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1. What makes us feel happy?
There is more happiness in giving than receiving, so when we are in the Christian ministry and help our brothers, we feel that happiness since it is one of the fruits of the spirit.
Jehovah wants us to be happy. And, since there is more happiness in giving than in receiving, we feel very good when we are very busy in the Christian ministry and helping our brothers.
As Acts 20:35 says "there is more happiness in giving than in receiving." When we give of our time and energy to help others in the ministry and also our brothers, that makes us truly happy.
As Christians we are happy when we are very busy in the ministry and helping our brothers.
2, 3. a) Considering what Galatians 6:4 says, what will help us not to lose joy?
The apostle Paul gives us 2 ideas that can help us. The first we will have reason to be able to rejoice because we do it serving Jehovah if we give him the best of each one of us. The second thing is that we should not compare ourselves with others, if our abilities allow us to do something good, we must be grateful to Jehovah, since he has given them to us. Now yes, other brothers with other abilities that we are happy about because they are using them to praise Jehovah and not for their own benefit.
The apostle Paul indicated two ideas that can help us achieve this. We find them in Galatians 6:4. First, we will have reason to rejoice in what we do in our service to Jehovah if we give him our best. Second, we should not compare ourselves with others.
One way to not lose joy is to give Jehovah the best of us, according to our circumstances. In this way we will always be happy because we know that we have done everything possible for Jehovah.
And another idea to not lose joy is not to compare ourselves with others. If we have a strong point, let's use it, but always giving thanks to Jehovah, since everything we have has been given to us by him. And if other brothers are more skilled than us in different aspects, let us rejoice and learn from them.
Let us rejoice in what we do in our service to Jehovah if we give him our best. And we should not compare ourselves with others. And if we see that other brothers are more skillful in some aspect, we should be glad that they are using their talents to praise Jehovah.
b) What will we analyze in this article?
We will see what can help us not to get discouraged if we feel that we cannot do what we want in the service. We will also discuss how to use any skills we have and what we can learn from others.
We will see that it will help us not to get discouraged if we believe that we cannot do everything we want. We will also review how to use any skills we have well and what we can learn from others.
In this article, we will see what will help us not to get discouraged if we feel that we cannot do everything in our service that we want.
We will see what will help us not to get discouraged if we feel that we cannot do everything in our service that we want. And we will also discuss how we can use whatever skills we have well and what we can learn from others.
4. What could discourage us? Give the example of Carol.
Some brothers become discouraged due to old age or poor health because they cannot fulfill their desire to serve Jehovah. A sister named Carol who had preached in need. She eventually led 35 Bible classes and helped several to dedicate themselves to Jehovah and get baptized. But then she got sick and could hardly leave her house. Carol wanted to do what she could for Jehovah, and it paid off. We can be sure that such a compassionate God values his good dispositions.
Some brothers feel discouraged because due to age or poor health they cannot do as much as they would like in their service to Jehovah. That happened to a sister named Carol, who at one time served where she needed help preaching . Carol herself wants to do all she can for Jehovah, and that has much merit. We can be sure that God, who is so compassionate, appreciates his good disposition.
One thing that could discourage us is that due to age or poor health we are unable to do as much as we would like in Jehovah's service. That's what happened to Sister Carol, who got sick and couldn't leave the house.
And this sister went on to lead 35 Bible classes and helped several people get baptized. But as has been mentioned, this sister became ill and felt discouraged. She even mentions that she feels that she is not as faithful as other siblings that she can do more.
And today there are brothers who can feel like this sister. But we know that Jehovah is not unjust and does not forget what we do for him. So if we do everything we do for him. So if we do our best, we can be sure that Jehovah appreciates our willingness.
He served where help was needed to preach, he led 35 Bible courses, he helped several to be dedicated and baptized. Then he got sick and could hardly leave his house. She says, "I have a struggle between what I want to do and what I can do. That discourages me a lot."
