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1, 2. What does it take for God to accept our worship?
Jehovah accepts our worship when we give it according to his purpose, with love and respect.
For God to accept our worship we must always give it to him according to his purpose, with love and respect, so it is not enough just to be very dedicated.
As long as it is given according to its purpose and with love and respect. Since we love Jehovah very much and know that he deserves our worship, we want to give him the best possible worship.
For God to accept our worship, it must be in accordance with his purpose and always with love and respect for Jehovah. And since we love him very much, we always want to give him the best possible worship.
3. What will we study in this article?
We will study the kind of worship that Jehovah accepted anciently and discuss eight aspects of the worship that Jehovah accepts today.
In this article, we will discuss the kind of worship that Jehovah accepted anciently and discuss eight aspects of worship that Jehovah accepts today.
Let's see what kind of worship Jehovah accepted in ancient times and what 8 aspects of worship he accepts today. Also, we will see how worshiping Jehovah makes us happy.
We will study the worship that Jehovah accepted in ancient times and also 8 aspects of the worship that Jehovah accepts today, we will also see how to improve the quality of our worship and why this worship makes us happy.
4. Before Christ, how did Jehovah's servants show that they loved and respected him?
They showed that they loved and respected him by being obedient, having faith, and making sacrifices. It is clear that they went to great lengths to honor him, and he accepted worship from him.
For your obedience, your faith and your sacrifices. The Bible does not specifically say in what ways they worshiped Jehovah. But it is clear that they did their best to honor him, and he accepted their adoration.
They demonstrated it by their obedience, their faith and their sacrifices. Men like Abel, Noah, Abraham or Job gave their best to Jehovah and he accepted his worship.
And later, the descendants of Abraham were able to worship Jehovah through the law of Moses that contained specific instructions to worship him how Jehovah wanted. They demonstrated it through his obedience, their faith and his sacrifices, so it is very clear to us that they did everything in their power to honor him and in this way he accepted his worship.
5. How did true worship change after Jesus' death and resurrection?
They had to follow a new law, "the law of the Christ", with this law they only had to follow the example of Jesus and his teachings.
After Jesus' death and resurrection, Jehovah no longer required his people to obey the Law of Moses. Rather, Christians were to follow a new law, "the law of the Christ."
It was no longer mandatory to obey the law of Moses, but the new law, "the law of the Christ." There was no longer a list of prohibitions and obligations, but they had to follow the example of Jesus and his teachings. And that is what we do as servants of God today.
It changed a lot, since Jehovah did not require his servants to obey the law of Moses, but now they had to follow the law of Christ, and this law was very different from the previous one because they no longer had to follow an extensive list of commands and prohibitions but instead they were to follow the example of Jesus and his teachings.
6. How can this article help us?
It can help us analyze every aspect of their worship of Jehovah. We must also ask ourselves, “How far have I progressed? Can I improve the quality of my worship?”.
As you review each aspect of your worship of Jehovah, ask yourself: “How far have I come? Can I improve the quality of my worship?”
This article will help us reflect on how much progress we have made and whether we can improve the quality of our worship. And if so, ask Jehovah to help us.
This article can help us improve a lot, that is why when we analyze some aspect of the worship of Jehovah we can ask ourselves: “How much progress have I made? Can I improve the quality of my worship?”
7. How does Jehovah view our heartfelt prayers to him?
Jehovah sees our prayers as “a pleasure for him.” He wants us to tell him about all our desires, any concerns we have, and also our hopes.
The Scriptures compare prayers to incense that was carefully prepared and offered in the tabernacle, and later in the temple.
That incense produced an aroma that was very pleasing to God. Similarly, our heartfelt prayers are “a pleasure to him” even if we use very simple words.
Prayer is part of the worship of Jehovah. For Jehovah, prayer is very important. In Proverbs 15:8 it says that "the prayer of those who are upright is a delight to him." So if we are sincere in our prayers Jehovah will hear them and accept them.
And in Psalm 141:2 prayer is compared to prepared incense. The prayers that come from our hearts are very pleasing to Jehovah, like incense. That is why Jehovah invites us to share with him our desires, concerns, and hopes.
The bible compares the prayers to the incense that was offered in the tabernacle, and this incense was very pleasant for Jehovah, in the same way our sincere prayers are a pleasure for him even if they are made with simple words.
And Proverbs 15:8, says that the prayer of those who are upright is a pleasure for him, so as long as we are sincere in our prayers and in our way of worshiping him and express our love and gratitude, our worries and hopes, Jehovah will listen to us .
