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1. What makes us feel happy?
It makes us feel happy to be busy in the Christian ministry and also to help our brothers, since as Acts 20:35 says, there is more happiness in giving than in receiving.
Because happiness is part of the fruit of the spirit.
And as acts 20:35 is mentioned, the greatest happiness comes from giving and what better than giving of our time and our energies in preaching or also helping our brothers when they need it.
In Galatians 5:22 it is shown that happiness is a fruit of the spirit therefore when we give in activities that expose us to the Holy Spirit we let it take place and that is why we are happy.
2, 3. a) Considering what Galatians 6:4 says, what will help us not to lose joy?
What will help us not to lose joy is always giving our best to Jehovah, and also not comparing ourselves with others, because each one gives Jehovah their best according to their abilities or capacities.
Examine our own actions to make sure that we are giving Jehovah the best of ourselves and at the same time not comparing ourselves with others.
And also feel and demonstrate what Matthew 22:36 to 38 says that we love Jehovah with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our minds.
And the second thing we can do is not compare ourselves with others if the health the capacity that we have defined our abilities allow us to do something good in the service of Jehovah let us thank him because everything we have has actually been given to us by him.
And in the paragraph an idea is already introduced that is later developed in the article is who has skills and of course the problem is the balance if one has skills there is something wrong in showing them because as it says here not to show off or for their own benefit but neither should those of us who do not have them feel like we have to enter a competition to show that we are better than others.
b) What will we analyze in this article?
We will discuss what will help us not to get discouraged if we feel that we cannot do as much for Jehovah as we would like, and we will also see how we can put to good use whatever abilities we have and what we can learn from others.
We will see how we can do this when we preach when we go to meetings and when we talk.
And it is that since we want to please Jehovah we are not only going to avoid obscene language but we are also going to make an effort to use our ability to speak in the correct way in the best way which is to praise Jehovah and that is what we are going to see how to do it.
4. What could discourage us? Give the example of Carol.
It could discourage us that due to old age or poor health we can no longer do as much as before, and we have the example of Carol, she was able to serve in places with greater need, she led many Bible courses and helped several people get baptized, but after Since she got sick she couldn't leave her house anymore, and now she feels that she is no longer as faithful as the others.
Well, it can discourage us not being able to do what we want either because of our health or because of this age is the example of Carol who at a given moment in her life because she was eloquent she preached a lot she had 35 studies and they got to be baptized and then it came to her a sick problem and she could no longer do what she wanted to do but she couldn't then her health prevented her and she recognized this matter.
And this sister knew that she could not be more, that is, that she would be doing everything she could, but even so, remembering what she had done in another time of life, she felt as if she was not as faithful as other people or as she wanted to do, so she recognizes that has a struggle between what he wants to do and what he can do we also see the danger of comparing ourselves with ourselves at another time in our lives when we had other circumstances.
This can comfort us because we know that Jehovah is not unjust and does not forget what we do for him so if we do our best we can be sure that Jehovah will value and values our good disposition.
5. (a) What should we remember if we feel discouraged because we cannot do everything we want?
We must always keep in mind that what Jehovah expects of us is that we always give him the best according to our circumstances.
Well, we must remember that Jehovah does not expect us all to give him the same thing because he is aware that this is impossible depending on our circumstances and our limitations, but he does expect us to give him everything we can and the best according to our limitations and circumstances.
Yes, what we have to remember is that we are not the ones who decide what Jehovah likes and what he does not like, but it is Jehovah himself who knows our motives and our intentions and he is the one who judges and decides.
And a very graphic example comes to us, an 80-year-old sister who is giving her the most she can in those 80 years and surely it was not the same as what she could give her when she was 40 years old, the difference in age makes her wings in the ministry Well, they have to be different and he told us at the end of the paragraph that we compared it with Matthew 25:20 to 23 and there it was shown that there were different slaves, one is given five talents, he doubles them and the other two doubles them and in the two cases where It was not the same amount that doubles, it is said well done, which shows us this idea that what Jehovah expects of us is that we give him everything we can according to our circumstances.