5. (a) What should we remember if we feel discouraged because we cannot do everything we want?
If we sometimes feel discouraged because we can't do anything we want to do, we may well ask ourselves, "What does the Lord expect of me?" He wants us to do what we can according to our circumstances.
Let's remember that it is he who decides what he likes and what he doesn't. If we give him our best, he will tell us: “Well done”.
If we feel discouraged because we cannot do everything we want, let us remember that Jehovah expects us to do our best, to do everything we can. Jehovah is compassionate and he sees our circumstances and he is not going to demand more from us than we cannot give.
"What does the Lord expect of me?" He wants us to do what we can according to our circumstances. For example, a sister may be 80 years old and feel discouraged because she cannot do what she did when she was 40 years old. But the sister continues to give her best despite her circumstances.
(b) How has the brother in the images in this article always given Jehovah his best?
If this sister gave her best to Jehovah at age 40 and continues to do so at 80, she never really stopped giving her best. If we begin to think that what we are doing is not enough to please Jehovah, let us remember that he decides what pleases him and what does not.
Let's see. If this sister gave Jehovah the best of her when she was 40 years old and continues to do so now that she is 80, she has never really stopped giving him the best. If we begin to think that what we do is not enough to please Jehovah, let us remember that he is the one who decides what pleases him and what does not. If we give him our best, he will tell us: “Well done”.
The brother is seen at different stages of his life. When he was young and strong he took the opportunity to serve at Bethel. He then pioneered with his wife and taught his daughters how to preach. And lastly, now that he is older, he continues to give his best to Jehovah preached by letter.
6. What does Mary's example teach us?
Let's look at the case of Maria, her sister was unable to serve in the ministry due to illness. At first, she was frustrated and she thought she was worthless. But she later found out that a sister in the congregation was bedridden. So she figured out a way to help her. Maria said, “I plan to go to her house and preach with her by phone and letter. I come home happy and satisfied to be able to help her sister.
Let 's look at the case of Maria, a sister who, due to illness, cannot do much in the ministry. At first she felt depressed and she thought that she was no longer worth anything. But then she realized that there was a sister in the congregation who was bedridden. So she looked for a way to help her.
This sister felt depressed because due to illness she couldn't do as much as before. She then found out that another sister was in bed and looked for a way to help her. This teaches us not to focus on our problems and what we can no longer do, but rather to focus on what we can do and help others who are also struggling.
And the example of this sister is something really useful. She also says that she made plans to go to the other sister's house and preach together by phone and letter. So in this way, if we focus on helping others who are also having a hard time, we clear our minds of our own problems and we will be happy and satisfied for the good we did.
Although she is sick and felt depressed and thought she was no longer worth anything. She realized that there was another sister who was in bed, she looked for ways to help her and told her: “I made plans to go to her house and preach with her by phone and by letter. She always came home happy and satisfied that she had been able to help my sister».
Images of a brother who gives his best to Jehovah at different stages of his life. 1. As a young man he works in the laundry at Bethel. 2. Later he pioneers with his wife. 3. The brother is preaching with his wife and his two daughters. 4. Now that he is older, he preaches by letter.
Jehovah is happy if we give him our best at every stage of life. (See paragraphs 4 to 6).
7. What good advice did the apostle Peter give Christians?
In his first letter, the apostle Peter exhorted his brothers to use whatever gifts or talents they had to encourage their fellow Christians. “According to the gift each person receives, use it to serve one another and be a good steward of God's undeserved kindness.”
In the first letter that the apostle Peter wrote out of inspiration, he counseled his brothers to use whatever gifts or talents they had to encourage their fellow Christians. He wrote: “According to the gift each one has received, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's undeserved kindness.”
And it could happen that there are brothers who, due to their humility or because they do not want to create envy in others, refrain from showing their abilities to the fullest. Although they have good intentions and do not do it maliciously, they would not be giving Jehovah their best.
