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Let's look for hidden pearls (10 mins.)
2Sa 16:4. What does David's hasty decision teach us? (w18.08 6 ¶11).
On the other hand, each of us can be the victim of an injustice due to a half-truth or incomplete information circulating about us. Let's see what happened to King David and Mephibosheth. David was generous to him and returned his grandfather Saul's land to him. But some time later he received a negative report about Mephibosheth. Without checking the information, he decided to take all the property from him. When she finally spoke to him, he realized that he had made a mistake and returned part of the land to her. David would not have done this injustice if he had taken the time to get the details, instead of rushing to a decision.
When David was given a negative report from Mephibosheth, the grandson of Saul, without checking the information, he decided to take away all his properties, but when he finally talked to him, he realized that he had made a mistake and returned part of the properties. land. This teaches us that before rushing to a decision it is necessary to take time to get all the details.
David, without checking certain information that he was given about Mephibosheth, decided to take away all the properties that he had previously given him, which teaches us that because of half-truths we could be misjudging someone or even harming them, so before judging someone we must make sure To have reliable data, we should not give an opinion or make a decision before hearing all the details, so it is clear to us that we should not believe everything we hear without checking if it is true.
When David discovered that Mephibosheth was alive, he made him return everything that belonged to his grandfather and benefit from what he was entitled to by law. But some time later he received a negative report about Mephibosheth. Without checking the information, he decided to take all the property from him. When she finally spoke to him, she realized that he had made a mistake and returned part of the land to him. If he had found out sooner he wouldn't have made this mistake.
This teaches us that when we hear any negative report from our brothers or the organization, we must first ascertain the source of such information and its content. We don't want to act rashly and then discover that we made a mistake by paying attention to the first thing we heard.
What it teaches us is that we should never rush to make a judgment or give our opinion if we do not know all the details and that if we want to find out we should talk to the right person and not what others say or let ourselves get carried away by the comments or gossip.
A great lesson is that when a misunderstanding arises within the congregation we should not believe everything we hear and if we want to settle the matter we should talk to the brother involved and not involve other people.
What spiritual gems have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Samuel 15:1,4. Absalom was adopting the habit of getting up early, going in a carriage together with 50 men and listening to the cases of the people at the city gate, although it might seem that Absalom was not interested, what he was actually attributing to himself were functions that only the king should do and that did not respect the authority of the king, likewise in the congregation it is necessary to respect the privileges and responsibilities that the servants appointed in the congregation have and not adjudicate them.
2 Samuel 15:2,4. It shows us how cleverly Absalom tried to curry favor with the people, making them believe that he was interested in their problems, which shows that this man had the power of persuasion, this is certainly a warning example, since it may be that we have by nature the gift of persuasion, whether we are men or women. Perhaps we find it easy to get away with it, so to speak, by dominating the conversation or wearing down those with differing views. However, if we are truly loving, we will always keep in mind the interests of others.
2 Samuel 15:3,4. It makes me think that today we can find many Absalom who do is discredit those who lead Jehovah's organization and dedicate themselves to spreading rumors about them, so we must have our spiritual armor on and strengthen every day but our faith not to fall into their lies and false concern.
2 Samuel 15:2,6. It shows us how it is that Absalom tried to win the sympathy of the people because he wanted to be king, so let us never be like Absalom who was only kind to people because he wanted something in return, because Jehovah dislikes those who seek his own glory.
2 Samuel 15:5,6. This teaches us 2 valuable lessons, first if from our way of greeting we are accessible, people will notice it and they will feel attracted to the truth with just a greeting. On the other hand, let's not greet charismatically just for the fact of pretending to be false spirituality, let's feel it and show it to our brothers.
2 Samuel 15:6. The Bible says that Absalom began to steal the hearts of the people because he did what the king does, perhaps they wanted what Absalom promised them, or perhaps it was that they were dazzled by his imposing presence. Be that as it may, one thing is indisputable: they were not loyal to Jehovah or to the king he appointed. Today, Satan continues to use people like Absalom to try to win the hearts of Jehovah's servants.
2 Samuel 15:7,8. Let us never use Jehovah or his organization when telling a lie, Absalom did it and his end was terrible, let us never use it as a pretext to attack others for the instructions we follow or for our supposed intentions, that would be to act directly against Jehovah.
2 Samuel 15:7,10. Absalom returned to Hebron and began his vain attempt to usurp his father's throne, it is likely that Absalom chose it as the starting point of his campaign to seize the throne due to its historical importance as the ancient capital of Judah and because it was his hometown. Be that as it may, it was clear that Absalom wanted what his father had, Jehovah's servants must never allow ourselves to be carried away by ambition, whether inside or outside the congregation.
2 Samuel 15:12,13. Absalom was clever in winning more and more people to support him as the next king instead of his father David. By obtaining such support he was a cause of fear for the king and he decided to flee to save his life and the others who loyally supported him. However, he never stopped trusting Jehovah and he showed it by composing songs that show it in the Psalms.
