did Eunice's example have on Timothy?
(Read 2 Timothy 1:5). Eunice set a good example for Timothy. She sure taught him that true faith is shown by works (Jas. 2:26). There is no doubt that Timothy saw that his mother's actions were the result of his deep love for Jehovah. He too must have noticed that serving Jehovah made her happy. What effect did Eunice's example have on him? As the apostle Paul mentioned, Timothy had faith like his mother. And it was not by chance. He had noticed her example and wanted to copy it. Similarly, many mothers have reached the hearts of their family members “without a word” (1 Pet. 3:1, 2). You can too. How?
13. Why should a mother put her friendship with Jehovah first?
Put your friendship with Jehovah first (Deut. 6:5, 6). Like most mothers, you will surely give up a lot to take care of your children's physical needs. For example, you are willing to sacrifice your time, money and rest. But you should never be so busy that you neglect your friendship with Jehovah. Take time for private prayer, personal Bible study, and going to meetings. In this way, you will strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and set a good example for your family and others.
14, 15. What do you learn from the examples of Leanne, Maria and João?
Consider the case of some young men who learned to love and trust Jehovah by looking to the example of their mothers. Leanne, one of Christine's daughters, says, “We couldn't study the Bible when Dad was home. But mom never missed meetings. Although we did not have much knowledge of the Bible, his example and his determination helped us to have a strong faith. We realized that this was the truth long before we started going to meetings.”
In Maria 's case , her father sometimes punished the family for going to meetings. She says: “My mom is one of the bravest sisters I know. When I was a child, she would sometimes refuse me to do certain things for fear of what others would say. But seeing that Mom was so brave and that she always put Jehovah first helped me overcome my fear of others.” João and his family couldn't talk about spiritual issues at home because his father forbade them. He explains: “I think what impressed me most was that, in order to please Dad, Mom was willing to sacrifice anything, except her love for Jehovah.”
16. What effect can a mother's example have on others?
Remember that your example can influence others. How? Think of the effect Eunice's example had on the apostle Paul. He wrote that the faith without hypocrisy that Timothy demonstrated was first held by Eunice (2 Tim. 1:5). And when did Paul first notice her faith? Perhaps he met Lois and Eunice at Lystra during his first missionary tour, and it is likely that he helped them become Christians (Acts 14:4-18). When he wrote Timothy some 15 years later, he still remembered Eunice's faith and held her up as an example. It is clear that this woman's conduct left a deep impression on the apostle Paul and probably on many other first-century Christians. If you are raising her children alone or if her husband is not serving Jehovah, you can be sure that her example of faith strengthens and motivates those around her.
17. What should you do if you find that your child is not responding to your efforts?
What if it seems like your child isn't responding to your efforts? Remember that raising a child takes time. As seen in the images, when you plant a seed, you may sometimes wonder if a plant will grow that will bear fruit. Although he cannot guarantee the result, he continues to water it so that it has the best conditions and can grow (Mark 4:26-29). Likewise, as a mother you may sometimes wonder if she is reaching into her child's heart. Of course, you cannot guarantee the result. But, if she continues to do everything in her power to educate him, he will have the best conditions to grow spiritually (Prov. 22: 6).
Series of images: The spiritual growth of a child is compared to the growth of a tree. 1. Someone plants a seed. The photo below shows a mother reading the book “Lessons I Learn from the Bible” to her little son. 2. Someone waters a small tree. The photo below shows the son, almost a teenager, with a ball in his hand while the mother is ready to study the Bible with him. 3. Someone picks a fruit from the tree. The photo below shows the son, now a teenager, being baptized while the mother looks on with a satisfied smile.
Helping a child grow spiritually takes time. Don't give up! (See paragraph 17).
18. How can Jehovah help his children to grow spiritually?
Since Bible times, Jehovah has helped countless young people to be his friends.—Ps. 22:9, 10. So he can also help his children grow spiritually, if they want to (1 Cor. 3:6, 7). Even if his children seem to stray from the path, Jehovah will still watch over them lovingly.—Ps. 11:4. And, as soon as they show even the slightest sign of having “the right attitude,” he will be ready to reach out to them (Acts 13:48; 2 Chron. 16:9). Jehovah can also help her say the right words at the right time, just when her children need to hear them.—Prov. 15:23. Or he can also encourage a brother or sister in the congregation to give them attention and affection. Even when they are adults, Jehovah can make them remember something you taught them in the past(John 14:26). If she continues to teach her children by what he says and what he does, he gives Jehovah many reasons to bless her.
19. Why can you be sure that you have Jehovah's approval?
Jehovah's love for you does not depend on the choices your children make. He loves you because you love him. If you are raising her children alone or if her husband is not in the truth, remember that Jehovah promises to protect her and be like a father to them (Ps. 68:5). You cannot control whether your children will decide to serve God or not. But if she continues to rely on Jehovah for help and to do her best, he will approve of her.
How can mothers teach their children with what they say?
Study the Bible with your children. If her husband is in the truth, Jehovah wants you to help him care for the spiritual needs of his children. One way to do this is by supporting weekly family worship. Perhaps you can help your husband plan a Bible study project or other special activity.
How can mothers teach their children with what they do?
So did Eunice, for there is no doubt that Timothy saw his mother's actions as the result of her deep love for Jehovah. She must also have noticed that serving Jehovah made her happy. Timothy had noticed her example and wanted to copy it. Similarly, many mothers have reached the hearts of their family members "without a word."
How can mothers show that they trust in Jehovah's help?
Since Bible times, Jehovah has helped countless young people to be his friends. So he can also help his children to grow spiritually, if they want to. Even if his children seem to stray from the path, Jehovah will continue to watch over them lovingly. And, as soon as they show the slightest sign of having “the right attitude”, he will be ready to reach out to them. Jehovah can also help her say the right words at the right time, just when her children need to hear them.
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