"According to the gift that each one has received, use it to serve one another" we want to use our abilities to the fullest to help others.
8. According to 1 Corinthians 4:6, 7, why shouldn't we brag about our abilities?
Imagine that you recently had a positive ministry experience and can begin to study the Bible. So you can't wait to tell your team the details. But when she is finally with him, she overhears a sister telling her how she managed to leave the magazine with someone. What will he do? You know that your experience will encourage the group, but you may decide to repeat it so as not to spoil the happiness of your sisters.
It is true that we must use our abilities to the fullest, but let us be careful not to show them off. For example, perhaps you are very good at starting Bible courses. Well, keep doing it! But it is one thing to take advantage of a skill and quite another to show it off.
We should not presume because we do not have those abilities through our merits, but rather we have received them from Jehovah. It is one thing to take advantage of a skill and quite another to show it off.
And the paragraph mentions a very simple example. Perhaps with good intention we want to tell the preaching group how we have obtained a Bible course because that will encourage the group. But we hear that a sister is telling how she managed to leave a magazine with a person. Then we would do well to use good judgment and not tell our experience on this occasion so as not to take away the happiness of the sister.
We may have a skill that stands out. But we should not brag about it to stand out from others. If we have a gift, how to use it in favor of our brothers.
9. How should we use our talents?
Use it to encourage the congregation, not to show off. When we use our strength and talents to do God's will, we have reason to rejoice.
Let us remember that whatever ability we have has been given to us by God. So let's use it to cheer up the congregation, not to show off. When we use our energies and talents to do God's will, we have reason to rejoice.
Our talents should be used to encourage the congregation and do the will of God, not to show off. As Philippians 2:3 says, do nothing motivated by a self-centered spirit, but be humble and think that others are superior to us.
We want to acknowledge that we have received these skills from Jehovah and should be used to encourage the congregation.
10. Why is it absurd to compare ourselves with others?
If we are not careful, we can fall into the trap of comparing our strengths with the weaknesses of others.
A brother may be very good at giving public talks. That is his strong point. But maybe in his heart he thinks he's superior to a brother who has a hard time giving speeches. However, this brother may excel in other things, for he may be hospitable, he may be raising his children well, or he may be very enthusiastic in preaching.
It is absurd because perhaps we stand out in some aspect, but he will stand out in other aspects that perhaps matter more to us. The important thing is to learn from each other and contribute our grain of sand to the congregation.
Because not everyone has the same strong point. For example, someone may be very good at giving public talks, but another may be hospitable, others are successful in raising their children well, or very enthusiastic in preaching. It is a good combination to use our talents and serve Jehovah and help our brothers.
11. Why should we strive to follow Jesus' example?
Although we are not as perfect as him, we can learn from his virtues and the way he behaves.
Let us think of Jesus, who is our best model. Although we are not perfect like him, we can learn from his beautiful qualities and his way of acting.
Because he is the best model to look at. We can learn from the beautiful qualities of him and the way he acts. Furthermore, if we do so, we will be better servants of Jehovah and will have better results in the ministry.
Although he is a perfect model, but his beautiful qualities and his manner is worth imitating. That will make us better servants of Jehovah and we will have better results in the ministry.
12, 13. What do we learn from King David?
When they fixed it, I'm not looking to make excuses. Instead, he accepted strict discipline and sincerely apologized for what he had done. That is why Jehovah forgave him. We learn from David that we have to accept our mistakes and the punishment they give us.
The Bible tells us of many men and women who, despite their imperfections, are good examples for us. One of them is King David. Speaking of him, Jehovah said: “I have found a man that pleases my heart.”
Despite being imperfect, in Acts 13:22, Jehovah refers to David as a man who has pleased his heart. Although he made serious mistakes, he accepted the discipline and repented from his heart, and for this Jehovah forgave him. So he is an excellent example to imitate.
And David's example can help us reflect on how we respond when we are advised, if I blame others for my actions or if we try not to repeat the same mistakes. If we compare our answers with the faithful servants of the past that appear in the Bible, we can know if we are doing well.