8. What excellent opportunity do we have to praise God?
Preaching gives us an excellent opportunity to offer God "a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips."
Just as we should think carefully about what we are going to say before saying a prayer to Jehovah, we do well to think carefully about what we are going to say to people when we go to preach to them.
We have the opportunity to praise him by speaking appreciatively of his wonderful qualities and works. And the best ground to do it is in preaching. If we meditate on the goodness of Jehovah, we will have plenty of reasons to praise him and offer “the fruit of our lips”, as Hebrews 13:15 says.
And to offer this sacrifice of praise we need to meditate on what we are going to say. We can spend a few seconds before a prayer to know what we will say. And we must also prepare in advance before going out to the ministry. Thus our praise to Jehovah will be of the best quality.
We have the excellent opportunity to talk about his wonderful qualities and works through preaching so we would do very well to think very carefully about our way of preaching, since we certainly want our sacrifice of praise to be of the best quality.
9. How do Jehovah's people benefit from attending the meetings, and how have they helped you?
The Israelites attended the annual festivals. In this way they reaped great benefits, meditated on his goodness, and enjoyed the encouraging fellowship of other servants of Jehovah. This also benefits us when we make sacrifices to attend meetings.
The Israelites attended the annual festivals with full faith in Jehovah. In this way they obtained great benefits: they deepened their understanding of the Law of God, they meditated on its goodness.
We benefit a lot because, in addition to enjoying all the spiritual food we receive at the meetings, we also enjoy the love of the brothers and their well-prepared comments and assignments.
And to whom has it not happened that they have gone to the meeting somewhat discouraged or have had a bad day? But when he returns home he feels that he has been worth going to the Kingdom Hall and has come back more encouraged and strengthened.
We benefit a lot since, like the Israelites, by attending the meetings we deepen our knowledge of the Bible, we enjoy the beautiful fellowship of our brothers and, without a doubt, we enjoy them more when we go prepared.
Personally, the meetings have helped me greatly strengthen my faith, to feel accompanied in the beautiful people of Jehovah and to see that I am not alone trying to do the right thing and without a doubt they bring me closer to my heavenly father Jehovah.
10. Why is singing to Jehovah an important part of our worship?
Because we have the opportunity to express our love to God by singing songs of praise.
For the Israelites, singing was an important part of their worship. For example, King David arranged for 288 Levites to be singers in the temple.
Today, we have the opportunity to express our love to God by singing songs of praise.
For the Israelites, singing was a very important part of their worship. And today the same thing happens. The praises we sing to Jehovah in meetings and assemblies are an opportunity to express our love for God. Therefore, it is important to arrive on time to the meetings so as not to miss them and not be afraid of our voice because what matters is the worship of Jehovah.
Because since ancient times this was an important part of worshiping Jehovah, it is for this very reason that King David ordered 288 Levites to prepare to sing to Jehovah, and today we can worship Jehovah through songs of praise, and let's not forget that in this case the quality of our voice is not the most important thing.
11. As Psalm 48:13 shows, why should we set aside time to study the Bible as a family?
Because that is part of our worship of Jehovah and helps us draw closer to him.
We should set aside time in our schedule to read and study God's Word. That is part of our worship of Jehovah and helps us draw closer to him.
Just as the Israelites respected the Sabbath for spiritual matters, it is important that we set aside time to read and meditate on his Word, either in our personal study or with the family, because it is a good way to teach children to have a close relationship with Jehovah.
Because this is part of our worship of Jehovah and as Psalm 48:13 says, in this way we manage to have defensive walls for any attack that our faith may suffer, and also by studying the Bible we can get closer to Jehovah, and without a doubt when studied as a family parents help a new generation to cultivate a good relationship with the creator.
12. How did Jehovah view the work of those who made the objects in the tabernacle, and what does this teach us?
Jehovah considers the construction of Kingdom Halls and other theocratic facilities to be a sacred service. This teaches us that we can all help keep these facilities clean and in good condition.
The Bible says that the work of making the tabernacle and all its objects was a "holy work." Today, Jehovah also considers the construction of Kingdom Halls and other theocratic facilities to be sacred service.
As Exodus 36:1 says, Jehovah viewed such work as "holy service." This teaches us that even today Jehovah values the efforts of those brothers who devote their time and energy to the construction of Kingdom halls and other facilities.
And we can all contribute our grain of sand to this work. Although we do not have experience in it or our health does not allow it, we can contribute by helping to keep the rooms clean and in good condition.