(b) How has the brother in the images in this article always given Jehovah his best?
He has always given Jehovah the best according to each stage of his life, when he was young single we see that he has served in betel, then married he is a pioneer and when he already has his daughters he makes an effort to teach them the truth and teaches them to give testimony, and finally, when he is old, he preaches through letters.
And we observe a sequence of images in different stages of the life of this brother during his youth he served at Bethel later he married and together with his wife he served as a pioneer, later he became a family man and he takes care of his responsibility very well by instructing his small for preaching and finally reaches a stage of being older but continues to give Jehovah the best of preaching by letter, so then we see how in each stage of his life this brother has given the best to Jehovah in his ministry.
And if this brother now thinks my best stage was when I was at Bethel or was when I was a pioneer, it would take away the joy he has now in everything he looks happy because for Jehovah there is not one stage that is worth more than another in all of them he did what It could have been forced to the maximum and that is why he is still happy now.
6. What does Mary's example teach us?
It teaches us that we will feel happier if we focus on what we can do instead of what we cannot do or what is not within our reach, for example, this sister felt depressed because due to an illness she could not do as much as before Then he noticed that another sister in his congregation was in bed and he looked for a way to help her, so he arranged to go to her home and preach with her on the phone.
It teaches us that something that will help us not lose our joy is to focus on what we can do instead of focusing on what we cannot.
Well, she found herself in the situation that since she had poor health, so she thought she was worthless, she was valuing herself, but the one she has to value is that Jehovah, so what she did was all she could, she found out that in the congregation there was a sister who was in bed so I tried to help her and preached by phone and by letter and now she did feel satisfied because based on what she could do not what she could not now she was happy and satisfied for having given this service.
And in this case we see that this sister is an example of not thinking that I am the one who needs help and the others have to help me, perhaps others in the congregation helped her, but she also thought about how she could help someone in her circumstances. more and says that she always came home happy and satisfied to have been able to help and they preached together writing a letter together with someone this sister really is an example in terms of looking for possibilities in doing what we can do.
Images of a brother who gives his best to Jehovah at different stages of his life. 1. As a young man he works in the laundry at Bethel. 2. Later he pioneers with his wife. 3. The brother is preaching with his wife and his two daughters. 4. Now that he is older, he preaches by letter.
Jehovah is happy if we give him our best at every stage of life. (See paragraphs 4 to 6).
7. What good advice did the apostle Peter give Christians?
The apostle Peter said by inspiration that we should use whatever talents or abilities we have, in order to better serve Jehovah.
And it could happen that there are brothers who, due to their humility or because they do not want to create envy in others, refrain from showing their abilities to the fullest, but by doing this they would not be giving Jehovah the best.
Let's use any gift or talent we have to encourage our brothers using our abilities whatever ability we have to the fullest because that way we will be giving Jehovah the best of us.
Well, the fear that others may be envious or discouraged by our achievements, but as the paragraph says, if we did this, we would not be giving Jehovah the best of us.
8. According to 1 Corinthians 4:6, 7, why shouldn't we brag about our abilities?
Because that way we will not be filled with pride, and the paragraph mentions a very simple example, we may have the ability to start Bible courses, and one day of preaching we get one, and perhaps with good intentions we want to tell others how we got a course because that will surely encourage the group. But we hear that a sister is telling how she managed to pay a return visit to a person. Then we will do well to show kindness and not tell our experience on this occasion so as not to take away the happiness of the sister.
Because if we have any weakness, after all, it is not our merit since we have received it, so we should not brag about it or think that it makes us superior or different from others.
And furthermore, if we did that, we could make other people feel bad, like the experience that comes in the paragraph that if someone is telling that they have left a magazine for a person and it turns out that we have started a Bible course and we blurt out the typical thing, ah well, I have started a Bible study, where we leave the person will feel unsafe.
You have to show kindness to the brothers, sometimes there are situations in which it is better to remain silent even though one can give encouragement because other brothers are also giving it and they were doing everything they can for Jehovah, so this does not mean that if one has a gift go to leave your health but of course the first thing to show kindness to the brothers and think that they are superior to us.