2 Samuel 15:13,17. He says that some of the men of Israel sided with Absalom. So David not only suffered the betrayal of his son, but also some close friends of his. However, Hushai did remain loyal to David and was even willing to risk his life. We too should be that kind of friend and show kindness and selfless love for our brothers.
2 Samuel 15:19,21. Ittai was a Philistine, however his loyalty to Jehovah and King David drew a lot of attention. He had reasons not to support Jehovah's anointed but he was convinced that he had God's support and he also not only said to support him but was also willing along with his 600 warriors to follow him wherever necessary.
2 Samuel 15:25. What an important lesson, when we think we have lost a privilege due to injustice, let us think like David, if the Lord wants and we have his approval, he will bring us back.
2 Samuel 15:32,37. Hushai proved to be a good friend by not only supporting David through difficult times, but also taking care of things David needed. When we have friends who are going through difficult times, let's do the same, let's support them emotionally and also find a way to take care of things they need.
2 Samuel 15:32,37. It says that when Absalom took the throne from his father, many Israelites sided with him, but Hushai remained loyal to David and went looking for him when he fled, and was willing to risk his life, in the Christian congregation. , brothers and sisters are united by a bond that goes beyond the sense of duty or the position we occupy, so with our acts of kindness we let our colleagues know that we care about them because we love them and not just because it is our responsibility .
2 Samuel 16:3. Ziba first helped Mephibosheth to have Saul's inheritance. But as can be seen in this text, years later his ambition won him over and he spoke ill of him. What a valuable lesson, if any of our students has more privileges than us, we do not underestimate him or say that without us he would not have achieved it, since everything comes from Jehovah.
2 Samuel 16:3. He mentions that Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth began to tell David that Mephibosheth was disloyal to him and that he had stayed in Jerusalem in hopes of gaining kingship. David believed him and gave that liar all the property of Jonathan's son, this story mentions that there are people who are capable of slandering others in order to get a favor or the approval of people, we should never be like that.
2 Samuel 16:3,4. Ziba tricked King David by speaking ill of his master Mephibosheth. Zibah claimed that Mephibosheth was disloyal to him and that he had stayed in Jerusalem in the hope of gaining royal rule. David believed him and gave that liar all the property of Jonathan's son. After the matter was cleared up, Mephibosheth received back half of his inheritance from him. But he did not resent it, rather he willingly accepted what was given to him and continued to show loyalty to David.
2 Samuel 16:9. Abisai asks David if he can kill the man who is insulting them. But David tells him no, that he will leave the matter in Jehovah's hands. Likewise, the best we can do is pray to Jehovah and ask for his holy spirit to help us control ourselves when we are provoked. If we do, we will show confidence in Jehovah and he will bless us for it.
2 Samuel 16:10.13. Note that David was not angry because he was cursed by a descendant of Saul. What a valuable lesson in spirituality and humility. Let's not get angry because they don't use titles with us, or don't talk to us about "you" and even call us in ugly ways. David didn't take it personally because he was a spiritual man.
2 Samuel 16:16. When David's son Absalom took the throne from his father, many Israelites sided with him, but Hushai remained loyal to David and went after him when he fled. Furthermore, he was willing to risk his life and go on a mission that would end the conspiracy. And he didn't do it simply because it was his duty as an officer of the court; he did it because he was a loyal friend, we can be loyal friends when our brothers are going through persecution.
2 Samuel 16:23. Let us never fall into the ego of believing that our advice and experience could be equal to Jehovah's. Never give advice that is not based on the Bible, especially as pioneers. And to achieve this the only way is by constantly reading the Bible and not relying on our own experience or understanding.
2 Samuel 17:5,6. We see that Hussai cunningly frustrated the advice that Ahithophel had given to Absalom, thus fulfilling his role as a spy in the secret mission that David had entrusted to him, that same cunning we must show when we are being persecuted in order to protect our brothers and to the congregation.
2 Samuel 17:7,14. We can observe the bravery that Husai had. He pretended to be a friend of Absalom and proposed a plan different from Ahithophel's to achieve his defeat. David asked Jehovah to help Hushai, and his prayer was heard. We, too, have to be courageous to be loyal to Jehovah and not give in to pressure from family members, co-workers, or authorities.
2 Samuel 17:19,20. When two men were found to be carrying a message from Cushai to David in the wilderness, a woman like Rahab happened to be nearby. The two men hid in the patio, in her husband's well. The woman spread a cover over the top of the well and heaped crushed grain on top of it. When Absalom's servants came and inquired about the two message bearers, "the woman told them." From here they passed into the waters.
2 Samuel 17:27, 28. The hospitality that David and his men received from Sobi, Makir, and Barzillai shows us the ability to be generous with others, so let us always show hospitality to all those who need it.
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