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1, 2. (a) Who was Eunice, and what obstacles did she have to overcome as a mother?
Eunice was the mother of Timothy and a faithful Christian who had to face raising her son also without the help of her husband since she did not profess the same religion as many sisters today who have to face obstacles in raising their children. children without the help of a husband.
Eunice was also Jewish, so her son Timoteo had learned the Jewish traditions since he was a child, so he also faced this obstacle.
Proverbs 23:25 shows the joy that can be felt and is felt when a child, as in the case of Timothy, became a believer, then this feeling is human and all of us parents carry it within our hearts because we are seeing that our children are carrying done something very important that has to do with Jehovah.
We have also seen that one of the difficulties that Eunice had was Timoteo's age because he was a teenager, we all know how delicate that age is, so he had had 2 educations, his mother's Jewish, but his father was Greek, so the questions that could arise was What would I do? Would he choose her father's religion? Would he cling to the Jewish traditions he had learned as a child? Or would he become a disciple of Christ?
b) Describe the cover image.
It reflects the day of Timoteo's baptism there we see his mother Eunice and his grandmother Loida enchanted with life because although they have raised Timoteo in a divided home he will have had not so good influences in that sense now he himself has made his decision and has decided serve Jehovah and now that you are seeing it, it is a day that you will never forget.
In the cover image, we see Timoteo coming out of the water and we can also see the joy that both his mother and grandmother feel when he is baptized and we see how happy they are that they have been successful in raising their son.
3. According to Proverbs 1:8, 9, how does Jehovah view all that mothers do to help their children be friends with him?
In Ancient Israel, parents had a God-given responsibility to educate their children, so with due respect to her husband's authority, the Hebrew wife could enforce God-given family laws and that is what that we are going to see in the case of Eunice who had her husband who did not share her religious ideas but she made an effort to take her son forward in the way of Jehovah and Jehovah values this very much and approves of it.
Jehovah, without a doubt, highly values all the efforts they make to help their children love him, to do everything possible to teach them the truth, and as the end of the paragraph says, he helps many mothers to teach them to go the right way. to his children.
4. What difficulties do mothers face today?
For many mothers have the difficulty of raising their children without a husband or with a husband who does not serve Jehovah.
And like all of us young people face many pressures, so a difficulty that mothers also have is the concern of what decision their children will make.
5. What will we see in this article?
We are going to see an example of how to teach our children by both what is said and what is done, and we will also see how Jehovah will help us to do so.
We will see how mothers can follow Eunice's example, and how they can teach their children both by what they say and by what they do, and finally, in what ways Jehovah will help her in this work.
6. As indicated at 2 Timothy 3:14, 15, how did Timothy become a Christian?
Well, since his mother was born, she made an effort to teach him the writings, of course they did not have an exact knowledge because they did not know anything about Jesus Christ, but even so Timothy had a good base that later helped him become a Christian.
Without a doubt, the efforts that Eunice made, although she did not have much knowledge, but the reinforcements that she made for what she said for what she did, served Timoteo, influenced Timothy to be persuaded to believe the truth about Christ, bone the mother put a good basis and not with little effort.
The first verse 14 says that he learned bone that to learn a teacher was needed in this case he had a teacher who was his mother and it also says that he was persuaded that requires work on the part of his mother, persuading a person is not easy and worse in a difficult age in adolescence is very complicated therefore what his mother did has a lot of merit.
So Eunice was a great Christian because she laid the foundation so that Timothy could later become a Christian, it is true that there were two religions there but he taught him the holy writings, that is, the Jewish law and Timothy is seen to have had that spiritual inclination because Surely he also made an effort, so when he got to know Christ, he immediately accepted him because his mother had already laid the foundation for him.
And of course, based on this, we know well that Timothy knew how to make wise decisions and he made the right decision, which was to continue in the truth.
7. What did Eunice do to help her son continue to thrive after his baptism?
For it continues to instill in him a deep love for Jehovah and gratitude for Jesus.
Eunice knew that her career as a Christian did not end with baptism but that it began there, she knew that Timothy would have to face different tests, for example, he would have to choose what to study, how to lead his life, what life to follow, as these questions mention, and he would waste his time and her youth becoming a slave to riches or not for that reason she forced herself to continue instilling in him this deep love for Jehovah.
And today it is not just a challenge for mothers, it can also be for fathers because today's youth also have much more pressure, so it is also a challenge that parents have to be constantly on top of the fixed ones so that they don't they deviate
8. How can a mother help her Witness husband to care for the spiritual needs of their children?
As a support task, we would actually say that if the husband who has the responsibility of educating his children has a family study, is planning activities and the wife supports him, collaborates, creates a good environment, an environment of support and collaboration, then it will be much easier. For the wife, if she had to do it alone, she would make great efforts, but now the effort has to be not only to instill the truth in her children, but also to support her husband so that this becomes a joint family effort.
Well, if one of your children is old enough to start studying the book, enjoy because you could collaborate with your husband in carrying out this task.
