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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Monday June 27, 2022
Show each other tender affection (Rom. 12:10).
The Bible contains many accounts of human beings showing tender affection. Let's look at the example of Jonathan and David. The Bible says that “a great friendship developed between Jonathan and David, and Jonathan began to love him as himself” (1 Sam. 18:1). Jehovah chose David to be the next king after Saul, who was the father of Jonathan. Saul was so jealous and angry that he tried to kill David. But Jonathan did not join his father in her efforts to kill David. Jonathan and David promised each other that they would always be friends and support each other (1 Sam. 20:42). The friendship between Jonathan and David draws more attention if we think about all the factors that could have prevented it from arising. For example, Jonathan was about 30 years older than David. So he might have concluded that he had nothing in common with such a young and inexperienced boy. Still, she never viewed or treated David as if he were someone inferior. w21.01 21, 22 paras. 6, 7
Why is it that we do not have an equally close friendship with all the brothers in the congregation?
Now, when we speak of having a tender affection for the brothers, do we mean having an equally close friendship with everyone? No, that would not be realistic. It is normal that we feel more comfortable with some siblings than with others because we have more things in common. In fact, Jesus viewed all of his apostles as friends, but he had a special fondness for John (John 13:23; 15:15; 20:2). Still, Jesus showed him no favoritism. For example, when John and his brother James asked him to give them an important position in the Kingdom of God, Jesus replied: "I am not the one who says who will sit on my right or on my left" (Mar. 10:35-40). We are to imitate Jesus and not show favoritism to our closest friends (Jas. 2:3, 4). Favoritism causes divisions,
According to Philippians 2:3, what will prevent a competitive spirit from arising in the congregation?
Tender affection will prevent a competitive spirit from arising in the congregation. Let us remember that Jonathan did not try to compete with David nor did he see him as a rival for the throne. Let's follow his example and not see our brothers as rivals because of the skills they have. Rather, let us do what Paul said: “Humbly think that others are better than you” (read Philippians 2:3). Let us keep in mind that all the brothers contribute something to the congregation. If we are humble, we will notice the good qualities of our brothers and benefit from his faithful example (1 Cor. 12: 21-25).
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