Jehovah saw that work as a holy work, so it was just as important as everything that the rest of his servants did, and today he continues to see it in the same way, because it continues to be a sacred service that contributes a lot to the work of the Lord. kingdom, so any of us can make ourselves available for this beautiful work.
13. How should we view the donations we make to support the work of the Kingdom?
We should see donations as a token of love for Jehovah. He values the donations we give from the heart, no matter how small.
And how can we express our love for Jehovah and our gratitude for the spiritual blessings we receive? One way is by giving donations in our congregation and to the worldwide work as our circumstances allow.
Giving is a way to show appreciation for all the spiritual blessings we receive. As 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Let each one do what he has decided in his heart because God loves the one he gladly gives." Jehovah will value the donations we give from the heart.
As in the past, we must see them as an offering to show gratitude for everything that Jehovah gives us, of course according to our circumstances, because let us remember that Jehovah values the donations that we give from the heart, no matter how small.
And we have the story of Mark 12:42,44 where he mentions that Jesus notices a very poor widow, surely life was not easy for her, but even so, he approaches one of the chests and throws two coins at least value, but Jesus was very impressed by it, so let's think about her, no doubt she would have liked to give more to Jehovah. Still, he did all he could; he gave Jehovah the best. From this we learn that Jehovah is pleased that we give him the best, that we serve him with all our hearts and with all our souls.
14. According to Proverbs 19:17, how does Jehovah view the help we give to our brothers in need?
Jehovah sees it as if we were giving him a gift. Jehovah likes to see us use our time and material resources to help those in need.
Every time we help a brother in need, Jehovah sees it as a gift to him.
As we have read in the Proverb, when we show compassion to the needy we make a loan to Jehovah. In other words, every time we help a brother in need, Jehovah sees it as if we were giving him the gift. And he will reward us for our good deed.
And to know if there is a brother who is in need, we must know them, be interested in them. If we use our time, energy, and resources to help these brothers, Jehovah will accept our worship and bless us.
According to what the text says, Jehovah sees it as a gift that we make to him, we can also be sure that he will reward us, therefore, let's think about those who are part of our congregation and see if there is someone who we can help, since as James 1:27 says, helping those who need it is also part of our worship.
15. Why is spending time and effort worshiping Jehovah not a burden?
It is not a burden to spend time and effort to worship Jehovah because we love him and are happy to use our time and strength to worship him.
Because we love it. Imagine a child who wants to give his father a present. He may spend hours drawing a picture for him, but he doesn't mind doing it because he loves his father and is happy to give him this gift.
It is not a burden because of what 1 John 5:3 says "for the love of God consists in obeying his commandments". And the paragraph gives an example. A child can spend hours drawing his father, but he does not see it as a burden, rather he does it from the heart because he loves his father. We likewise, as we love Jehovah, we dedicate that time and effort willingly.
Because we do it for love, and we are given the example of a child who may spend hours drawing a picture for his father, he does not mind all the time and effort because he loves his father and is happy to give him that gift, like this if we love God it will be a joy to use our time and strength to worship him in the best way.
16. According to Hebrews 6:10, how does Jehovah view your efforts to please him?
Jehovah understands the circumstances of each one of us. Maybe you can do more than most of your friends. Or, you may not be able to do as much as others. As long as you do your best and with the right motive, Jehovah will not forget what you do.
Jehovah will not forget what you do. As long as he does his best and for the right reason, he will be pleased. Jehovah sees even the intentions of his heart. He wants you to feel happy and satisfied with the worship that he can give you.
A s we have read, Jehovah is not unjust and does not forget what we do for him. Furthermore, Jehovah is loving and compassionate and he knows what each of his servants can give. Although we are older and can no longer do as much as before, Jehovah does not forget all that we have done and continue to do according to our circumstances.
The Bible says that he does not forget everything we do to serve him, as long as we do it with the right reason and give him the best, so he will be happy with us.
And in the paragraph an example is given to us, it is like parents, they do not expect all their children to give them the same gift because they know well that each one of them is different and not all of them have the same circumstances, but they love them equally. the same way it happens with Jehovah understands our circumstances and accepts what we give him according to them.
17. (a) What can we do if we find it difficult to carry out some aspect of our worship?
We could compare our worship to exercising or playing a musical instrument.
We will probably discover that the more time we dedicate to it, the more we take advantage of it and enjoy it. We could compare our worship to exercising or playing a musical instrument.
We must think that if we do that aspect that is difficult for us very occasionally, it will always be difficult for us. Therefore, if something is difficult for us, we must make the effort to dedicate more time to it, and little by little we will see how we enjoy it more and we will have good results.