The paragraph says to plan a study project perhaps the wife could help her spouse to the family Investigate a biblical character to prepare a dramatic representation watch a film of the organization then put together a scheme so that family worship can be interesting and encouraging .
And this is sometimes not easy, maybe the night for family worship the wife has a lot of things to do ironing household things and if she says why don't we leave this week or move it to another day or if the kids don't have as much interest and she does not do her part, so it is a team effort if we are commenting that it is complicated for a single mother to do it, it is not easy for both parents, collaboration is expected from both.
9. What help is available to a mother who does not have a Christian husband?
If you have to understand that Jehovah is always going to be there to help you, as has already been said, it is by using the good tools, also by talking with other parents, other experiences of how they use those tools, especially, it is to have a very good communication with the children to be able to know what it is. what they think they are worried about and a quote from the Watchtower says ideas for their family worship and talks about what they can do is to prepare for the meetings read and discuss a Bible story that is interesting, if there are small children what they can do is download the activities if there are teenagers look for an article for the young people and that they can talk about it and act out a story from the Bible together and comment on it.
If something that is also effective is taking advantage of any moment, a simple daily conversation can lead to teaching children any spiritual topic.
Proverb 20:5 says that the thoughts of the human heart are like deep waters and the discerning man knows how to get it out, so it is the same with our children, that is, to be able to get out what they have in their hearts, they have a job, but asking Jehovah for help is very important.
It also refers to lesson 50 of the book enjoy and right there in that lesson includes a video entitled protect your children from what is bad, where it includes an interview with a sister who was raising her son alone and that the challenge to It was when the boy reached puberty that she began to talk to him about sexuality, so she gave very good advice and precisely she used these tools from everything that has already been mentioned and the congregation the brothers also had a positive effect on the.
10. What else can you do to help your children come to know Jehovah?
Well, other things that help a lot is talking to the children about the experience that one has had personally of how Jehovah has helped us in some difficult moments and how they are so close they will understand it easily.
And in addition to teaching these spiritual truths to their children, it is very important that they also speak well of Jehovah's organization around the congregation. He says that I do not criticize the elders or other brothers either because the children will see this organization as really the true one. and they will feel protected.
11. According to James 3:18, why is it important to foster peace at home?
Well, because if there is a peaceful environment for the children, it will be much easier for them to learn from Jehovah.
This is very important because of course the husband may behave badly, but each one of us has a role in the house and the role of the children is to obey their parents, the Bible does not say if they are good or bad, so when a sister She is aware of this and tries to ensure that the children are very respectful with her husband, she is promoting peace and this is very important.
12. Based on 2 Timothy 1:5, what effect did Eunice's example have on Timothy?
Eunice set a good example for Timothy. Timothy saw that his mother's actions were the result of his deep love for Jehovah. Timothy had faith like his mother's.
Timothy had a faith like his mother's. And it was not by chance. Timothy noted the deep love his mother had for Jehovah. He had a faith like his mother's since she had noticed her example and wanted to copy it.
13. Why should a mother put her friendship with Jehovah first?
Because this will strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and set a good example not only for your family but also for other brothers, so mothers should make time for private prayer, personal study, and meetings.
You certainly can't take for granted that without having a personal study, not having a time to pray is going to get your children forward, you need to feed yourself spiritually so that you can help your children.
I would like to highlight what Deuteronomy chapter 6 verses 5 and 6 says and I believe that it is the key to everything that is being talked about when it says love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength these words what I am sending you today must be in your heart, ultimately, what has been said, you must find the time to work to achieve it and there is no other way than through the study of the meetings and the association with our brothers to achieve that goal.
14, 15. What do you learn from the examples of Leanne, Maria and João?
If we look at the case of Leanne, the daughters realized the example of the mother, that although the father was there because he was not really able to study at home, she never missed meetings and for the daughters it was a great example because they gave realized that it was the word of God and helped them cultivate a strong faith.
Yes, so we realize that the example of a mother even when the circumstances are not the most favorable can cause her children to come to love and trust Jehovah.
In the case of Joao, like his mother, he always made an effort to promote peace in the home, although his father forbade them to talk about spiritual things, but that did not prevent her from putting Jehovah first.
Well, she was willing to sacrifice anything but her love for Jehovah.
16. What effect can a mother's example have on others?
It can have a very positive effect as Eunice had because the apostle Paul spoke of the faith without hypocrisy that Timothy had and that he had first seen in his mother, it is true that Paul had to help them become Christians but when he wrote to Timothy 15 years later She still remembered Eunice's faith and used her as an example and this is very important because it is clear that the faith of Eunice and other sisters can help strengthen the faith of not only her children but also other brothers.
It can be very influential and leave a deep impression, for example, Paul possibly first noticed Eunice's faith during his first missionary tour, and by the time he wrote to Timothy it was 15 years later, and he still remembered the Eunice's great faith, so sisters raising their children alone in the truth can be sure that their example of faith strengthens and motivates those around them.