The reasoning is very clear: it says that we do not have anything that we have not received from Jehovah, so yes, why should we brag about something that we have not achieved but that Jehovah has given it to us.
Verse 6 warns of the danger if we do not remember that what we have is because it has been given to us because we can fall into pride or into that spirit of competitiveness you have done this but look what I have done, so this is not what this is about reminder is very timely because what we have is because it has been given to us.
9. How should we use our talents?
We should use them for the benefit of the congregation, to encourage our brothers and to praise Jehovah, not to show off or to try to stand out above others or to make them feel that they are less than us.
To encourage the congregation never to show off we have to think that there is always someone who does not excel in something but that above all worshiping Jehovah does not mean that we have to stand out or make anyone feel inferior.
As Philippians 2:3 says we have to use those talents and we have them with humility.
10. Why is it absurd to compare ourselves with others?
It is absurd because each one has different skills that are equally important or valuable, for example, a brother may be very good at giving speeches, and because of that he thinks he is superior to a brother who perhaps finds this issue very difficult, but this another brother perhaps stands out for other things such as being very hospitable, or is educating his children very well or is very enthusiastic in the ministry.
Because we all have weak points and strong points and we could fall into that we are comparing our strong points with the weak points of another brother and not taking into account that this brother has other strong points that perhaps are not ours, that is why the good thing is that each one let us use our skills to serve and help in the congregation may we all praise Jehovah.
Well, they are not to believe us superior to others if it is not to serve Jehovah and praise the brothers in the congregation.
And that if we have these gifts it is thanks to Jehovah, that is, it is not our merit.
11. Why should we strive to follow Jesus' example?
Because although unlike him, we are imperfect, we can learn a lot from his beautiful qualities and his way of acting, and if we do our best to imitate him, we will undoubtedly become better Christians and have better results in preaching.
Yes, well, we know that Jesus is our best model to follow, in fact, First Peter 2:21 tells us that Christ suffered for us so that we would faithfully follow his example, so if we learn from his qualities and his way of acting we can be better servants of Jehovah and we will have better results when preaching.
Well, there is something very important that he says at the beginning and that is true when we think of our brothers and sisters, we always see something that we say this I have to improve and copy, so that is the good thing to look at the example of others but without comparing ourselves with them .
12, 13. What do we learn from King David?
When they corrected, I'm not looking to make excuses. Instead, he accepted Jehovah's strict discipline and sincerely apologized for what he had done. That is why Jehovah forgave him, from this we learn the correct attitude that we must have when someone advises us, and that when we are wrong we must accept our mistakes without making excuses or blaming others.
Well, David made many serious mistakes, but even so, when they corrected him, he did not try to make excuses. Rather, he accepted firm discipline and repented from the heart for what he had done, and for that Jehovah forgave him.
This example teaches each of us, for example, when we receive advice, how our attitude will be if we recognize the mistakes we have made or, on the contrary, we try to make excuses and then we also have to think about precisely when we receive advice, assimilate it and work not to Repeat the mistakes we have made.
And from the example of David that is mentioned here, well, we learn something very important, we are also imperfect, we are going to commit serious mistakes, but we learn from David, he is an example of repentance in the attitude that we have to have in the face of sin and as shown in Psalm 51 :10 when David, hurt by what he had done, asked Jehovah to create in me a pure heart, put a new spirit within me, a firm spirit, that is what we have to focus on and learn from these characters.
14. How can we benefit from looking at the example of other Christians?
As we look at the example of brothers who may be facing trials with faith such as peer pressure, family opposition, or poor health, we will certainly learn qualities or things that will help us cope with our own personal difficulties.
And surely in our congregation there will be brothers who go through various trials and knowing that they are facing them and remain faithful to Jehovah, this gives us innumerable reasons to value them and follow their example.
I like to think about young people. In fact, I look at how brave they have to be in a world we are living with. I value it so much. I see their courage standing firm before Jehovah, which is an example for me when I also have to struggle with my difficulties.
