LIVING AS CHRISTIANS 2022, Week of May 16 to 22, "Love is not happy about injustice", Video, Let us remember what love is like: It is not happy about injustice, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS May 16-22, 2022, “Love does not rejoice over injustice”, Video, Let us remember what love is like: It does not rejoice over injustice, Analysis and Answers.

“Love is not happy about injustice” (7 mins.): Analysis with the audience. Play the video Let's remember what love is like: It doesn't rejoice over injustice.

How did David react when he found out that Saul and Jonathan had died?

He felt sad, David lamented the death of Saul and Jonathan with a song.


The video gives us an idea of ​​his reaction and it is that David is very distressed by this news, he cries and is very sorry for his loss.

David's reaction was very different from what perhaps some were expecting because many were hoping that since Saul had done him a lot of damage, they expected that David would be happy and even the Amalekite who had killed Saul was hoping that David would be happy about it. what he had done but as we see in the video and what the Bible shows is that David is very sorry for Saul's death, we even see that he even burst into tears.

David's behavior does not leave a great lesson for each of us and it is true that many of our brothers, for example, have suffered persecution, some have gone to jail and some are losing their lives, but this teaches us that we should not hold a grudge pass these people rather because we must be like David to strive for love as Jesus said to love our enemies. 

What song of mourning did David write?

Saul and Jonathan loved and loved in life, as the powerful have fallen and have vanished in the weapons of war.


Well David composed a sad song called "the bow," which begins like this: "The beauty, O Israel, was slain on your high places." He then said: Saul and Jonathan, loved and loved in life, not even in death were they separated.

The song that David You can composed was called the arch and she shows us well, it really does not hold a grudge because even in this song. Well, in salsa both Saúl and Jonathan for their good qualities that they had, this teaches us that we should not only love. Well, in words but also in actions and the facts that David made of composing a song and teaching it to all the people, it shows us that he truly regretted the death of Saul.

Why wasn't David happy about Saul's death?

Because for him it was an unfair act.


Because he did not hold any grudge against him, and what is more, in the song he composes he does not mention the bad things that Saul had done to him, because for him, the murder of the one who had been the anointed of Jehovah was an unjust act and would never be I would have been happy about that.

And we can see that David was not happy about Saul's death because when he heard of his death, he said that it had been an injustice. Well, that Saul had also died, David considered Saul as Jehovah's anointed, that's why even when he sometimes said the opportunity to take his life, he did not do it because he knew that only God could do that.
