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1. What exciting prospect lay ahead for the Jewish exiles?
They received the exciting news that King Cyrus of Persia would free the Israelites who had been held captive in Babylon for decades.
The Jewish exiles were excited because after so many years of captivity in Babylon, Cyrus issued a decree for the Jews to return to their land and rebuild “the house of the Lord, the God of Israel.”
2. What did the exiles do as soon as they arrived in Jerusalem?
The first exiles arrived in Jerusalem in the year 537 before our era and by the year 536 they had already laid the foundations of the temple.
In the year 537 before our era the first exiles arrived in Jerusalem and as soon as they arrived, they began to work, and by the year 536 they had already laid the foundation of the temple.
3. What opposition did the Jews face?
The surrounding towns began to discourage the Jews from continuing to rebuild. They were then accused before King Artaxerxes of planning a rebellion against him. This king believed their lies and forbade the rebuilding of the temple.
They faced opposition from neighboring towns who did not want the temple to be rebuilt and also from high command of the kingdom of the new monarch Artaxerxes who accused the Jews of planning a rebellion against the king, thus the reconstruction works remained interrupted.
4. What did Jehovah do when the rebuilding of the temple was prohibited? (Isaiah 55:11).
He named Zechariah a prophet and gave him 8 exciting visions. He was to tell them to the Jews to encourage them.
Neighboring peoples who did not worship Jehovah and some of the Persian government were determined to stop the rebuilding of the temple, but Jehovah appointed Zechariah as a prophet and gave him exciting visions to encourage the people to go ahead with the rebuilding of the temple. temple, in the fifth vision, Zechariah saw a lampstand and two olive trees.
5. What are we going to analyze in this article?
Let's look at the fifth Vision to see what will help us to serve Jehovah faithfully when we are opposed, when we are faced with change, or when we receive instructions that we do not understand.
We are going to analyze in this article the fifth vision of Zechariah and how this vision can help us to serve Jehovah faithfully when we suffer opposition, when we face some change or when we receive instructions that we do not understand.
6. How did the vision of Zechariah 4:1-3 give courage to the Jews? (See cover drawing.)
A constant supply of oil is seen to keep the candlestick lamps burning. This oil represents Jehovah's mighty holy spirit. With Jehovah on their side they would work to rebuild the temple and resist any opposition and succeed in finishing the work.
In the vision it is seen that the oil produced by the two olive trees is collected in a bowl which, in turn, feeds the seven lamps of the lampstand. Thanks to this constant supply of oil, the lamps in the chandelier never go out. The oil from the trees represented Jehovah's mighty holy spirit, which never ends. Compared to the power of God's spirit, the military forces of the Persian Empire were nothing. With Jehovah on their side, those working to rebuild the temple would be able to withstand any opposition and finish the job.
In a vision, Zechariah saw a lampstand with seven lamps receiving oil from two olive trees. (See paragraph 6).
7. What unexpected turn favored the Jews?
Darius I came to become the new king in Persia, he discovered that the prohibition to rebuild the temple was illegal so he gave permission to finish the works and told the neighboring towns that they should give money and materials to complete the construction.
In the year 520 BC, a new king, Darius I, ruled Persia. During his second year of reign, he discovered that the ban on rebuilding the temple was illegal, so he gave permission for the work to be completed and also ordered the neighboring towns that they stop hindering the Jews and that they also give them the money and the materials they needed and the Jews finished the temple in little more than four years, in 515 before our era.
8. Why can you be brave in the face of opposition?
Because we have the help of Jehovah and his powerful holy spirit. Some governments that previously prohibited the work have become more tolerant along with family members who previously opposed the truth no longer do so.
Many servants of Jehovah today also suffer opposition, sometimes a change of government can improve their situation, other Witnesses have relatives who try by all means to prevent them, do not give in to opposition, count on Jehovah and his powerful holy spirit .
A brother in prison imagines a candlestick with seven lamps receiving oil from two olive trees.
Trust in Jehovah's power in the face of opposition. (See paragraph 8).
9. Why were some Jews sad when the foundation for the new temple was laid?
The older Jews burst into tears when they saw that the foundations of the new temple were insignificant compared to the one built by Solomon.
When the foundations of the new temple were laid, some of the older Jews began to cry because they remembered what the great temple built by Solomon was like, they were overcome with great sadness because they thought the new temple was insignificant.
10. How did the words of the angel that we read at Zechariah 4:8-10 help the Jews to regain their joy?
In the vision, a plumb line was seen in Zerubbabel's hand, and this meant that no matter how simple the temple was, it would be finished and meet Jehovah's requirements. This would make them happy to see Jehovah's support.
The angel was assuring God's people that, as simple as the temple seemed to some, it would be finished and meet Jehovah's requirements. And, if Jehovah was going to be happy with him, why shouldn't they be? If the Jews concentrated on worshiping him as he wanted and getting his approval, they would get their joy back.
11. What changes do some servants of Jehovah find difficult to face?
Some who were in some facet of full-time special service have received a change of assignment. Others due to poor health have given up certain responsibilities that they loved very much. That can cause sadness and discouragement.