And we have a very recent example with the theme of cards. Many of us before the pandemic had never sent a letter to the ministry, we didn't even know how to start. But by making more and more cards we have become more skillful and we can make more beautiful cards that touch people's hearts.
What we can do is the same as when we exercise or we are learning to play an instrument, if we do it continuously we will improve a lot and see good results, in the same way the more time we dedicate to personal study or the ministry the more we will take advantage of it and enjoy it.
b) Has any of the things listed in the “How to be happier” box helped you?
True worship today encompasses several aspects, which together and separately will help us be happier now and forever.
If we only do it from time to time, we may not improve much. But if we do it every day, first for short periods and then longer and longer, we will see good results.
Yes, in the box we see a brother who is praying. Prayer has helped me stay calm in difficult times and seeing how Jehovah answers us by giving us strength strengthens me and makes me happier.
We also see in the box a brother helping another who is in a wheelchair in preaching. Devoting time to helping others helps me not focus so much on my problems and feel the joy of helping other siblings with limitations. Furthermore, Jehovah sees these displays of love and will bless us for it.
Personally, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom has helped me a lot, because these are times when one really enjoys the fellowship of other brothers, and also the joy of making other people know how wonderful our heavenly father is.
how to be happier
True worship today encompasses several aspects, which together and separately will help us be happier now and forever.
Images showing different aspects of true worship. 1. Several brothers sing at a congregation meeting. 2. A brother pushes the wheelchair of an older brother as they preach together. 3. A brother says a prayer before reading the Bible. 4. A sister drops a donation into a contribution box. 5. Two sisters and a brother work on the construction of a theocratic facility.
18. How do we fulfill the purpose of our existence, and what do we achieve with it?
When we worship Jehovah with all our hearts, we fulfill the true purpose of our existence.
When we worship Jehovah with all our hearts, we fulfill the true purpose of our existence. That gives us a happy and meaningful life and the hope of worshiping Jehovah forever.
We are all born with a spiritual need that we have to satisfy. And when we worship Jehovah with all our hearts, that is when our life makes sense and we are happy. As Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessing of the Lord is what makes rich, and with it he brings no pain."
In Isaiah 41:10 Jehovah promises us that he is by our side, that we do not have to be afraid and that he will give us strength. So what we achieve is a great inner peace and it helps us to be happy because we know that Jehovah will help us no matter what happens.
We fulfill it by worshiping Jehovah with all our hearts, with this we manage to have a happy life full of meaning and a beautiful hope for the future, apart from the fact that we can already enjoy inner peace because we know that we have God's help.
What was the worship that Jehovah accepted anciently like?
Before Christ, faithful men like Abel, Noah, Abraham, and Job showed that they respected and loved Jehovah. Because of his obedience, their faith, and his sacrifices, they did their best to honor him, and he accepted their worship.
Men like Abel, Noah or Abraham worshiped God in different ways although it is not specified which ones. Then later, the descendants of Abraham had the law of Moses. And after Jesus died and rose again, Christians followed the "law of Christ," which was to follow Jesus and his teachings.
Well, his servants did everything possible to honor him, and then with the law of Moses he gave them very specific instructions on how he wanted them to worship him, but after the death of Jesus the law of Moses was abolished and Christians had to follow the law of Moses. Christ.
What things are part of our worship of Jehovah today?
Preaching gives us an excellent opportunity to offer God "a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips." Just as we should think carefully about what we are going to say before saying a prayer to Jehovah, we do well to think carefully about what we are going to say to people when we go to preach to them. Today, we have the opportunity to express our love to God by singing songs of praise.
Part of our worship of Jehovah is prayer, praise, attendance at meetings, songs, the study of his Word, both personally and what we teach our children, supporting the work with donations and the help we give to the people in need.
Many things, for example, praying, preaching, attending meetings, the songs we sing in meetings, studying the bible and talking about it to our children and also supporting the construction work are also part of it.
The donations we make to support the work of the kingdom and when we support brothers who are in need are also part of our worship.
Why does it make us happy to worship Jehovah?
Worshiping Jehovah as he pleases requires our time and effort. Because we love Jehovah, we are happy to use our time and strength to worship him.
It makes us happy because we love him and know that he accepts our worship when we willingly do so. We are also happy because we are fulfilling the purpose of our existence, which is to worship God.
Because we do it for love, and in paragraph 15 we are given the example of a child who may spend hours drawing a picture for his father, he does not mind all the time and effort because he loves his father and is happy to give him that gift, so if we love God it will be a joy to use our time and strength to worship him in the best way.
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