Young people also in older people and in brothers who have some illness but they remain faithful there they are giving everything they can to Jehovah so they are an example for us.
I can also think of another group that are brothers who are alone in the truth, they also need a lot from the congregation and that is why we are also aware of their needs, because it will also contribute to their joy.
As has already been mentioned before, tests help us to cultivate an essential quality, as Santiago mentions, what endurance is, so by enduring one test after another or seeing our brothers who can overcome one test after another, that also makes us grow. in qualities such as perseverance, constancy, integrity, and that will also strengthen us to resist in the future the attacks that are going to come from Satan.
And continuing in this line is a reason for joy because we have a proven faith, so we see what a quality faith is and we need to have a quality faith to be able to face what comes in the future.
15. What advice from the apostle Paul will help us continue to serve Jehovah happily?
Paul told the Ephesians that each one should do everything possible to build up the body of Christ, and he also said that if each member fulfilled his function well, everything would go correctly in the congregation, then if each member of the congregation gives his best to Jehovah and he fulfills his role well, peace and unity will reign in the congregations.
We see here in this paragraph is that we give Jehovah the best of us that what we must do as the first century Christians did that they had different roles and responsibilities and the key is in First Corinthians 12:4 which says there are different gifts but the same spirit, there is the key for the congregation to manifest itself.
And another advice that the apostle Paul gave is that of Ephesians 4:2 where he says be completely humble and later on he says do everything possible to maintain unity and that is that by thinking that we are all a team and that we have the opportunity to collaborate with each other to work as a team and everything is to the praise of Jehovah not only fosters peace and unity but makes us happy and most importantly, it makes Jehovah happy.
16. What goal should you set? (Hebrews 6:10).
The objective is to compare ourselves with others, instead let us strive to imitate the qualities of Jesus and other faithful servants of Jehovah, in addition, let us always continue to give our God the best because we know well that he will not forget everything we do in favor of his kingdom.
Well, the objective of not comparing ourselves with others but rather of looking at Jesus and making an effort to copy his qualities.
Yes also learn from the examples of faith of the past and of our days.
As the text that we have read says Jehovah does not forget what we have given him so let us focus on giving him the best whatever our circumstances.
Why shouldn't we compare ourselves to others?
Because this could discourage us a lot, let's also remember that each one has different circumstances and abilities but that they are just as important or valuable in the people of Jehovah.
We have seen that each one of us has different circumstances and Jehovah is not going to ask us more if we give him the best of us, he is not going to ask us more and we have seen two very interesting ideas, one that was that we have to do our best in our service to Jehovah and also not to compare ourselves with others.
And also because we can lose the joy in our service and that is why instead of competing with our brothers it is better not to destroy that peace that exists in the congregation and not to compare ourselves.
It is not good to compare ourselves with what we ourselves did in the past because this could perhaps discourage us, rather take into account the current circumstances and give Jehovah the best.
Why do we continue to serve Jehovah happily even when we cannot do everything we want?
Because we know well that what Jehovah expects is that we do everything we can for him according to our circumstances, and as we have learned today we will feel happier if we focus on what we can do instead of what is not within our reach.
Hebrews 6:10 says that Jehovah does not forget our efforts so this encourages us and gives us the confidence that he values everything we do in our service to him.
And it was also mentioned that it is Jehovah who decides what pleases him and what does not, for that we saw the example of the slaves who receive the talents if we do everything possible Jehovah will also tell us well done as that master did to the slaves.
What can we do to benefit from the good example of others?
What we can do is look at the example of brothers who may be facing trials with faith such as peer pressure, family opposition or poor health, we will certainly learn qualities or things that will help us face our own personal difficulties.
And well, we can look at their qualities, we have seen several examples of faith in the past, such as Jesus Christ, King David, and we also have many examples in our congregation today, current examples in the magazines, all of which will help us to give Jehovah the best and keep in mind that he does not forget our works and that they value our efforts and in a certain way serve him with happiness.
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