Many of us find it difficult to face the changes, some who had been in a special full-time service for a long time have received a change of assignment, in these cases it is natural to feel sad, we miss how things were before and we may let's discourage
12. How does Zechariah's vision help us not to be discouraged by changing circumstances?
We must see things as Jehovah sees them. Although we do not have the same responsibilities as before, but we feel the same love of Jehovah towards us. Let's stop missing or regretting the past times, rather let's focus on the positive aspects of the new situation. Let's think about what we can do for the Kingdom of God.
One thing that will help us cope better with changes is to see things as Jehovah sees them. He is doing great things today, and we have the immense honor of collaborating with him, instead of missing “the old days”, ask God to help you see the positive aspects of the new situation.
An older brother in a hospital bed reads the Bible and imagines a plumb line.
See the changes with a positive attitude. (See paragraphs 11 and 12). *
13. Why might some Jews think that resuming the rebuilding of the temple was a bad decision?
Because it was something that was exposed to others if it couldn't be hidden and his enemies would do their best to prevent it. But Joshua and Zerubbabel knew that they had Jehovah's support.
It may have seemed like a bad decision to some Jews, because the works could not be hidden and their enemies would do everything possible to prevent it. Joshua and Zerubbabel, who were the two responsible men, needed to know that they had Jehovah's support.
14. What did the words at Zechariah 4:12, 14 assure high priest Joshua and governor Zerubbabel?
The two Olive trees represent Joshua and Zerubbabel. In a figurative sense they were standing next to the Lord of all the Earth who is Jehovah. This represented the great confidence that God had in them. This would give the Jews plenty of reasons to trust in the decisions that they would make.
The angel reveals to God's faithful prophet that the two olive trees represent "the two anointed ones": Joshua and Zerubbabel. These two men are said to be figuratively “standing beside the Lord of all the earth,” Jehovah. This place of honor demonstrates the great confidence that Jehovah has in them, Jehovah is using them to guide the people.
15. How do we show that we respect the guidance that Jehovah gives us in his Word?
Taking time to read the Bible and understand it. We must meditate on what we read, investigate what is difficult to understand, and reflect on what Jehovah teaches us in order to follow his day and fulfill our ministry.
One way Jehovah continues to guide his people today is through his Word, the Bible. In it, he tells us how he wants us to worship him. And how do we show that we respect the guidance he gives us in his holy Word? By taking time to read it carefully and understand it, if we take time to reflect on what Jehovah teaches us, we will be able to follow his guidance and fulfill our ministry.
16. What will help us follow the instructions of the “faithful and wise slave” if we do not fully understand them?
We may think that certain instructions on how to survive a natural disaster may be exaggerated. Or what decisions in times of pandemic are excessive when it seems to us that the situation is almost normal. We must think that the "Faithful and Wise Slave" has the support and direction of Jehovah and we see the results of this. In past times, God's servants received instructions that seemed illogical like Gideon's and his 300 men against 135,000 Midianites.
Another way in which Jehovah guides his people is through the “faithful and prudent slave”, it is possible that, sometimes, the slave gives us instructions that we do not fully understand, in that case, we could think of other biblical stories in which God's servants received instructions that seemed impractical from a human point of view but ultimately saved their lives.
A sister watches a JW Broadcasting program and imagines Zerubbabel and Joshua giving instructions to the Israelites to rebuild the temple.
Trust the instructions you receive from the "faithful and wise slave." (See paragraph 16).
17. What effect did the vision of the lampstand and the two olive trees have on the Jews?
They saw with different eyes the work they were doing and their worship. They realized that they had Jehovah's support and loving guidance from him. With his holy spirit Jehovah helped them to continue with the works and to recover their joy.
Zechariah's fifth vision made the Jews see with different eyes the work they were doing and their worship. And when they applied what they learned from what Zechariah saw, they felt that Jehovah lovingly supported and guided them.
18. What effect will Zechariah's vision have on you?
It will give us strength in the face of opposition from governments or family members. Despite the changes of circumstances in our lives we will have joy. And we will trust the instructions we receive even though we may not understand them. We must see that Jehovah is taking good care of his people and let us not lose our trust in him and continue to worship him with all our hearts.
The vision of the candlestick and the two olive trees can have a very positive influence on your life. As we have analyzed, it will give you strength in the face of opposition, joy to face changes in circumstances and confidence to obey instructions that you may not understand, we must continue to trust in Jehovah and continue to worship him with all his heart.
When we are opposed
The vision of oil that fed the candlestick represents the holy spirit of God that supports us in any circumstances that we go through, whether it is opposition from governments or from unbelieving relatives.
It helps us because whatever opposition we face, such as from a government or from our own family members, we know that Jehovah's spirit is more powerful than all of them. And with Jehovah on our side we need not fear.
When we face some change.
We must maintain a positive attitude to remain happy and faithful. Even if circumstances change. Jehovah's love for us does not change, and our new situation may allow us to enjoy our service to Jehovah in a different way.
It helps us face changes with joy and a positive attitude. Let's not think about what we can no longer do, but focus on what we can do. If we serve Jehovah from the heart, he will view our service favorably.
When we receive instructions.
Like Joshua and Zerubbabel, the faithful and wise slave has Jehovah's support and confidence. And he is using them to guide his people although sometimes it seems to us that the decisions are not the best, but in the results we see we observe Jehovah's support.
Well, Zechariah's vision reminds us that all God's servants who lead the organization, including the faithful and discreet slave, are designated by Jehovah and therefore have his approval, so we must show that we respect his guidance because the most we will be benefited.
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