17. What should you do if you find that your child is not responding to your efforts?
Well, it is important to remember that it is something that takes time and with which you have to be patient and here is the example of a seed that you water and sow so that it can grow and as well as what parents can do regardless of not knowing can guarantee the result that the children have because they can give them the best conditions to grow in a spiritual sense.
And the paragraph says if you continue doing everything in your power to educate him, he will have the best conditions to grow in a spiritual sense, of course it is a process if we see the Illustration one plants the seed in the heart of his son but if they will drown him in water we would not have a result, here we see the Illustration that the mother teaches her lessons when she is little, in due time is available for when the son needs it and does not force his spiritual growth, the son sees all this and in due time produces the fruit.
The Illustration in the middle is interesting, the mother could even wonder if everything she is doing is giving a good result because perhaps the son seems more interested in other activities, but if she continues to water constantly, we can see the good results she has in the last image as it has come to bear that fruit.
Well, what is guaranteed is that they will have created the most favorable circumstances to obtain the best result, so it is true that it depends on the free will with which they have adopted us all and it is a personal decision of the young person or of the children, but Having created these favorable circumstances creates in the parents a tranquility, a peace and a joy that is worthwhile.
Series of images: The spiritual growth of a child is compared to the growth of a tree. 1. Someone plants a seed. The photo below shows a mother reading the book “Lessons I Learn from the Bible” to her little son. 2. Someone waters a small tree. The photo below shows the son, almost a teenager, with a ball in his hand while the mother is ready to study the Bible with him. 3. Someone picks a fruit from the tree. The photo below shows the son, now a teenager, being baptized while the mother looks on with a satisfied smile.
Helping a child grow spiritually takes time. Don't give up! (See paragraph 17).
18. How can Jehovah help his children to grow spiritually?
Jehovah is the one who has always taken care of us and also made us grow in the truth, but today young people face many pressures more than ever before in history and I have found these words very nice that are addressed to parents that some of their children has strayed, it reminds them that Jehovah will continue to watch over them lovingly and in Salmon 11:4 it says his eyes watch his watchful gaze examines, plus the paragraph also adds that as soon as they show even the slightest sign of having the right attitude he will be ready to lend them a hand, then this can encourage them a lot and those parents can have that encouragement because at the time they loved Jehovah and they can return to him.
I find very consoling the words of Paul 1st Corinthians 3 when he reminds us that it is God who makes things grow because many parents when sometimes their children make decisions different from the ones one wants because they think they have already failed as parents, the work of parents, as pointed out at the end of the paragraph, is to continue saying and doing what Jehovah expects of us, now the decision is up to the child, yes, that is well planted, now Jehovah will take advantage of any opportunity to continue growing the children's interest.
19. Why can you be sure that you have Jehovah's approval?
Because Jehovah's approval does not depend on whether or not his children accept the truth, Jehovah cannot control in fact that all his children agree to serve, so we know for sure that if they do everything they can and trust in Jehovah, then he will surely help them. will approve.
Jehovah's love for you does not depend on the choices your children make. He loves you because you love him. If you are raising her children alone or if her husband is not in the truth, remember that Jehovah promises to protect her and be like a father to them.
How can mothers teach their children with what they say?
They can instill in them a deep love for Jehovah and Jesus so that they can become faithful servants of Jehovah by studying the Bible with them, we have seen throughout the article different tools that they can use to study the Bible with their children and also look for occasions to do so at any time you have and talk to him about Jehovah of the creation of spiritual matters always promoting peace and making the truth come to his heart.
They should instill a deep love for Jehovah and Jesus by studying the Bible with their children. Support family worship every week, they should use the tools provided by the organization to study the Bible with their children. Ask Jehovah to help you communicate well with them. And look for occasions to teach them about Jehovah.
How can mothers teach their children with what they do?
Well, we have seen that something important is that they put their friendship with Jehovah first, not being so busy that they neglect things as important as prayer, personal study and going to meetings because the children are going to pay more attention to what the children do. fathers in this case the mothers that maybe in what they say.
The mother must demonstrate the faith that she has so that it will have a good effect on her children. Let it be seen that they put their friendship with Jehovah first. This example will not only serve for her children but also for others who observe her.
How can mothers show that they trust in Jehovah's help?
Since Bible times, Jehovah has helped countless young people to be his friends. So he can also help his children to grow spiritually, if they want to. Even if his children seem to stray from the path, Jehovah will continue to watch over them lovingly. And, as soon as they show the slightest sign of having “the right attitude”, he will be ready to reach out to them. Jehovah can also help her say the right words at the right time, just when her children need to hear them.
Doing them the part that corresponds to them and leaving the rest in the hands of Jehovah. If he perceives the slightest sign that the child has the right attitude, he will do his best to help them grow spiritually. The Christian mother must recognize that Jehovah loves her for her personal relationship and does not depend on the decisions made by her children.
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