Jehovah said of David: "I have found a man who pleases my heart", he was a man who recognized his mistakes without making excuses, and corrected his way of acting. “How do I respond when someone advises me? Do I immediately admit my mistakes, or do I try to make excuses? Is my first reaction to blame others? Do I make an effort not to repeat my faults?».
14. How can we benefit from looking at the example of other Christians?
If we look at his example, we will learn things that can help us face difficulties.
We can also learn a lot from our brothers, whether young or old. We may think of someone in our congregation who is facing trials with faith such as peer pressure, family opposition, or poor health. If we look at his example, we will learn things that will help us cope with our difficulties.
It benefits us because in our own congregation we will always find examples of faithful brothers, whether they are young or old. If we look at them we can learn many things that will help us to face our difficulties.
There are brothers in our congregation who face difficult situations with other young people, or family pressure or poor health. Looking at these examples will help us cope with our difficulties.
15. What advice from the apostle Paul will help us continue to serve Jehovah happily?
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul said that everyone should do everything in their power "to build up the body of Christ." He added, “As each member does his job well, he contributes to the growth of the body by building it on love.” And in doing so, they promoted peace and unity, qualities we see in churches today.
Paul said in his letter to the Ephesians that each one should do everything possible "to build up the body of Christ." And he added: “When each member fulfills its role well, this helps the body grow by being built on love.”
Paul told the Ephesians to do everything possible to maintain the unity of the spirit and to build up the body of Christ. If each member of the congregation gives his best to Jehovah and fulfills his responsibilities well, peace and unity will reign in the congregations.
16. What goal should you set? (Hebrews 6:10).
Make it your goal to not compare yourself to others. Instead, she looks at Jesus and tries to imitate his attributes.
Make it your goal not to compare yourself to others. Instead, look at Jesus and strive to copy his qualities.
As Hebrews 6:10 says, we know that Jehovah is not unjust to forget everything we do to serve him. So we can set ourselves the goal of doing our best for Jehovah and be happy about it, and not compare ourselves with others.
We can also look at Jesus and strive to copy his beautiful qualities. And examine examples of faithful servants from the past and today to learn from them.
Instead of comparing ourselves with others, we want to look at the model of Jesus and copy his qualities. We want to give our best to Jehovah since he recognizes our works and knows what we do for him.
Why shouldn't we compare ourselves to others?
If we are not careful, we could fall into the trap of comparing our strengths with the weaknesses of others. We should not compare ourselves with others because we could feel bad and get discouraged.
We should not compare ourselves because it will never be something positive. Each brother has his abilities and what it is about is that each one contributes what is left to the congregation, according to their circumstances.
Because that could discourage us and not give Jehovah what he deserves. We want to concentrate on helping others and see the good qualities of him for which to admire and imitate them.
Why do we continue to serve Jehovah happily even when we cannot do everything we want?
If we sometimes feel discouraged because we cannot do everything we want, let us ask ourselves: “What does Jehovah expect of me?” He expects us to give him our best, that is, to do everything we can for him according to our circumstances.
We are happy because Jehovah will never demand more of us than we can give. So knowing that Jehovah is compassionate and that he values every effort we make to serve him makes us happy despite the limitations we may have.
If we give Jehovah all we can give, he is pleased with our service. He values our efforts to please him.
What can we do to benefit from the good example of others?
If we look at his example, we will learn things that will help us cope with our difficulties. They certainly give us countless reasons to rejoice.
To benefit from these good examples we have to look at these people and their qualities. Thanks to the Bible we can learn a lot from past examples. And we can also learn things from our brothers in the congregation that will help us deal with our qualities.
We do not want to compare ourselves with others, rather learn from their beautiful qualities and their way of acting. The perfect example of Jesus will help us a lot to improve. Or like King David not to look for excuses when we are made to see our mistakes.
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